yn arn NAAT ny bie AR Arad gad § Ah A IRAE SIERO En Tt Junior basketball Spartons oust Rebels in by Danny Millar Like their midget counter- parts, the Junior Rebels of Port Perry High School were heateu in LOSSA quarter- final basketball action on the other team's court. The Rebels were toppled 41-35 by the Spartans in Dunbarton, On Wednesday, Feb. 20. The game was played without starting guard Todd Wilbur, one of the best Rebels this season. Wilbur injured his knee in a hockey game earlier in the week. The contest marked the return to action of Wilbur's usual backcourt partner Kevin Harris. Harris has been plagued with knee problems almost all his high school basketball career, which just completed its third year. Harris is an excellent ball handling guard, who was sorely missed in the team's last three league games. He tossed in eight points in the losing cause. Brett Oosterman._led the Rebels on offence with 18 points. Peter Stone, like Harris, had eight. Captain Scott Sinclair rounded out the scoring with three points. Strong outside shooter Tom Allen was the top scoring Spartan with 13 points. In their last league game, Port Perry's junior Rebs stayed close to" the Henry Street Hawks for three quarters before going out in the fourth as they were beaten 42-32 at home on Monday, Feb. 18. Going into the fourth quarter Henry Street held a one point lead but they parleyed that into a ten point advantage in the final eight minutes. Whitby established the pattern of its offence early in the first quarter as Paul Connelly repeatedly tried to set up big Brent Sullivan underneath the basket for short jumpers and layups. As a result, Sullivan ended up leading Hawks scorers with ten points. Henry Street exhibited a' well rounded scoring attack as seven different players got on the board. Sullivan being the only one to reach double figures. Whitby was able to get to Sullivan for six points in the first eight minutes, as he keved a 14-3 lead. But Port Correction The Port Perry Star would like to make a correction in the wording of an ad run by H & R Block in last week's issue of the paper. Rather than reading Half Price for Pensioners at the top of the ad, it should have read 'Special Prices for Pensioners." We apologize for any inconvenience that this error may have caused H & R Block. OFFICE SUPPLIES available at PATTERSONS OF PORT 197 Queen Street (Across from the Post Office) 985-8332 came back in the second quarter, , capitalizing on several turnovers, mostly from Oosterman and Wilbur, to reach to 'within nine points. Oosterman missed four foul shots in the final minutes of the opening half. At the end of the initial half Henry Street took advantage of an extended rest period and retired to their dressing room. This is a practice most teams forego. Usually a team will rest the players who finished the period on the floor and allow the bench warmers to 80 out and take warm up shots. The Rebels came on very strongly in the third quarter as they forced and capitaliz- ed on turnovers to get back PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., February 27, 1980 -- 19 into the match. An Ooster- man shot from the corner put " Port back to within 29-28 less than 20 seconds left. The Hawks were in foul trouble throughout the second half as one player, Gavin Parry, fouled out with quarter-finals 1:06 remaining and another Connelly played the fourth quarter with four. Wilbur led the Rebels with 4 16 points and Oosterman followed with six. Stone and Sinclair each had four and Scott Wallace tossed in two. a While Quantities Last - Limit of 2 per customer 8 Jugs & Bags 1° 3 Your Restaurant Ice Cream & Milk Store "DAIRY BAR On the Waterfront - Port Perry - 985-8611 New Store Hours Monday to Friday 7:00a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8:00a.m. to 10:00 p.m. "GRAND OPINING am Saturday, March 1st The Diary Bar is pleased to announce that we have added a Convenience Store to our Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlour. We will be offering our customers a variety of quality products such as Milk, Bread, Groceries, Bulk Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Potato Chips and more - all at competitive prices. Also, to better serve you, our convenience store will be open to 10 p.m. - 7 days each week. Our take-out coffee counter will also be open from early morning to 10 p.m each day. We are sorry to have inconvenienced you over the past month, however, we are sure you will like the improvements. See you March 1st - 8:00 a.m. $ FOR 6 oz. Yogurt 1 While Quantities Last TEE : Cen ~ - " g a A St, CE A Pt re 2. et -- SNP pda » ay wg - wi a sera, Sean oe Pity "SA hd » RARE" oi Con r oh Hy a re E eg SU)