h Aad ee, A Bl A ANON, = RUN A ars A by Earline Armstrong First of all-we are looking for girls ages 12 and over-if you wish to join the 4-H Homemaking Programme, please call Ileen Pugh at. 985-2146 or Bonnie Solomon at 985-2145. The meetings start the end of January and the project is on food. Wonder if boys can join too? Prince Albert Hall opened its doors again on Thursday night to the euchre fans and these are the results. Ladies High-Elva Kydd, Second- Helen Goslin, Low-Wanda Hicks and on the men's side were 1-Carl Gimblett, 2- Bruce Bright, and low-Jim Conservative, NDP Liberal meeting An all-candidate meeting featuring the Conservative, Liberal and New Democrat hopefuls seeking election in the riding of Durham- Northumberland, will be held in Port Perry on February 4. Sponsored by the Scugog Ratepayers Association, the meeting will get underway at 8:00 p.m. in the Catholic Hall on Highway 7A Ratepayer Association president Liz Perry told the Star the Association receiv- ed confirmation over the weekend from the three parties that the 'candidates will attend the meeting. Mrs. Perry said the format of the meeting will- allow each candidate to speak for ten minutes, and then answer written questions submitted from the audience. NDP candidate Fred McLaughlin and Liberal hopeful Ed Schamerhorn are facing Conservative incumbent Al Lawrence in the fight for the Durham- Northumberland riding. Port Perry and Scugog Township became part of the riding after the boundaries were changed prior to the federal election last May. Enumeration cards give you the right to vote More than 15 million "Notice of Enumeration" cards were mailed prior to January 11th to notify Cana- dians they are on the preli- minary list of voters for the February 18th Federal Need A LOAN for any worthwhile purpose? INCLUDING MORTGAGES! ROYAL BANK Port Perry Branch 985-7316 APPOINTMENT vachon inc. laude Cameron, Plant Manager for Vachon Inc. at Port Perry, Ontario (Flamingo) takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of Mr..Jean- Paul Gosselin to the position of Assistant Plant Manager. Mr. Gosselin is a member of the American Society of Bakery Engineers and has been with the Culinar group since 1971, where he acquired a vast experience in the plan- ning, organization and control of all the activities relative to engineering in the food industry. & | vachon inc. CULINar General Election. There will be no enumera- tion of voters, by door-to- door canvass, for the up- coming election. The preliminary voters' list for this election will be based on the final list of last May. Receipt of the card - called a "Notice of Enumeration' - will confirm to a voter that his or her name is on the preliminary list. "With this exception to the normal process, other procedures for preparing for the February election are essentially unchanged," said Jean-Marc Hamel, Chief Electoral Officer. "How- ever, there will be an ex- tended period for revising the preliminary list, more effort and resources will be employed in revision, and we will increase our information program so that all eligible voters will be able to take advantage of the revision process in order to get their names on the final, official voters' list. The notice of enumeration card, to be mailed, will identify the voter's electoral district, polling division number, location of the polling station and the date and hours of voting. Here's what to do if you do not receive a card but are eligible to vote: You should contact the Returning Officer of your electoral district for infor- mation and guidance regard- ing revision. This should be done after January 15, but not later than February 4. The telephone numbers of Returning Officers will be carried in Election Canada advertisements in local newspapers, or, you can obtain the appropriate number through telephone directory assistance. The revising period is between January 7th and 30th inclusive in rural areas and January 25 and Feb- ruary 4 (Sundays excepted) in urban areas. Once your name has been added to the revised list you are eligible to vote. Gibson. Lone Hands-Verna Draper and Effie Plough- man-14 apiece. Seventeen tables were filled, nice way to put a winter evening in, so don't forget January 24 is the next one. Tuesday night Mrs. Les Beacock accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clarke to Harmoney United Church in Oshawa to hear Rt. Rev. Dr. Tuttle, moderator of the United Church speak. On Saturday, January 12, 50 people from the Couples COAL ANTHRACITE (Hard) 501b. $5.95 STARGLOW (soft) 441bs. $5.75 val Prince Albert area news Club of Prince Albert and area gathered at Prince Albert Hall for a night of square dancing and round dancing, music being provid- ed by Eva Hunter, Geroge Freeman, Alex Ingram, Edna Beckett, Bruce and Myrtle Snelgrove and Bob Cawker. Square dance caller and M.C. was Everett Prentice. If you wish to get in on the fun and join please call Sharon Wanamaker at 985-2808 or Diana Brough at 985-7107. CARPET SPECIAL 1 Piece-12'x14' Reg. $130.00 Sale $92.35 2 Pieces - 12'x7'10%_ Reg. $72.00 A Sale $51.13 7 $399. LAKEWOOD Energy Saving WOOD STOVES PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 23, 1980 -- 7 Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock have been busy recently call- ing on the Bryan Beacocks, the J. Coates, the Weigers and the Van Ravenswaay family. Last Sunday many enjoyed touring the refugee home in Prince Albert, the congre- gation of Prince Albert and Port Perry United Church have joined together in providing a regugee family with this home and belongings. The J. McBrien School of Creativity will be invading Prince Albert Hall for the next several weekends, busy rehearsing for another production of "What Am I Bid", which will go on stage on March 13, 14, 15 at the Town Hall. Sympathy goes out from all to Mr. L. Johnston on Hurd Street over the loss of his daughter, Mrs. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong travelled to Campbellford and Wark- worth on Sunday to visit their parents. Phone Ileen Pugh at 985- 2146 for your news next week. nA. 1 HOLD NH WF : iy Panel your leisure room with STOCKADE EMBOSSED RUSTIC PANELWOOD ise tt on the cording, ton! VA arcoal Grey Available Wood burning stoves BS make energy saving E-| _! sense today. See our | wide selection of stoves today and capture the <7 warmth of by-gone days. from $9.25 sheet 5 E Te, 7; Ra ie TE . ne > os IN } ~ ~ oS { FLOOR COVERING There's probably a couple of floors in your house that could use a new floor. Now's the time to give them one. See our wide selection of economical. easy-to-install floors. 7 7 from $9.28 (32 sq.ft.) ww CEILING a > TILES STAPLE . i AAI done o BASEBOARD - easy ) eal for lots o {self 12" x 12" tiles household pro- | HEATER A y in assorted pat- jects. Easy gnp | Enjoy the convenience of a portable electic ry terns and colours ) handle heater to warm up chilly rooms. See our selection today. from $9.45 ea. rom $18.95 CORK TILES Make bulletin p boards any size, or accent your walls with easy to apply tiles. from $2.59 ctn. (Covers 4 sq.ft.) One of the quick- est ways to add 'space' room. Stick to al- most any wall from $16.39 ctn. (Covers 12 sq.ft.) MIRROR TILES / LUMBER 1 VALUE! SEs STUDS -- 2x4 ulility 92'/2" spruce $1.40. STRAPPING 1x2x8 Spruce 40° each y- LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. OSHAWA ROAD - PORT PERRY - 985-7391 Ne So » ~~ a --- Sr a! A NN ET -- ne a gt i eT ed