a - ~ o LF a a ATTEN LAI tg AA 7 ve Tat. one a, BE i Pi v X > Q a ». . RU be : SET GALATI TI Ce Afr oR Pes . AVR ATER asa a SRN & Ce ty Rr Po buy your next USED CAR o TRUCK from your NEW CAR or TRUCK dealer - try PH LP Pontiac Buick Limited 10 VANEDWARD DRIVE - PORT PERRY 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD COUPE 4 cylinder. 4 speed, low mileage. OMT844 1979 ACADIAN HATCHBACK SEDAN 5 door. 4 cylinder. 4 speed, paint stripes. OMT760. 1978 BUICK CENTURY COUPE V6. automatic. low mileage, one owner. MVW298 1977 PONTIAC CATALINE SEDAN Dark brown, tan vinyl roof, many extras. NMW884 1977 FIREBIRD TRANS-AM V8, automatic, black, all the extras. LMR 809. 1977 PONTIAC CATALINA SEDAN Fully equipped, one owner. NMW 884. 1977 FIREBIRD TRANS-AM V8, automatic, brown with paint stripes. LOK 983. 1977 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX One owner, fully equipped. LXM 203. 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM SEDAN Air and all the extras. LPN 558. 1976 CHEVROLET CAPRICE WAGON V8, automatic, roof rack, low mileage. HR) 417. 1976 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SALON SEDAN Nice intermediate second car. KWH 770. 1975 MERCURY MONTEGO MX STATIONWAGON Only 50.000 miles, well kept and maintained. JCO 845. 1975 MAVERICK SEDAN Economical 6 cylinder, certified. KST 528. 1974 BUICK ELECTRA 2 DR. HARDTOP One owner original, loaded with extras. HRW642 1974 BUICK LESABRE 2 DR. HARDTOP Fully equip. dark brown with smart interior. HRM527 1974 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN One owner, 65.000 miles. JED 093. 1973 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN V8, automatic, reconditioned. FBC 938. used trucks 1979 G.M.C. '/2 TON PICKUP 6 cylinder. 3 speed, only 3800 k.m. H75438 1978 G.M.C. /2 TON PICKUP Short box 4x4 with plow. 'As-is' Special. M62276. 1977 G.M.C. % TON PICKUP 4x4 6 cylinder. 4 speed. like new. H74123. 1977 CHEV 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS Suitable for 12" body. V8. 4 spd. P.S. E65909 1977 FORD '/2 TON RANGER PICKUP Air conditioner, box cap. H75456. 1977 JEEP CJ5 SERIES 4x4 6 cylinder. 4 speed transmission, AM/FM. 0ZK 987. 1976 FORD 350 SERIES 1 TON STAKE V8. 4 speed. dual wheels. F34 059. 1976 CHEVROLET 2 TON 4x4 PICKUP V8, automatic, box cap. H75620 1979 CARRY OVER INVENTORY BRAND NEW 1979 GMC SUPER VAN *Optional M.R.P. Written Warranty Available. *Top Trade-in Allowances *Convenient G.M.A.C. Low Interest Rate Financing *Open Evenings to 9; Fridays to 6; Saturdays to 4. P H i L P PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive - Port Perry 985-8474 IATA shotbiiial bouton adhe Suite deen 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 28, 1979 y ins tity FA CTE her : Nestleton, Caesar by Mabel Cawker Christmas Programme A treat is in store for Sunday afternoon Dec. 9, 1 p.m. at the Caesarea Community Centre when a programme of Christmas music will be presented by Mr. Ron Hewitt on the-elect- ric organ. The Ladies Auxiliary are looking forward to this event and they expect a good attend- ance. If you are a music lover, this is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Election of Officers The Caesarea Ladies Auxiliary held their election of Officers for 1980. Those elected were: President Mrs. Carrie Miller, -Vice- President-Mrs. Betty Iver- son, Secretary-Treasurer- Mrs. Shirley Gettins. Very best wishes for a successful year to this hard working group. Euchre Party Lucky winners on Wednesday evening - 1-Doris Nottingham, 2- Anne Manns, 3- Della Bush. Nestleton United Church On Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Rev. Victor Pars- ons used as his theme "Never without a Witness", taken from Acts 17-16-31 and II. Corinthians 4-1-15. Mr. Parsons noted that we are all concerned with our own form of religion. God is not far from any one of us, we are his children. It is easy today to condemn the Moslem religion, Jews, Christians all have roots in the same area. Our native people were savages who rather than suffering destruction should "be enhanced by Christian ideals. We need to co operate so that all may live together. Integrity is needed in living, understanding and love in all we do and say. He mentioned two great missionaries and what they accomplished, namely Albert Sweitzer and Dr. Robert McClure. In closing he asked -- How are we in our own way going to witness, spread the word, make God visible? In the choir Miss Gail Malcolm sang beautifully a great favourite sacred number Amazing Grace. Offering taken by Mr. Ralph Sadler and Mr. Grahame Fish. Closing number O Jesus, I Have Promised'. Everyone welcome to our Service next Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Blue Ray Chapter Holds Inspection Night Blue Ray Chapter, O.E.S. met in the Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Port Perry on the evening of Nov. 8. The