Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 17 Oct 1979, p. 2

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2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 17, 1979 LIMITED 203 Queen Street - Port Perry For that Special Someone... A GIFT . Is Yours At Dose edly Limited Presented by --_---- Value $15.00 RA Authorized Sig. S THE POTPOURRI HANDICRAFT GUILD OF PORT PERRY is pleased to announce the 4th ANNUAL 'FALL FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS' TOWN HALL 1873 Fri., October 19 - Noon to 9 p.m. Sat., October 20 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sale of Handcrafted Items, Tea Room, Bake Table, Demonstrations of Spinning, Pottery & Woodcarving. ADMISSION 50+ Tax appeals to OMB (From Page 1) applies to the amount of tax revenue each Township pays as its share to Durham Region. OTHER ACTION Also, the three municipali- ties have decided to co- ordinaté their efforts to present written briefs to the travelling committee of Durham Region council which is currently meeting Prince Albert and area news by Grace Beacock A belated wish but hope . you enjoyed the bountiful harvest of wealth at Thanks- giving for which we should be most appreciative. Sunday October 7 Doug Bidgood welcomed the wor- shippers as they entered the church sanctuary which was decorated with the 'horn of plenty" for the combined Thanksgiving and Commun- ion service. Rev. Brawn's message proved appropriate for the season. The choir sang their anthem with the male voices singing the chorus. Chas. Willis render- ed a vocal solo accompanied by Eva Hunter at the organ. Anyway the congregation applauded silently for above words and song. Our minist- er voiced appreciation for the beautiful floral arrange ments placed from the ber- eaved Feasby and Wilken families. Offering gathered by Robt. Clodd and Harvey Dearborn. We offer sympathy to the following families who have been bereaved of late such as Feasbys, Strongs, Brooks, Wilkins and Grabouskis (florist) Same sentiments to the Pssst... Want to buy a Rabbit ? THE 80's ARE HERE! AUDI OWASCO VOLKSWAGON 1425 DUNDAS STREET EAST - WHITBY 668-9398 TORONTO LINE - 361-1128 in every municipality in Durham to discuss the Regional government system. Exactly what will be in the briefs prepared by the three northern Townships is not known at this time, as they do not have to be submitted until December 5. However, at the meeting last Friday in Port Perry, there were fears expressed Huntley family who all re- sided in our village some ten years ago. Word also arriv- ed of the passing of Mrs. W. W. Wylie. Some will recall she and her husband Rev. Wylie being on this pastoral charge from 1951-57. Our warm condolensce too to Rev. Brawn, wife and family regarding the passing of his father Mr. Roy Brawn who had been ailing during the last months. Wednesday October 3 Mesdames 1. Pugh, Jas. Davidson, F. Brooks, L. Bea- cock, C. Neunham, T. Hay- don were the delegates from here who were among the - over two hundred attending the Hospital Auxiliary Re- gional No. 7 Fall Conference, Oshawa. Showers! Showers! Where? At the home of Grant and Eva Hunter who thoughtfully arranged two bridal parties. When? First one was held Sunday afternoon Sept. 30 for a pair of newlyweds Don and Sharon Chambers (nee Rob- inson) who received and ex- presséd appreciation for the variety of gifts. The second miscellaneous shower was held Friday evening October 5 when principally' rural former neighbours 'of the Kiezebrinks gathered again at the Hunter home honour- ing a recent young married . couple Jim and Kim Kuiper, (nee Kiezebrink) who were the recipients of useful pres- ents. The two above party- folk enjoyed the opportunity to reminisce blended with a [OL 1FT1Te) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETER- BOROUGH, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1979, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time the Board will hear an application in accordance with Section 19(a) subsection (1} of Regulation 1008 under The Liquor Licence Act, to increase the capacity of licenced prenuses in respect of the following Ii- cenced establishment: The Gate Restaurant Scugog Township (MA: Port Perry Plaza, Scugog Street, Port Perry) Additional Dining Lounge Facilities Applicant: Gabriel Alex Servinis AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person whois resident in the municipality and who wishes tomakerepresentationrelative to the application, shall make their submission tothe Board in writing prior to the date of the hearing, or 'n person at the time and place of the hearing (copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Executive Director, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard E ast. TORONTO, Ontario. MSE 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. 1975 [ore TTT TT et re [ell eT Te HHT TTT oT TH To {TTT that the larger municipali- ties in the south of Durham may be submitting briefs calling for representation on the Durham Regional council to be based strictly on population. Communities like Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa are thought to be pushing for rep by pop. and northern munici- palities fear that if the provincial - government sumptuous lunch provided by the hostess Eva and her daughters Beth Willes, Linda Hunter, and Susan Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Strong were guests attending the vows of a granddaughter- The Kingstone-Hargrave church wedding, reception at the Granite Club all in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wana- maker and two children flew to Calgary, Alberta spending all of one week with her sister Brenda and her husb- and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hallett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn - "have been visiting with their friends Rev. and Mrs. Bra- ham of Dwight. Mr. Robert and Mrs. B. Kirby of Fertile, Sask. (en- route home from a three week trip to the Maritimes) spent a few days with the Les Beacocks. Mr. Clarence Jeffrey, Re- gina, Alberta, has been visit- ing with his brothers at the Howard and Albert homes and other acquaintances. The Bill Wanamaker fam- ily were Sunday company with his brother, the Ron Wanamaker home of Osha- wa. The Les Beacocks had their family Don, Marilyn and family of Seagrave, - Grant of Toronto, Bryan and Judy and son on Thanksgiv- * written presentations on any a LS TTT Te TT DTT TT [o] MINI CINEMA sss/sss5 agrees to accomodate this, the total number of council- lors won't change, but smaller communities like Scugog or Uxbridge could lose a representative on the council. The committee meets in Port Perry on November 7 and members of the public are invited to make oral or aspect of Regional govern- ment. ing Monday. And 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn of Black- stock last Sunday. On Monday, Bill and Shar- on Wanamaker visited her brother Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sweetman at Barrie. Holiday company with Mrs Merle Murphy included Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Chamber- lain and families, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, all of Downsview. Locally her son Mr. and Mrs. Alen Murphy and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Olaison and sons, also Mr. N. Shunk. Mr. and Mrs. Irv. Doyle have had her father Mr. J. Thompson, Bobcaygeon for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wozney had their daughter Mr. and Mrs.M. Mansfield, Bowman- ville on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bid- good, Oshawa, for weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris and Jim spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Skin- ner at Burnt River. The hall board welcomes euchre fans every Thursday evening. Last euchre scores lady high: Dorothy Aird, Ruby Birchett, Bessie McCol- lough. Mens Prizes to Wm. Carnegie, Verna Diaper, Gord Smith. Earline Armstrong would be happy for news 985-7873. Friday: 7&9 p.m. "EI OCTOBER 19 - 20 - 21 The FIRST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy [EAPYS) is one of the funniest films in years. I was tripled-up 0 s 5 READ THE FAWCETT PAPERBACK) TECHNICOLOR* € vem an RLS LU TTS Ie ee Sat. & Sun.: 8 p.m. Only E 9 b with laughter. It's been = a long time since E I've laughed this E side-hurting hard." £ Gene Shalit, NBC-TV 2 0 Eg Eo | g : | g a E > J i : 0 Eg £ - | L g : . io

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