ALAS BLY ETE MLIN RR SX CERES IE TAA Tt Aaah SAL "HAT A EWE LATO oS EE Rats od 86 NY; SNF E R00 AZO EE HAPTER I CORE 2 0 Uris A SNCRRS REM PL EE Fa RE SEAN ZEAE RET ARE FORE & ¢ ' - . A i" : A 1 Ng ARS SE y SA : RAMEY NOL Sets \3 Alit £y CE BARE T I LAE UT IRON '2,1 1S At) ASE Eo Sl Ea Rn " 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 3, 1980 Blackstock and area news | ht A i vo 0 3A : Christmas Day guests ot Charlton; Mr. and Mrs. Joanne; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barrett-98; 2-Freeman Julie and Christopher were A Mr. el riod Mr. and Mrs. ® Harold Keith VanCamp, Barry, Chapman, Linda and Lori, Mc¢Cullough-91; 3-Ann Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bryant, qQ ¢ NG McKee were well enough to McLaughlin and Kelly and Leanne, Debbie and Jay and all of Port Perry. Mr. and Taylor-89; 4-Bill Morley-82; Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. Dean 3 entertain Christmas guests Mrs. Toms were Mrs. Helen Brian Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Grant McLaughlin, Mr. 5.Charles Nesbitt-80; Ormiston, and Diane of SO Mrs. Fern Lawson and her Dorrell, Darcy, Annie, E.R. Taylor of Enniskillen, and Mrs. Neil McLaughlin. g.Elwood Tripp-80; Alymer Brooklin, Shelley Ormiston ny son Bruce of Nestleton. Melody, and Lisa of Mr. and Mrs. Bill St. John Supper guests were Mr. and ploughman-low. of Brooklin and Pam Ormis- 38 and Owen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magill, Brian of The Senior Citizen Card ton of Port Hope. Lynn 3 Mrs. Roy Bradburn, and Columbus. Party was held on December Shymko and Sean McBrad ¢ 20 Matthew, Mr. and Mrs. At the Curling Rink each of 26th with 21 tables and the both of Oshawa, Mr. and 8 b ( Lloyd Slemmon, Susan and the various leagues present- following results: 1-Cather- Mrs. Ken Wyatt of Whitby, ih rem em {2 Fred of Haydon.' ed special Christmas prizes jpne Mackenzie-92; 2-Orvil Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Precoor % Christmas Day Juesis of and social times were enjoy- Watson-84; Shure Yiatson Belly and Rein of Brooklin N Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, y each group. 83; 4-Frank Bailey-82; 5-Ayl and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bray, Hd WwW h & N Pd Howard and Tara were The Senior Citizens held mer Ploughman-74; 6-Alma Steven and Paul of Port Xs °00 o Merlin Bailey of London, Mr. their December 18th Card Taylor-74; Lu Griffin-low. Perry. Social time was " i . and Mrs. Roy Corden, Julie Party in the Township Hall Christmas Eve dinner enjoyed by all with special WNT continued and Christie and Mrs. Velva with 22 tables with the guests of Mr. and Mrs. guest Santa Claus coming ad Bailey. following, results; 1-Shirley George Bryant, Dwayne, and visiting. th) 35 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BE Thursday, January 4, 1945 Larmer and John, Mr. Davi PY ® o AH A crowd of over three hundred attended the Port Larmer of Essex, Mr. Paul L | 1 ry HO Perry Hockey Clubs Euchre and Dance which was held Larmer of Guelph, Mrs. egion announces i] era winners | yd December 29th in the High School. The lucky draw for a Sharon Essery and flonings Winners of the branch Randy Bartley, Cartwright 2nd Prize - Debbie Lee, Cart- © 2 five pound New Years cake was won by Sam Griffen were Christmas guests o level "Literary Contest' High School, Blackstock; 3rd wright High School, Black- a who in turn gave it back to the club to be auctioned. Mr. and Mrs. Ever Snowden, held annually. First prize Prize - Tish LeFort, R.H. stock; 3rd Prize - Jim Weir, J Euchre prize winners were: the half ton of coal - Mrs. Bowmanville. be Devi winners now advance to Cornish Public School, Port Cartwright High School. 4 J. Dowson, high lady and Ivan Gray, high man. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Devins Zone level Perry. Blackstock. . 