meeting was opened in regular form by Worthy Matron Sister Marjorie McCombe assisted by Worthy Patron Brother Sam Cawker. Sister Etoile Hoult, Dis- trict Deputy Grand Matron from Birchcliff Chapter, Toronto, was warmly welcomed by the Worthy Matron and escorted to the East by Conductress Sister Shirley Nicholls. Officers and members from various Chapters were given a cordial welcome by Sister Marjorie McCombe. Blue Ray members were greeted by Brother Sam. During the evening it was LY'%2 RANTS TH bE . ) es nT EN Fatt) Eo oaih H STE FA ANALY . ye af H . . ' Co / N #0 y ¥ yd NOW, -a\¢ stray RE i o \ . - NIE : 4 PIE - yer ok : . rt TNE RATER SF FEE ICE PY SRR A AEA OP XTRA Tor 2 $k mei iy REI Ta A are a pleasure to receive two new members into the Order Sister Jeanette and Brother John Ross. We welcome them warmly and trust they will enjoy the work of the Chapter and participate in the many activities carried out through the year. This being our Annual Inspection Sister Etoile Hoult commented favourab- ly on the Officer's work, some timely advice for improvement was also given and a few changes brought to their attention. A splendid report for Blue Ray. During a brief business period, members decided to hold a Hot Noon Casserole Luncheon on November 30th. in the Masonic Hall Time- 11:30 until 1:30 p.m. Thisis a new venture and we trust it will be a successful one. The Public are cordially invited to attend. After the Chapter closed tempting lunch was enjoyed and members whiled away an hour of sociability. We thank converor Sister Marg- aret Cornish and her committee for the delicious refreshments. Nestleton Presbyterian Church Rev. Fred Swann spoke on Worship, pointing out that when we worship we are confessing our need to God and his forgiveness and rec- ognizing Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. In addition Worship involves Thanksgiving and a recom- mitment of ourselves -in his service. Mr. Swann, with the aid of a visual chart explained to the congregation why we worship as we do, with Prayers, Scripture readings, and Hymns, pointing out that in the reformed tradition of worship the sermon, the exposition of God's word is the high point of the Service of Worship. With Mrs. Scott presiding at the organ, the choir sang Great is thy Faithfulness. Hospital News We extend best wishes for good health to the following residents: Mrs. Hattie Cole, Mr. George Heaslip, and Perry Grandel, Nestleton, Mrs. George Till, Caesarea. Mr. Fred Dayes, Nestleton, is doing well after having surgery in Oshawa Hospital and expects to be home before long. Mr. Bruce Heaslip is improving slowly Introducing ... <p on Oshawa Hospital, recov- ering from surgery, due to a fall at the Community Nurs: ing Home in Port Perry. Friends regret the set-back for Bruce and trust better health is in store for him soon. Social News of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGillan, Mrs. Jean Hooper of Toronto, and Mrs. and Mr. Delton Fisher, West Hill, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Minnie Fisher, Caesarea. Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Brown of Oshawa called on Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton. Ruth Tettman of Toronto, spent a few days visiting with her mother Mrs. L. Cooledge of Nestleton. Pleased to know that Eric ea news and Lois Huntington, formerly of Scugog Point are still living in the area. They reside in the village of Nestleton. Family visiting over the weekend with the Cawkers, Scugog Point were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker, Chris- topher and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cawker, all of Oshawa. | Folks from this area were well represented at the presentation of Pirates of Penzance operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan, held at Town Hall 1873 during the past week. Congratulations! to the Scugog Choral Society for a once again very successful show. News for next week please rd For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS RICHARD HUNT WILLIAMSON MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3331 call 986-4715. Thank you. G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-2916 Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment. CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS OCTOBER 6th to 20th, 1979 TYPEWRITERS RENT-IT eo IBM SELECTRIC e OLYMPIA SMITH CORONA ¢ UNDERWOOD AN J08 4210], [ol of. YXSAVIW:R fo] -} eo ADDING MACHINES eo DICTATION UNITS eo TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES CORRECTORS DANFORTH TYPEWRITER 2940 Danforth Ave. Toronto 698-2589 408 Dundas Street West Whitby 666-1131 Sales & Service THE REMOVABLE ACCESSORY THAT UNLOADS YOUR PICKUP IN SECONDS! Ideal for sand, gravel, building materials, grain, rubbish, manure, firewood and more. FOR DEMONSTRATION CALL: JIM GRIFFEN R.R.3, Port Perry - 985-2975