Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 6 Feb 1980, p. 28

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a MS rT ph CB 23 Sw TN or, = fd ol, -- Cs = Sas ea : Yond a. hy i 5% BS rv? On Se A ee: ah 3 SR A a 29% A ek TE 9, Fi i Cu Nh £y \f a Sh 0h Gob N Sy hx YR = Re A LH AT ack SE a Sl, Arde > Xe 5 A = SDR) FARE w -- at 3 Ms es ¥ a [an = SAPR IL a Rh ANN Na On By CN a Ep ER Jo' Shek Lo Ma Ap SF 2 od pA Aa YAR AEE BR AY LAA TLE R14 FEAT OANA Ge OA EEE at NAR pd Seth Hed : RY aH 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 6, 1980 Work Wanted RESPONSIBLE young girl look ing tor babysitting [ob For information call 985 7633 MASONARY WORK, block, brick, stone chimney, and fire: places. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Phone 705-295 6987 or 705-745 6170 T.F INCOME TAX For Individuals Small Businesses & Corporations also BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Days or Evenings K. DAVE MUIR R.LA. 173 Lilla St. 985-7079 | Classified Ads Work Wanted COTTAGE RAISING, footings, foundations, alterations, and additions. Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705-745 6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. EXPERIENCED MOTHER will daycare in own home Black stock area. 986 5267 T.F. DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 WOOD WORKING SHOP Pine - Mahogany Furniture - Cupboards - Vanities PHONE: 985-7679 REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK Now Open Saturdays 9:30a.m. t03:30 p.m. N. REGIONAL RD. 8 ARENA HWY. 12 REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK FAIR GROUNDS LILLA ST. AUCTION SALES Auctioneers Auctioneers KING and JACKSON Experienced Auctioneers Household - Antiques - Estates Farms - Equipment - Livestock Consignments Ron King 985-2643 Murray Jackson 985-2459 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 SALE TIME([ 12 NOON HOLSTEINS Auction sale of 60 Holsteins selling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge including 40 head fresh or close. Included are young cows by Perseus Leader, Kemp, Rock: man, Ned, Starlite, Emperor, and Admiral Citation. A lovely 2 year old by Perseus Leader due before sale to Senator. A fresh 4 year old by Fairlea Royal Mark with a beautiful udder. Cows with BCA up to 212. Also some young N.I.P. Grade cows selling fresh or close. Calves selling by Clinton Camp Majesty, Quality Ultimate. Service age sire sells. Also selling 10 doses of A Nel- acres Johanna Senator. An excellent opportunity to buy cows ready to produce. Included in this sale from one herd are eight big bred heifers, by unit sires due soon. If you wish to consign to this sale please call. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Uxbridge 416-852-3524. F13 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup Auction Sales FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 SALE TIME: 7P.M. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lind: say, on Lindsay Little Britain Road. Wash stands, antique dressers, coal oil lamps, crocks, oak china cabinet, colour TV's, apt. sized Simplicity washer and dryer, wooden telephone, Sanyo microwave oven, qu. of chests of drawers, 4 pc. blonde bedroom suite, component set, chester- fields, maple dining room table, gate leg table, 3 pc. bedroom suite, qu. of railroad lanterns, and tools, Kenmore dryer, qu. of hand tools, qu. of china and glass, 1971 Ford van (not cert.) plus many more antiques, furni- ture and household items. Don Corneil Auctioneer - R.R. 1, Little Britain - 705-786-2183. In case of inclement weather, sale to be held the following Friday, February 15 at 7 p.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale of Furniture, Antiques and Tools at Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge including dining room suite, wash stand, chest of drawers, dresser, Aladdin Lamp, 2 antique decanters from barber shop, glassware, chairs, caned bottom chairs, drop leaf table, rounded glass door china cabinet, oil stove, barbeque, antique love seat, extension table, piano & bench, jointer, table saw, vise, tools. NOTE: Also all the contents from a home that has been sold - lady moving to an apartment. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilsons Auctions - Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 F13 Port Perry Agriculture Society honour board members at annual meeting On Friday evening, Jan- uary 25th, the Annual Meeting of the Port Perry Agricul- tural Society was held as a dinner meeting in the Latcham Centre, Port Perry, beginning with a beef dinner, ably ca- tered by one of our Directors, Clara Warren. Seventy-six persons sat at the tables for this dinner with a head table of twelve persons, including the President and Mayor of Scugog. At a pause in the dinner, two of our Di- rectors who have left our community, and therefore resigned 'from the board, were honoured with a pre- sentation. Mr. Ron Deeth made suitable remarks and presented a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chambers, who had served our Board so well in the past. Mrs. Chambers, known to us on the board as "Jess", has served as Pre- sident of the Ladies' Division of our Fair for the past year, and will be greatly missed. Jack has been chairman of the Commodity