PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 12, 1980 -- 25 LJ Coming Events | F For Sal ng S$ | For Sale or Sale or ale For Sale Used Cars ¢ ION BINGO - Th \ i ao Bingo will be on Thurs. | black FRAP pers, | thing differents A ior Ton marty | for May delivery 3652416. | OLD RED BRICK - cleaned. | 1974. NOVA- SS . Brown. new day. March 13, 1980. Jackper - | coos an. 350. No papers. | thing different? A Hot Tub Party | for May delivery - 985-2416. skidded, banded and delivered, | exhaust, brakes and radials, + LNA d . ) - could be the change you are 20c brick. Phone collect 705-745 auto, 69.000 miles, 20 mpg., certi $190.00 in 54 numbers. Earlybird looking for." For information call | SWIMMING POOLS - Factory | 4170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. fied. $2,150.00. 985-2006 T.F gamestarting at 7:30p.m. M12 | SKIROULE PARTS - bought and | Joy McKay (Seagrave) - 1-705- | pre-season special - 102' x 21°; 13040. ah sold. Call Doug Mcllwain, Peter- | 357-2227. . | 14x 28°; 16" x 32' from $1,295.00. ST. PATRICK'S DAY - Break: | borough - (105, 145 rors , T.F aE gl ios sn IN-GROUND SWIMMING Pools | 1973 DART SWINGER - auto, PS, fast - Sunday, March 16, 8 am. to : PINE KITCHEN corner cup- TE - installed. All shapes and sizes. radio, new tires excellent condi ¢ 1am atthe Oddfellows Hall. | 1971 SKIDOO - 335 Olympic - | board - $240.00. Captain's Chair - ~ § Dmilliners_ colours s patterns | ion - 5853533. Sponsored by the Oddfellows | $425.00. Also 1972 640 TNT twin | $55; Grandfather rocker, solid | CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed | 2Vo/able. JACUZZI filtration, " todge. Admission Adults i ; main drain, relief valve, etc. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK - goo 9 cylinder, twin carbs $650.00 | oak - $145.00; Tiffany type lamp - | and numbered or blank. A must c ; : Pn lind $1,800 $2.00. Children - $1.00. M12 firm. 985-8547 $110; Chicken coup rocker - $75.; for every business. We handle ordova Construction, Canning: condition, 8 cylinder ' ' id p 34 : ton. Sample: 16° x 32° fully certified. 1-705-357-3712. M12 Pine arrowback chairs - $55.00; | both Moore and Pakfold forms. | io, 7 on Tm CRAFT & BAKE SALE - Satur- | GOOD QUALITY hay for sale - | Cherry or oak chairs - $65.00; | Call the Port Perry Star at etc., Only $4,645.00. Call Collect. day, March 15th from 12:30 - 3:30 | 85c per bale. 655-3450. Colonial Pine chairs - $65.00; | 985-7383. Ei IE Tiong Sc Topn hon Used Trucks at the Scugog Island Community Pine washstand - $145.00; rmates. inf Hall, 'Sponsored by the Mothers SUITS & SPORTS COATS - Final Deacon's Bench 4' $125.00; WEDDING INVITATIONS, _ p Auxiliary for Beavers, Brownies, | Clearance. Good selection of | Brass Bed (double) - $385.00. | personalized stationery, MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car 1973 FORD VAN - As is. fies) @ Cubs, Scouts and Guides. M12 | colours and sizes. All V2 Price. From 9 to 5 call 985-8414. Reach | napkins, matches, playing cards, truck, mailbox, etc joe! for oier, 9857843, m9 Gregory's Mens Wear Port Industrial Park. etc. Call the Port Perry Star - Ce ' ) PORT PERRY MOJACKS - | perry Plaza 985-7383. YP. | Prices Port Perry Star 9857383 | 1979 GMC 12 TON - axa Sierra Junior C annual Dinner & Dance M19 | MUST SELL: 15 cu. ft. fridge, , TF | Classic with many extras - (705) Saturday, March 22 at Catholic 28" stove, 72 h.p. snowblower/ | SERVICE AGE BOORS - York- | SwIMMING POOLS - Factory | >> 3% Church Hall. Music by "Explo- | WASHER & DRYER Inglis | rototiller and a chesterfield. shire and Yorkshire/Landrace | overstock sale of new 1979 pools sion of Sound." Cocktails 6-7. nearly new to be auctioned | 985-8293. cross. Apply Maustyn McKnight | These com let ddan ic. | 1275 F100 SUPER CAB - seats 5, Dinner 7-8. For ticket informa- Saturday, March 15 at 12:30 at Uxbridge - 852-3536. aro oe Mio " ing, | PS/pb. Ziebarted, radial tires, tion call John at 985-7383. the Prince Albert Hall. Auc- | 1973 SNOW PRINCE - $100 or pump, motor and filter. Regular | 62:000 miles $3,2000r best offer. . tioneers King and Jackson - 985- | best offer. 