by Mabel Cawker Social News of Interest Ralph and Leona Sadler, Nestleton, spent some time with Ralph's mother, Mrs. Robt. Sadler on Christmas day who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. On Boxing Day Richard and Janice Mac Kenzie, Claire and Leslie, Caesarea, held a Christmas celebration for the family. Guests included Ralph and Leona Sadler and Ian and Gloria Scott and children Charles and Jennifer of Corbyville. Christmas guests with Norm and Bernice Mairs of Nestleton were: son Allan of Oshawa who spent Friday until Thursday with his parents, John and Diane Slute and Jeremy Jay, of R.R. 1, Oshawa, and Robert and Carol Mairs, Steven and Katie, Nestleton. Arnold and Jean Williams "hosted" a Christmas cele- bration for members of the family. Guests present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Nestleton, Mr. Earl Bowers, Wilfred and Helen Vine and family, and Dorothy .Chap- man of New Liskeard, who. has been visiting with her family for the Christmas holiday. Dorothy has since returned home. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Bowers, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers, of R.R. 5 Bowmanville, and Mr. Jerry ~ Bowers of Peterborough, visited during the Christmas season with their parents George and Ella Bowers. Don and Norma Frew, David and Leah, Dwayne, Andrew and Virginia enjoyed the family festivities held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton in Vanessa, a sister of Don's. About 40 members of the family were present for this wonderful get-together. Barry and Frances Fisher, Of all the weight-loss programs in the world, none have been more successful than the Weight Watchers program. We ve helped more people lose more pounds than ony other plan And what we dvd lor them we con do for you Al your weekly Weight Walchers meet ngs, you Ii be with people who have the Susan and Leanne of London, held Christmas for the Fisher family. Those present for this festive occasion were Mrs. Minnie Fisher, Caesarea, and Delton and Marge Fisher, and Scott of West Hill. Minnie had a pre-Christmas visit with Delton and Marge and Scott before journeying to London. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McKinstry, Oshawa, and Miss Snowy Marlow of + Madoc and two Oshawa friends called on Miss Ruth Proutt, of Nestleton, on Boxing Day. Charles and Clara Nesbitt, Bowmanville visited with Ruth on Thurs- day. Mrs. Larmen Hyland spent part of Christmas Day with her husband Larmen in the Port Perry Nursing Home. later holding Christmas dinner for the family at her home in Nestleton. Those present were Howard and Muriel Sutton, Debbie & Tracy, Paul and Lori Rans- berry, Ben and Sharon Rodger and son Shawn, Maurice and Ilene Samells, and daughter Wendy, all of Peterborough, Carl and Josephine McMullen and Jim McMullen from Bally- duff. Daughter Muriel Sutton cooked the Christmas dinner for her Mother which was a culinary delight! What a fine celebration for the family. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm for Christ- mas were the immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Shelly & Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mal- colm, Bradley, Tracy, Derrick, and new baby Scott Christopher, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm, Jodie and Laura Michelle, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Aylwin Haines, Annette and Anthony, Nestleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Kent, Katrina, Tamara and some goal you do. So you don have lo go it alone You Il learn about our Eating Plan for losing weight And we I' teach you to charge your ottitude abo st food So you can keep the weight off If youre serous about losing weight jon Weight Watchers now Because with many other programs all you lose in the long run 1s hme OPEN HOUSE - JANUARY 1-19 NO OBLIGATION TO JOIN BRING A BUDDY! ONCE IN A LIFETIME BONUS OFFER! JOIN FOR $6.00 JANUARY 1-19 (Offer valid in Southern & Central Ontario Franchise.) NEW AT WEIGHT WATCHERS - ALL MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE FREE - FUN WITH FOOD FAMILY FAVOURITES VOLUMES |, II, Ill PORT PERRY Masonic Hall, 320 Queen Street MONDAY - 7:30 P.M. FOR MEETING INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 826-9200 .- Davis of Toronto, Malcolm of Orono, Mrs. Emma Malcolm, Uxbridge, and Mr. Elmer Wright, Nestleton. Pre-Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish, Saturday, December 22 were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland from Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and boys, Reaboro. Mr. and Mrs. Fish enjoyed Christmas dinner in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister. Granddaughter Karen returned home with them for the holidays. Boxing day Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, and Lisa, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacobs, Rhonda and Deanna, all of Blackstock. Saturday, December 29th, Grahame and Neta Fish had Christ- mas dinner with her son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nestleton, enter- tained their family to Christ- mas dinner on Christmas Eve. Present for the occasion were Mr. Barry Malcolm, Simcoe, Miss Gail Malcolm, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm, Heather and Alison, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm, King- sley and Joshua, and Miss Laurie Malcolm of Nestle- ton. Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Miss Ruth Proutt of Nestleton, were Friday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David in their new home in Whitby. Mrs. Ivan Proutt spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cawker, _Scugog int, called on relatives during the festive season, namely Mrs. Sarah Bragg, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker, Scarborough, Mrs. Sylvia Cawker, Chandre and Jason, Mr. Ralph Cawker, Scar- borough, Mrs. Norma Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of Duntroon. The Cawkers celebrated Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and family on Tues- day and enjoyed a pre- Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and family on Sunday. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson of Nestleton, were Ruth's two sisters, Mrs. Mary Naylor of /Beaverton, and Mrs. Grace staying from Monday until Wednes- day." All attended the Christ- mas Eve party at the home of Robert and Carol Mairs in Nestleton. On Sunday, Allan and Elaine Francis of Oshawa, were dinner guests with Grant and Ruth. Nestleton Presbyterian Church On Sunday morning at 11 Inn amen SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS In Your Own Home GIL RUMMENIE 985-7860 TTT a.m. December 30th, Service was held with Mrs. Jim Douglas presiding at the organ. Rev. Stanley Smith of Oshawa, spoke on the Parable of sowing the seed on good ground and stoney ground, how the seeds died on the poor soil and flour- ished on the good soil. A timely message for all present. Nestleton United Church At the Service on Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. December 30th, Rev. Victor Parsons used as his topic "Trust for the 80's", a very thought provoking sermon with a message for all. Holy Scriptures: Psalm 62 and John 8: 12-19. In the choir Miss Gail Malcolm sang a lovely old song accompanied by her mother on the organ. Offer- ing received by Mr. Ralph Sadler and Mr. Norman Mairs. The Nestleton congrega- tion meeting will be held Sunday, January 6 at 1 p.m. Hospital News Warmest wishes to friend Mr. Bruce Heaslip who has been transferred from Oshawa to Port Perry Hospital. We trust the New Year brings better health to Bruce. Good to see George Bowers getting about and enjoying life more. Keep up the good work George! Best wishes to Mr. Larmen Hyland who resides in Port Perry Nursing Home. A happy and healthy New Year. Social News Fred and Mabelf Dayes, Nestleton, celebrated Christ- mas with Charles and Lorraine Andrews and girls in Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Larkin, Steven and Paul Brantford, and daughter Hilary from Leeds, England, visited with Fred and Mabel on Sunday. Charles and Lorraine and family were also present. Well! The joyous Yuletide Season is over and we trust that the editor, staff and readers of this column were surrounded by the warmth and love of an old-fashioned Christmas. Do hope all the children everywhere have had a happy, magical Christ- mas with a visit from Santa Claus. Sorry to hear that poor old Santa with his pack was making his rounds in Cart- wright Christmas Eve and slid off the road and had to be drawn out of the ditch. Just too, too, tired we presume, to carry out his duties effec- tively. Hope no one was disappointed. Don't think Santa has ditches to contend PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., Janvary 3, 1980 -- 21 Nestleton, Caesarea news with at the North Pole. Happy New Year to one and all - Staff, readers of this column, and those who so kindly contribute news each week. Take a moment to call your correspondent. Phone 986-4715. Thank you. Nestleton Sunday School Concert On Sunday evening there was an excellent attendance for the Sunday School concert. Proud parents and grandparents watched as the little folks presented their parts with teachers working behind the scenes. Super- intendent Robert Mairs was the genial MC and his good wife Carol, the able accom- panist for an interesting program. Miss Claire McKenzie introduced the numbers. The Nursery Class in costume gave a Rhythm Band number to "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" on the piano. They also lit a large candle and sang "Happy Birthday Jesus'. Recitations were: Ken Weir - "How Fortunate We Are', Dwight Davis - Santa's Mistake, Deanona Jacobs - Not Suitable, Claire McKen- zie - The Day after Christ- mas, Arlene Davis - Under- neath the Mistletoe. A carol sing along included Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. An excellent sound film shown by Janice McKenzie entitled "The Gift" proved equally interes- ting to young and old. The Primary Class carrying candles recited "Candle- light." A collection was taken and Rev. Victor Parsons spoke briefly. Several Carols closed the program, after which jolly Santa Claus arrived with his pack of goodies. A lunch of sand- wiches and cookies was served by the U.C.W. ladies and a social hour followed. Our heartiest appreciation to Robert Mairs and all Sunday School staff for their untiring efforts. Well done! Cedar Creek news by George Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cumm- ings and family of Orange- ville were last Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings. Mrs. Rick Larocque and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow at South River the weekend before Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pargeter in Port Perry one evening before Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer had their family home the Sunday before Christmas. On Christmas Day the Larocque family held after- noon dinner at the Prince Albert Hall. Forty-six attended. Santa made a call later in thetafternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arm- ~ strong and family attended a family gathering at the Kerr home in Campbellford on Christmas Day. On Boxing Day they had the Armstrong clan for dinner. George Kilpatrick visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henstock on Boxing Day. Mrs. Hen- stock's mother, Mrs. Janet Porter of Toronto, and sister Ms. Laura Portery, New York, were visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doh- erty and family spent a week over Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Doherty near Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Kowal and sons spent a week visit- ing relatives in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque and sons have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis at New Liskeard for a few days since Christmas. On Christmas evening a tragic accident happened near the gateway into the field where Port Perry had the first Cedar Creek well. William Jennings of the Manchester area was fatally injured when his truck went out of controi on the icey road and hit a tree. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Keetch of Whitby were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Johnson and George Kilpatrick. C0! >] wo ule | @ p op [ap | NEAL ACCA [abel 3C 66 Brock St. W., Uxbridge 852-5291 ICICICRC Teo] [a hn Take Tate Tule le | che whe he che] he | C2CICCACICICT ol ud32505¢5¢525¢5¢525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252505; D. THAPAR DENTURE THERAPIST 163 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 579-8752 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 el Need A Car Rent A Ford e LOW DAILY RATES e RENT BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH ® PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE COLIN BALL MOTORS LTD. Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry - 985-8411 an ado 3 >: is 38 5, SOAR 4 cn Was ) v Yee, oy OK 1 LS EEE re -- ~~ a a, 12 ~A VE ~~ - -t a, AR - gil EO nr NE REPT RCN A Ba a a IL ew ~ . rr ah BERTI RINE - ACE a Nt ~ Ra weg 3) arte . LE SIE AL 2 a Nt ata SR AE ~~ ANN, ( ie ERY A Ee Gh aon Aes RL TT XN tng Cael SEER INIT AA 5 TE AAR CRUE TCS REY rd 4 FEA ASIAN NS ER A x . ny fens eal at ER SL a Ye oti . 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