Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 19 Mar 1980, p. 32

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oY india BA ARN LORE ati, fA, Kay Hi Snr VON REORLEN FE Oye 4 < JS : Fu ARAL LEC SAT AYE 2 VANES { N RATER S, MQ RIS Bt Nk SIR INTRA oo hil e FCW pHa EY WR Phat! IEE AN ¥ 3% & a EE RIERA SY 2 SL AE . a Tore i R ¥ [ x ¢ Used Cars Wanted to B Legal Notice Help Wanted | Help Wanted | Work Wanted 4 anted to Buy egal No elp Wante elp Wante FAN , ETTERED SI f all 9) 1973 CHEV - 2 door, hard top | GOOD USED STOVES, fridges. EXPERIENCED TYPIST fo | INTERESTED in selling your [ HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all | di certified. 1-705-357-3061. washers, dryers and all types of NOTICE TO CREDITORS k in accounting office for | crafts. For more information y : | ! op : asd AND OTHERS wor nung 1-705-786-2718 from 8 a.m. to 9 Sol turniture. Phone Greenbank - March and April on a per diem call - 852-6740. mn TE fd 4 1973 CAPRI - V6, certified, $1250. 985-3295. ' T.F. | In the matter of the Estate of basis. 985-7031. p.m. .F. Wi Phone (days) 985-7354; (eve- Veda Veola Regina Jewell, RESPONSIBLE PERSONS i! nings) 1-487-5716. TF. PAYING 14 TIMES face value | deceased. TOOL AND DIE MAKER required for part time work with| COTTAGE RAISING, footings, | foundations, alterations, and additions. All persons having claims against the Estate of VEDA adult mentally retarded people in a group home setting. Interest Eu for Canadian coins before 1968, h experienced in tool and die, jigs, 1974 NOVA SS - Brown, new gold, diamond rings, antiques will and fixtures. Apply Glitsch insured. and \ exhaust, brakes and radials, | and guns wanted. Dan Stone - | VEOLA REGINA JEWELL, late | canada Ltd., 18 Dallas St., Box | OF experience in Mental Retar-| supply references. Phone collect uth auto, 69,000 miles, 20 mpg., certi- 985-7057. T.F. | of the Township of Scugog, in the | ggg Uxbridge, Ontario LOC IKO | dation would be helpful. Please 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. AH fied. $2,150.00. 985-2006. T.F. Regional Municipality of | phone 852-3381. A9 reply to Central Seven Associa- SEWING ond aliera 1 # VN USED PIANO - any condition. | Durham, who died on or about tion, P.O. Box 964, Port Perry. WILL DO ING and altera 4 i X 1978 DATSUN - 510, 2 door, 4 Also pianos tuned and repaired. | the 2nd day of March, 1980, are | +60 ROOM Working Foreman - Hons inmy home. $3 per hour, th speed, am/fm radio, new tires, 655-4663. T.F. | hereby notified to send to the experienced in tool and die, jigs, EARN EXTRA MONEY at . 0 many other features, certified. undersigned on or before the 9th | "ti tires. Apply Glitsch | home, good pay, easy work, no ire Asking $3,950.00. Call after 6 | 500 BALES good hay. Call 985- | day of April, full particulars of | ~. .43114., 18 Dallas St., Box | experience necessary, start MASONARY WORK, block, 4) p.m. - 985-3826. 2382. their claims. Immediately after | gg, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1KO immediately. Send name and Brice, shine Shimnay, Sng tire Ho the said date the assets of the address to Box 11 c/o Port Perry | Places. Free estimates. or 4 WILL PAY $400 TO $1000 for 1948 | said deceased will be distributed | 27 Phone 852-3381. Stor. 'guaranteed. = Phone 7052958767 Used Trucks Canadian silver dollars. Also | among the parties entitled there- | LIVE IN COMPANION for home . or 705-745-6170. Fo wanted Canadian and U.S.A. to, having regard only to claims in Oshawa, light housekeeping. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST - Den- NEED YOUR WINDOWS and \ 1973 FORD VAN - As is. Best | silver and gold coins. 986-5454. of which they:shall then have | Helpful if able to give insulin | tal experience preferred. Send , y offer. 985-7843. M19 M19 | notice. needle mornings. Private room | resume to Box 10 c/o Port Pervy walls cleaned and haven't got the ; AT ' DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, and washroom. Garage avail- Star. time? Call for free estimates. f dad 1976 GMC 3/4 ton, heavy duty, | ANTIQUE CLOTHING - Will pay | this 10th day of March, 1980. able if needed. Have cleaning 986-5596 or R(705) 357-2454. fl 4-wheel drive, certified - 985-2945. | cash for petticoats, dresses, KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY woman weekly. Good Wages. BAUBYSITTER - two school-age (ks T.F. nightgowns, blouses, christening & MATTHEWS, Please reply in writing to Box #9, | children in my home. Shiftwork. i 2) gowns, furs, shawls, tailsuits, "Barristers & Solicitors, ~ c/o Port Perry Star. M19 | Own transportation preferred - 3% 1975 F100 SUPER CAB - seats 5, | lace collars, doillies, as well as P.O. Box 131, negotiable. References. Please DEAD STOCK 3 ps/pb, Ziebarted, radial tires, ! dolls and toys. Anything before 217 Queen Street, MICHELE LYNN Canada Ltd. | reply in writing Port Perry Star, : « N At 62,000 miles - $3,200 or best offer. | 1940. Call 985-8331. T.F. Port Perry, Ontario We have openings for fashion co- ; c/o - Box 12. . ol (705) 786-2541. M19 LOB INO ordinators in this area, Manage- FREE REMOVAL A F Rent Solictors for the above Estate. ment positions, also availble. REGISTERED NURSE - part fal Sn owmobiles or Free kits, no investments, and | time, medical Clinic. Contact C. of fresh, dead or I i ies. P 76- . Dinning during business hours - H i DX INREE BEDROOM house in no deliveries. Phone 576 ns Dinaing disabled animals. J 41H ® Little Britain - $270.00 monthly ; ; XA "1974 SNOWMOBILE - $550 or eas N ect: iy best offer. 986-5606. plus 4) lines. To view phone 416- . h SALES PEOPLE wanted for ' Please Dial Dir =. ¥ ; hp -3055. M19 lla Magnetic Signs. Age no barrier. 8 J 1 RS SNOW CRUISER snowmobile Misce neous. Call 723-6894. 'When you're a MARGWILL - . io suitable for second machine, | FIVE BEDROOM house, Sea somebody, Get a Sign.' Als FUR FARM 0 900d condition. Call 985-2269 or | 9rave fridge, stove, carpets an f i's 2393 after 5:30 p.m. curtains, partly wooded 1 acre Hampton 416-263-2721 gy lot, electric heating and wood PORT PERRY Agricultural i Society requires Assistant Secre- tary-Treasurer. Applications stove. Two year lease - $375. monthly plus utilities. 723-3492. :! Wanted DUNWOODY LIMITED M26 p y will be received in writing until } 4 CULTIVATOR to fit an Allis $ FOUR BEDROOM TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY March 25th, 1980. Apply to Mar- . ] EJ : \ Chalmers Model B tractor - 985- SZACIOU ith fireplace, "sae - ' jory and Glenn Wanamaker, IN OME % : © 7661. M26 | farm house wi replace, Sect.