] PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 23, 1980 -- 35 . ®| QUARTER HORSES Pinguet-Pargeter The marriage of Donna Lynn Pargeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargeter, Port Perry and Mark Pinguet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinguet of R.R.1 Sunderland, was solemnized DIRECTORY WELLS CLEANED 986-4678 or 728-8180 November 16, 1979 at a candlelight ceremony at 7:00 p.m. in the Port Perry United Church. They are now residing at R.R. Sunderland. & & PAINT HORSES For Sale Also Wood Shavings for Bedding BILL ELLINS RR.1, Oshawa 655-3195 GLENDA PERRY HOME OF FASHION TWO TWENTY BEAUTY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS All your Cosmetic Needs OR Free Make-up Try on CALL: 985-8651 Part-time or Full-time Openings for Consultants - Full Training Program Provided You can Qualify - For more information call: Mrs. Perry 985-8651 Hygrade Fuels R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ontario. AGENT: ARVICE FISHER Port Perry - 985-7951 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE . BLACKSTOCK CAMPING TRAILER RENTALS - SALES - SERVICE TRUCK CAPS Travel Trailers - Motor Homes 5th Wheel - Parts & Accessories (Wood, Fireplaces & Insulated Chimneys) Hwy. 7A & Durham Rd. 57 \ oe Blackstock - 986-5696 CAMPER RENTALS Doug Allen, Blackstock 986-4264 » (10% OFF All Parts & Accessories & Labour to G.M. Employees and all U.A.W. Members.) Blackstock area news by Joyce Kelly Everyone interested in Blackstock Fair is reminded of the Annual meeting in the Recreation Centre on Thurs- day evening. Mr. Ed. Starr retired Director of 0.A.A.S. will be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McLaughlin and Aaron have moved into their new home in Candiack, a suburb of Montreal, Quebec. A fine crowd attended the annual meeting of the Black- stock United Church on Sun- day afternoon. Various reports were given by the different sections of the Church. Also on Sunday afternoon the Sunday School skating party was held at the local rink. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lee returned on Saturday night from a two-week vacation in Puerto Rico. Also returning home on Saturday night from a weeks cruise in the Carribbean on the Love Boat were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham. Hows that for the travelling Purple Hill folk? Also on the boat cruise were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanCamp, well known in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy of Newcastle. Better health is wished for several in our community who are not well either at home or in hospital. Among those on the list are Blake Gunter, Harry Sanderson, Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. Janet Swain, Mrs. John Hamilton. Glad that two little girls who have been Fo ---------- ee RL LL i AA lll ii lille,» ,& MARIO BRIENZA Masonry Contractor Stone - Brick - Block Work Fireplace Custom Built Homes Additions FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 985-2680 Port Perry RELIABLE Plumbing & Heating Ltd. New Installations - Repairs Alterations - Power Drain Cleaning BERT FABER PHONE: 985-3734 "Service is Our Business" Hich & Salle 985-2025 > INDOOR ARENA - BOARDING & TRAINING DOUG COOK 416-683-1397 SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY Crystal Clear, Health Inspected Water For Wells - Swimming Pools - Cisterns YEAR ROUND DELIVERY 705-786-2517 Qualified Instructors CALL: 986-5558 HOSKIN STABLES Riding Lessons - Showing - Jumping - Dressage Horses Boarded - Indoor Arena Government Approved FREE ESTIMATES JAMES RANKIN ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial BOX 1148 - PORT PERRY 985-8537 REASONABLE RATES JOHN EADES 1 WELL DRILLING Sunderland - Ontario - (705) 357-3386 YEAR ROUND SERVICE Licenced by the Ministry of Environment . GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP $15.00 per foot CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM Your Local "ALCAN" Dealer SIDING - SOFFIT - FASCIA - TROUGH 20 Year Written Guarantee FREE ESTIMATES 985-3747 "Siding is our ONLY Business - Not a Sideline!" CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Additions or Renovations Rec Rooms - Framing For Free Estimates Call: J & D CARPENTRY 579-4191 985-8618 St Clair the paint & paper people. Midtown Mall 200 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario 576-2431 1150 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario 576-9971 quite sick, Jennifer Byers and Jennifer Henry are both feeling better. The first 1980 O.N.O. meet- ing was held on Jan. 10 at the home of Cathy Corden. Plans were made for a dance on March 29 with the Bill John- ston Band. Ellen Russell presented Past President Barb Byers with her 0.N.O. pin. Roll call was answered with '""how progress has changed my life." A short game was played before a delicious lunch was served. The Senior Citizens Card Party had 24 tables with the following winners. 1-Elmer Johnston-94; 2-Lloyd Fawns- 91; 3-Harold Burgess-82; 4- Ethel Hudson-82; 5-Edna Vivian-82; 6-Reta Cooke-81: Low-Edith Burgess. Miss C. Casey of Oshawa returned home last week after a visit with her friend Mrs. Pat Fletcher, Diana and Scott. On Tuesday, Jan. 15, the Blackstock Ladies Curling Club held a successful Jitney at the local rink. Schedule manager, Marg Taylor worked hard to organize the successful day. President Lorna Edgerton announced the following winners. 1- Margery Taylor, Jackie Beddome, Carol Locke and Lisa Kristensen. Close behind in second placing were Donna Kyte, Shirley Holliday, Susan Swain and Thelma Wright. In third place were Lorna Edgerton, Mary Mackie, Verna McMahon and Jill Lind. Fourth place was won by Cheryl Vogel, Nancy McConnell, Linda Maw and Dini Oosterholt. Low place was taken by Mary DeMerchant, Diane Gatchell Jane Hamill and Susan Ellis. Three lucky draws were iti Church made and won by Nancy Barr, Suzanne Rioual, and Moira Fallis. The Couples Club enjoyed a skating party at Riouals pond with 7 couples present. The Blackstock Community would like to welcome Bill and Laura McDonald to the community. SRT ND, RL hd wm a CONTINUOUS FORMS Printed & Blank PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 sien hl ERNIE HOLLANDS 25 Years Ex-Con speaks at the Pente- costal Church, 110 Lilla Street S., on Jan. 30th at 7:30 P.M. Don't miss this wonderful testi- mony of how God chang- ed this man's life. EA INTERDENOMINATIONAL PRAYER GATHERING continues each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 110 Lilla Street S. Men and Women of all Demoninations are welcome. Services THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. R. Brawn, Minister SUNDAY JANUARY 27 10 a.m. Worship and Church School 7:30 Evening Service PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Worship and Church School SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. C. Clarke Rev. E. Linstead Services Scugog -9:45 a.m. Manchester -11:15a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 110 Lilla South - 985-2420 Rev. R. Batten Rev. I MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed., 10:30 a.m. Prayertime 7 p.m. Youth Service 8 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 0 Huntley DIBEEL We care! Tune in Ch. 22 HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY Divine Redemption is our only hope Services in the Presbyterian Church 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Rev. J. Geuzebroek Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY 319 Queen Street SUNDAY JANUARY 27 9:00 a.m. Church School 9:55 a.m. Divine Service BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN SUNDAY JANUARY 27 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 Divine Service CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose Rector Honorary Assistant Rev. A. Woolcock SUNDAY JANUARY 27 Epiphany III 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School 7 p.m. Canada Cord Service ST. JOHNS BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY JANUARY 27 Epiphany III 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Hour of Praise A oS EP oe ve RES - LS x "Wr YING oN - - - . "a AT) wie & AEA Tan 8 Se LJ - [ SE aera rr WS te a » A " atm - - Pe -N "a Sem Tor ne? -~ LIRA RARER te 2 LR LR Dad NA rN ys vo. . A ARAL ated" ee' Ad Lm , TU. PR - aa ag i Nhe R a." A, vn Cn Loin = REET W Ty Way AN REALS EIR a wy eI Li ny J aa = A hod Frae » . hy. LY JENIN -.N wy, ROL TC nn A ~Y aX; - nd 4 - PAR ATT SPT dn FE RAT en We ig AY = TR A ANRC LL: [PS oak CA, ae RS tn SAT REE LPI a | Fey Fe J 2% 3d on EEE RA atl Sa -: