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A friendly place, a cheerful face, none of which will be replaced. Ed Palmer, Robt. & Marina Palmer, Harold and Clara Martyn, Olive Searle | wish to thank people for the acts of kindness at the time of my bereavement, for flowers, donations to Cancer, Heart, Hospital Auxiliary, Scugog Island United Church Memorial Fund, Progressive Conservative Party of Scugog Island Memorial Funds, for all donations. Special thanks to all nurses and Dr. Millar for the wonderful care Angus received while there so long. To Rev. Linstead for his sermom, Rev. Brawn for his visits to Angus both in Port and Oshawa Hospitals. Thank you Ladies for the lovely lunch, also for cards received even from Allan Lawrence and Bill Newman who know Angus always worked hard for the P.C. Party. Always Remembered, wife Reta Wilkinson We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the cards, letters, flowers, telephone calls, and inquiries from our many friends and neighbours during Fred's stay in the Toronto General Hospital. Many thanks. And a special thank you to our family. Fred & Gwen Lamb | would like to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Matt. Dy- mond, Dr. W.J. Cohoon, doctors, nurses and staff at Oshawa General Hospital for their effi- cient and kindly care. | am also very grateful to Rev. Robert Brawn for his visits at the hospi- tal. Also for friendS who visited me and sent cards and flowers and many who prayed for my recovery during my recent ill- ness. Bob Pickard I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, gifts, visits and in- quiries during my stay in hospi- tal and since returning home. Very special thanks to Doctors and nurses of Port Perry Hos- pital. Hilda Wallace | wish to thank everyone for lovely flowers and cards sent to me while in hospital. Many thanks to Doctors for visits and to nurses and hospital staff for their kind attention. A special thanks to Dr. Cohoon for his care. (Mrs.) Joyce Proctor | would like to thank all my friends, neighbours, relatives and family for cards, gifts, visits and inquiries during my stay in the hospitals. A very special thanks to Drs. Hammett, Millar, Price, Kestle and Grant and the nurses and staff of Port Perry and Oshawa Hospitals and ambulance attendants. A special thanks to 1st Seagrave Brownie pack for cards sent to me. Thank you all, William Keen Thanks to all our helpers, those who brought baking, lovely gifts, cards, and visits to the whole neighbourhood for making our Golden Anniversary a great success. Ralph & Vera Veitch Card of Thanks | wish to thank my children, Drs. Cohoon and Stewart, the Emer- gency staff and friends who helpea in any way during my recent confinement in my home. A special thanks you 1u the 1.0.0.F. for the loan of the wheel chair for six weeks. Elaine Fallis The 2nd Scugog Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and the Mother's AuxXi- liary express their thanks for the support and participation of the parents and everyone involved in making their Christmas Party and Auction a success. Special thanks to Aldred's Corner (Mr. Joel Aldred) for donation toward the preparation of candy bags. We wish to thank our friends, neighbours, and relatives for the most enjoyable evening of our 25th Wedding Anniversary, also for the beautiful gifts and cards that we received. Many thanks to our family for taking us out to dinner at Conway Gardens. Howard & Mari Woods Birth ALLEN - Wayne & Thelma are happy to announce the arrival of their son Gerold Maurice on February 1st, 1980, weighing 8 Ibs. 2 ozs. A brother for Joel. Special thanks to Drs. Allen and Cohoon and Mrs. Mountjoy. At Rest BALLARD, Edith Mae at the Port Perry Community Nursing Home on Friday, February 8, 1980, Edith Mae Flanders, beloved wife of the late Russell Ballard, dear mother of Dorothy (Mrs. O. Olson) Saskatchewan, Gladys (Mrs. P. Alm) and Grace (Mrs. E. Stadel) both of British Columbia, Della (Mrs. W. Abbott) of Uxbridge and Pearl Ballard of Oshawa. Also sur- vived by eleven grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. In her 82nd year. Funeral ser- vice at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker Port Perry on Mon- day February 11 at 2:00 P.M. Interment Kendal Cemetery, Utica. In Memoriam SAMELLS - In loving memory of Mabel Samells, who passed away February 7, 1979. Though absent you are very near still loved, still missed and very dear. Lovingly remembered by, husband Norman & family Notice BAHA'l INFORMATION Call 985-8197 or write Box 1153 Port Perry Post Office. E.O.W. CLUB ANNRENE - banquet hall available for dances, weddings, etc. Call 985-7631 for further information. T.F. Notice IVES FLORIST LTD. 985-2525 LAKEVIEW PLAZA A Complete Line of Floral Art For All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. WEEKEND SPECIAL: Dish Gardens 25% OFF BARRISERVE INC. 175 PERRY STREET PORT PERRY 985-2215 Debt Consolidations and Management of Receivables and Payables Small Claims Court Attendances MORTGAGE FUNDS available at reasonable rates. Also mort- gages bought and sold, prompt and confidential service. 