> Fr L IF, 1) "ed » >" v Se Sabatini - LA SN FEERIN AEN Et an at A He Le AT fA : iv " ASS TY LA ad : fo. > py Mater lag A130 3 . Three winners in Port Perry Star colouring contest A large number of entries were received this year in the Port Perry Star Christmas colouring contest and after the judges had sifted through the entries numerous times the following three winners were chosen. From top, Terry Park of Blackstock [four and under category], Lisa Cawker, R.R. 4 Sunderland [5 to 7 year olds], and Vicki Rensink, R.R. 2, Port Perry in the 8 to 10 year old group. We thank all the children who entered this years contest and ask them to try again next year. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 3, 1980 -- 7 WV) at en hia AX TSN hy 0 TR TR em ve ry oN Seagrave news by Sheila Sears As we enter a new decade, may I take this opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Although we had a green Christmas, good old Santa did manage to make his rounds bringing joy to all. py JANUARY | N= occasion were grandparents Hockley, grandparents Malcolm, Donnie and Wendy Hockley, Howard and Carol Malcolm and family, Walter and Elizabeth Brooks and: family, and Uncle Greg. On Sunday, Dec. 30th, birthday greetings were lt - ala a SMO ey Sl & of NEW & USED CARS & TRUCKS A a a a Sve ve The Puckrin clan assembl- extended to Mr. Don Bea- oi ed at Mr. and Mrs. Roy cock, Emily Smith and Mark a Puckrin's on Christmas Day. Sturman as they deposited ; TT ---- Et} Tle their contributions to the birthday box at Church. The Annual Seagrave Sun- day School meeting will be held on Thursday Jan. 3rd at 8:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Puckrin. The Seagrave Congrega- tional Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 15th at 8 p.m. in the Sunday School rooms. The Board of Finance is A total of 26 in attendance, made the occasion a memorable success. The Lavereau family travelled to Toronto on Christmas Day and were the guests of Terry's sister and her husband, Donna and Jim Mercer. During the holidays, the Len Somerville family attended the King Tut exhi- ns 21 - 1979 PONTIACS, FIREBIRDS, GRAND PRIX & G.M.C. TRUCKS - Brand new units, company cars & demonstrators to be sold to reduce our inventory! 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD COUPE 4 cylinder, 4 speed, low mileage. OMT844 1979 ACADIAN HATCHBACK SEDAN 9 door, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, paint stripes. OMT760. 1978 BUICK LESABRE SEDAN Low mileage, air conditioning, two tone. MPN 997. ee « A ¢ Fe a (3 a ----rn oT ng en "yuh ha Sie NLT a a - - ». J-e - by Ka ar - - oo wo birthday greetings were ex- tended to Mrs. Phyllis Wray and Lisa Malcolm as they deposited their contributions to the birthday box at church. Lisa's parents, Bruce and Suzanne held a dinner party in her honour on Saturday, Dec. 22nd. In attendance at this happy bit and visited Black Creek scheduled to set their budget 1978 BUICK REGAL COUPE if Pioneer Village-a most on Wednesday, Jan. 16th at . - : oN y successiul excursion. Greenbank. Expected to one ya. fully equipped. Venitian Red Metallic. hi On Sunday Dec. 23rd attend are the Church + a Treasurers, the Chairmen and Treasurers of the three Boards of Stewards. There will be an official Board Meeting at Seagrave on Thursday Jan. 17th at 8 p.m. Please call Jackie Boyle at 985-3941 with your news items for next week. Catholic Women's League news People are often somewhat reluctant to commit them- selves to a long term project which will demand time, money and determination. The arrival of the Diep family in early December marked the culmination of such a project. Through the perserverance and enthu- siasm of Father Raymaker, the parish of Immaculate Conception has welcomed a new family to Canada and has brought an end to the strife and turmoil they have known. There can be no greater gift than the gift of "life" and because of Father Ray- maker's efforts in organizing the sponsorship of this "boat" family, seven in- dividuals can now look forward to a new future. The question of whether or not to bring the boat people to Canada has been a very controversial one but no one can easily refuse another individual the first basic right of any human being; the right to life, not merely to an existance but to a life of dignity and respect. Per- haps we will now begin extending our help to all those in need not only in foreign countries but also right here in Canada. The arrival of the Diep family to the Port Perry area is a major step not only for the family itself but for the community as a whole - one step closer to the univer- sal fraternity to which man has long been striving. Let us hope that the Diep family will find peace and happi- ness in Canada and that Canadians will become more and more willing to share their prosperity with those less fortunate. 1978 CAMARO 228 Fully equipped, low mileage, flawless white finish. MWL 404. 1977 FIREBIRD TRANS-AM V8, automatic, black, all the extras. LMR 809. 1977 FIREBIRD TRANS-AM V8, automatic, brown with paint stripes. LOK 983. 1977 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX One owner, fully equipped. LXM 203. 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM SEDAN Air and all the extras. LPN 558. 1976 CHEVROLET CAPRICE WAGON V8, automatic, roof rack, low mileage. HRJ 417. 1976 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SALON SEDAN Nice intermediate second car. KWH 770. 1977 PONTIAC CATALINA SEDAN Maroon/white vinyl roof, fully equipped. only 34000 miles. LPN 023. 1976 BUICK LESABRE 4 door hardtop, one owner, low mileage, luxury at its finest. KHZ 039. 1975 MERCURY MONTEGO MX STATIONWAGON Only 50.000 miles, well kept and maintained. JCO 845. 1974 CHEVELLE COUPE V8. automatic, p.s.. p.b.. 'As-Is' Special. KUA 675. 1974 BUICK ELECTRA 2 DR. HARDTOP One owner original, loaded with extras. HRW642 1974 BUICK LESABRE 2 DR. HARDTOP Fully equip., dark brown with smart interior. HRM527 1974 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN Needs paint and body work, good otherwise. 'As-Is'. HTHI06. " 1973 FORD GALAXY 500 SEDAN This week's $100. Special ... As-Is. BLC 501. EE NT wo TRL Er ow AR ol DT Ag AME 2) RNS; used trucks 1979 G.M.C. '/2 TON PICKUP 6 cylinder, 3 speed. only 3800 k.m. H75438 1978 G.M.C. V2 TON PICKUP Short box 4x4 with plow. 'As-is' Special. M62276. 1977 G.M.C. 6500 SERIES CAB & CHASSIS 366 V8. 5 sp./2 sp. Axle. F34020. 1977 JEEP CJ5 SERIES 4x4 6 cylinder, 4 speed transmission, AM/FM. 0ZK 987. 1977 GMC VANDURA WINDOW VAN Automatic, long wheel base, many extras. E44750. 1976 GMC VANDURA VAN V8, automatic. power steering, 32.000 miles. LCK436. 1976 FORD 350 SERIES 1 TON STAKE V8. 4 speed, dual wheels. F34 059. ry a Ro Ae HAR : Ok Fh INIA a Wren' Ca STIL Y, Sy Ee Rr Br A ROE . tae 2 Jee Ep oR 5 fot rs PR Ted betty *Optional M.R.P. Written Warranty Available. *Top Trade-in Allowances *Convenient G.M.A.C. Low Interest Rate Financing *Open Evenings to 9; Fridays to 6; Saturdays to 4. P H | L F PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive - Port Perry 985-8474 The Management & Staff of UXBRIDGE CREDIT UNION wish you and yours a happy and prosperous New Year. Phone 852-3489 852-3388 70 Brock St.. West Box 490, Uxbridge, Ont. LOC 1K(