fe gv eT Ya RS Pe 2A CATR Np Fy aw Ny FEE wart T'S PSS yw SOUL Eb a A A Lo ANY NN IRE A OR EE i LOR SA TEA (ER AS S55 fare NER Dhl Y) oT [eR RRP Vs PLS SA GEA Ek RE HO SRS Lod d - SETAE SARA YEAS A SHANI DS rT DENOTES TA DAY RIL ® RAEN Lh aa ts wee EE AUS NEF OAD ~ © & 4] ® rd of Thank in M i Noti N # | Coming Events | Coming Events Card o nks n Memoriam otice otice oming i | "ONE TO ONE' a programme The family of the late Ernest | MIDDLETON - In loving SCUGOG RATEPAYER"S EUCHRE : Wednesdsy, January for parents and children who Beelby wish to express their memory of a dear father and POTTED PLANTS Association could help. 985-3596 16 at 8 p.m. at Rag on all. would like to share ideas, art » ] sincere thanks and appreciation grandfather, Fred, who passed CUT FLOWERS or 985-3073. E.O.W. | Special Prizes and Lunch. work, stories, drama and active oN to relatives, friends and neigh- away January 18, 1974. . play together. Also a time for the bours for their floral tributes, | Those we love we never lose, Flowers for All Occasions. MORTGAGE FUNDS available | KINSMEN CLUB BINGO every | BLK/\ho oi songs, finger plays. donations, cards and expressions | For always they will be PORT PERRY FLORISTS at reasonable rates. Also mort- | Monday night, 7:30 p.m. a gomps and more. wilh an ex. of sympathy during the loss of a | Loved, remembered, treasured, gages bought and sold, prompt | Latcham Centre. Major Jackpot erienced instructor, while dear husband, father and step- Always in our memory. 985-8676 and confidential service. 985- | -$300.00. T.F. Barents in a stimulating adult father. Special thanks to McDer- Sadly missed by Reg, Bob, Ron, 3832. T-F- | BINGO - Every Tuesday night, | programme. 'Come and Join" . mott-Panabaker and Rev. Lin- Ken and families - Port Perry Lions Club at | Begins January 31, 9:30 a.m. - stead for their comforting words CONGRATULATIONS to Lucy Latcham Centre. Early bird | 11:30 a.m. Anglican Church - 15 ° and also to the Utica Community N ° Cook, winner of the Legion Bingo game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors | weeks - $25.00. Phone - 985-8048 Club and Scugog Grace Church ofice Jackpot of $230.00. open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 | days, 985-8520 evenings. for the lovely lunch they pro- . _ | per line, $200. in 54 numbers, vided. Mrs. Beelby & family M A CID( )N A LD 8; I A CK be | Take oft Bounds sea minimum $50.00. T.F. Lake Scugog G.R.S. or 985-2571 after 4. Nn LEGION BINGO - The next - cordon nd ps [Prentice ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- H rd Times ongkmadlup] lovely 35th Christmas Draw of December 22, | day. January 17, 1980. Jackpot - Anniversary party given to them G |p . C ltati No Ch 1979. Two winners omitted from | $150.00 oo > numbers. Soriyoird ¢ ® a Satta mont Shams lo | Generel Practice. | Consultations: No Charge | inst weds at were om ang in | come serinaatr nem, | [JANGE everyone for making it a very. ounsel tor Firm prizes - - Yi memorable occasion. ~ Port Perry and #557 - Marie . erorabe cece JAMES A MACDONALD, BA, LLB. | Wlati Sear vcne , Comenows tay | JANUARY 19th 8 ; Lo. . . an ' SVL estieto We would like fo thank our rela- Criminal Law, Matrimonial, Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah tives and friends for floral tri- R IE dC ial Lodge. Admission 