Division, and last year introduced the auc- tion of Hogs at our Fair. They suitably replied, promising to return to our community next fall for our fair. The Auditors report was accepted and the financial report was presented in print- ed form by the Secretary- Treasurer. This statement, having been presented to the people as they arrived, was - accepted as printed with- out any questions being asked, indicating that the financial affairs of the society had been satisfactorily explained in print. The minutes of last year's annual meeting were adopted as read, and the communica- tions presented indicated all business matters were in good order, and no outstanding accounts or business remain- ed. The Society on motion di- rected the Treasurer to for- ward a grant in the amount of $10.00 to the Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Association to assist in the continuation of their fine work. The President, Grant Par- Auction Sales SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Close out auction at property of JAMES WELCH ROOFING, OMEMEE on Highway 7, one mile east beside Seabrook's gas station. Eight trucks, sheet metal equipment, 22' office trailer, all finished construction trailer, equipment for doing built up roofs, 3 large hot tar pots with motors, one small tar pot, qu. eavestroughs, spikes, elbows, sheet metal, power broom, power roof cutter, qu. roof felt paper, roofing tar, flat roof insulation, two mini mops, scaf- folding, salemender heater, table saw for cutting cement blocks, Stone cement mixer, chimney tile, bricks, steel boxes, 8 aluminum extension ladders, 40° aluminum extension ladder, flashings, breathers, two trolly track motors, roof pry bar, wheelbarrows, insulation carts, sweeper, two hand hoists, qu. 4x4x14' pressure treated lumber, conveyer, 2 gravel spreaders, good 8 sheet metal brake, 3' brake, Brown & Boggs foot power sheer, seamer, roll former, *'S" locker, slitter, 8' aluminum ladder, Wilder elec: tric cutter, etc. plus trucks - four Chevrolet pick ups (2-1974, 75 & 76) two Ford 1 ton dual wheel platform trucks, 1-1975 Chevrolet 1ton with hoist, 1976 dump truck. Most trucks are low mileage, good condition and sold as is. Note time: 11 a.m. Sharp. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. No reserve. Sale managed and sold by Orval McLean Auctions Ltd. - 324-0182 0r 324-2783 Lindsay. Fé rott made an informative ad- dress, reminding the mem- bers of some of the accom- plishments of the Port Perry Fair Board and thanked the Directors for their support for the last two years. He called on the Vice Presidents, Joe Baxter and Irwin Smith, who presented a delicious looking piece of pumpkin pie, containing a candle, to Mr. Fred Christie, who was celebrating his birthday on that day. Although this was a humorous event, those of the Fair Board are fully aware of the great contribution that has been made by 'OUR FRED" over the many years he has been on the Board of Directors. It was mentioned again that when Fred was elected President at the age of Twenty-one, he was, and still remains the youngest man ever to hold that office. He blew out the candle and in the hearts of all of us who know and appreciate him so much, was the wish, 'Many Happy and Healthy Returns Fred." Not forgetting the fine work of Fred's wife, Ruby, our President reminded those present of the great honour that Ruby had brought not only to our Port Perry Fair Board, but to all of District #4. At the Convention of the "Association of Agricultural Societies for the Province of Ontario' to be held in the Ro- yal York Hotel in Toronto on February 20th and 21st, our own Ruby Christie will be installed as President of the Ladies' Section of this Asso- ciation for our Province, so we trust many of our Direc- tors will be present on this occasion to show how proud we are of Ruby. So '"'Congra- tulations Ruby, we are proud of you." Dinner music had been play- ed by Mr. Paul Kemp, who vas shown appreciation by those attending at this time. Our Mayor, Jerry Taylor, spoke briefly of the fine spirit of co-operation between the fair board and the council and pledge continuing sup- port. This part of the meeting drawing to a close, all offices of the Society were declared vacant. Mr. Ivan Bell, Agri- cultural Representative for our area was asked to accept the chair for the election of Directors for the 1980 year, for the Port Perry Agricult- ural Society. Marjory Wana- maker was appointed to act as secretary for the election of Directors. Mr. Bell read the report of the Nominating Committee who had met some weeks ago and prepared a list of nominees for said offices. Mr. Bell stated all those per- sons named had been pre- viously contacted and signi- fied their acceptance of the nomination and willingness to stand for election to office of Director or assistant. Mr. Bell then called for any additional nominations from the meeting. There being none, he proclaimed those named persons elected by acclamation for the year 1980. The concluding business arising was the appointment of Mr. Charles Willes and Mr. Kenneth Skerratt as Auditors for the Fair Board books and accounts for the year 1980. On motion duly made and resolved, the 1979 Annual Meeting of the Port Perry Agricultural Society was adjourned. Since no officers do now exist for the Fair Board, a short meeting of the Directors was held. On motion duly re- solved, Glenn Wanamaker accepted the chair for the election of Officers for the new year. After explaining the officers to be elected and the requirements for a se- cretary-treasurer, the follow- ing people were elected to office. President, Mr. Joe Baxter; Ist Vice President, Irwin Smith; 2nd Vice President, Arnold Kerry. For the ladies' division - President, Mrs. Norene Crosier; Vice Presi- dent, Margaret Ann Lamb. All these persons agreed to accept the office to which they had been elected, so at this time the chair was accepted by our new president, Joe Bax- ter. Our Vice Chairman, Irwin Smith had arranged some en- tertainment and introduced Mrs. Grace Hasting and a group of singers from the Scugog Choral Society, who sang several songs known and appreciated by all present. The group was suitably thank- ed and applauded by those present. "Back to business again," said President Joe, so for the 1980 year Marjory and Glenn Wanamaker were hired as secretary-treasurers, and Glenn as barn superintendent and grounds handyman. The minutes of the last Di- rectors meeting, as well as correspondence, was then read by the secretary, and any ac- tion necessary directed. The President recognized those people present who, though not Directors, had so very ably assisted in the successful operation of our Beef Buffet, Amateur Show, and Miss Port Perry Fair Pageant, All were applauded in appreciation. The President then asked Ron Deeth to again perform a service to our fair board and he suitably made re- marks of appreciation to our retiring President of the last two years, Grant Parrott and Sheila his wife as well as their entire family. He then presented them with a beau- tiful book entitled, "This Land and These People." Grant and Sheila, although surprised, replied, pledging their continued support. President Baxter then spoke of some of his hopes and plans for our fair, among them being the suggestion that we might look at the possibility of a three day fair in the future. Our head table was ad- orned with a lovely centre piece of fresh flowers. This was presented to the couple being married for the great- est number of years. Amid applause this was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry, a long time Director and now an Honourary Life member of our Fair Board. No further business being presented, the President cal- led for motions authorizing the secretary-treasurer to pay bills and conduct the finan- cial business as directed by the Board of Directors. The Directors meeting was the adjourned to the call of the President, and the local press as well as a represent- ative of radio, had an op- portunity to take pictures and interview the officers for 1980. Greenbank news by Helen McKean The afternoon group of our U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. James Ianson at 2 p.m. and the evening group will meet at the Manse at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Studinski in Guelph on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hood were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan. Several ladies attended the Indoor Gardening summary day in Goodwood. It really was a "'Breath of Spring' on a cold winter day. The beautiful plant show includ- ed an exquisite Orchid in full bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Roundell have returned from their well earned vacation in Florida. They thoroughly enjoyed all of the attractions in the Orlando area including Disney World. We are happy to have you back! Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lee had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Lee in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKean accompanied by Mrs. Anne Wills spent Sunday in Port McNicoll, visiting their mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. Archer. Mr. Lloyd Ashenhurst and his bride of Cardinal visited with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan on Friday. Sherri and Ricky McMillan spent the weekend with their grandparents in Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bishop and Scott were overnight guests of the McKeans. Remember you can't clean up this world with soft soap; it takes grit! Notice regarding the :Greenbank Community Centre At the annual general meeting held Jan. 30, 1980, there were insufficient volunteers to form a 1980 committee. Prior to advising Scugog Township of this problem, one further meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 13, 1980 at Centennial Hall beginning at 8:00 p.m. Anyone interested in having activities continue at the hall and park as in the past years should attend and be prepared to serve on the committee. Failure to obtain sufficient volunteers af that time will result in the termination of all activities and handing over facilities to the township. DID YOU KNOW.....that Scugog Community Care has a visitation programme with housebound seniors? If you would like to use this service Call 985-8461 9a.m. to 12 noon Monday to Friday PENS Pencils - Markers All Colours PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383

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