re ------ New device may help toreduce falls fromsilos Injuries from falls are the most common cause of lost time on the farm, and the most serious ones occur when climbing tower silos. At the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Elora Research Station, the Farm Safety Association of Ontario is testing several devices to reduce the risk in climbing silos. "In co-operation with the Construction Safety Associa- tion, five fall-arrest devices manufactured by four different companies will be installed on tower silos at the research station," explains Larry Swinn, of the Farm' Safety Association. Personnel at the station will participate in this prac- tical experiment to deter- mine which devices have the greatest potential in agricul- ture. Unlike the cages that enclose silo ladders, fall- arrest devices attach the climber to the ladder. There are basically two types of $4500 fight From page 1 rammed down my throat by governments," he said. "I don't believe in the water meter system, and I don't want one in my house." The water meters will go into use in households in Port Perry on January 1, 1980. Mr. Murray told the Star that while he believes meters should be installed for indus- trial and commercial cus- tomers who use a lot of water, he doesn't see the need for them in residences. '""They are costing us money," he said. "Who is paying for the meters and the installation? The Tax- payers; that's who. Mr. Murray had two water services going into his home because it is a duplex and py received water from a neigh- bour for several weeks after the Region cut his water off. "I always paid my bills on time. I just don't want one of those damn meters in my house, " he said. He is not sure at this time whether Durham has any legal recourse to force him to go onto a metering system. But he said that now that he has a well drilled, he will go to court to fight any action to force him onto a meter. " He adds that he knows of several people in Port Perry who feel the same way as he does about the meters. But he doesn't know if they are prepared to spend sever- al thousand dollars on a drilled well just to prove a point. devices - one uses a cable system, the other uses a fixed rail or tube system. If the person falls, the device will allow him to fall only a short distance. "This type of equipment has a number of industrial applications, particularly in the construction and chemi- cal industries," says Mr. Swinn. "We'll be evaluating the equipment over the next three or four years to see how it survives weathering and rust." Students receive Durham awards Ellen Hope and Melodie - Cannon of Port Perry were among 41 Durham College students awarded scholar- ships at the College Novem- ber 2. Miss Hope received a scholarship valued at $200 for academic achievement in Year One of the general business course, while Miss Cannon was awarded a $250 scholarship for academic work in Year One of the Nursing diploma pro- gramme. Ken Murray of Port Perry stands atop a well he had drilled in his back yard after Durham Region cut off his water service when he refused to let the Region install a water meter in his basement. The well cost Mr. Murray about $4,500, but he feels he had to stand up for what he believes in. BETTER OLD MAN WINTER IS COMING! There's more to Fruit than Spring and Summer, That's why we're OPEN ALL YEAR! Men's Winter Coats $29.95 - $75.00 WONDER'S (formerly Jacqueline's) FRUIT MARKET HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY TR on on IRL CL ly LE BUNDLE UP! Se v To , RA hs yo 3 Se TSE ESE SPIT SNOWSUITS Men's ...... $65.00 Boys' ...... $49.95 MEN'S SWEATERS $12.95-$19.95 Men's Oxfords - $39.95 - $49.95 Men's Winter Boots $39.95 - $45.00 Men's Slippers $8.95-$10.95 WINTER BOOTS Felt Lined $29.95 - $49.95 Loafers NEW SHIPMENT OF CHILDREN'S TOYS Some Fisher-Price Toys LADIES' WINTER BOOTS Leather... $65.00 Vinyl yew om$14.95 MERCHANDISE NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE