Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Mar 1980, p. 28

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PP PT ¢ - eG) od -- Se ~~ J . Es Bors el Rs Tey a eo, ro i AE a Jae Ire nA es oats Ses Lag ra Ce Ay on Cran - REG Et TENG IE et OE FS LIRR SETS es " A TER ART NARA Ha: LENG Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted PERSON WHO LIKES PEOPLE and making money. Must be 18 years of age. Phone between? - 5 p.m. for appointment - 985-2040. MASONARY WORK, block, brick, stone chimney, and fire- places. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Phone 705-295-6987 or 705-745-6170. T.F. INCOME TAX For Individuals Small Businesses & Corporations also BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Days or Evenings K. DAVE MUIR R.LA. 173 Lilla St. 985-7079 \ INCOME TAX - bookkeeping problems? Let me help. Special rates for seniors, low income families. Will pick up and deliver. Call Betty - 985-3842. J30 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of snowblowers and snowmobiles. Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ontario - 705- 357-3526. © T.F. TYPING, INVOICING, personal resume, etc. 2518from 10a.m.to4p.m. billing, Call 985- T.F. EXPERIENCED MOTHER will daycare in own home. Black: stock area. 986-5267. T.F. FOR SEED CLEANING at its best take it to Swain's and let them do the rest. Make your appointment now - 986-4331. A30 BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY - Recovering of Sofas, Chairs, Skidoo seats, boats and auto interiors. Upholstery supplies and buttons made. Wide choice of fabrics. All work guaranteed. 23 years experience. Free Esti- mates within 50 mile radius. Call Austin Bartley - (416) 986-4731. Ag27 T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of Colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.s, and Hi-Fi's. We carry factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET T.V. UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 MUSIC for all OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER 'P & G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa DISC JOCKEY Available for All Occasions Reasonable Rates 985-8339 CROFT'S DRIVING SCHOOL PHONE: 852-3991 LYNDA"S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Established Since 1975 Experienced Bonded Cleaners RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Fully Registered Steam Carpet Cleaning 315 BLUE JAY CR. - OSHAWA 3795462 985-7732 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation OFFICE: 985-8216 WILL DO SEWING and altera- tions in my home. $3 per hour. 985-3948. TF SEWING & MENDING. You supply patterns and materials. Ill supply the labour. Reason- able rates. Specializing in Child- ren's Clothing. Phone 985-2862. INCOME TAX SERVICE - Com- petent H & R Block graduate will do Personal, Senior Citizens and Small Business Forms. Reason- able - 986-4257. F27 CHIMNEY CLEANING service - $25.00 and up. Durham Stove & Chimney - 985-8380. M12 Auction Sales FRIDAY, MARCH 14 «. SALETIME:7P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lind- say on Lindsay Little Britain road. Jam cupboard, wooden telephones, wash stands, Frank- lin heater, press back chairs, coal oil lamps, chests of drawers, chesterfields, antique dressers, Herman upright piano, colour TV's, cook stove, coffee and end tables, iron bed with brass trim, occasional chairs, broad axe, Viking refrigerator, pool table, cedar chests, quantity of china and glass, qu. of tools, 1971 Ford van (not certified), plus many more antiques, furniture, and household items. In case of inclement weather, the sale will be held the following Friday, March 21st at 7 p.m. Don Corneil Auctioneer - R.R.1, Little Britain - 1-705-786-2183. HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all kinds, trucks and banners. Call 1-705-786-2718 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. T.F. COTTAGE RAISING, footings, foundations, alterations, and additions, Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. Auctioneers JACKSON EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Household - Antiques Estates - Farms - Livestock Equipment - Consignments 985-2459 'CREATIVE CABINETS' Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? Don't Replace ... REFACE! WITH NEW DOORS & COUNTERTOPS also planning and designing of CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call STEVE LEE 985-3286 or GEORGE BURGER 1-705-432-2581 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items. MURRAY || PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN - AUCTION CENTRE Arigeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Hazel Dhel Bentley, late of Port Perry, in the Township of Scugog, in the Judicial District of Durham, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above- named deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of July, 1979 are required to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of March 1980. Administratrix will distribute the estate having regard only to claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Trenton, Ontario, this 20th day of February, 