4 ERT 4 Te Pe lt pt ALT TR Ne - EE, FYE RY ALY £* hy 13 od Na Xv Bs SI 5 EF LR dB DE, ran ES AF LR BNL LI a ¥ ESAS SN UB: £7 S80, SELES | TRL ran ar DA rs, i AT Ye Ra e (HY ¥ Walt ey, e Row. 4: -~ 4 vA Iv AE BE YL s (#07 Jo he OU EFF i: wd TALE, A = Sk FRARGEAN CI NSW of iy n shode i Meeting of Greenbank U.C.W. by Helen Thomson The evening unit of the Greenbank U.C.W. met on Wed., Feb. 6th at the home of Elma .Roundell with 16 members and 1 visito present. a After repeating the U.C.W. Purpose in unison the group, Ruby Dusty and Elma Roundell, presented the Devotional on Love and Happy Thoughts for 1980. Mary Jean Till then gave a most interesting account of her trip to Denmark with her two sons who were playing on the Uxbridge hockey team that met teams in Denmark. Uxbridge won most of their games. They Artist wins award The 107th Ontario Society of Artists Exhibition opened in St. Catherines at Rodman Hall, January. 6th. Accepted into the juried show was a watercolour Gregory 5 painting entitled "The Cottage" by Mrs. Sheila Dantzer, R.R. 2 Port Perry. It won a Purchase Award presented by Artistic Woodwork Company, Toronto. i found the people there most hospitable. They were treat- ed royally and saw many places of interest. The business portion was chaired by Vice-President Helen Thomson. . - The minutes were read by Muriel Gibson, and the treasurer's report by Velma Foster. © Members were asked to keep in mind the Ontario conference for United Church Women in Waterloo University, June 20-22. Any- one wishing to attend contact Elma Roundell. The registrations should be made soon. The March meeting will be combined with the World Day of Prayer Service Fri. March 7th. All ladies are invited. Marie Cookman brought the quilt top which is ready to be quilted. Norrine Cook and Muriel Gibson will plan this quilting. « Motions were passes that we cater to the Cubs and Scouts Banquet on Sat. Feb. 23rd and to Darlene Gibson's wedding on Sat. July 12. We were reminded to be making Bazaar articles for November. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, and following Grace all enjoyed a delicious lunch served by the group in charge. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 27, 1980 -- 9 Power black-out hits 200 homes in Port Perry About 200 customers in Port Perry, including the Legion, Hospital and Curling Club were without power for a brief time early Sunday morning. The" power went out at about 12:30 a.m., but was restored by Scugog Hydro crews about an hour later. Hydro manager Larry Mabley said the area effect- ed was roughly bounded by Queen Street, Lilla," Simcoe and Kenny Court. He said the black-out occ- urred when two main fuses blew, though to have been caused when a motorist hit a guy wire at a pole near the intersection of Bay and Sim- coe Streets. Although Hydro crews worked for about three hours to find the break-down and make the necessary repairs, actual damage to the system was minimal. MIDNIGHT MADNESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29th Open 3:00 P.M. til Midnight For a Final Winter Clearance UP TO 70% OFF Closed Thursday, February 28th at 6:00 P.M. G.W.G. JEANS & CORDS *15.99. DRESS SHIRTS Arrow - Johnny Carson Robichaud - B.V.D. 37.99 ... SUITS Reg. to $310.00 wn 37.90 DESIGNER JEANS % PRICE SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve Balance of Stock - Reg. to $38.00 *11.99.. SPORT COATS 2 PRICE OTHER IN-STORE ITEMS REDUCED! Sales Final - Cash& Carry No Chargex or Mastercharge Accepted Alterations Extra OUTERWEAR Parkas, Ski Jackets, etc. "2 PRICE SLACKS Fall & Winter Weight 20% OFF PYJAMAS & ROBES 30% OFF ERLE AA Gregory sc Men"sQUWear Ltd. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 REA na - CR L AN 3 pw Liter EE 2 Seen BG x 3 : re, on 2 Pe 2) zero ~~ Cn ne RO aad tn > Pn AE ob ¥