Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Nov 1979, p. 29

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LY J Legal Notice Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Rose Priscilla Briggs . All claims against the estate of the late ROSE PRISCILLA BRIGGS late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Munici- pality of Durham, Housewife, who died on or about the 13th day of October, 1979, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of December, 1979 after which date the estate will be distributed according to law. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario this 6th day of November, 1979. CLARA COATES & CLARENCE N. MOUNTJOY EXECUTORS By their Solicitors: MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers and Solictors 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Ontario, LIH7L9 N28 Work Wanted CARPENTRY WORK - custom built stairs, remodelling, etc. Free estimates. Call Eric Huntington - 986-5518. D5 CUSTOM CERAMIC FIRING - Phone 985-3677. D19 BABYSITTING - mature high school student will do babysitting in your home. 985-3534. SNOWPLOWING - Scugog Island - 985-2758. D19 DISC JOCKEY - with excellent sound equipment available - 985- 2747 or 985-8339. COTTAGE RAISING, footings, foundations, alterations, and additions.: Insured and will __s Supply references. Phone collect .& a » 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. TYPING, INVOICING, billing, personal resume, etc. Call 985- 2518from 10a.m.to4p.m. T.F. WHY WAIT TILL WINTER? Do it now. Cottage and home reno- vations. Marble tops, vanities, and fixtures. We do it all. Specialists in older homes. Free estimates. Goodman Plumbing 725-1044 or 985-7758. T.F. DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 Is Your YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE Ready for Winter? Have it serviced now by ex- perienced & qualified people. We service only Yamaha Snowmobiles. Pick up available. ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA Hwy 57 - South of Blackstock 986-4437 T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of Colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.'s, and Hi-Fi's. We carry factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET T.V. UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of snowblowers and snowmobiles. -Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave; Ontario - 705- 357-3526. T.F. RE-UPHOLSTERED Sofas and chairs. Wide choice of quality fabrics. Repairs to all types of furniture. All workmanship guaranteed. ree, estimates. Call Austin Bartley, Blackstock Upholstery, R.R.# 2, Blackstock - 986-4731. T.F. HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all kinds, trucks and banners. Call 1-705-786-2718 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. T.F. UPHOLSTERING done expert- ly. Satisfaction guaranteed. 985-2991. T.F. GREENBANK TV TOWERS Installation and repairs. Free estimates. Colour Antennas, Rotors, Mast Amplifiers. 5 year Workmanship Guarantee. 985- 8387. D5 SNOWPLOWING - roof cleaning, hourly or flat rate, 24-hour Service. Call: Arlie - 985-2093. T.F. LIGHT SNOWPLOWING - drive- ways, small yards, very low rates. 985-3383. N14 PLANNING a wedding or dance? Call P & G Sounds, with music for all occasions. Call Peter 579-6991 Oshawa. T.F. MASONARY WORK, block, brick, stone chimney, and fire- places. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Phone 705-295-6987 or 705-745-6170. T.F. Auctioneers KING and JACKSON Experienced Auctioneers Household - Antiques - Estates Farms - Equipment - Livestock Consignments , Ron King 985-2643 Murray Jackson 985-2459 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup Auction Sales SATURDAY DECEMBER SALE TIME: 11 AM. Complete estate of MINNIE SAMIS, Cannington, Ontario selling at the McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. This is a good sale of household furniture, and appliances. Some antiques and dishes, an excellent 9 pc. oak dining room set and some collec- tible items. See complete list next week. Orval mclLean - 705-324-2783. Auctioneer THURSDAY NOVEMBER 29 SALE TIME: 6:30 SHARP At Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay on Little Britain Road, just south of