FLA UF RT LE AR GR A Rs ha F& 5 BRS I ey one Bet EAN Or LER PACA TR OARS Ra ENS = 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 20, 1980 N dvi from Prince Albert area D _- Wanamaker, who celebrated mens side high went to Joe (Centre was held on Wed. care there. ° - by Earline Armstrong | 45 years of happiness. Forsythe, second Norman pep, 13. The same board of more improvements on the It was Youth Week at 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ed barge Congratulations Bert and Birkett and low Michael djrectorsare in as last year. hall in 1980. church on Sunday. The 3 along with Charlene an Gertie from your Prince Hicks. Chairman-Charles Willis, The U.C.W. of Prince 400 cubs, Explorers and Sa May spent the past weekend port friends. Carolyn Hicks held 14 lone secretary Doris Jeffery, Albert Church held a pr 0c 0 ba 00a (00k 5 : in Georgetown as guest of Clint Chambers left for a hands. Don't forget Feb. 21 treasurer and rental-lleen successful bake sale at the a pledge and the. Sunday a8 Mr. and Mrs. George Ried. days of fun and ice for your next euchre party. pugh, other board members shopping mall in Oshawa ¢ =" joined in and sang 2 4d Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn i006 Lake Temagami. The Prince Albert U.C.W. are Ross and Myrtle Allsop, last Friday and Saturday. ~~ *° oy ] ai attended a surprise anniver- Fifteen tables were set and will meet on Wed. Feb. 20 at Mary Williamson, John Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock "pr 00 coo Angela and i, sary dinner party on Salut geq with euchre fans on 8 o'clock at Mrs. Jim Hunter, Fred Christie, WereinLindsaylastWednes- [= ©G° © 00 (UBC 0 3 day evening at the home of my, .4ay Feb. 14 at the Martins, remember the roll Dorothy Hope, David Sparl- day and spent the supper = 0 Fo nao Ba 5 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Prince Albert Hall. Ladies call. "Bring a picture of your ing, and Brian Bray. The with Mr. and Mrs. J. accomplishment of learning tH Wanamaker of Seagrave in pig went to Rosetta Stone, sweetheart". . board reports a very good Beacock and others. verses from the Bible in their En honour of Neil's mom and second Dorothy Arid and low The annual meeting of the financial year and hope to do The Couple Club, 26 in all, Sunday School class. Good iE We dad, Mr. and Mrs. Bert poo; Grandy, and on the Prince Albert Community went on a sleigh riding party = SF 00 ® 3 just beyond Little Britain on Phone Grace Beacock next i °® op ® Saturday night. The new " you have any news. RY: Senior citizens ce rate a Co] ine falling snow, starry night, oo" 7000 pleased to help i - and cold brisk wind helped 00% Yl CY 3 Township of Scugog re (Sunday) the Oshawa by this group to raise money add to efi and Rolie, one O by Ruth Gishler installment of payment of Concordia Pops Orchestra for a slower playing Record likes to By poh po . i The meeting had previous- tax for Senior Citizens. ~~ will again perform at Player, their lively numbers A) I oa d_ the ' ; ¢ oy ly been announced as a It was announced that on Latcham Centre. The public were well executed, display- B€ Puts win) oy om for Farm & Persona ye Valentine Bake and White Feb. 20th a pot luck supper is invited. Light refresh- ing vim and vigor. party be 4 Ns a on % Elephant sale. The hall was will be served at 5:30 p.m. ments will be served, follow- The beautiful setting for une ye §" Ing aes ro INCOME TAX i decorated with cupids and The hall will open for games ing the concert. this festive occasion was I Bice oF " Jou wi et Wi large valentines. There at3 p.m. prior to the supper. After - the Mizpah made possible by Doris JO! his Wy oat RETURNS 5 were two large tables, one The gentlemen will wait on Benediction one minute Greirson and all who helped ~~ Catherine Daigle at TL aC with a great variety of baked the tables. Progressive silence was observed in with the decorations. To the She would enjoy hearing Alex J. Shepherd C.A. goods, the other contained euchre will follow. Each memory of the late Myrtle ladies of the Square Dance Irom you. She tells me there 250 Queen Street ° many craft items, books, member to bring a senior. Johnson. group who sold the bake iS Some talk of a trip to the . jewelry, etc. There was a Other upcoming events: The Square Dance group goods etc., a warm thank C-N. Tower in March. Port Perry, Ontario great deal of buzzing about The Kinettes will entertain then entertained. They you. Helen Chalifoux is back in by the members, trying to the club to dinner and enter- performed several numbers. Lunch was served by Mae Owen Sound Hospital, she 085-7031 buy items. tainment on Feb. 22. On If the Bake Sale was put on Whybrow and her group, had a relapse on Saturday | or The meeting came to order March 23 at 7:30 p.m. followed by euchre. morning and is in intensive at 2 p.m. with the singing of ® the National Anthem, Ruth fe DIT TTT MITT To OTT Lo LLL 0 1 whee © Ashburn and area news ; The Presidents Roy graip 3 CREATIVE WORDS £ son, welcomed the members . = = S. . Ashton and family. : . O Son of Man Fo] and introduced the follaving by Mrs. E. Heron A Mr. and SeeoM message ind ne Sees : Veiled in My Immemorial being and in the ancient eternity z new members: Mr. and Mrs. The ladies Bible Class held prs John Cincurak, nee or lent. wl E of My essense, | knew My love for thee: therefore | created = Robt. Aird, Mr. and Mrs. Al their meeting on Feb. 13th at Christian love?" During the 2 Fo = : g Betty Gardner, who were : Ken H f £ thee. have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to = ® Brown and Eileen Snook. the home of Helen Batten. 