3% Mrs. Elmer Ploughman won both second prizes while C. and Kathleen Murray of POETRY - Cate gory 1- 1st POETRY - Category 3 - 1st ESSAYS - Category 2 - 1st 49 i i i ) Iroquois Falls are spending a : 3 i . ees : oo da MacDonald hh Ptolemy and Len Colbear were third prize winners ' oq oo ee 3) Prize - Howard Bailey, Cart- Prize - Christine Bazarin, Prize 'Bren ac d, Ww 25 YEARS AGO il ys wi rs. MOY wright High School, Black- Cartwright Central Public Cartwright Central Public (3%) Thursday, January 6, 1955 a or. d M Russell Stock; 2nd Prize - Martha School, Blackstock; 2nd School, Blackstock. . = The volunteer Fire Brigade report that they ans- 13 r. an 3 rs. busy day McCallum, Port Perry High Prize - Ted Nesbitt, R.H. ESSAYS - Category 3 - 1st 3 wered only 22 calls last year, only three in Port Perry Christmas. Christma School, Port Perry; 3rd Cornish Public School, Port Prize - Jason Woodward, Lh and 19 in the surrounding district. di is has. : M d Prize - Marlene Parsons, Perry; 3rdPrize- Tracy Lyn Raglan Public School, nl The Family Doubles closed the first half of their INNEP GUC igh r. oy Cartwright High School, Siebarth, Prince Albert Raglan; 2nd Prize - Corry hit series on Friday, December 17th. Prizes for the series Mrs. Roy Lormer : ape ® Blackstock. Public School, Prince Albert. Greenwood, Prince Albert 3 were won by: 1st Lady - Lorraine Raines; 2nd Lady - Sasa sndfe 3 Mre. Glen POETRY -Category2-1st ESSAYS - Category 1 - Public School, Prince Albert ol Kayse Harper; 1st Gent - Al Cawker; 2nd Gent - Frank oll a Mise E on Prize - Laura Tremblay, Eleanor Gibson, Cartwright and 3rd Prize - Gregory E. ¢ AL Hastings. Larmer. For supper were &-H. Cornish Public School, High School, Blackstock; Skerratt, Prince Albert 4 20 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Norm Gibson, Port Perry: 2nd Prize - Public School, Prince Albert. : Thursday, January 7, 1960 Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. 3 Mr. Ray Litt of Port Perry District High School Keith Lindquist Joshua and ° THE J. McBRIEN $ Staff was among 250 delegates from all parts of Ontario Lucas Bethune. Saskatche- S |) d n . VIC $ Who attended the three day annual assembly of the 11,000 wan. Afternoon callers were pe i J SCHOOL OF CREATIVITY a member Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federa-" | nr. 4nd Mrs. John Murdock, 350 SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, ONTARIO. LOB 1P0 §} flonin the last eek in Docembior,.. Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. From page 1 416-985-7115 § 'The Port Perry Hockey Club wish to thank the fol- Don Larmer, Peterborough, for retail sales. AU DITI ON S $ lowing business men for their generous donations in Mr. Steven Larmer, Niagara While local merchaits bs elping to make our 50-50 draw night a success: Scugog Falls, Mr. Jeffery Larmer, may have waited out the first There will be auditions for on-stage and back-stage parts for 3 Cleaners; Carnegie Hardware; Brock's Department Kitchener two weeks of December With hat Spay -2 fistorical jet les of songs and sketches § Store; Cawker Bros, Butchers; and Beare Motors. Telephone visit with Mr. considerable trepidation, Participation is free and not restricted to regular academic 8 15 YEARS AGO Lawrence Larmer of Barrie there was virtually unani- students but those involved should be approximately 15 to § J _ Thursday, January 7th, 1965 and Mrs. Lynn Pascoe of mous agreement on a couple 25 years of age. Auditions will take place from Sunday, Jan- $ The first Port Perry baby to be born in 1965 was a Calgary. of things: people were will- uary 6th to Sunday, January 13 at the Town Hall, 1873 in § little girl, Jacqueline Dawn, a daughter for Mr. and At least two members of ing to spend heavily for Port Perry. For more specific times and information, call The $ Mrs. John Warren, Queen Street, Port Perry. She was our community had to spend quality; they were more J. McBrien School of Creativity at 985-7115. 8% born on Sunday, January 3rd, at the Uxbridge Cottage Christmas in Port Pe q Ys "This project is made possible through Theatre Ontario's Hospital, Hospital Mr. M.A. Gr ound Selective any Yroched lands) Youth Theatre Training Programme, funded by the Ontario Mrs. Lucille Gray, first lady member of Reach and Caroline Carnaghan are a dsnap and heavy snoufall Arts Council and the Ministry of Culture and Recreation." 