Highway 7 - Property of MRS. C. JILLSEN, King St., and MRS. KAY LASHLY (formerly Kay Jamieson), Lindsay, and others. Furniture; Appliances, Anti- ques, dishes, antique parlour stove, box stove, trunk, two swivel rockers - like new, leather chair & stool, beautiful 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite, Speed Queen spin washer, crib, ladies bicycle, chests, dressers, child's rocker, 30" automatic stove, round wooden coffee table - glass top, chrome set, mirrors, single continental beds, white' bedroom suite with twin beds; , wooden high chairs, wooden coffee table, lamp, three excellent beige rugs, large porcelain sink unit, gas dryer, shower unit, captain's chair, sink, new black & gold drapes, movie camera, console sewing machine, metal cabinet, hall table and mirror, Singer treadle sewing machine, good vacuum, six chrome chairs, pole lamp, drop leaf table, laundry tubs, crock, two Windsor arm chairs, firescreen, good cash register, new folding doors, green chesterfield set, good Beatty wringer washer with insulated tub, blonde 6 pc. dining room suite, Tappan automatic 30" electric stove, sinks, buffet, 54' continental bed, large assort- ment of dressers, chests, some dishes, gate leg walnut table, six mahogany dining chairs, small round table, small china cabinet, radio record player, Charles of London chesterfield suite, hall tree, antique rope bed, excep- tional oak wardrobe with drawer and bevelled mirror, bow front chest, large chest, single ward- robe, small bookcase, round wicker planter, old pressback rocker, marble sink, oil lamp, old cupboard bottom, etc. No reserve. Note time: 6:30 Sharp. Dale and Orval McLean Auctioneers - 324-2783 Lindsay. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30 SALE TIME: 7P.M. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the. Lindsay Little Britain Road. Walnut sideboard, cedar chest, Bradford electric organ, chest of drawers, wash stands, rope bed, crocks, hand made quilts, western saddle, pony saddles, chesterfield & matching chair, antique dressers, coffee & end tables, coal oil lamps, picture frames, colour TV, Kenmore electric stove, rocking chairs, occasional chairs, qu. of hand tools, qu. of china & glass, snowblower, to fit Ford Garden tractor, plus many more anti- ques, furniture and household items." Don Corneil Auctioneer - Little Britain - 705-786-2183. SATURDAY DECEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Our annual SKI-DOO AUCTION at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay - just south of Highway 7 on Little Britain Road. Large qu. snow- mobile suits, Ski-Doo suits, Ski- Doo boots, etc., 1976 Olympique ski-doo, 1972 TNT Ski-Doo, good Playcat all terrain vehicle, Toro snowblower, 2-1974 International tandem dump trucks, 3- 9N Ford tractors, good 1976 Dodge Glen- ~dale motor home, 1975 Ford 150 2 ton pick up, good Newfield 465 farm tractor, 1970 Chrysler 4. door new muffler and exhaust, all power, tilt steering, 1973 Dodge car certified, 1956 Chev- rolet 4 door car certified (a California gem), 1957 Chevrolet performance car, 1933 Ford 1 ton restorable, two box trailers, John Deere 10-10 farm tractor and loader with power steering, manure spreader, 1973 Chev. 1 ton Crew cab, dual wheels, 454 motor, 4 speed, low mileage, 1978 Yamaha snowmobile, ET250. To consign contact Lynn Miller at Midtown Sports 324-0182 or Orval McLean Auctioneer 324-2783. D5 THURSDAY DECEMBER 6 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Sale of Christmas toys, decora- tions, and gifts to be held at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouff- ville. Sale at 6 p.m. Norm Faulkner and Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. D5 child's. SATURDAY DECEMBER SALE TIME: 12 NOON ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Our annual Sale of Ski-doos, snowmobiles, tractors, cars, trucks, tools, etc. New snow- mobile suits, boots, 3 new Frank- lin fireplace stoves, cement mixer, jointer, etc. 1974 Elan Twin; 1971 Ski-Doo Olympique, excellent; 1972 Ski-Doo T.N.T. & cover; 1975 Ski-Doo T.N.T. Free Air 440 - 1300 hrs. like new, cover; 1976 Ski-Doo Olympique and cover (good); two 1973 John- son Revelers 27 h,p.; excellent 1973 Allouette 292 twin; single