1-1 ied Jact Saturday even- service Rev. Ken Heron o 8 thee My beauty oo ol -} Co ~The 'minutes of the ~The president Florence ing in the Thomas Anglican "Bracebridge sang a solo. E : s previous meeting read and Ashton opened the meeting Church, Brooklin. Our best ex Sunday being the first Z P.0.BOX 1153 PORT PERRY THE BAHATWRITINGS S adopted. Tirnie Healey gave with a2 good devotional yishes are with Betty and 1" lent, the Sacrame ill be CMIMINCHIHIMICIIIIITINIIICURIIIQIHINGNN R the treasurer's report, which period that was appropriate John and we are happy they Lord's Supper wi e showed a good bank balance. ¢5r this month and Bernie will live jn Ashburn. observed. ' Marion Rowlan, Corr. Sec'y. Gardner and Nellie Hopkins we are glad to report Mr. Just for today. 1 will not Peseta ERPS SRR RRR EN had sent two sympathy cards gach gave fitting poems. Wm. Davis is able to be find fault with friends or i . i N one to Mrs. J. McDonald, The study for the evening pome again after spending relatives or colleagues. I 5 D l i AP AR 0 and the other to Mr. Ed. was given by Muriel Fisher most of last week in the Yill not A to change or- § | i Palmer. Four get well cards 4nd she chose as her subject hospital improve anyone but myself. i : - i incliied, Done Bp D. Yoo the story of Esther, whichis Mr and Mrs. E. Heron 0 D ENTU R E TH E RAPI ST undie, tvelyn Allen and ope of the greatest love Rx nada Cord by 3 Isobel Dey we euchre stories in the Bible. Every- og Sa Wie RUBBER " 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St. S., report by Mae Whybrow for one found it very interestin i . 5 . Feb. 2nd showed that there one helpful pid the study Bragts Li in the Rearbor. ST AMPS H Uxbrdige 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 J had been fourteen tables. a short discussion followed chambers last Friday even- Fast Delivery i 214 Dundas St.E. 0 ravel reporl by Mary that brought out a few more ; y C) L: i Sweetman. The planned fall thoughts gn this interesting Ing when their ow anddaught PORT PERRY STAR ; Whitby 668-7797 trip to Deer Lodge, schedul- hook of the Bible. An presented with the Canada 235 Queen Street = "_g--m. i ed for Sept. 9th to 14th now interesting contest was Cord 985-7383 Oooo 0Oo0Oon0Ono0oooanoedaesdse5252525252525¢5252525252525252H has 21 members signed up. worked out around the word My and Mrs. Frank The reservation will remain Joye. A lovely lunch was Mitchell of Deep River visit- . open to further interested served by the hostess and gq recently with Mr. and parties. Price $175. for the 6 Margaret Davis. Mrs. A. Fisher and family. days and 5 nights. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vicers on the last Sunday of or: Roy Greirson read a letter of Fergus were recent dinner Epiphany at Burns Church, \ from the Corporation of the guests with Mr. and Mrs. D. Rey. McEntyre gave his py ULSI UT LTT Te HTT THT TT THN ITT Te ITT HITT ITTTITR wWC O ¢ The y | | Children's Boutique EE ANING CENTRE i 1 e q PORT PERRY PLAZA - HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY 985-3355 A - 158 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY . 24 . i : More Patron Contest Winners up to February 12th: Fg) FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE Beaty . 0. ; NL Joan Broome, R.R. 2 Blackstock Jean Rankin, Epsom - Cub J Mrs. Goss, Nestleton Reta Brown, R.R3, Uxbridge : | A Doris Cawker, Sunderland Irene MacDonald, Caesarea Winnie Watson, R.R.1, Nestleton Shirley Barr, Seagrave Sharon Goslin, Blackstock Randy Crawford, Port Perry 3 ¢ 8 Barb Vansickler, R.R.3, Port Perry Marion Sherman, Seagrave Tina Jones, Port Perry Cathy Johnston, Prince Albert Mrs. Silverman, R.R. 3, Port Perry Mrs. Fudge, R.R. 1 Nestleton A. Boan, R.R.3 Port Perry F. Corby, Blackstock Jean Wallis, Prince Albert Alice Turcotte, Blackstock Linda Irving, R.R.1, Port Perry Mrs. Savage, Port Perry - Jeff Cairns, Port Perry wy Brian Hartley, Oshawa Jale Starts Thursday, February 21 ; Mary Donaldson, R.R.3, Port Perry K. Heyman, R.R.3, Port Perry 7 ALL OUTERWEAR ! : fi GIRL'S DRESSES, SKIRTS, PANTSUITS : CONTEST WILL CONTINUE TO THE END OF FEBRUARY R " 1% ASHE HH Ser S13 Every day, Monday through Saturday, two names are drawn from our daily patrons. 4 a gy ; The winners receive their next week's washing and drying FREE! (Up to Four Top- i DRESSES, SKIRTS AND SWEATERS Lo srs reco 8 pro Tour Top x: : 1 Our girls Brenda and Kathy are there to help you out when things pile up. = y They will do the laundry for you and have it ready for you the same day. The charge 7 ) is small compared to the service! gol iN Our Clean Laundry Facilities and Pleasant Surroundings 8 s CJ T-SHIRTS and SWEATERS (Boys & Girls Long Sleeve) BLOUSES and DRESS SLACKS 1/ BOY'S SUITS ly: 3 OFF Make Doing Laundry a Little Nicer! Lele HTT TTT Te HTT TTT Ie HTH TTT TTT HTT Te LTT TH He LLU Le LLL Jo] Ee LTH THT Te TTT INT To TTT Te TTT TT Te NN Le LLL te