Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 6 Feb 1980, p. 24

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Classified Ads Card of Thanks The family of the late Lawrence Best would like to thank all who sent flowers, Heart Fund dona- tions, cards, acts of kindness in time of our great loss of a husband, father and grandfather and friend... Special thanks to our neighbours and relatives. Also thanks to McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, and Dietary depart- ment. Special thanks to Rev. Brawn, of the Port Perry United Church, Ambulance attendants and the Royal Canadian Legion. Ruth Best & family The family of Walter Lawrence wish to acknowledge with sin- cere gratitude the floral tributes, cards, charitable donations, visits and acts of kindness so freely given during this time of bereavement. Appreciation is extended to Rev. Parsons and Rev Brawn, McDermott-Pana- baker, the staff of Port Perry Hospital, and Nursing Home, all the Doctors of Paxton St. Clinic, the Masonic Lodge, "Ester" unit Port Perry U.C.W. for lunch after the service and all our neighbours for all their help and encouragement. Muriel Lawrence, Bud & Heather, Bob & Jane, John & Mary Ellen, Sylvia and Jim Cookson We wish to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and cards during our recent bereavement. Especially the Kendall family for all their help. Dave & Gerri Langille Birth JEFFREY - Ivan & Heather (nee Demara) proudly announce the birth of their son, Scott Glen, on January 17, 1980 at Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. W. Cohoon and Dr. R. Allin and maternity staff. MacDONALD - Gary & Linda are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Stephanie Leigh, born on Wed., January 23, 1980 at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. A wee sister for Steven. Proud grand; parents are Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Spencer of Whitby, and Mr. & Mrs. L. Savoie, of New Bruns- wick. Special thanks to Dr. Price and Alice Lee, Dorothy Nelson and all the maternity staff. SNELGROVE - Jean, Bob, Jennifer, Charlotte and Philip welcome with love the final addition to their family, Derek Bruce, arrived on February 1, 1980 and weighed 8 Ib 6 oz. Our sincere appreciation to Dr. Cohoon and maternity staff. At Rest JOHNSTON, Myrtle at the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Monday, January 28, 1980, Myrtle Palmer (late of Ux: bridge) beloved wife of the late Fred Johnston, dear sister of Edward of Port Perry; dear aunt of Clara (Mrs. Harold Martyn) of R.R. 3, Port Perry, Robert of Nairobi, Kenya, Helen (Mrs. P. Hutchins) of Niagara Falls, N.Y. In her 87 year. Funeral service at the chapel of McDermott: Panabaker Port Perry on Wed., January 30 at 2:00 p.m. Inter ment Uxbridge Cemetery. In Memoriam GEER - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand father Harry Charles, who passed away February 3, 1978. A little corner in our hearts, Is set aside for you, As long as life and memories last, : - We will remember you Sadly missed by wife Norma & family GEER - In loving memory of a dear son and brother Harry, who passed away on February 3, 1978. A little tribute small and tender, Just to say we still remember. Always remembered by, Mother & Elwood, Earle & Audrey, Norine & Allen In Memoriam DOUPE - in loving memory of Jim, who passed away February 8, 1973. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. Always remembered by wife Leta and family MARK - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Gordon who passed away February 6, 1978. Some day we hope to meet again, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. Mother, Dad, Sister & Brothers & families THOMPSON - In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Gladys who passed away February 8, 1978. Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. Lovingly remembered by, Jean, Danny, Lisa, Joe & Mariann Notice CLUB ANNRENE - banquet hall available for dances, weddings, etc. Call 985-7631 for further information. T.F. SCUGOG RATEPAYER'S ASSOCIATION could help you. 985-3596 or 985-3073. E.O.W. MORTGAGE FUNDS available at reasonable rates. Also mort- gages bought and sold, prompt and confidential service. 