Canada grade 'A' eviscerated fresh chickens 21/2103 a Jo v ROR > § " . . - a TT FAK! Cre WO fresh backs and wings attached quartered chickens Pnde of Canada. store sliced cooked ham Maple Leaf smoked boneless dinner pork shoulders 2. 18 sausage 3 1] 2% 52 fg Th 3 Ch 7. 3h 8: £8 4 Coe eS a wo, Burns "New" golden baste chickens 506m 2 1» 1.30 pork liver or ~~ a SX CR] 2 Betty Crocker hamburger: « rd i eet oi ® x 3 i a are w er General Mills golden craham Quick or instant Robin Hood Neilson country crisp assorted spaghetti 54 Creamettes 4 macaroni Ovaltine instant chocolate Palmolive hquid 1.19 frozen concentrated insweelened Sunspun orange juice Lb 20:09 50 1.39 "oe +89 i .99 family napkins wax paper bath size deadorant Lifebuoy soap b the oe "gg Lie Schneiders fresh cut backs attached chicken Maple Leaf rindless bacon macaroni & cheese. chicken, pepper. bologna or para bologna Maple Leaf chunks mo 88 lunch meats Pride of Canada cryovac sweel pickled » 1.98 cottage rolls Maple Leaf golden fry fresh sliced 89 119 7-09 +99 2% .65 Hereford comed beef tomato juice dental creme 100 mL tube id Fleecy 78/8 1 39 For zesty stews - No. 1, Green ' Aas eames e stalk 69° Ontario, No. 1, Yellow Home Grown, No. 1, Marsh hb CARROTS .. Imported, No. 1, U.S. Cello Wrapped CAULIFLOWER argo oso cocn 99° The Winning Combination! Knock-out inflation fighting specials on these leading name brand products detergent 5." 19 Robin Hood | iY io towels Scotties - assorted of2c0 Cottonelle - assorted colours bathroom cheese dinner 71/4 oz. pkg. deluxe or pepperoni 107, Totino's crisp pizza uy 1. BY assorted fruit flavours Quench crystals assorted McBig Value McCormick cookies 503 1. 69 Kraft Canadian process cheese food Velvetta cheese 19 so 129 69 Canadian process cheese food Black Diamond Red Rose - econo:ny chicken or beef 1% Bright's - Canada fancy wd Coll Rewndar Grind Coll Nahob tradition vac pack ground coffee g Ib. pkg. 23 Aylmer choice cut peas, green or wax beans or 2 for peas & 19 fl. carrots oz. tin Hh Sunspun tomato ketchup 19 orange, pineapple, tomato plus, apricot, grape drinks or Sunpac 4 10 fl. .99 juices cont. mg frozen McCain cornish pies or lasagna 1010 14 oz pk 1.69 Uncle Bens converted brand rice : - 1. 69 Laura Secord assorted . 425 gram puddings n .09 assorted divider pack 40 oz Chun King dinners un 1.69 VH s 121 sparerib sauce o: vu. .99 Derby meat mix dog food ize 39 regular 24's or toddler 30's Babyscott diapers 2.39 24 tablets or 15 CC mist 'Dristan 1.49 Halo shampoo on 1.69 Wilkinson super sword razor blades " .89 Values effective until closing Saturday, January 26. 1980. We reserve the right to limit quantities E.D. SMITH KETCHUP 1.5 litre bottle $2.15 1/2 Price « 21b. bags - 2 bags for 69° 2b. bag - 2 bags for 69° DOWSON"S rep & white F OODMASTER LOTTARIO AGENT PORT PERRY PLAZA SCUGOG STREET STORE HOURS: ., Tues., Wed. & Sat.: 9to 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri..9to9p.m.