PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 3, 1980 -- 9 "the end of a decade AUGUST There was very little left of the two-seater Rand KR-2 homebuvilt air- craft after it crashed in a field just north of Greenbank airport. Fred Palmatier, the pilot of the plane, ~ walked away from the accident with minor injuries. Bell Canada says it will be 1983 at the earliest before the company will even con- sider extending the toll free dialing area for subscribers in Cartwright exchange. A two car crash near Blackstock has claimed the life of a young Scarborough woman and sent four other young people to hospitals with serious injuries. By a vote of 16 to 10 (with four absent) Durham Region Council turned down a recommended 6.7 per cent pay increase which would have brought their annual salaries to $13,850 in January, 1980. A bid of $168,000 from R.E. Brohm Construction Ltd. of Norland, Ontario, was accepted by Scugog. Council for the recon- struction of two Township bridges this summer. Anger was conveyed in a clear message to members of Scugog Township council at a meeting at Port Perry High School called by the Ratepayers Association to discuss a proposed expansion of the Library and other municipal matters. JULY A barn fire at the farm of John Meunier west of Seagrave caused an estimated $70,000 damage including the loss of nearly 150 pigs. If all goes according to plan, one year from now Queen Street in Port Perry will be well on its way to being completely recon- structed from Lilla to Water Street. Scugog Township council hired Earl S. Cuddy to the new $24,000 position as clerk- administrator, who will assume complete control over treasury, clerk and by-law departments of the municipality. Golfers and Jack Lally, owner of Sunny- brae golf course raised over $10,000 for crippled children when the sixth annual golf tournament in aid of the handicapped was held at Sunnybrae. The Port Perry Baptist Church started proceedings to sponsor a family of Viet Nam refugees. Scugog Township voted to join Kawar- tha Conservation Authority when 19 munici- palities met in Lindsay to form the Author- ity. The Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club is prepared to re-locate from its present green on Queen Street, if the club gets financial help from the Township to construct a new green and club-house on municipal property on the lakefront. An 800-pound safe proved too much to handle for thieves who broke into the XL Service 'Centre at the corner of Union Avenue and Highway 7A. Thieves smashed a window at the rear, and then dragged the floor safe through the front door to the parking lot and abandoned it there. Port Perry Star was awarded third prize in its class for the best .overall newspaper in the annual Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Association contest. AUGUST The Provincial Government and Durham Regional Police conducted a Vehicle Inspection Lane at Scugog Arena and found that a high number of Port Perry and Scugog area vehicles are being driven with serious mechanical and other defects. The parishioners of the Church of the Immaculate Conception are strongly in favour and have decided to sponsor a Vietnamese family of seven or eight members. Detectives with Durham Region Police are investigating an attempted safe crack- ing at the Port Perry Post Office. Thieves were unsuccessful in their efforts to break into the walk-in vault after trying to gain entry from the VLA office on the second floor. The Ministry of Natural Resources announced that 60,000 muskie fry were stocked into Lake Scugog this spring. Western Weekend, Port Perry's annual three days summer fun sponsored by Scugog Chamber of Commerce was again, according to the organizers quite a success. It is estimated that 35,000 people lined the streets of Ottawa to pay their last respects to John Diefenbaker, who died at the age of 83. SEPTEMBER This is one of two 300 sticks dyna- mite blasts it took Scugog Township Works Department to blow up the more than 40 year old bridge on the Swamp Road north of Port Perry. The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Employ- ment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of July totalled 14,706. The Scugog Public Library Board has abandoned any plans of a new building on the lakefront property, and asked council to endorse three variances to local by-laws which would allow construction of a 5,000 square foot addition to the existing War Memorial building on Queen Street. SEPTEMBER Seven children and one adult in Scugog Township were undergoing anti-rabies treatment after coming in contact two weeks ago with a rabid dog. ~ 3,300 elementary and secondary school students and 158 teachers went back to two high schools and five public schools in Uxbridge Township. Port Perry's annual Fall Fair was another outstanding success. Crowned Miss Port Perry Fair was Bridget Hamilton, with runner-up Lisa Nottingham. Government officials estimate that as many as 600 jobs could be available when the provincial Ministry of Revenue moves its head office from Toronto to Oshawa in 1982. A warning from Scugog Township's planning consultants recommend that no Library expansion takes place due to "sub- stantial flooding in the library-bowling area' which could occur in the event of a major storm. The Durham Region Health Unit says it plans to "get tough" next year at functions such as fairs and carnivals where perish- able food is prepared and served to the general public. A spokesman for Durham Region Police says that about 200 pounds of marijuana growing wild in a Scugog Island field will be burned by the RCMP. Five persons, including three from Scugog Township lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents on Durham Region roads last week. OCTOBER Mr. and Mrs. Poc, their three children, and Mr. Poc's mother arrived here last week and are the first family of Viet Nam "boat people' to settle in Port Perry area. Port Perry Guides and Brownies turned over $1,011.44 to Community Memorial Hospital, proceeds from their 10 kilometer walk-a-thon. Council approved a resolution which commits the Township to pay one third of the construction of a Library expansion up to $100,000, and gives the Library Board a parcel of land on Water Street. Fighting a bush fire for four days caused more than $2,000 damage to three vehicles of Scugog Fire Department, Unit Two in Caesarea. Scugog Township decided unanimously not to spend any tax money for repair to the old Arena, nearly 30 years old. It will be torn down in 1980. : A rape crisis centre may be in operation in Port Perry in the new year. A group of Scugog women is now working to form the volunteer service which will offer support and guidance to the victims of any kind of sexual abuse or assault. A fire early Saturday morning com- pletely destroyed a horse barn and equip- ment at the Pinewood Equestrian Centre on Highway 12, south of Manchester. NOVEMBER Hallowe'en has come and gone for another year, and it was one of the quietest "nights in Scugog in a long time. Ellen Hope and Melodie Cannon of Port Perry were among 41 Durham College students awarded scholarships at the College. Jaycees National vice president, Roy Klementti of Orillia was present for the charter meeting of the newly formed Scugog Jaycees which has 15 members. Ron McAllister was elected the Scugog presi- dent. It's official. Equalized assessment is coming to Scugog Township for the 1980 taxation year. Scugog Council made the decision to go with the new method of property assessment after meeting Monday with officials from the Whitby office of the provincial taxation department. About 40 people were on hand at the Latcham Centre to help kick off Scugog Memorial Library campaign to raise approximately $100,000 to help with con- struction of a new library. In an effort to attract industrial develop- ment to Scugog Township the Scugog Industrial Committee will be sending out 400 letters to companies across Canada who are believed to be considering expansion or relocation. Durham Region council appears headed for yet another major struggle, this one over whether to proceed with a $5.76 million expansion to the Region headquarters build- ing on Rossland Road in Whitby. NOVEMBER Structural work was done on the bell tower of the Port Perry United Church. The tower struck by lightning loosened some bricks and shingles. Time has also taken its toll on the building with the south side of the tower in need of work. The cost of the work was estimated at about $15,000. Opponents of the new Scugog Memorial Library building planned for Port Perry are taking their fight to the Ontario Municipal Board. Mrs. Myrtle Prentice of Port Perry and Mr. Roy Grierson of Caesarea, have filed formal objections with the OMB against the Township Council's re-zoning by-law which designates part of the two- acre lakefront property as the site for the new library building. DECEMBER Residential hydro rates in Port Perry are going up by an average of 14.3 percent as (Turn to page 17) OCTOBER The Port Perry Blues ladies softball team concluded a very successful season by capturing the South Lake Simcoe Softball Championship by defeating Bradford in three straight games. From back left: Joe Curran, coach; Brenda Cummings, Lori Lynde, Valerie Sweetman, Carol Bond, Joan Wilton, Wally Nesbitt, manager. Front row: Denise Crawford, Lynn Cook, Carol Wilton, and Karen Young. Absent: Kim Neill and Kelly Owen. A ~-- ci _ sar tA ae wags ve ~ Fe ------ ¢ lie Ne Shee, - "ie. . pn lel - "LN eas 3 - SE - a A --C, . ay « ow - oy - - a han 0 Oi SACRE PLE ats eo j- EATER at RT me eh .. A ee Sa a ROCA v = "am te. . Ae AC -. fog » -- oer So ARI By Sy Cd r . ~~ ara 5 vie - o is 4 Los AG ed » RRR pn oy Veg tan 5 "