985- 3832. T.F. GREENBANK CENTENNIAL HALL - available for rentals - $30.00 per floor; $50.00 entire hall. Bookings - J. Greene - 985-8006. THE ANNUAL UTICA HALL: Board Meeting will be held at the Hall on Sunday, February 17 at 2:00 P.M. For Election of Officers for coming year. Also the community's approval for the acquisition of a parcel of land surrounding hall. Remember this is your Community Hall. Please Attend. Chairman-Bruce Houghland. F13 IVES FLORIST LTD. 985-2525 LAKEVIEW PLAZA A Complete Line of Floral Art For All Occasions. Flowers Wired World Wide. WEEKEND SPECIAL: Green Plants Reg. $12.50 $8.50 BARRISERVE INC. 175 PERRY STREET PORT PERRY 985-2215 Debt Consolidations and Management of Receivables and Payables Small Claims Court Attendances LOCAL FLEA MARKET Indoor & Outdoor Space Available. Interested Vendors Please Call: 985-7631 Notice Coming Events Coming Events POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 Coming Events BINGO - Every Tuesday night, Port Perry Lions Club at Latcham Centre. Early bird game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 per line, $200. in 54 numbers, minimum $50.00. T.F. LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- day, February 14, 1980. Jackpot - $170.00 in 52 numbers. Earlybird game starting at 7:30 p.m. F13 TURMBERG KENNELS TRAINING ~ CLASSES Starts FEBRUARY 12, 1980 Brooklin 655-4721 PRINCE ALBERT Community Centre - Annual Meeting - Wed., February 13 at 8 p.m. I" interested plan to attend. F13 VALENTINE BAKE SALE and Tea Room at Scugog Island Community Hall, Saturday, February 9th - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by Mothers Auxi- liaries for Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. Fé VALENTINE DANCE Catholic Church Hall SAT., FEBRUARY 16th 8:30 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Music by "Ectrus" (Live Band) Admission $4.00 per person Bar Privileges - Lunch For tickets call: 985-7430, 985-7987 or 985-7071. VALENTINE DANCE Nestleton Community Centre SAT., FEBRUARY 16 1:00 A.M. Music by D.J. Martin Kuipers Lunch - Bar Privileges $3.50 per person For Tickets call 986-5131. Sponsored by the Nestleton Area Recreation Club KINSMEN Heritage Week BINGO Latcham Centre MON., FEB. 18th 7:00 P.M. Extra Prizes - Free Admission St Peter's Couples Club MONSTER BINGO Every Tuesday Night Armstrong Auditorium 88 King Street West, Oshawa Starts at 7:15 P.M. GOES EVERY WEEK $1,000. JACKPOT $250. JACKPOT 20 Regular Games at $40.00 GIANT SHARE THE WEALTH Lic. No. 285001 Under 16 Not Admitted VALENTINE BREAKFAST - Sunday, February 10 at the Oddfellows Hall from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sponsored by the Oddfel- lows. Admission - adults - $2.00 Children - $1.00. Fé SCUGOG PUBLIC LIBRARY - films for children - Wednesday, February 13th - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. EUCHRE & BAKE SALE - at Scugog Township Hall - Feb. 12th - 8 p.m. Sponsored by Grace U.C.W. DANCE - sponsored by Central Seven Association for the Men- tally Retarded. Saturday, March 8, 1980 - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Latcham Centre, Port Perry. Music by disc jockey Tom Sweet. Lunch, door Prizes, bar privi- leges. $10.00 per couple. For tickets call 985-8511 - 9 a.m. - § p.m. weekdays. VALENTINE COFFEE PARTY - and Bake Sale Thursday, February 14, in the United Church Auditorium. 10 - 11:30 a.m. F13 HADASSAH Jean & Fabric Sale - Clearance of upholstery fabrics - 50c to $1.00. Brand name jeans and good selection of used clothing. Tuesday and Wednes- day, February 12 & 13. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Beth Zion Synogogue, 144 King St. E., Oshawa. HOT LUNCHEON - Friday, February 15th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church. Tickets $2.75. F13 EUCHRE - Oddfellows Hall, February 9, 1980 at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission - 75c. Prizes and lunch. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - regu- lar meeting at the hospital at 2 p.m. Monday, February 11. Ladies please note change of time. All ladies welcome. For Sale FRESH PORK - by the side, approx. 