snowmobile trailer, two box trailers; two good 1974 Inter- national Tandem dump trucks, 1976 Dodge Glendale motor home; 1975 Ford V2 ton pick up, certified; 1970 Chrysler; 1972 Meteor Montcalm; 1933 Ford 1 ton - restorable; 1957 Perfor- mance car; 1956 Chevrolet 4 door certified - a California gem; 1973 Dodge car, certified; 1957 Chev. 2 door; good Neufield 465 farm tractor with cab and power steer- ing; International cub tractor with mower and plough; three 9N Ford tractors; International 300 Tractor with rebuilt engine, 3 furrow plough, scraper blade, 2 riding lawn mowers, 1974 Play- cat All Terrain vehicle, Toro 5 h.p. snow blower, 10 h.p. 5 speed snow blower, (used twice)) 1975 Marquette Panther Go-cart with Honda motor, snowblower for No. 12 Massey Tractor; Fleming Grey skate sharpener; Ford deluxe moulded truck cap, like new; plus other items now being consigned. Most of the above are from local owners and in good condition - Don't miss it. To consign this week call Lynn Miller at Midtown Sports - 324- 0182 or Orval Mclean, Auc- tioneer - 324-2783 Lindsay. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 5 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. HOLSTEINS Complete Luckyhill Holstein Dispersal owned by Gordon Partridge, Castleton, Ontario, - selling at Wilson's Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. 90 Head. Registered, R.O.P. tested, classified. Herd Average 135-139 BCA. All homebred. All by Unit Sires, 7 by Kemp, 5 by Rockman, 12 Perseus Leader, 12 bred to A Majesty (16416), 17 bred to A Gaydale Fury Alert, 9 to Almer- son Marquis Prince, 50 milking age females, several fresh cows, 10 bred heifers, 30 open yearlings and calves. Herd is free listed. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. N28 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER SALE TIME: 7PM. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale at Prince Albert Hall in the village of Prince Albert. Colonial kitchen set, cedar leather upholstered chesterfield suite, antique churn, tools, saws, hammers, levels, etc. antique copper washing machine, glass showcase, beds 8 mattresses, dressers, large crock, lanterns, qu. of antique chairs, old trunks, record player old ice box, mirrors, TV table, ornaments, dishes, many more articles too numerous to men- tion. Sales Managers 8 Auc- tioneers King & Jackson 985-2459. D5 THURSDAY DECEMBER 6 SALE TIME: 7P.M. Auction sale of Furniture and Antiques selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, including fine china, antique dishes, antique parlour tables, antique chests, corner china cabinet, 9 pc. oak dining room suite, chesterfield, cook stove (excellent condition), antique parlour stove, 50 pairs salt & peppers, rocking chairs, antique cupboard (very unusual), brass bed (single), wall telephone, tools. The property of MISS DOROTHY ANDERSON, Uxbridge (Miss Anderson has had to give up her home because of health reasons) plus additional consignments. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. D5 -- Auction Sales Auction Sales SATURDAY DECEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Bankrupt Custom car parts & furniture, mag wheels, flares, shifters, gauges, etc., some fur- niture, ceramics, etc. Ross McLean - Auctioneer - 576-7550. SATURDAY DECEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Auction sale of Furniture and Antiques for the property of HUGH STRONG, 467 Simcoe St. Prince Albert (south of Port Perry) - first place north of store in Prince Albert. Antique chest of drawers, pressback rocker, wicker flower stand, chesterfield and chair, refrigerator,. -24" electric stove, G.E. Colour T.V., Philco B & W T.V:, 9 pc. dining room suite, Fleetwood stereo, Viking washer, Moffat dryer, kitchen table & 6 chairs, trunk, small tables, beds & dressers, dishes, cups & saucers, ward: robe, studio couch, lamps, antique pine cupboard, buffet, tools, lawn mower, lawn roller, hand tools, metal storall build- ing plus many other items. Lunch available. Sale sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. D5 Ashburnarea news by Mrs. E. Heron The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Harold Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher and family in