985- 3832. T.F. THE ANNUAL UTICA HALL Board Meeting will be held at the Hall on Sunday, February 17 at 2:00 P.M. For Election of Officers for coming year. Also the community's approval for the acquisition of a parcel of land surrounding hall. Remember this is your Community Hall. Please Attend. Chairman-Bruce Houghland. F13 POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 Coming Events Admission 25°. SKATING SCUGOG ARENA PUBLIC: Starting February 2, Saturday Nights - 9 to 10:20. (1 Month Trial) Admission: 75° ea. FAMILY: Sundays 2:30 to 3:50 P.M.. Admission: 50° ea. or $1.50 per family. {Must be over 16 years of age or with adult who skates ) PRE-SCHOOL: Tuesdays 9:45 to 11:30 A.M.; Admission Free PUBLIC: Wednesday. February 13th - 1:30 to 3:00 P.M. PHONE 985-8698 (Cut Out for Future Reference) PROCLAMATION WHEREAS The Association of Kinsmen Clubs has been a vibrant, responsible, Can- adian Association of Service Clubs, devoted to the concept of voluntary service by hundreds of thousands of members dedicated to ser- ving their communities through- out Canada since its founding in Hamilton, Ontario in 1920; and WHEREAS The Association of Kinsmen Clubs has been cognizant of the needs of our Township and has diligently sought the development and conduct of timely, relevant programs to meet the needs and challenges of our con- stantly changing society; and WHEREAS The Association of Kinsmen Clubs are cele- brating their Diamond Ann- iversary on February 20, 1980; and WHEREAS The Association of Kinsmen Clubs are official- ly opening for the first time, their own Headquarters Building in Cambridge, Ontario on February 23, 1980; and NOW, THEREFORE, |, D. Jerome Taylor, Mayor of the Township of Scugog, feel that each citizen would welcome the opportunity to pause and reflect with pride the rich heritage of accomplishment through- out the sixty years Kinsmen Clubs have been in existence in Canada as a result of their dedication and determination in serving their community's greatest need; do hereby declare February 20, 1980 KINSMEN DAY and declare the week of February 18 KINSMEN WEEK; and urge all citizens to salute their local Kinsmen Club of Port Perry. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the Township of Scugog to be af- fixed this 6th day of February, 1980. Coming Events KINSMEN Heritage Week BINGO Latcham Centre MON., FEB. 18th 7.00 P.M. Extra Prizes - Free Admission WATERMILL RESTAURANT & TAVERN Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester PHONE 985-3766 DAILY SPECIALS Roast Leg of Pork Filet of Sole Veal Cutlet Cabbage Rolls FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS Quarter Barbecue Chicken 3.50 REGULAR SUNDAY BUFFET - 5 to 10 P.M. Notice [(} Cheryl: To Robert: To the one | love the most. My best friend. | don't love you Love Always, Brad because | need you. | need you because | love you. To Mike: Love, Kim Happy Valentine's Day. All My Love, Val To Glenn: | love you muchly bunches. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Pat Dear Sweathog: No words can describe my love for you. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Always, Scamp To my wonderful childbearing wife Patricia who has meant so much to me. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Gerry To the Loves of My Life: Muriel, Peter and Kyle. signed Butch To Dad: The most wonderful person in the world. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Mom, the Queen & Dings To Dad: We love you just because you're you. Be Our Valentine. Love, Debbie, Donna & Jenny To Gramma: Baby Hippo we love you. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Debbie, Donna & Jenny To the Scugog Lake G.R.S.: Thank you for all the fun we've had. Have a nice day. Elna and Sandy Walt: The easiest thing about being Number One is staying Number One. Be my Valentine. Smoky To Dad: Though your gone away for days, | think about you when | play, So this is my Valentine wish for you, Keep trucking Dad - for | love you. Jenny Happy Valentine to D.D. | missed you very much while you were away. Welcome Home. All my love, Bob Happy Valentine's Day Bampa and Mamma, Pop and Mamma. Love Lori & Dougie Rick: To someone who will always be a special Valentine to me! Love always, Kathy XO A Valentine for daughter Donna. Love Maw Happy Valentine's Day, Gerry. Love from your wife. All the words in the world cannot say how much | love you. Be mine, always. Love Sandy, always To my medium breasted Pros- pectonian. All My love. Always, Gord Coming Events PRINCE ALBERT Community Centre - Annual Meeting - Wed., February 13 at 8 p.m. All interested plan to attend. F13 SCUGOG LAKE G.R.S. FAMILY FUN DAY SUN. FEB. 24th 1-4P.M. LATCHAM CENTRE *Bingo *Fish Pond *Flea Market *Skating on the Lake *Snack Bar and much more. FREE ADMISSION For a table call: 985-3456 EVERYONE WELCOME VALENTINE DANCE Catholic Church Hall SAT., FEBRUARY 16th 8:30 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Music by "Ectrus" (Live Band) Admission $4.00 per person Bar Privileges - Lunch For tickets call: 985-7430, 985-7987 or 985-7071. Also available at Door. BLACKSTOCK BROOMBALL CLUB DANCE Rick Johnston's Country Blackstock Community Centre SATURDAY, Feb. 23RD $10.00 per couple Contact: Dave Dalton - 985-3878 COUNTRY JAMBOREE At the Port Perry Scout Hall Starring Carl Leitch and the Hayloft Ramblers & Guests FEBRUARY 24th - 2 to 5 p.m. Adults $2.50 Children 75¢ All proceeds go to 2nd Port | Perry Girl Guides le and Pathfinders KINSMEN BINGO scheduled for February 18th has been CANCELLED KINSMEN WEEK BINGO will be Feb. 25 - 7 p.m. Latcham Centre Extra Prizes - Free Admission St. Peter's Couples Club MONSTER BINGO Every Tuesday Night Armstrong Auditorium 88 King Street West, Oshawa Starts at 7:15 P.M. GOES EVERY WEEK $1,000. JACKPOT $250. JACKPOT 20 Regular Games at $40.00 GIANT SHARE THE WEALTH Lic. No. 285001 Under 16 Not Admitted LW