3 . Township Council, took the Oath of Office from clerk- both recovering from pout five days before There will be classes available for 15 - 25 year-olds as well Jreasyiel AR 3ohus during the nau giral menting held surgery. To make matters Christmas would probably i tell 187 on Sundays i to opm at : in the Township Hall on January 4th. worse Caroline had to "i . or -m. mn, 8 Mrs. Job Graham quietly celebrated her 98th birth- celebrate her birthday which help to 2 i buy rs g inthe cost of $10.00 per session. day at her home, 211 Scugog Street on December 28th. is on Christmas Day in the ' Mr. Ian Bowie, former assistant to Baptist Church hospital which I'm sure Pastor Brown, has accepted the call to be pastor of Port badly cramped Caroline's Perry Baptist Church. Pastor John Brown has left the style. Better health is * charge and is now working in Windsor, Ontario. wished for bpth of you. The rink skipped by Roy Cornish, Port Perry, won Christmas Day guests of o : the Peel's Poultry Farm Trophy at the annual Peel's Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bonspiel held in the local curling arena on Boxing Day. Graham, Mark, Cheryl and M OT0 R S AL | S Mrs. J.H. Hardy has returned home after three Robbie were Mr. and Mrs. -] weeks visiting with relatives in London, Fenwick and Frank Hoskin, Mrs. Bob Gilinsoy. Ploches Dian ond Sut, 94 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8 10 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoskin, - = 5-8091 . Thursday, January 8, 1970 Craig, Shawn and Tracy, ) . The winners were selected for the 'Holiday House Mrs. Reg. Boundey, Mr. and has put together what they think is a great Decoration Contest" as follows: J.W. Forster, 2 Simcoe Mrs. Gerald Kelly, Elizabeth Street South; Norman Heayn, 569 Queen Street; Robert Eleanor, Elaine and Esther. Archer, 320 Elgin Street; Honourable Mention - Mrs. T. During the afternoon they McNeill, 101 Caleb Street. enjoyed a telephone visit According to B.A. Bohan, hospital administrator, with Mr. Larry Hoskin of * . rr bd 43 boys and 39 girls for a total of 82 babies were born at Lake Louise. Larry reported Complete Winterizing FOR ONLY the Community Memorial Hospital during 1969. This lots of snow out West which * Lubrication represents an increase of 15 births compared to 1968. he is enjoying greatly. * 3 2 : Mr. Aylmer Ploughman, who for the last 27 years Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor « Snow Tires Installed (if required) has been employed at The Pedlar People in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Engine Tu ne-up retired December 31st. Mr. Ploughman was presented and Betty Jane, Mr. and * General Check of Car Condition n with a leather wallet and a $200. cheque by his fellow prs. John Devine Mrs. With Full Report to You (plus parts) 4 employees. Kathleen Murray, and Mrs. : On April 22, 1922, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lakey and Roy Taylor had a family And if it won't start, we their nephew, Frank McGregor, purchased the General Christmas dinner at the will pay the tow during re- Store in Utica, and operated the business which ter- Holiday Inn. A social time ular business hours. with minated on December 31, 1969 after over 47 years of was enjoyed afterward at 8 i Ours, wi'n- continuous, faithful service to Utica and surrounding Mrs. Roy Taylor's home. in a 12 mile radius of Port communities. ' Mr. Alex Flett of Fenelon Perry. (Offer good to April " Gwenyth Thompson and her rink won the first an- Falls spent a few days with 15th, 1980.) nual Flamingo Pastries Ladies Bonspiel on Saturday, is sister Mrs. Ed. Harris. January 3. Mr. Kenneth Jackson presented the trophy Christmas dinner guests of POA R to Mrs. Thompson; Polly Jones, vice-skip; Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. William : Forder, second; and Alicia Barry, lead. Mahaffy were Mr. Alex Mrs. Dianne Burt, Port Perry, attended the open- Flett; Mrs. Ed Harris; Mr. 985-809 1 ing of the new $110,000. triple ski lift at Mount St. Louis Ed Harris of the Port Perry Ski Resort recently. The only such lift in Canada is lo- Nursing Home; Mr. Jim RD L 4 cated near Midland, Ontario and Mrs. Burt was one of Harris of Norval; Mr. and VISA master charge two ladies holding the ribbon, cut by AS. Bray, deputy- Mis. Grant Dagestan, Ro a . minister of tourism. an 15a; r. an rs. Murray Birkett, Judy and