90 Ibs. include sausage, bacon, and hams. Cured. James Anderson - 705-357-3095. F27 IN-GROUND SWIMMING Pools - installed. All shapes and sizes. 30 mil. liners - colours & patterns available. JACUZZI filtration, main drain, relief valve, etc. Cordova Construction, Canning- ton. Sample: 16° x 32' fully installed with concrete bottom, etc., Only $4,645.00. Call Collect. Free estimates. (705) 432-2703. T.F. FIREWOOD - (still green) maple, beech and oak. Buy next years wood at this years prices. 4' x 4 x 8 (not cut in stove length) - $100.00. 4' x 8° x 16' - $40.00. 986-4726. F13 KOHLER GENERATOR - elec- tric start, 120 volts, 3.5 K. watts, like new - $900.00. Call 985-8044. GREENBANK - SEAGRAVE GROUP COMMITTEE Valentine Dance CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL Music by Motovation SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1980 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. $8.00 per couple ids, TOWNHALL KENNETH WEBSTER, Tenor and PHYLLIS COOPER, Soprano Accompanied by DAVID FAULKNER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th - 8:00 P.M. Tickets: Adults $6.00; Senior Citizens & Students $5.00 On sale at the Port Perry Star and Irwin Smith Music Ltd 1873 proudly presents hol SRT FR J WATERMILL . RESTAURANT & TAVERN Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester PHONE 985-3766 .. DAILY SPECIALS Veal Cutlet Baked Short Ribs 4 B.B.Q. Chicken FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS Charcoal Broiled Shiskabob Fry pan Fillet of Sole $3.50 REGULAR SUNDAY BUFFET -5 to 10 P.M. For Sale SWIMMING POOLS - Manutac- turer has an inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk-around patio, fencing. Regularly $2,295.00 Now $1,444.00. Call Collect - 1 - 519 - 623-4351 for further details. T.F. FIREWOOD - Maple and white birch - 985-3361. F27 TRUCK CAPS - Fibreglass, aluminum. From $249.00 up. Blackstock Trailers - 986-5696 - 986-4264. (Firewood - $45. F. Cord). F27 DRY MIXED HARDWOOD delivered. Ivan Mountjoy - 986- 4737. T.F. CASH REGISTERS, type- writers, dictation equipment, and photo copiers for sale, lease or rent. 985-2518. T.F. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond Street East, Oshawa, 579-5666. T.F. WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star - 985-7383. T.F. RABBITS - live or dressed. Phone 985-2762 after 6 p.m. CAST IRON TUB with legs. Call 985-3357. HEAVY DUTY - 6' blade only for truck - $175.00; 3 pt. 6' blade - $125.00; 34" snowblower to fit 7 h.p. tractor - $150.00; MPD 24 in. 5 h.p. snowblower - $395.00; McLaughlin cutter - $150.00; 2 wheel trailer - 4 x 8 - $125.00. 986-5517. METAL DOWNHILL SKIS - {Swiss) - 195cm. Phone 985-3630. HYDRAULIC CYLINDER - and pump, ideal for log splitter. Call evenings - 655-3101. '74 TNT SKIDOO and '76 TNT Skidoo - 986-5536. APARTMENT CONTENTS good condition, children's bed- room set, fridge, stove, sofa and chair, barbell weights, pictures, western saddle, bookshelves. Phone 985-3190 or 985-8596 after 6 p.m. GOLD RING - man's large size with K of C emblem, child's sheepskin coat, Persian fur coat, full size 18/20, Micrometers set inside and outside, dial indicator, portable heater (construction type), flourescent fixtures, vacuum cleaner (shop type) 1Va h.p. space heater with fan and thermostat control (Findlay), battery charger, drill press (jewellery type). Apply Black- stock, Ontario on Hwy. 57, east side, House # 12 or write to P.O. Box 992 Port Perry. RUBBER STAMPS - for business cr personal use. Fast delivery. Call the Port Perry Star. 985- 7383. T.F. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. We sell chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473. T.F. DRIED HARDWOOD - $43.00 delivered - 4' x 8'. Special rates for full cord. Call 985-2720 after 4 p.m. M5 CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. . T.F. i PIONEER CHAIN SAW - #1110 $125.00. One used Pioneer chain saw Holiday |! $100.00 also special savings on new Poulan chain saws. 986-4971. Fé ENJOY the Canadian Hot Tub experience. Sales and rentals, phone Joy McKay (Seagrave) 705-357-2227. TF. FISHER STOVES C.S.A. approved, and accessories avail able at competitive prices. Phone Donna Hazelwood 985 3640. TF.

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