1980. KARTEN 8& WINKLER Barristers & Solicitors 80 Division Street, Suite 21 Trenton, Ontario K8V 555. Solictors for the Administratrix SATURDAY MARCH 15 SALE TIME 12:30 P.M. PRINCE ALBERT HALL The property of- MRS. HELEN RODGERS of Port Perry to be held at the Prince Albert Hall. Sale featuring Coldspot self defrosting fridge, Westinghouse self cleaning range with all accessories., Inglis washer and dryer all in excellent condition and nearly new along with many more articles to numerous to mention. Property sold. No reserve. Lunch available. Auc- tioneer - Murray Jackson - 985- 2459. SATURDAY, MARCH 15 SALE TIME: 10A.M. IMPORTANT COLLECTORS AUCTIONS The complete collection of glass, china, silver, some furni- ture, etc., the property of MR. ALAN JONES and the Late LENA JONES, Brooklin, Ontario being held at "The Canadiana Motor -Hotel" (401 Room), loca- ted ori Hwy. 401 and Kennedy Road North, Toronto. This auction features over 500 items of old glass, china, silver, etc., most of which has been in the family many years. Sale high- lights include: R.S. Prussia; R.S. Germany, R.S. Tillowitz, large collection of Old Nippon Royal Bayreuth, Dresden, Flow Blue, Limoge, Coalport, Nori- take, Royal Crown Derby, Minton, Wedgewood, Moore- croft, Copper Lustre, Cranberry, Ruby, Crystal, Vaseline epergne, art glass, Canadian pressed glass, Bristol, Carnival, Satin, Biscuit barrels, pickle cruets, Victorian cruet sets, Brides' baskets, berry sets, tea sets, over 50 cups and saucers, Royal Doulton figurines, Gone With the wind lamps, superbly carved Victorian sofa, oak rounded glass china cabinet, rocker, good selection of silver, and much more. Auctioneer's Note: This is an excellent private collection. Terms cash or cheque (with 1.D.). No reserve. Preview on Friday evening, March 14 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Sale Day from 8:00 a.m. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161 or 294-1890. M5 M12 Legal Notice After the said date the NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Veda Veola Regina Jewell, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of VEDA VEOLA REGINA JEWELL, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 2nd day of March, 1980, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of April, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed l-among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 10th day of March, 1980. KELLY,JERMYN, ZULY 8& MATTHEWS, Barristers & Solicitors, P.O. Box 131, 217 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solictors for the above Estate. Auction Sales THURSDAY, MARCH 13 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale to be held in the STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN. Household furniture, large number of antiques, tools. Terms cash. No reserve. Norm Faulkner, Earl Gauslin - Auc- tioneers - 640-3039. M12 SATURDAY MARCH 15 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. GIANT AUCTION Brand new appliances - furni- ture, complete balance of stock at COURTS FURNITURE APPLIANCES LTD., 79 Kent St. W., Lindsay, name brand refri- gerators, electric stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers, colour televisions, microwave oven, small appliances, chester- field suites, reclining chairs, mattresses, stereos, fireplace stereo, chrome suites, chests, all sizes of continental beds, all types of lamps, radios, record players, twenty five guitars and cases, drum sets, TV and record stands, bed chesterfields, irons, toaster, student desk, also some used items, refrigerators, ranges, chesterfield, washers, dryers, kitchen set, gas space heater, used gas furnace and ductwork, 120° wall peg board shelves and brackets, 33 - 8' flourescent lights and bulbs, 2 - 4' flourescent lights, Coke machine, snow blower, office equipment, two desks, 3 filing cabinets, cheque writer, electric typewriter, time clock. NOTE: full factory warranty and service on all new items. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. or financing available at sale. Absolutely no reserve. Building sold. Orval McLean - Auctioneer - 324-2783 Linsday. TUESDAY MARCH 18 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, tools, etc., at the Wilsons Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge. Included are dishes, silver tea service, coal oil lamps, 3 antique guns, Kirby vacuum, 3 speed mens bicycle - like new, tape recorder, 2 chain saws, humidifier, 8 track tape deck with tapes, portable chemi- cal toilet, TV electronic game, qu. of 78 records, CB aerial, tools, plus many other articles. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd i Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- i 852-3524. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 SALE TIME: 12 NOON HOLSTEINS March Holstein Sale of 75 Holsteins selling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north "of Uxbridge. 