75c. Prizes $8.00 per couple butes and cards of sympathy, eal bstate and Commercia and Lunch Lunch - Bar Privileges MaDermaly Pandbeker srs) 175 PERRY STREET, PHONE: IVES Fl LORIST LTD. Music - Travelling D.J. : . i HADASSAH JEAN & FABRIC For Tickets call 985-7607 or 985-3456 services during the loss of our PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985 8441 LAKEVIEW PLAZA Sale - Clearance of upholstery Or at the Door. * ® at Co her and great A Complete Line of Floral Art fabrics - 50c to $1.00. Brand : . . For All Occasions. name jeans and good selection of { The Hope Family . Flowers Wired World Wide. used clothing, Tuesday and i T SR ] Wednesday, January 15 & 16, 9 KEEP 1 © ANNOUNCEMENT WEEKEND SPECIAL: | | om 0 3"5% Sm." sem zion A nnouncement Silk & Dried Arrangements Synagogue, 144 King St. E., Siaps uno your Gross. or Oshawa. ountry Skiing and other 184 mph > © RN! Mary Christine Heurkens and 25% OFF activities and join our J 3 L $ William Scott Sharpe & families DOROTHY NAPLES Rug exercise group for ladies : , : Hooking Classes 1980 - Register | Zz are pleased to announce their of all ages! TOrINGOming marriage January now. Limited number. Classes New 17-week session starts ih, 1320 ATTENTION: SSMMEnce January iu. SPrcie Thursday, Jan. 17th in the © . 985-2483. 2 , Jan. . ays Latcham Centre from ° S C OPEN MEETING and Annual 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Fee $24.50 Births enior itizens Election of Officers for Nestleton Registration 219 Water St., Area Recreation Club, Wednes- Port Perry, Monday, Jan. 14, L Ld day, January 9th, 1980 - 8:00 P.M : , HOWSAM - Terry and Janet (nee 0 . 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. or ! Y ! Nestleton Community Centre. Ph 085-3630 Sarnsiie) A are Inrilieg to 0 Everyone Welcome. 19 one - . 3 announce the arrival o eir : oy daughter Jillian Lee, born Brosktas], Lui 341s Ni Monday, December 31, 1979 at ondaays thru rridays Unly RAN 1:26 p.m. at Community St. Peter's Couples Club 3 hey Memorial Hospital weighing 7 . . 8 ROARS ARE) Ibs. 132 0z. Proud grandparents the DAI RY BAR MO NS | E R = | NGO $ reed Se Nargsned 204 rdon on the waterfront - Port Perry 3 ve 2% 30 arnegie, Port Perry and Mary i 3 ; 5 June and Glenn Smith, R.R. 1, Every TUESDAY Night : fr Oshawa. First great grandchild Armstrong Auditorium, 88 King St. W., Oshawa 2 A tor vera rial Somes vig Seen Starts 7:15 P.M. - Doors open 5:30 P.M. 3 EY ank. pecia anks to Dr. i Sh Stewart and Dr. Spears and the ALL MUST GO EVERY WEEK! A SIN maternity staff. DISC ATONE $1.000. Jackpot & $250. Jackpot - Same Card for Both Jackpots 4 400 5 Early at $15.; 20 Regular at $40.; 5 Late at $25. a 40 At Rest DISC "PLUS" - GIANT SHARE THE WEALTH ' He AC Lic. No. 284933 - Under 16 Not Admitted 4 He) JOCKEY Free parking behind Carpet Warehouse. 3 2 HILLIER, Wilbert Raymond 5 Ne Suddenly at Port Perry, Ontario SERVICES LFA! on Thursday, January 3, 1980, GEORGE S. STONE, President of George Stone Real Estate - 3 IIL i ar soem) wie, beloved Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Bonnie For All THE J. McBRIEN i 1 5 i . . . 