To re SAR SL PNT a BNE FRET NE hf AALS IAS I HAA SU ORM fa . | ¥, ~ bboy ROR EO R 1 | PONCE 0 LER PLB TE Wr HEA > \ Sree gL » PLR VY AA Sn | : SANYO vi SH, Buyers Beware The Price Of Gold As the price of gold soars to unbelievable heights almost daily, dealers in the precious metal are | = / having a hard time keeping up with demand as small ol buyers rush to cash in on what they think is a ud bonanza. ! od The gold rush of 1979-80 is a perplexing economic fa phenomenon as there seems to be no limit to the gold War price ceiling. Prd Some analysts thought that $500 an ounce was the maximum gold would hit. Last week, of course, an ounce of gold was fetching $760 (U.S.) and the figure of $1000 an ounce is being mentioned. What is confounding the experts is that while the price of gold and silver continues to climb, paper currencies have remained fairly stable, and the composite index of the Toronto Stock Exchange is also at a very high level. There have been news reports recently of average Canadians lining up to buy gold, cashing in family heir-looms, taking their savings out of the bank and so on. They could get burned. Experts generally agree that the unsettling political and military situations in the Middle East, coupled with ever-increasing prices for oil are the main reasons why the price of gold has sky-rocketed. And ironically, the political and military turmoil in the Middle East could also be the reasons why the small investor should tred very carefully if he decides to get in on the gold rush. In the past year or so, oil rich states in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia and the Emirates have been unloading their petro-dollars and buying gold in huge: quantities on the European market. This increase in demand has boosted the price. However, unless there is a complete turn-about in the political and military situation in that part of the world (which is unlikely) the countries which have spent enormous sums to buy gold recently, may start selling that gold to buy weapons. If that happens, and there is suddenly a glut of editorial po ~ " HowvoOyeopooo ... /M WORKING My WAY THROUGH RETIREMENT --. * The influences that have been at work to drive the price of gold up recently are far beyond the control or even knowledge of small investors. If the bottom does start to fall out of the gold market, the small investor had better be prepared to move headlines. And the Toronto Sun, which sees a socialist behind every pine tree, is just as guilty in its blanket condemnation of the Liberals and NDP. Even the Globe and Mail has on occasion painted Clark in an unfavourable light, carrying on its staid gold on the international market, the price likely will quickly or take his losses § . t be . ront page lengthy stories contrasting the reception take 2 out 2nd enough, Bll investor may no given Clark at York University with the reception There are indications that this is already begin- Th > Med I a Slysh = d Broadbent by a group of students from the " i , i Arabia is highl : ea ase WW Bolg i The £8C's slection campaign coverage so for Nialanisi 4 re Saori y o ah Pity poor Joe Clark. As if he doesn't generate has been anything but stellar. That organization has mo Sra ane Tne oa ol ou oomond 3 ol ' 4 , enough problems on his own, the national media a reporter whose main job it seems is to dig out tiny Arabia must be concerned about its own military pod ale have it in for him during this election ut Hoary orth which may be interesting, copapilities n ihe face of the Sovist threat oh the The Toronto Star, Canada's largest circulation Important media outlets appear to have lined up iddle East. Already, a race fo buy new military. gaily, has been downright biased in its coverage of behind the candidates in this campaign. The media . hardware in that part of the world is underway. the campaign, especially in the choice of photos and (Turn to page 5) and clear skies. cold it would freeze the boobs off a brass I didn't dare demand anything for monkey; a March with so much snow we i | December. I was getting leery of the old won't be able to see the whites of anybody's © witch's moods. Apparently sensing my eyes; an April in which we'll all be skating i queasiness, she threw in the works: 12 to work, because there won't be any gas for \ o inches of snow; warm rain; green grass; our cars; a May like our usual March; a - temperatures from zero to almost hot. June with millions of black flies frozen to Fickle wench. death in their embryo stage; and so on. My grandboys came down from the It's not all gloom. I think some hardy frozen north, bragging about it, "The snow's spirits might be able to take a quick duck in right over my head, Grandad," and were the lake around August 1, though they may breath and hear from behind a sharp, kicked out into the backyard in their great have to break the ice to do so. ¥ SHE DID IT AGAIN ] "Track!", and once again have to leap off cumbersom snowboots to play in the grass. And think of all the money and energy There's something positively unnerving the trail into the deep snow while some They could have gone out in shorts and we'll save because we won't need any air- in the experience of going out in sneakers young punk of either sex goes by you like a fiddled with the hose, their usual July conditioning. Of course we might be burn- and a sport shirt, in the month of January, in Jaguar passing a tractor. pastime. ing our furniture to stay alive, but you can't Canada, to pick up one's newspaper, and Let them stew in their own wax. Let My. son arrived home from South take it with you, now can you? I think our being able to find it without groping through them frantically chew the toes off their skis. America, expecting to freeze to death, blood grand piano, fed carefully, leg by leg into half a dozen snowbanks to find that tell-tale Let them put on their great, thunking boots thinned from five years in a tropical the fireplace, will last longer than the dining yellow or green wrapper. and stomp around in the recroom. Let them climate, was exhilarated by the snow, anda room suite we bought aeons ago for $150. If our December-January weather was whine and swear and decry the vagaries of week later was running around in a light It sounds rather appalling, but there are any sort of omen, this is going to be a very ~~ Old Man Winter, who this year seemed to jacket, claiming that it got colder than this solutions. One would be for the party that unpredictable decade. _. know what he was about, for a change. in Paraguay. wants to get into power in this country to Personally, I loved it. Every night I'd Don't tell me there isn't a Mother My father-in-law, after spending nearly simply promise to send everybody south. say a little prayer: Please Lord, make Nature. It's just that she's a perverse old half a century taking the rural mail on days Just close up the country for the winter some snow for the skiers." With my fingers bag. Early last fall, I wrote a paean of when he'd set out in the morning with a except for Ottawa, which might as well be crossed behind my back. praise to the glory of a Canadian October. horse and cutter and nobody knew when, closed anyway. They could send us all in * Frankly, I don't care whether they have Mother Nature promptly turned on the or if, he'd ever get back, slipped on a bit of cattle cars, as the Germans did the Jews. It to ski on sand all winter, though it'srough on tap and sat there like a dowager having her ice this past crazy December and broke might even put us in second running for the the resort operators. Saturday evening soak, while we went some bones. Chosen People. It's pure envy, of course. There is through the wettest October since Noah was But don't worry. We'll all pay for this There is one other factor that could save nothing more degrading for a once-young around. once-in-a-generation aberration of Mother theday. It is not only possible, but probable man, a preity fair once-athlete, to sit in the I wrote another rather sharp column, Nature. As I write, it's just a little nippy, entirely so, that the next few weeks in this club-house drinking coffee and watching demanding at least a few days of decent sun shining, blue skies, and skeptical Cana- country will produce so much hot air that we ~~ ® those rotten kids come flying down the slopes like so many seagulls riding the wind. _ Unless it's to be plodding along a forest cross-country trail, desperately heaving for / weather in hominally horrid November. Like the capricious old trout she is, Mother promptly turned off the tap, lit the fire, and we had a November of unprecedented sun dians going around shaking their heads and muttering that, "We're gonna get it one of these days." And they're right. I predict a January and February so could all turn off our furnaces, open the windows, let it all flow through, let the grass green, and bewilder the living daylights out of the birds that didn't fly south in October.