50 fresh or close to calving, bred and open heifers and calves. Early consignments include a tall GP "Ned." Her Dam GP, 2nd Dam Ex, 3rd Dam VG, due at sale time to Birch Hollow Royalty. A GP-83 3 year old with 147-163, 5 direct Dams all VG, due in April. A "Kemp" from a VG dam due at sale time. A fancy wuddered "Perseus Leader' fresh. A 4 year old by Trudgen Moch Four will be fresh at sale time to Starlite, sells with her '78 and '79 heifers. Also some fancy N.1.P. Grade cows, also 10 4-H age calves including 7 typy senior calves. Service age bull by Starlite. Consignments are being accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions - 416-852-3524. M12 SATURDAY MARCH 22 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. ~ PRINCE ALBERT HALL Antique furniture, Depression glass, Nippon china, parlour stove, regular furniture, tools, Black & White TV, school desk, end tables, two counter tops, fridge, partial list next week. Room for more. Will pick up. John Pearce Auc- tion Service. SATURDAY MARCH 22 FARM SOLD Auction sale of 121 head of livestock and some implements - 17 Holstein cows, 18 holstein heifers, 57 Charolais hereford stocker steers, 4 Hereford heifers, 14 Charolais heifer steers. The property of BILL RYALL, Lot 21, Con. 6, Mariposa Township, 3 miles west of Lind- say Sale Barn on County Rd. 4 or 2'2 miles east of Little Britain. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer - Rea- boro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. M19 Call 985-7492. - Auction Sales THURSDAY, MARCH 20 SALE TIME 12:30 NOON « HOLSTEINS Malmont Farms monthly con- signment of pure bred and grade holsteins at Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario. Features of the sale include the herd of Stuart Lamb, Bowman- ville, Ontario also 15 head from one herd all fresh or springing to help the milk supply. A VG cow from an R.O.P. and free listed herd. Service age bull froma VG dam and a second dam EX and also Seiling Rockman Semen for sale. Other entries welcome. Phone Ed McMorrow, Auctio- neer - 705-953-9444. Neil Malcolm - Sales Manager - 416-986-4246. M19 FUTURE MALMONT SALES Thursday, March 20th - 12:30 Noon -Malmont Consignment sale of Holsteins. Holsteins & Machinery: Cattle Sale - Thursday, April 17, 12:30 noon at the farm. Complete Vogel Holstein dispersal. 90 head of D.H.l.A. high quality eastern unit sired holsteins, including 50 milk cows. Machinery Sale - Saturday, April 19th - 12:30 noon - A full line of modern farm machinery in- cluding two John Deere 2120 tractors and a 12' Allis Chalmers combine, in excellent condition. More details later on cattle and machinery. Sale being held due to ill health of Mike Vogels, R.R. 3 Newcastle. Monday, May 19th - Malmont Sales Arena Eastern Angus Association Sale - Ross Bailey, Sales Manager. Thursday, May 22nd - 12:30 noon - Malmont Consignment Sale of Holsteins. For entries phone Neil Malcolm, Sales Manager - 986-4246, Ed Werry - 263-2225. M12 SATURDAY, MARCH 22 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Public Auction Sale of Gravely Tractor with attachments, 1979 Pontiac LeMans, choice house- hold furniture, chicken farm supplies, electrical, workshop, workmans, mechanics, handy- mans, farmers, tools galore. Miscellaneous etc., mostly all purchased new within last five years. For JIM TURUCZKAR and MARICA HARVATH at Part Lot 16 Conc. 4N, Township of Georgina on the 5th line - known as the Chicken Farm, 3 miles southwest of Pefferlaw, Ont. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Terms cash day of sale before removals. No reserve. Odd protectives. Farm sold, see poster for listings and full particulars. Apply to Clarke Prentice, F.A.l. - Auctioneers, Markham - (416) 640-3686. M19 SATURDAY MARCH 22 SALE TIME: 12 NOON FARM SALE Auction sale of farm machi- nery, truck, wagon load, and household items for the property of BRUCE KERR, on Pickering Sideroad 20-21. Farm located 2 mile west of Brougham on Hwy. #7 to Brougham Farm Service, then north 3/4 mile to farm. MF 165 Diesel tractor with loader, M.F. #74 3 furrow plow - 16", M.F. 220 10' disc - 3 pt. hitch, White 10' cultivator - 29 tooth, N.H. 258 5 bar side rake, N.H. 451 7" mower - 3 pt hitch, N.H. 273 baler, Brillion 5' seeder, Vicon fertilizer spreader, 12' packer, McKee snowblower, 3 pt hitch post hole auger, Allied H.D. blade, rubber tired wagon and rack, J B & D 3 pt. sprayer with 100 gal. tank, hay buncher, harrows, combination cattle squeeze and scale with attaching head table. NOTE: Above equipment in excellent condition, has been used very little, almost all new within the last two years. 1972 Ford Ranger 2 ton pickup, cap for truck, water pump, snow fence, 50 new iron posts, 80 rod new fencing, 2 water troughs, 12' hay .feeder, 4 new wire gates, mineral feeder, plus wagon load. Household items including water purification system, broadloom, old pay telephone, old wooden telephone, humidifier, Beaver jar, old boitles, set of 6 chairs - seats need recaning, fireplace accessories, tube style heat thrower for fireplace, deluxe colour TV antenna head, TV rotor, TV tower, plus many other items. Owner giving up farmina. Sale at 12 noon. Sale managea and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions - Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 M19 =

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