wie er ~ ASN OAS RS BE rie StI se Lat ~Y - ACR LAY SD aha 2 - eid Bay HR I nm EE a CN PT SO Ey Le 5 WA 0 K Fal 5 A -, o FER RS PARIS RB Se Oe Tt I RE Sy RE OM Sy --T SES Pl ec, a a, SS 'ATNIN TI ANUAN BY nN BT Le. TP I TAAEIRY CHAR Foe uss ited oA ca BN ASS "Ty AY a LH Se SE AD YA EAT RC Ppa beatia EA REE, SRUARCO RPE AC RA SAS ERTS TH SH BE a8 Re Th LN V2S wit Ja Lor iA Ne . UC EA LAREN RAL EN, FAIRE RY SAVOYE A 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 13, 1980 The Farm Scene BEEF PRODUCERS' ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Ontario County Cattlemen's Association was held in the Mount Albert Community Hall on Friday, January 18th, with a goodly number of local beef producers in atten- dance. The York County Cattlemen's . Association met in the same location, with the two groups holding separate business meetings in the morning, and joining together for the noon luncheon and after- noon programme. The main speaker on the afternoon program was Mr. Chris Mills, Secretary of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association. Mr. Mills' topic was "An Update of the Beef Industry". Mr. Mills indicated that the beef industry was going into the 80's in a relatively strong position at the bottom of the beef cycle. In the short term outlook, he indicated that beef would be in relatively short supply, but this would be offset by large supplies of pork and poultry. For this reason, prices of beef are expected to be sluggish for the next several months. Mr. Mills indicated that there was a great deal of uncertainty about the future due to the feed grain situation on the world market, fuel prices, and other rising production costs. Mr. Mills indi- cated that, while the beef cycle is expected to peak again in 1985, it is not expected to be as high as the peak in the previous cycle. Officers and directors of the Ontario County Cattlemen's Association for 1980 are as follows: President - Ron Deeth, R.R. 2, Port Perry; 1st Vice President - Hugh Clark, R.R.2, Uxbridge; 2nd Vice President - Bill Guthrie, R.R.2, Whitby; Secretary-Treasurer - H. Ivan Bell, Box "309, Uxbridge; Director to 0.C.A. - Gus Lask - R.R. 1, Sunderland. Directors are: Pickering - Glenn Squire - R.R. 1, Pickering; Whitby & E. Whitby - Bill Guthrie, R.R. 2, Whitby; Reach - Ron Deeth - R.R. 2, Port Perry; Scugog - Doug Crozier, R.R.3, Port Perry; Uxbridge & Scott - Hugh Clark - R.R. 2, Uxbridge; Brock - Harvey Purvis - R.R. 3, Sunder- land; Thorah - Clarence Hewitt, R.R. 3, Beaverton; Mara - Eldon Brown Jr., Box 128, Brechin; Rama - John McFayden, R.R. 1, Brechin. Directors At Large: Gus Lask, R.R. 1, Sunderland; Clare Bagshaw, Box 34, Cannington; Bruce Graham, R.R. 2, Sunderland. FISH FARMING From time to time, we receive inquiries at the Agricultural Office for information on fish farming. This has occurred in other areas of the Province as well, and to meet the demand for information on this topic, a seminar is being sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ontario Trout Farmers' Association, and the University of Guelph. This seminar will be held at the University of Guelph, on Saturday, February 23rd. The program will focus on several aspects of fish farming, including regula- tion, certification, management, engineer- ing, marketing, and financing. Other sessions will examine fish nutrition and health, and trout as a food product. The speakers will be specialists from the Federal Government, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and Ontario Minis- try of Natural Resources. The registration fee for the seminar, which includes lunch, is $15.00 per person. Anyone interested should write to the Continuing Education Division, Room 103, Johnston Hall, University of - Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, or pay at the door on the day of the seminar. ™N ~-- anc - Reg. $30.00 SPECIAL $25.00 5 FEB. 18 - 28: Facials reg. 515..$12.00 2 | - FEB. 25-28: Tints Reg. $10.50... $9.50 PHONE: 985-7991 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 20% OFF ALL JHIRMACK SKIN & HAIR § CARE PRODUCTS RICHARD'S Beauty Studio " BLOW the WINTER BLUES SPECIALS FEB. 1-28: Perms... 20% OFF 5] 14 FEB. 11 - 28: Bleaches & Streaks 11th ANNUAL B A Registered Retirement Savings Plan with absolutely no fees of any kind. 8 Inquire about the possibility of transferring your present RRSP to our plan. ® Savings option at 12)2%, subject to change quarterly. SERVING ONTARIO SINCE 1881 annually for 5 years GUARANTEED CREDIT FONGIER TRUST Lindsay Presbyterial U.C.W. by Loretta Zufelt The Lindsay Presbyterial U.C.W. Executive and local presidents met at Fenelon Falls U.C. on Monday, Feb. 4. The president, Mrs. Margaret Stewart, opened the meeting with a pre- session game. Mrs. Loretta Zufelt led in the opening musical Worship Service which had as its theme, "Praise Ye the Lord." The Call to Worship hymn, Lord's Prayer, Doxology, and Benediction were all sung and musical thoughts were given under the title "Songs in the Heart." From the Minutes we were reminded of the Presbyterial Annual at Cambridge St. U.C. Lindsay, On March 25 with Dr. R. McClure as guest speaker. Dr. McClure will be speaking at the afternoon session and any interested persons are welcome. Start now to plan for attendance at one of the schools for U.C.W. Septem- ber 5-7 at Quin-Mo-Lac Camp or September 16-18 at Renfrew. The theme will be "Adventures in Living" with Mrs. Genevieve Carter of Toronto giving special leadership. The treasurer reported a good year with $1600.00 being received for the Bursary Fund, $600.00 for the Andy- hyoun Home for Indian girls, $830; 00 for Quin-Mo-Lac and $27.613.00 for the M.&.S. Fund of the U.C. Other worthwhile causes such as: Alcohol and Drug concerns Inc., World Development and Relief, were also supported. Literature Chairman reported that any Church organization may procure a display of books and helps from Canec for perusal. The only obligation is the return shipping charges. Enquiries had been received regarding the saving of International codes. Contrary to publicity to the contrary these are being collected. The Civic Hospital in Peterborough uses them in their Occu- pational Therapy and Psychiatric Departments. (IE TTT SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS In Your Own Home GIL RUMMENIE 985-7860 | Call collect, drop in or write to our local branch for a 16-page booklet and RRSP kit. ® Toronto: 199 Bay St. (416) 862-7600 Kitchener: 745-1101 London: 679-9110 Ottawa: 238-6084 MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION They are then sent on to an organization in the U.S. which is able to use them to procure much needed medical machines. ~The president introduced Miss McRae, sister of the U.C. Minister on the Cambray charge, who has volunteered her assistance on the Presbyterial Execut- ive. She was warmly *Selective Cutting equipment. AL 20h UL SSR ANE SAR pe ESE A A Rca ne EE AN ED SDE WOODLOT CONTRACTING *Timber stand improvement *Trails and roadways planned. *Skidding by horse - makes an excellent seed bed for improved regeneration without damaging the remaining stand 'with heavy and large 0000000900008 8%0098000 As an owner of 5 wooded acres or more, you may qualify under the MANAGED FOREST TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM. Your net income from the sale of standing wood, and your woodlot, has never looked better. WOODLOTS COMPLETED IN THIS AREA FOR INSPECTION. For More information call: Sandy Menard, 985-7165 - 985:3537 evenings welcomed along with the new local presidents and area chairmen. Mrs. Thea Brandsma, on behalf of all assembled; sincerely thanked the president, Mrs. Stewart, for her fine leadership for the past two years. The meeting closed with the Benediction repeated in unison. TYPEWRITERS RENT-IT e IBM SELECTRIC ° oe OLYMPIA ° eo UNDERWOOD ® eo ADDING MACHINES ® CORRECTORS SMITH CORONA (Jue p {el [oer RIUIW:- Rel oN DICTATION UNITS e TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES DANFORTH TYPEWRITER 2940 Danforth Ave. ie] {e12} Co} 698-2589 408 Dundas Street Wast Whitby 666-1131 Sales & Sarvice THE DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST, EASY-TO-GET TO SHOPPING MALL WITH OVER 150 STORES AND SERVICES, PARKING FOR 5,000 CARS. Thickson Rd. S. Thornton Rd. S. King St. W.»n Elmgrove Av.g x 1 Gibb St. @& THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING EATON'S Sears "Bay CLOTHING & GIFTS, RESTAURANTS, MUSIC & MOVIES, BARBERS & HAIRDRESSERS, OPTICAL STORE, TRAVEL AGENTS JEWELLERY, ART GALLERY, FLOWERS, FINANCIAL SERVICES, FINE DINING, DRUG STORE, BAKERY, SUPERMARKET, SHOES, DELICATESSEN & LIQUOR STORE.