rd i CAH arm aN bod 4 7, TaN : Bh ni 0 3 Seig a a Fd ae S. er, 5 FIR / Lape She F a i Se io} 5 3 SIE EEE Ce Samer. 8 ANCA S. Te) a yp i REE" AN, i 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 19, 1980 DO ARSE NLA HOD SRP abd EE TRY Senay te tT RA) 2d ETAT ER ER TRG rr (PA SELLA Township to take legal action over trailers - Scugog Township is pro- ceeding with legal action to let the courts determine if trailers parked at West Shore Marina are contraven- ing a municipal by-law. The decision to initiate legal action over the trailers was made a couple of months ago by council, but proceed- ings were held off in the hopes that owners of the marina and the Honey's Beach property owners association could come to some kind of mutually acceptable agreement over the trailers. It was apparent at a meet- ing of council last week attended by lawyers for both the marina and the nearby property owners, that the two sides have not been able to come to an agreement. The dispute between the Honey's Beach property owners and the owners of West Shore Marina, which is about six miles north of Port Perry on Lake Scugog, has been simmering for a couple Queen Street road contract (From page 1) place in property values over the past decade. When this is applied to all the area muni- cipalities in Durham, the Regional levy can be appor- tioned to each based on a percentage of total market value assessment for the Region. In actual dollars, the increased Durham budget means that taxpayers in Scugog will have to come up with $997,000 this year, up by $173,000 over last year. As a further expression of their concern for the in- crease due partly to the equalization factors, the mayors of Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge have asked for a meeting with intergovern- mental affairs minister Thomas Wells and Premier William Davis. Mayor Taylor said they will ask the government for increases in the provincial structure to soften the direct impact on property owners. While the new equalization factors will mean higher taxes for property owners in the northern part of Durham Region, the effect in Oshawa will be far less severe. The net impact of the Regional budget there will be 4.1 per cent. In Pickering, the figure will be 4.9 per cent and in Whitby, 5.1 per cent. Mayor Taylor said he is concerned not only about the impact of equalization fac- tors on the Regional budget, but also on what they will mean to Scugog's share of the Durham Board of Educa- tion budget, which now accounts for more than half of every dollar raised through property taxes. The education budget for 1980 has not yet been set, but the equalization factors will be applied to it, and this could mean more bad news for home owners in Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge Town- ships. Rose to resign? of years, and several at- tempts to negotiate some kind of an agreement have ended in failure. At the meeting last week, lawyer Robert Sutherland, who is acting for the Honey's Beach property owners said blunty: "There is nothing more to negotiate. The rate- payers want the trailers out, and the courts should decide Archbishop tells councillor, choose politics or church Scugog councillor Reg Rose may have to resign from municipal politics on orders from the Anglican arch-bishop of the Toronto and area diocese. Councillor Rose, who is also Scugog's rep on Durham Region council, informed the congregation at the Ang- lican Church of the Ascen- sion during service on Sun- day in Port Perry. He told the Star Monday evening that arch-bishop Louis Garnsworthy told him early this year that he must either leave municipal pol- itics, resign his Port Perry parish, or accept a parish elsewhere. Councillor Rose said he will have to make a decision in the next six to eight weeks, certainly before his term on Scugog council expires this November. "At this moment, I'm still A $400 increase RN considering all the options available to me," he said. Councillor Rose was first elected to the old Port Perry village council in 1972, and has been a member of Reg- ional council since Durham was formed in 1974. He said he has no concrete reasons why the arch-bishop has decided he must make a decision at this time between church duties and municipal politics. Mayor gets wage hike Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor has been granted a salary increase of $400 per year. Council made the decision at its regular meeting March 10, and the increase will boost the Mayor's salary to $6,700 annually. Several weeks ago, members of council expres- sed concern that the compen- sation paid the mayor of this municipality was not enough considering the amount of time devoted to local issues in the Township. Councillors asked for a report showing the salaries paid to the mayors of other municipali- ties in Durham Region. That report was tabled at the meeting March 10, and the resolution to boost the salary was carried unani- mously. Despite the increase, Mayor Taylor remains the lowest paid mayor of any within Durham Region. Uxbridge, for example, pays its mayor $7700, and Brock Township comes up with $6825 each year for its mayor The city of Oshawa pays the highest salary of all in Durham Region, with Jim Potticary receiving $29,941. Whitby Mayor Jim Gart- shore receives $19,180, and Pickering Mayor Jack Anderson draws $18,000. That is $2100 more than Anderson received in 1979. As members of Durham Region council, the mayors of all the municipalities receive an additional $12,980 for their regional duties, so Taylor's total annual salary is $19,680, one-third of this tax free. the issue now." Lawyer Edward Iglar who represents West Shore Marina, said at the meeting that if the Ratepayers want the trailers removed, it should be the Ratepayers who initiate a civil court action, not the municipality. However, council. decided to proceed through the courts because the legality of Model of new li the trailers is being chal- lenged under the terms of a municipal by-law. At issue is whether there were trailers on the marina ~ property prior to the passing of a by-law by the former Reach Township council in 1966, which would give the trailers a status of legal, non-conforming use. At a council meeting last year, conflicting affidavits were presented to council, with one stating that trailers had been there for about 15 years, and the other saying the trailers have been there less than 10 years. Faced with this conflicting evidence, it was at that point that council decided the issue should be one for the courts to sort out. _masting room coals storage women's man's mechanicals staft office work arew adult library calalague dosk 44 study tarrols ii childrens area brary on display A scale model of the proposed Scugog Public Library has been constructed by Paul Arculus of Port Perry. The model is now on display at the Library on Queen Street, and later will go on display in several retail stores in Port Perry. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Council will consider at a meeting to be held on DURHAM APRIL 2, 1980 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY AN AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN to delete the following Section 9.1.4: "9.1.4 Residential development on those lands which are located contiguous to the Small Urban Area of Port Perry, Uxbridge, Sunderland and Cannington and which are designated as General Agricultural Areas on Map 'A', and where the extension of municipal sewage facilities is not possible, may be permitted on private wells and waste disposal systems, subject to the redesi category in this Plan." gnation of these lands to an appropriate Information related to the proposed amendment is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, and the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. If there are any questions related to this matter, please call Mr. L. Kotseff, M.C.I.P., Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation concerning the proposed amendment must be forwarded to the Region Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. L1N 6A Regional Council meeting. W. Beath Regional Chairman al Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 3, and must be received 48 hours prior to the C.W. Lundy, AM.C.T. Regional Clerk 4 A TATRA A ET a REY FV el DAT ATF mL) Fo AA AY Ri 2 ARR