adr ot . Scugog Island news by Mrs. Earl Reader Last weeks editorial in the Port Perry Star was a fine summary and recollection of events throughout the 70's at a world and local level. As we face a new year and also a new decade' we try to evaluate our personal fail- ures or lost opportunities and plan for a better future in our own responsibilities. Several Island people have already decided and acted upon a Florida vacation while the rest of us are enjoying our moderate weather and winter condit- ions at home. I do hope all interested people remembered the monthly euchre and Bake Sale on Tuesday and sponsored by the Grace U.C.W. Mark your calendar for Feb. 12 for the next one. They are held in the Town- ship Hall at 8 p.m. We now have a new lady who looks after Hall Bookings. Mrs. Edgar Brown (Sylvia) should find it very convenient as she lives on the opposite corner. Church reservation book- ings should be made with Mrs. Clarence Carter. The Gerrow families have now moved into their 2 new homes. Jan is already open- ing her home for the Head U.C.W. tonight. (Wed.) Winter presents many problems for house building but every day we see progress with the Jerry Taylor house which will soon be closed in. For those who get the Observer magazine, the front cover is a very interest- ing and deserves some study as it presents some thoughts on the place of the Church in the 80's. Will it really be like this? It depends on us. - On Sunday the attendance at Church for the first Sun- day of the year, averaged the same as last year. There are still some new packages of offering envelopes to be picked up at the Church. Re. Linstead's story for the children was timely for the New Year, as some children never have an opportunity to attend Church. A little city boy, who had never been to Church, visited at the home of his country Uncle who took hom to a Service. Afterwards the little boy said he liked it very well, and thought it was especialy nice the way the men passed around the money plates. He said he managed to get a nickel and asked how much the Uncle was able to get. Of course this little announce- ment brought surprise. DEBENTURES 'GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 12: 1 Year Debentures Annual Interest Minimum $1,000. 12'4% 2 Years; 11Y2% Monthly; 12% 5 Yr. All Members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation CALL: SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Phone 985-3832 Timeir Every dollar works foryouevery withaPlan24 Plan 24-available only at your Gre dit Union. Phone 852-3489 852-3388 70 Brock St.. West Box 490, Uxbridge, Ont, LOC 1K0 24 hours explanations and a return trip to the Church. Will all organizations please hand in their annual reports to the secretary as soon as possible. It is possible that there will be a communion service Jan. 20. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Ernest Beelby at the foot of the Island as he passed away very suddenly before Christmas. TRUSS CLEARANCE 12 Trusses - 16', 24 O.C. - reg. $269.28 - $178.00 7 Trusses - 21', 24" O.C. - reg. $200.62 - $110.00 13 Monos - 24', 24" O.C. - reg. $424.71 - $180.00 6 Monos - 13', 24" O.C. - reg. $122.40 - $50.00 12 Trusses - 28'2" - reg. $445.80 - $260.00 3 Common Trusses, 1 Cottage End - 3/12 pitch, 31'3" - MAKE AN OFFER! Gordon Pogue is going into Oshawa Hospital for further treatment following his sawing accident some time ago. We trust he will soon be completely recovered. Angus Wilkinson is still in Port Perry Hospital and waiting for a place in Oshawa for extended treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick have returned from a short trip to Florida. AIST TR EF . ye AVY a Y LN dd wth TAL A LE WAT LRT PE A J . ' ' $ ! AEB VEN fra BCE LEB SSS o Sas NTs, rz ed Fl PL ¢ NF.» iY * . 3 ' yo sti dra Nis shat sabe nbsp id andnstboansiuallicid dt aiuto PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 9, 1980 -- 7 Utica area news (From page 3) and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Slack and family. Mrs. Mildred Thompson spent Sunday visiting her mother Mrs. Miller at Mount Albert. Results of the last euchre held in the hall were as follows: Ladies, 1-Roberta Thomas, 2-Elva Kydd and low prize to Ann Wallace. Men, 1-Hardy Noble, 2-Rich- ard Manns, and low was Gord Smith. Freeze-out winners were Richard and LUMBER SPECIALS & a 2x4 utility ooo 17%2¢ lin ft. 2x6utility 26¢ lin. ft. 2x4x92Y2 $1.40 each 2x6x8' utility $2.08 each 2x4x86Y2" $1.21 each 1x2x8' spruce ...................... 40¢ each HURRY IN NOW FOR THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN! Ann Manns with Tom and Laura Seeley coming in second. There were 14 tables played and there will be another euchre in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Diamond and family of Scarborough visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Harper and Mrs. Delia Harper were New Year's dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Schofield and family at Oshawa. 36" x21'9" Long - Prepainted Tile Red - 28 Gauge STEEL ROOFING $36.00 .. -. RUG REMNANTS «$30.00 WALLPAPER (In Stock Only) $2.00... COUNTER TOPS (In Stock Only) $2.50 ... LIGHT FIXTURES 97.90 DURAL PAINT $5.95... SPACE SAVERS (Increase your Kitchen Counter Space) 913.99 BIRCH PLYWOOD ODDS & ENDS «$6.75 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. OSHAWA RD. - PORT PERRY - 985-7391 NL al. 1 STR - 50 ~ -m % Rg Sa - TA Ba ee ve 4 NYS A ru Zo Se SSX wT ne Te ey oh ~ RE AAR S - PE ants tm} bp, WL, - rT) a ATT A - Ai TTE LL , SS Siege)" NE - ~ CH ed Vo » > RAC £4 oi IY rN Eu - gp. "oS in SRS LT » fo IN A PNA bolt