2% - ce AND a a She ry d V ' 7D S748 5 Ih Sor SD » g! 4 Cy ¥ > -- > ra Wy XP . AIK an hee AA ROARS AAS AR EAA AR 32 XSL ENRO MAO ISR MULTE & aa net em eg RE RE SERS TN thd BY Ler a AERIS? TAN RIICARE VILALTA C0 AL AES TERE CA Tae AE LACT ST BP ERE A EAA REI SE KOT ae pr a Re Ra [SDL 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 5, 1980 Scugog Island by Mrs. Earl Reader On the evening of March 11 the Grace U.C.W. will sponsor another euchre and Bake Sale at the Community Hall. Then on March 26 they will serve a beef supper with 3 settings. Please purchase. advance tickets from Mrs. Maurice Fralick or Mrs. Robert Taylor. So far the tickets are going very well, so don't delay or you may be disappointed. The residents of Fralick's Beach are sponsoring a Spring Dance this coming Saturday March 8 at the Community Hall. Please call Mrs. Richard Askew or Mrs. M. Johnson to reserve your tickets. Mr. Jim Callan has taken over as Cub Master. Mr. Rick Haist would still appreciate having someone to assist him with the Scouts. Todd Haist has had his operation on his hip and tho' in a cast is doing very well and is very cheerful. 24 members of the Official Board of the Scugog Pastoral Charge met on Wed. evening at Manchester with Rey. Clarke and Rev. Linstead. Reports and work were reviewed. It was felt that Manchester needs a new front porch and the Scugog Church needs insulation, therefore, certain finances should be set aside for these purposes. Mrs. Yvonne Appleton has canvassed for a renewal of applications for subscrip- tions to the Observer magaz- ine. At present she has about 58. If anyone else is interest- ed please give her a call and get payment of $3.50 to her. Of course it is necessary to increase the payment to the Ministers by 10 per cent and especially in travel allowance. It is therefore reasonable to increase the budget to cover increased expenses all around. We then hope you will take all this into consideration when you budget your weekly or periodic donations for 1980. Mrs. Mary Sweetman has been in hospital with heart problems and is out of hospital and with her daughter, Carol. We hope DEBENTURES GUARANTEED "INVESTMENTS 1 YEAR -13%% Annual 2 YEARS - 12%% 3 YEARS -12%% 4 YEARS - 122% 5YEARS -13¥4% 5 Years Monthly or Semi-Annually 13% SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE: 985-3832 All Members Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. Low profilé models -- 5 models 43 to 80 pto hp See your Case Tractor Important notice: The Case Company has extended its allocation of special incentive dollars to us through March, 1980, so we can continue to offer you big, big savings -- hundreds (or thousands..maybe?) of dollars per tractor -- on any new Case farm tractor. Exact price reduction depends on tractor model and your "bargaining" skill. ANNOUNCING ONE OF THE BIGGEST PRICE INCENTIVES EVER OFFERED ON NEW CASE 90 series 2WD's -- 4 models up lo 180 pto hp "The she soon regains her strength. The flu has sure knocked a * few people out for awhile. Young Robt. Taylor had to go to hospital for a few days. Mrs. Eliza Fralick is beginn- ing to feel more like herself. Many people braved the cold on Sunday to attend the Island Church. We were reminded of the days when people travelled by horse and perhaps were warmed by a wood fire when they arrived. But the poor horses had to wait in cold sheds. Rev. Linstead aroused the children to think of the results when they delay in making use of present opportunities such as a decision to follow Jesus when they are young. Next Sunday there will be one baptism. If any une else is interested, please contact Rev. Linstead. The Head U.C.W. Cook Books are moving. Don't be left out this time. Call a member or your correspond- ent. - Ratepayers-Individuals or groups are urged to submit nominations for the citizen of the year. Please sent a brief resume to the Scugog Rate- payers Association Box 396 Port Perry LOB 1NO or phone Liz Perry 985-3073. Deadline is March 14. ' This includes anyone in the area of Scugog Township. "qualifications are judged on "volunteer work within the community or town. Farm & Personal INCOME TAX RETURNS Alex J. Shepherd C.A. 250 Queen Street Port Perry, Ontario 985-7031 90 series 4WD's -- to 300 engine hp listed below. Save on the new Case of your choice. ROBERT C. HERON LTD. BOX 70, BROOKLIN, ONT. 416-655-4401 350 Utica and area news by Vera Brewn Church service this week is at Epsom Church at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School at Utica is at 10:00 a.m. The U.C.W. will hold their monthly meeting in Utica Church at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11. Members are ask- ed to please bring your wedding picture. Mark March 14th on your calendar as the U.C.W. are holding a Pot Luck supper at Epsom Church starting at 7 p.m. Revs. Bob and Bev Thompson will be showing slides and telling of their experiences as Ministers on a charge in Newfoundland. Offering from this evening will go towards helping to build a Manse on the Newfoundland charge. Everyone is welcome to attend. I have been asked to urge individuals or groups to submit nominations for the Citizen of the Year in Scugog Twp. Please send a brief resume to the Scugog Rate- payers Assoc. Box 396 Port Perry LOB 1NO or phone Liz Perry 985-3073. Deadline is March 14th. I believe also that the Ratepayers would like to have some person from this area serve on their commit- tee. Eric Carre has been our representative for some time now but has found it necess- ary to-give it up. There were 71% tables of _euchre played in the hall on. . Friday evening. Winners were Ladies-Mrs. Crosier, Doris Manns, Mrs. Campsall was low. Men-Richard Manns, Ross Wingrove and Tom Seeley was low. Freeze out winners were Richard and Stan Manns, Iva Yake and Frank Collins were second. There will be anoth- er euchre in two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. George Harper were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Elva Vice at Solina. Mrs. Mildred Thompson visited her mother Mrs. Miller at Mount Albert on Sunday. Recent visitors with the Sutcliffe family were Mr. Warren Sutcliffe and Brandy RUBBER STAMPS Fast Delivery PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 FEATURING: STE uit > SSR C v' ATER 3 Le eS Eh i. EAR SAE IEA 5 . be) od a £ TAS v. b » ASR POP No 2 SES RES LA 3 RE a 3 TRAY A oe 1 P Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sut- cliffe and Sherry, Mrs. Jack Miller, Mrs. Clare Brock- man, Michelle and Bradley. Mrs. Eva Sutcliffe and Mrs. Georgina Sutcliffe celebrat- ed Mrs. Doris Bray's birth- day at a supper with Mr, Earl Trewin and Miss Marlene Bray and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Mancini and Gena from Barrie were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall and family. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey were Mrs. Vila Evans of Port Perry and Mr, Vance Stewart froni Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Geer and children of Coppins Corners were recent visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer. 7] With this Ad MARCH 5 | Clip & Bring Me For A Professional 8x10 Colour Portrait VAPRIECE 4846 GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR NEW COLLECTION OF COLOUR BACKGROUNDS One sitting bject - $1 per subject for additional subjects, indriduals in the same family. Perens under 18 rust be toon on or or Dimited Offer ~ Not Valid With Any Other Special WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY -6-7-8 Wed. 10 to 5; Thurs. & Fri. 10 to 8; Sat. 10 to 4:30 5 STEDMANS HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY - ONTARIO (Regularly 88¢) groups, ARE YOU TIRED OF HIGH HEATING COSTS? You can now completely eliminate your present fuel bills with the All New, Bell Forced Air, Wood Stove-Furnace! * FORCED HOT AIR TO EVERY ROOM OF YOUR HOUSE * AIR TIGHT BURNING EFFICIENCY * LARGE LOADING DOOR * FULLY LINED WITH FIRE BRICK * HEAT EXCHANGER BUILT IN * HIGH OUTPUT FURNACE FAN Our furnace burns wood EFFICIENTLY. The unique round shape of the BELL WOOD FURNACE allows for better venting of the fire, burning the wood at an optimum rate. The unit is designed for two main ducts that send warm air throughout your home. The furnace will hook to your existing ductwork and can be placed near your present forced air furnace so that this hook up will be easy and inexpensive. KEITH BELL STOVE COMPANY R.R.1, OSHAWA - CONCESSION 9 - 1 MILE WEST OF RAGLAN PHONE: 655-3326 *TERMS AVAILABLE * Contact: . ' &' ¥ r ¢ SQ 9 / | J J LB e ¢ Q & » ®