by Mrs. Earl Reader On. Sunday, Feb. 10 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sweetman celebrated 55 years of marriage. We well remem- ber their golden wedding celebration held in the community hall on the Island. So we again wish to extend our congratulations with a wish for more happy happenings within the next five years than they exper- ienced within the past five. However, they are a very cheerful couple and have together worked out their misfortunes and meet the world with a smile. Last week they were pleased to have friends from Kirkland Lake. They are missed in the Church where they attended and served faithful- ly for many years. The Scugog Island community Association has again made plans for social events for the season. The first gathering will be a dance at the Community Hall on March 1. Tickets INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS Ready while you wait. may be obtained from Linda Le Roy or Charlene Oram. Instead of a picnic or dance in May there will be a family fun night. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Le Roy were receiv- ed and welcomed into the Island Church when their membership was transferr- ed from Northminster United in Oshawa. Rev. Clarke also conduct- ed an installation service for new members of Boards and Committees as well as Presidents and vice presidents of the U.C.W.'s. Mrs. Dorothy Freeman called to the front the new Elder, Mrs. Linda Le Roy, the new Steward, Mrs. Doreen Adam, the new member of the Proper Repair Committee, Geo. Samells, the Head U.C.W. president and vice-president Mrs. Alva Thompson, and Mrs. Jan Gerrow, the Grace U.C.W. president and vice- "president Mrs. Florence 'Fralick (Absent) and Mrs. Yvonne Appleton. After reviewing the duties and a declaration of committal, the former group was welcomed by Elder Geo. Freeman, the second group was installed similarily and welcomed by representative Heidi Krieg. PORT PERRY STAR Rev. Clarke based his 235 Queen Street sermon on Andrew, the intro- 985-7383 vert and his brother Peter, the extrovert. Andrew was GOING SOUTH We have a Gorgeous Selection *COLE Bathing Suits *Early Spring Dresses * Beautiful Suede and Denim Co-ordinates ALSO LAST WEEK for Gigantic "End of Winter" Clearance Scugog Island quiet and has only three recorded speeches. At each time he introduced people to Jesus. This Thursday, there will be Jr. Choir practice at the Church at 7 p.m. and Sr. Choir practice at 8 p.m. Everyone attending the Island Church on Sunday was delighted with the appearance of the new front doors put on last week by Allan Martyn after being built by Scugog Lumber. Several people who have keys for the former padlock are now requested to return them to Bonnie Gerrow. There will be an Official Bd. meeting at Manchester Church Feb. 27th at 7:45 p.m. All heads of organizations with Elders and Stewards please try to attend. While some are planning a future winter vacation in the south, others have just returned including Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forder from Florida, and Mrs. Keith Davis from Australia. The Women's Institute will meet at the Hall tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 22 with guest speaker Mrs. Shillings of White Feather Farms. Fix up, Paint up and Clean up on the Values during PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 20, 1980 -- 23 Gold Cord Award Janice Bell, Port Perry received Guiding's highest award, on January 27 at the Port Perry Anglican Church. Janice is seen here receiving the Canada Cord from her mother, Mrs. Isabella Bell while Division Commissioner Vera Southgate looked on. She is a member of the 3rd Uxbridge [Manchester] Guide Company and plans to go on 30 become a Ranger. fo oY , - Peterborough Lumber's ¢ | Work Along With Us Work along with Peterborough Lumber and SAVE a bundle. We have selected a huge line Dresses, Blouses, Co-ordinates IN-STORE SPECIALS UP TO 60% OFF DOR-JEAN FASHIONS + 187 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-8274 I'm your local Alcan Authorized Dealer. Call me for a free quote on installing Alcan aluminum siding. THINKING OUTSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS To protect and beautify your home have siding installed before spring flowers EER Re, BSS arrive. aa Aa an ors ane > et MIKE ALLEN [ Alcan = Products Authonzed De ster CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM 985-3747 of savings to let you get started on your building projects today! RUSTICANA PECAN LAUAN BACKED PANELLING Our "BEST SELLER". Real ALL PANELS IN STOCK wood backing - ideal for below | Ol 4% g) grade pplcaion. ee. 10.00 8 8 9 OUR BEST BUY! OTHER ALL SNOW TOOLS Our Total Stock F Reg. Price Z BRICK Decorative Brick Facing Inca "Used" Inca "Old Chicago" Reg. $8.99 Sale $6.49 ctn. ELECTRICAL BUYS All Electrical Fixtures - 20% OFF Reg. 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PETERBOROUGH LUMBER BUILDING CENTRE 10 Scugog St. - PORT PERRY - 985-7334 RL RET andy, a ay Cane J ----- ERASE - EN St " ~ Ap a or AT Bt unit Tel aa re 5 > Pes - Veneto - oa Lehre NO - rH a ta SANTI nr ie Sen RE oh ri?" 3 I oR Dg V Tite A" De gd Ry ry a TY we RRR ERs) aT oi he Lh, LES SAD Ie Aur Sr, Say XI has Po at UT TN Sa ad i BPI Sra id DARA TR SAE