the passing of Mr. Harold Kerry, a loving husband, father and grand- father. Several ladies from Ashburn attended the . Womens Institute meeting at the home of Mrs. Hazel McCullock of Myrtle last Wednesday afternoon. The theme of the meeting was crafts, and. each lady brought some work she had done or was doing and there was also a beadwork demon- stration. Mrs. Daisy Parrinder and Mrs. May Leask attended a birthday party for their brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher, at their sons new home: in Oshawa last week. It was Mr. Fishers 90th birthday and there were other relatives and friends in attendance. Happy Birthday from your Ashburn friends too. The Glen Major Women's Association will hold their annual pot luck luncheon at the home of Miss Hilda Hopkins on Thursday after- noon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner and Mr. Norman Samells visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor of Guelph. Mr. Leslie Guardhouse of Mississauga visited with relatives in the village one day last week. Miss Hilda and Mr. Walter Hopkins were dinner guests, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrott and family of Wick on Sunday. Miss Julie Secker of High Wucombe, England is spend- ing a two week vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Emm and family. We are glad to report Mrs. Herb Ashton is feeling better although still in Port 'Perry hospital at time of writing she expects to be home soon. Mrs. Ruth Purdy of Mona Centre is visiting this week at the Ashton house. A very special meeting is being arranged and will be Sa Taam Bh Aa A THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. HOLSTEINS December Malmont Consign- ment sale of Fresh cows and springers (both pure bred and grades) to help the milk supply - selling at the Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario on Thursday, December 13, at 12:30 noon. Features of include a fresh 3 year old Good Plus daughter of Ned with a 1st calf record of 126-155 BCA. Her dam is Good Plus, next dam Very Good. A group of 10 pure bred springers and yearlings from the Listed ROP tested and classified herd of John Pieteri, Omemee. Also a group of bred and open heifers suitable for herd replacement or for trans- plant purposes. All cattle Free- listed or of negative herd status. Lunch availble. Ed. McMorrow - Auctioneer 705-786-4246. Neil Malcolm - Sales Mgrs. - 416-986- 4246. D12 held in Burns Church Hall on Wednesday evening Dec. 5th at 8 p.m. Miss Judy Morgan of Judy's Flowers, Whitby, will be the guest speaker and will have beautiful things to show us. It looks like an enjoyable evening and all ladies are urged to attend. The service at Burns Church on Sunday morning was a family pre advent service. The call to worship was given by Miss Julie Emm and the scriptures were read by Mrs. Jack Davidchuck and Mr. Lindsay Death. The Sr. Choir sang My Lord and I and Rev. McIntyre told the children the story of the Advent wreath with the children joining in the singing of This Little Light of Mine. Rev. McEntyre's sermon was entitled Stars and he concluded his message with a beautiful solo We . Shall Shine As the Stars in the Morning. Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. Also the + sacrement of Holy Commun- ion will be celebrated. When ever Christmas chimes are rung and praise to the Christ child sung, the coldest hearts warm up a mite and all the world's a bit more bright. Champion Calf A heifer calf from Canada owned by Wotton House Farms, Uxbridge, Ontario and Greenbank Farm, King, Ontario was made heifer Calf Champion at the Ameri- can Polled Hereford 57th National Show at Louisville, Kentucky on November 16th, 1979. The calf bred by Wotton House Farms had sold in their annual sale in October at $40,000.00 for a '%» interest to E.G. Burton of Greenbank Farm, King, Ontario. This was the record price for a hereford heifer calf in Canada. AR TI Pr I . 5 AD ATE RIM FEES ; Fie --- rh VAT the sale, A na wn RVI Ly RA To, Ny NER IR Yt BS RAC nih * sc . 2? * pw a Sse A - Bae 1 ort ." . . ws a - SEN v LAR . - =' PATI ' » "Err > » SLAIN » LLY » Few s Sela 2 rate vr Fr oy aN Ta i Jders te T., [ALANS ! 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