986-4636 after 4 p.m. | QUALITY AMWAY PRODUCTS | price. 52.400 00 NOW s1 498.00 | 705 7862541 M19 & : - available. Call 985-2856 after 6 | cay | oll fr Scugog Lake USED BABY CARRIAGE - $20; | p.m. M26 IRN IPE RIAL POOLS toll free 1969 FORD VAN - 6 cyl. stan GRS Club SINGER ZIG ZAG Sewing | New change table - $25.; Please "| dard. carpeted and panelled, as machine, excellent condition phone 985-8533 after 6 p.m. DRY MIXED HARDWOOD is $675.00. or best offer. 986-4961 ST PATRICK'S 986-5112. delivered. Ivan Mountjoy - 986- Used Cars M12 : SOLID OAK bedroom suite 4737. T.F. MARTIN BIRDHOUSES - ten or | queensize bed. Nearly new. Call 1976 GMC 3/4 ton, heavy duty, twelve compartments, strongly | 985-3912. BOVIER DES FLANDRES born Lie rap pivlark custom, 4-wheel drive, certified - 985-2945. made, easily cleaned. A few left. ebruary 4, 1980. Purebred, no : » PS/pb, cerhitied in T.F. & | SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Order early. 985-2924. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - four ; Papers, brindle or salt and | November '79. Selling as is - Nestleton Hall drawer steel file cabinet, two nnd Mapas > $550.00. 985-8547. Wanted . ae immi ; arents to view. 986-5300. Music by The Sagittarian THINKING about a swimming steel typewriter desks. Call 985- Pp I y g pool? Consider a HOT TUB. Hot | 2153 days or 985-2830 after 6 p.m. M12 | 1972 PLYMOUTH - Fury Station $10.00 per couple Tubs are less work, less money Wagon, 273 engine, top running For tickets call and enjoyable twelve months of CASH REGISTERS " i UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, | condition - $1,000. Call 986-4841. WANTED by June 1st. Ground 985-7607 or 985-3456 the year, indoors or out. For a it dictati bi ype vinyls, foam, buttons made, floor apartment, long term, LUNC demonstration call Joy McKay wriers, cic a jon 2quipme : tools, etc. Ace Upholstery 1977 DATSUN - F10 wagon, new | adults, or small house, option to H - BAR (Seagrave) - 1. 705.357-2027, 7. F and photo copiers for sale, lease | 51a 204 Bond Street East, | tires, brakes, rustproofed, | buy. 985-8074 mornings. M19 ® © +. | orrent. 985-2518. T.F. | Oshawa, 579-5686. T.F. | am/fm radio. 985-8293. - Hon 30 H.P. POLARIS diesel, hydrau- i" PASTURE - for 15 head cattle - For Sale lic front end loader. Only 150 440 MERC SNOW TWISTER - | pio CAPRI - V6. certified, $1250. | 985-7491. hours. 985-3239. ' and '71 Merc. 9852640 after 6 | onc (days) 9857354; (eve: p.m. nings) 1-487-5716. TF. | GOOD USED Apartment size or he Oh Q upright pianos. Service and OFFICE DESK and chair - $135. | | 08 VALIANT - 6 cyl., auto, 4 | tyning available for all makes. 985-2640 after 6 p.m. ie sedan, certified. 705-357- | |rwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 , . T.F. ® Men s Wear Pt. AM/FM STEREO Component | ore paren" s10. 2 door. 4 with stand - $125.00. 985-2640 4. am/fm radio. new fires. | TRAILER & MOTOR HOMES - your headquarters for after 6 p.m speed, am/im radio, new 1ires, | Boats and Outboard Motors. Will x - ' many other features, certified. pick up and sell for you. No ONES BUSINESS MACHINES ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 | ~\SKing $3.950.00. Call after 6 | storage charges. Blackstock Bloor St. E., Oshawa. We sen | © 785-3826. Trailers - 986-5696 or 986-4246. * CASH REGISTERS * PHOTO COPIERS * . . : M26 chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, 1972 CHEV - 4 door sedan, certi- * TYPEWRITERS * coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473. fied. 705.357-3061. ' } * WEIGH SCALES * OFFICE FURNITURE * T.F. Wil Pick ue #ithoui charge N -- appliances, refrigera- . 18 Water St. - Port Perry 985-2518 ! FULLER BRUSH Products | GAS MISER . 1977 Honda Civic | iors and freezers. Empty your | E oilablc. 985-3477 TE station wagon, excellent condi- lars and garages. Will pay for # . he tion, radio, 4 speed, just repain- s . Also old TV's and radios. FORMAL Walter Kerry - 852-6798. ) TREES WAN A2 TED - will cut and ) 1973 CHEV - 2 door hardtop, | (jean yp, free for wood. Elm and FORD RENTALS RUBBER STAMPS - for business certified - 705-357-3061. hardwoods for personal use -- ~~ ; only. Please call Ralph - 985-8725 ® =f Jina D I MERCURY cr personal se, Post delivery, } 1977 CHEV WAPALA ~ 2 door y p 8725 (Rofo NR] PORT PERRY PLAZA on he Port Perry Stor. 8 | sedan, 43,000 miles, two-tone - 985-8160 : © | buckskin $3,500. Call 986 4331 OPEN THURS. & FRI. T0 9:00 P.M. FISHER STOVES C.5.A, | 99Ytime - 986-5389 after 6 p.m. WANTE D ' approved, and accessories avail . COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED able at competitive prices | 1974 PONTIAC Parisienne OLD CARS Highway 7A West - P.O. Box 1020 Phone Donna Hazelwood - 985 vougham, PS/PB, 350 auto. til} 1 3640 TF steering wheel, $1000 or best Licence plates are due If you are not , Port Perry - Ontario - LOB INO ARDIAN ) oo offer or will trade for '2 ton, or going to Diyos ta his your then ° } giveusacalla We wi Y rom you [ TELEPHONE: 985-8411 DRUGS "WHEN YOU'RE av$smebody - | boat 85d nojor. 9852993, 219 We need thousands of cars For your Get a sign. Low cost, Fast | protection. we are a fully licenced Auto i i i . PI Wreckers. licenced with Scugog Town- service. FORD TRUCKS 209 QUEEN STREET Soriice Magnetic Signs Ji PRINCE ship and registered with The Ministry : i of Transportation and Communication ! Be safe and sell to a Dealer % OF swimming pools - manviac- | | Al BERT Free Towing We can pick up cars % F turer has an inventory of 1979 SCALA BROS. above ground pools fo clear. AUTO SALES AUTO PARTS AND WRECKING % | customPpooLs POOL ENCLOSURES : Compisie with Hitler, motos, R.R.4, PORT PERRY 985-3132 Store-Wide skimmer, pump, walk-around 585 King Street okies - patio, fencing. Regularly . P | " * SALE * $2,295.00 Now $1,444.00. Call Prince Albert 985-3311 Ww. d press 00 rvice FRI. MARCH 14. 1980 coptect ! I 9 623.4351 to 1970 OLDS - 8 automatic. ps. anted to Buy * ' uriher details. Co pb.. p.w.. factory tape deck. in very a nd E ul ment Ltd good condition. local car. must be WANTED - used comics in good d P a: Before you Buy ... driven to be appreciated. New plates. condition. No collectors items . . . TRY Lic. DZS554. Certified $1,200. please. Will pay 20% face value. ° Complete Line of Pool Accessories and Chemicals. The Bookworm, 175 Perry St CENTRAL BOB ARCHER 1970 FALCON - 6 cylinder. auto. 985.5645 ' pr 97 REACH ST PORT PERRY: 985-2669 | dy 1) quoi soa ian, Junin) 8 : ew Plates Lic. , CARS & TRUCKS for wrecking UXBRIDGE, ONT. UXBRIDGE: 852-7637 ONTARIO HOOKER certified OR $500. As Is. Ross Auto Wreckers, RR 4 1 Li IRRIGATION CHEV OLDS Nestleton - 986-4843. TF. Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin | | . EQUIPMENT a1 | AA) BABY EEEF PHONED 331] * WANTED TO BUY * * Cut, Wrapped, Frozen | * Sides $1.49 per Ib Pumps - Guns C di & Am ican * Custom Slaughtering Sprinkler Systems BR EZNIKAR and lan erica MAPLE LEAF COOKED MEATS Meat Products $4.95 Carton (12 6 02 packages) vo a f ! CANADA PACKERS THRIFTY BACON Liquid Manure Sides of Bagi. Hin 5 fonts IY 261bs $15.00 (24 500 gram pkgs ) Disposal Systems . . TTLE BRITAIN fy wl, A aon LI Sausages - Bacon : : CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES || | i Sausages Bacon =~ Gold Rings & Watches MEAT PACKERS LTD. 416-349-2834 Government Spuciss 728-4455 : A - TF 705-786-2101 After Hours: 786-2445 85-773 TR SR far 5 PARA LN : - TH ---- REIN A RISER Aa 2 5 TA *y ERY Sad on me a = Sa ' FS: ona wes, ry 3 £2 2