0 49 Oolanrficld Bhd (ear 1sther oF Windsor as Sales Representative for the Sunderland Area. Occasions SCHOOL OF CREATIVITY ' E a aS Kenneth of Taylor, Michigan, Bonnie has completed the necessary Real Estate Courses CALL: 985-8005 : 2 fi Annebelle (mrs. R: MacDonald) at Durham College and would appreciate any inquiries 350 SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, ONTARIO. LOB 1P0 : Ga or ay, uglas o 0 . . . res 4 no Perry hod the La Ned regarding selling or buying property in this area. INT Petes yy g yr fl TY : 5 AY Hillier. In his 83rd year. Fune- . 985 303 « N R oF 5% ral service at the chapel of OFFICE: 7 RESIDENCE: 705-357-3114 Registration: January 7 to January 11, 1980. = D5 Da McDermott-Panabaker Port ; FE . . 2 pik Perry on Saturday, January 5, SH AKLEE FULL LENGTH (6 to 8 week) COURSE: Painting (oil, mixed media) 3 AZ 1980 at 4 p.m. Interment Pine *Watercolours *Acting for 8 to 12 year olds *Acting for teens & adults op Grove Cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENT DIRECTORY WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS: *Play writing *How to Get Published | ¥. 3 wed WALLACE. T. Doual thi *Log Building *Gourmet Cooking *Poetry *Selected Literature ots oy BUD AY rs - M. Freiesleben 852-7804 *Caligraphy ~~ *Herb Gardening *Chess (beginners through intermediate) } ie Ontario on Sunday, January 6, D. Petrie 986-4771 For complete brochures call at 350 Simcoe Street, Prince Albert of) 1980, T. Douglas Wallace, loving M. Powers 705-357-3064 or Phone: 985-7115 i Hh husband of Marilyn Horn, and H. Steen 705-357-2239 F Soi dear father of Dianne (Mrs. N. Mairs 986-5054 E AN Bernard Chandler) Port Perry, : 3 } . ATH Dale of Thunder Bay and Darcy A. Mooish Smith 986-4765 - . ® 120,28 of Port Perry, brother of George B. Freiesleben 852-6689 i it ; SYeslisville, Slcie Wikis dsnias J. Beenen 8527383 70.5.5 44 earer), Hilda Ale er a ct Mabel Rowland, all of Toronto, Evans iS RESTAURANT RAE Grace (Mrs. Harold Couch) of . - isl Newcastle and Ruby (Mrs. Geo. L. Zeck 640-2227 & TAVERN PH) Beare) of Greenbank. In his G. Bajema 986-4895 d/ if 62nd year. Resting at the chapel B. Garner 705-277-2561 Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester $i) of McDermott-Panabaker Port i . PY bb Perry for service on Wednesday B. Hughes 705-743-5895 PHONE 985-3766 oA at 1 p.m. Interment Pine Grove K. Saunders 640-5593 & Cemetery. L. Walker 986-4345 a B. Yakely 852-3704 DAILY SPECIALS H H. Irving 852-6612 moriam In Me Lorna Bienia 985-2998 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS -- Charcoal Broiled Shiskabob es 4» HANSEN - In loving memory of a dear husband and father John, C ° Ev nis Roast of Beef whe passed away January 15th, oming e Fillet of Sole Farewell dear father, thy work is roar Ve BBQ Chicken . o'er, a J i Thy willing hands will toil no Bia'! : January 12: bid hour Baked Shortribs more, MARVIN APPLETON has joined the Sales Staff bpp ppl A by oe A loving father, kind and true, 0 12 noon, p ! Our Steak Special: No one on earth we'll find like of Dean Watson Chrysler-Dodge Auto Sales, and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. With : » ° 8 oz. Charcoaled cee... $4.95 you. in Uxbridge. If in the market for a new or used professional director Jeff Cohen 7 i ife Evelyn, . at the J. McBrien School of ay wis Sven car or truck, please contact Marvin at 852-3313 Creativity. Bring any sie) i inst t with . For ages Judy, Karen, Carol, sons Jim, or 985-7704. insiromen with you REGULAR SUNDAY BUFFET -5 to 10 PM. John, Tom & Carl