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Doug Wherry presented his trophy for the Best Holstein Cow to Peter Hoogeveen and for the Best Guernsey Cow to the Larmer Bros. The Best Guernsey Herd was also won by Larmer Bros. and the Best Holstein Herd to Peter Hoogeveen. Ben De Jong won the Field Crop Competi- tion and was presented the Hall Trophy and an indivi- dual trophy by Jim Byers and a certificate for Funks STEER THIS WAY ... By Colin Ball More auto makers are offer- ing diesel engines in their cars. Mileage savings are impressive. If your car's spark plugs are sooty, with an oily black car- bon coating, the engine is getting too much fuel - or there is too much oil in the fuel. Smoke tells the story. Black exhaust smoke indicates an over-rich fuel mixture; choke or fuel adjustment should cure it. Blue or gray smoke points to excessive oil burn- ing, which may mean heavy wear, gummy engine depo- sits, or badly diluted oil. If a tire blows, grip the wheel firmly and brake gently. Crawl Slowly to even ground to change the tire. Shock-absorber life de- pends on how and where the car is driven. They can go in 10,000 miles or last more than 50,000. Good care keeps all parts of your car running well longer. You can depend on the good care your car gets from our expert mechanics. Good care keeps all parts of your car running longer. But when your car is no longer giving you the service - and the good looks - you expect from it, see the great new (and late model used) cars at COLIN BALL MOTORS LTD. Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry 985-8411 Corn by Jack Green. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $4,445.71 after expenses of $16,950.48 had been taken from the total receipts of $21,396.19. The Directors in Charge of the various selections of the Fair gave their reports which showed a successful 1979 Fair in all ways. Various suggestions for improvement and new ideas for the 1980 Blackstock Fair which will be held on Satur- day, August 23 were made. It was decided to charter a mini-bus to the Fair Conven- tion at the Royal York in Toronto on Wednesday, February 20. Any director who wishes to attend, please contact either the President or Secretary. Election of officers gave the following slate - Past- President - Lawrence McLaughlin; President - Jim Byers; First Vice - Bob Swain; Second Vice Presi- dent - Ken Crawford; Lady Director - Edith McLaugh- lin; Secretary-Treasurer - Joyce Kelly; Auditors - Neil Bailey and Gordon Paisley. The Guest Speaker Mr. Ed Starr complimented Black- stock Agricultural Society on their very successful fair over the years. was in the form of reminis- cing over the years especial- ly regarding the progress of the 4-H movement. Following Ken Crawford's vote of appreciation along with a small gift to Mr. Starr a short presentation of slides of Blackstock Fair 1977, 1978 and 1979 concluded the evening's program. Lunch and a social visit brought a very worthwhile meeting to a close. SHARP - CANON TEXAS INSTRUMENT CALCULATORS & Adding Machines PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 His speech by Joyce Kelly Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Walter Lawrence and her family on the passing of Mr. Walter Lawrence after an extended illness. The funeral was on Saturday from the McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Chaplel in Port Perry. Many relatives and friends from this area called at the Morris Funeral Parlour, Bowmanville and attended the funeral of the late Rev. Stanley Snowden of Kedron United Church who passed away very suddenly on Saturday morning. Her many friends in this area are happy to know that Mrs. Stuart Dorrell of Charl- ton returned to Toronto General Hospital last week and had surgery to remove the wires and other equip- ment that had been part of the treatment for the facial injuries she suffered in Dec. Mrs. Ellan Venning spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug McMillan and family in Prince Albert. Forty-eight boys.and nine leaders of Cartwright Cub Packs A and B enjoyed an outing on Saturday. They attended the Ice Follies and topped the day off with supper at McDonalds on the way home. The Senior Citizens' Card Party had 20 tables on Tuesday evening with the following winners. 1-Ray Brown-92; 2-Ralph Day-83; 3-Flossie Aldres-82; 4-Meta Swain-82; 5-Ken MacKenzie- 79; 6-Vera Fawns-77; Low- Percy Van Camp. Four Cartwright High students, Howard Bailey, Elizabeth Kelly, John Green, and Marilyn Green enjoyed a day at the Mixed Bonspiel for High School students at the Newmarket Curling Club. Cartwright High School Well, on Friday great sighs could be heard in the halls of old Cartwright High. 'The worst is over," that could be questioned, yes, the exams have all been written, but now comes the marks on the exams, and even worse those dreaded report cards. The outer's dance Friday night turned out a good crowd of "cramers", and C.H.S. is hoping for the same great turnout for their Heart- dance on February 15. At this dance the 1980 Heart Queen will be chosen. Friday was also the first day of skiing for the ski club. The slopes were a little icy but the skiers were so Trophies were presented at Annual meeting of the Blackstock Fair Board last Thursday. Peter Hooge- veen [left] proudly holds both the Doug Wherry Trophy for the best Holstein Cow and the Malcolm Trophy for the best Holstein Herd, at Blackstock Fair; Ralph Larmer holding the Doug Wherry trophy for President Jim Byers [right] of the Blackstock Fair Board greets Guest Speaker Mr. retired Director of O.A.A.S. Ed Starr, anxious to get on the slopes, they probably would have skied on grass! Congratulations to Janet Weir's curling team, who won in the playoffs at the arena, for the high school. The winning team consisted of Skip Janet Weir, Vice Lawrence Van Camp, Durham College night record Durham College has a re- cord night school registration for extension courses be- ginning in January. There were 1499 students enrolled, compared to 1174 at this time a year ago. Best Guernsey Cow, won by Larmer Bros. Second Kevin Elliot, Lead Tara Lynn Bailey. This time of year, winter sports are at their peak and of course Cartwright High School also peaks in those sports. Our Winter Carnival will be held on February 15. This proves to be the high- light of the winter for C.H.S. New courses which proved most popular included car care for women, Cross coun- try skiing for beginners, home hair care, stock market in- vestments, and health and - fitness. Ben De Jong winner of Hall Trophy for highest placing in the Field Crop Competition, Doug Wherry who presented his two trophies, and Glenn Larmer with the Trophy for Best Guernsey Herd at Blackstock Fair. [ Photos by Beth Schryburt] RITSON TILE & CARPET 576 RITSON ROAD §., OSHAWA 571-2342 Choose from a wide selection of Italian, Brazilian, Spanish, and English Tiles. We carry a large selection of Carpets from Harding, Richmond, and Armstrong. "Also Vinyl Flooring from Domcor, Statesman, Amtico, Armstrong and Mannington. CARPET SPECIAL Nordic Shadows from Armstrong 100% nylon. Stylish cut pile saxony. $12.99 installed (25 yds or more) SPECIAL OF VINYL ASBESTOS TILES 0/80 - from 27° per tile *SHOP AT HOME SERVICE *FREE ESTIMATES *FAST INSTALLATION VARY bi « © p N L & é AR oq © [ V { 1 ® ¥ | @ * ® ' C Q J A ' L } » « Hoe