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Port Perry Star, 17 Oct 1979, p. 9

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8 0 LIS LT RENE rs LE BLY $hTeYe LN JEL NN Lg 4a J AVENE RITE WOR eal TE 41 Ga dh DAES Nestleton, by Mabel Cawker United Church Nestleton Service at Nestleton United Church at 11:15 a.m. was well attended for the Sacrament of Baptism. Rev. Victor Parsons sermon was entitled "A Gift to Last" based on the Holy Scriptures Acts 14 Verse 8. Mr. Parsons stressed the word encour- agement, so many tempta- tions today; we should live an example so that children can follow us. As Christian parents we have a solid obligation. Do we remember the promises we made to teach children in our midst. Encouragement is needed today to young people so that the "Gift Will Last'. During the service Joshua John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm was baptized. In the choir Miss Gail Malcolm rendered a beauti- ful solo very appropriate for the service entitled "The Beautiful Story of Old" ac- companied by her Mother on the organ. Offering was received by PORT PERRY STAR ADVERTISING DEADLINES Display - Monday 12 noon Classified - Monday 3 p.m. Mr. Grahame Fish and Mr. Ralph Sadler. Next Sunday, October 21, a special offering will be taken for the Refugee Fund. The Boat People of South East Asia are especially in dire need of help. A generous contribution would be appre- ciated. Anniversary Services will be held October 28, at 11:00 a.m. Speaker Rev. Gardner of Uxbridge. Special music will be a feature. Try to attend. Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid Mrs. Howard Lee, Presi- dent welcomed a good repre- sentation of Ladies Aid members _ to the October meeting in the Church Hall on Thursday afternoon. A Thanksgiving hymn opened this meeting and Mrs. F. Dayes was in charge of the Devotional. She read Psalm 103 "Bless the Lord O My Son" and an article 'Declaration of Depend- ence" from the Presbyterian Record. Miss Ruth Proutt, secret- ary treasurer read the min- utes and gave a report of the anniversary dinner and a splendid financial report. The meeting on family life and-social planning in Port Perry ori Oct. 29 and 30th was brought to our attention. It was decided to order Church WANTED '46 NEW & USED CAR BUYERS For the Month of October, 1979 CLEARANCE OF ALL 1979 MODELS With Highest Trade-in Allowance. WE BUY ... SELL ... TRADE ... LEASE! Drive a Little Further ... Save a Whole Lot More! MORE 0]: A ARE ERRY 985-7329 calendars for 1980. Cards were signed to bereaved and donations made to the birth- day box. The roll call was answered by themes on thankfulness. An excellent program was given. Mrs. McLaughlin read a "Song of Thanksgiv- ing". Mrs. McNeeley and Mrs. Dayes enlarged on the topic and Mrs. W. Hooey read "Never Trouble Trou- ble Until Trouble Troubles You". A favourite hymn and the Mizpah Benedicition closed the meeting. . The hostess Mrs. Dayes and assistant Mrs. H. Hooey served the usual dainty lunch and Mrs. G. Heaslip extended a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies for the worthwhile meeting. Presbyterian Church Service An excellent attendance at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Rev. Fred Swan of Oshawa, took as his test Romans 12 verse 1 "I beseech you therefor, breth- ren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accept- able unto God, which is your reasonable service" in prep- aration for Communion Ser- vice this coming Sunday. Mrs. Scott presided at the organ and old time hymns were enjoyed and sung with much feeling. Ushers were Mr. Scott and Mr. Douglas. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm entertained their family to dinner following the Thanksgiving Sunday Church Service. Weekend guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm were: Mr. Barry Malcolm of Simcoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Malcolm, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Nest, Brantford, were Saturday overnight guests of his niece, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Following the Christening of Joshua John, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm entertained about forty family members and friends to luncheon. Among the guests present for the occasion were great grandmother Mrs. Reinstra and great grandfather Mr. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish had Thanksgiving dinn- er with their two daughters, October 2Ist "is the light bulb's 100th birthday. Why not give it the day off (o] 17-140) me *On October 21, 1879, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. "daughter of the late Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannis- ter, kindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman, Rea- | boro. Mrs. Fish stayed for a few days in Lindsay after the Thanksgiving holiday. On Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish and Lisa of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Kenny Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul Vandyke and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacobs, Deanna and Rhonda all of Blackstock. Congratulations to Barney and Dorothy McCabe of Nestleton on the birth of their second granddaughter, Emmie Claire, child of their PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 17, 1979 -- 9 Caesarea area news Wednesday evening and the winners are: 1- Doris Devlin, 2- Marlene Williams, 3- Iva Yake. Many are taking an interest in the card parties from other centres. Try to attend tonight, a warm wel- come awaits you and it just might be a very fulfilling evening, topped off with tasty refreshments. Sympathy Deepest sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton, in the passing of Grant's sister Mrs. Russell Francis of Beaverton. We also ex- tend sympathy to the imme- diate family. Sincere sympathy is ex- eldest daughter, Judy, and husband David Whitfield of Toronto. The wee baby was born in Etobicoke General Hospital. Mother and baby fine. Guild Show of Interest To Area Folks The Potpourri Handicraft Guild Show and Sale, Friday October 19 and Saturday October 20th10a.m. to 5 p.m. in Port Perry Town Hall. It is of interest to Nestleton - residents to know that the . Pres. of the guild, Mary Lou (Crawford) .Carnochan, Hazel Crawford, was raised in the community of Nestle- ton. We do hope many from this area will attend and give Mary Lou a real lift and have an enjoyable hour or two as well, she still thinks of this area as home. Very best wishes to her and other members for a successful two days. Caesarea Euchre News The Ladies Auxiliary had a splendid attendance last tended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Rose Briggs, Nestleton. Rose was well known within the com- munity and will be greatly missed. Visiting at the Cawker homestead over the past weekend were as follows Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker, Scarborough, Professor Ken Cawker and wife Ivana of London, Merna Cawker, Chris, Curtis, and Cathy of Oshawa, Mrs. M. Twamley, Sylvia Cawker, Chandre and Jason, Scarborough, and Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Cawker of Manchester. News for next week Phone 986-4715. SOO DODO ODD olllld tl DRIVING SCHOOL Zenith 77370 (Evenings) 0000000000880 88880880888888888888888888888080000000. 1 Ket Experience e Your Teacher FUTURA | 985-2094 (days) Established since 1969 CITT TTITTIII OTTO T 0000008000080 88000000008008000000 G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-2916 Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment. ICLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS OCTOBER 6th to 20th, 1979 DENIMS CORDS rir $21.00 SPORT SHIRTS from Arrow & Townline' in plains, plaids & checks. from $20.00 Gregory e Men a Wear Lid. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 NEW STORE HOURS Mon toSat 930to6pm Thurs &Fri to9pm Sizes 28 to 40 Sizes 26 to 36 Assorted . S-M-L-XL Visa®

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