-Treas.; Port Perry Agricul- C } > of garage and barn, south of Lind- 57 Simcoe St. S., Suite 1A, tural Society, 448 Lilla Street, say - $325.00 monthly. Referen- x Vis GOOD USED Apartment size or Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO. AX i eo et ett Oshawa, L1H 7L9 ai i Irwin Smith Music Lid. - 985-2635 | RENT A POOL - Swimming pool PHONE: 576-3430 P.0. BOX 516 For Individuals A I | Co ah des & Small Businesses E04 _ i amily-sized poo @ gis TRAILER & MOTOR HOMES - conics, with walkway, sn MICHELE LYN Reasonable Rates $ 3 & Wil Boats and Outboard Motors. Will eck and fencing, on a renta A pick up and sell for you. No lass wit Soop to Boy. Your CANADA LTD. JOYCE KELLY SE storage charges. Blackstock | choice ot style. Try ore you ' A Trailers - 956.5000 OF Y85-adg. buy! Call IMPERIAL POOLS - Real Estate surrounding area. - H &R Block Graduate M26 | Toll Free - 1-800-268-5970. BN Fpl ' BLACKSTOCK 986-4257 revious direct sales exper- : WILL PICK UP without charge i all used appliances, refrigera- Wanted fo Rent lence an asset. LC . ors and rece s, Empty your Free Kit and Training. 1% cellars and garages. Will pay for PASTURE for 15 head of cattle - A some. Also old TV's and radios. | 985.7491. No Investment or Deliveries. M U SI { ' Call 986-4926. T.F. '3 - RELIABLE FAMILY requires Commission & Bonus Plan. for all TREES WANTED - will cut and | three to four bedroom home. 728-3470 clean up, free for wood. Elm and Prefer large lot, full basement, OCCASIONS hardwoods - I zone) use | off street parking. Long term only. Please call Ralph - 985-8725 | rental or lease. Will do redecora- : M19 | ting and/or repairs as required. Work Wanted Weddings, Dances, etc. 9 3 P Approximately $325 per month. CHIANEY CLEANING ' f Please call 686-2814 Ajax. A2 IMN service - $25.00 and up. Durham Stove & . CALL PETER | . Oar ' WANTE D Give Awa | Chimney - 985-8380. M12 . P&G SOUNDS OLD CARS y : TAT EXPERIENCED MOTHER will | 579-6991 Oshawa - - 104% MORTGAGE - Swimming, fishing, boat- daycare in own home. Black- Liggnes pisies are doe Jou 976 rok MTT eas - litter trained - 1-705- ing. It will be like owning your own lake, stock area. 986-5267. T.F. going to plate your car this year, then . : ire oll nse wba oI when you live in this three bedroom raised " . bungalow. Garage, fireplace, dining room. This may be the find that you are looking for. Call Al Werry 571-0600 or 263-8190. 'CREATIVE CABINETS' COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - PORT PERRY - i Ki i ? ! $100,000. consisting of 2 storey home and 2,000 Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? A We need thousands of cars. For your protection, we are a fully licenced Auto | !- Wreckers, licenced with Scugog Town- ship and registered with The Ministry of Transportation and Communication. Be safe and sell to a Dealer. Free Towing. We can pick up cars. FREE TO GOOD HOME *' one year old part Springer medium size dog, had all shots, loves kids. 985-3519. alo BEALA BROS, hE Lost sq. ft. shop. Suitable for numerous business Don't Replace ... REFACE! RRA, PORT PERRY 9853132 || Fox WOUND - mate wires ventures on three lots. Owner says "rush". For WITH NEW DOORS & COUNTERTOPS ? ° -- A Ort erry rar appointment to view or details call Herb Law- also planning and designing of : Wanted to Buy |™* rence 571-0600 or 985-8154. CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS | PORT PERRY - NEW HOMES - $61,700. UP TI we Fetes = fon " CEORGE B mn | ANTIQUES, ks, furniture, - Three bedroom brick homes situated on quiet 1 cupboards, dishes, Musi Miscellaneous dead end street. Set on 76 ft. x 153 ft. lots in 985-3286 oF gdh | and decoys. 985-2179. T.F residential area. Selling below replacement . | ) : alue. Call Herb Lawrence 571-0600 or 985-8154. 3 CARS & TRUCKS for wrecking. | wool Tol LC Sulitore, | : Nestleton - 986-4843. ~~ T.F. | 2PPliances, and TV's. Call 985- LAKEFRONT ON SCUGOG ISLAND - 76,500. 8418. Beautiful treed 75 ft. property consisting of 2 GENERAL bedroom home with large family room walkout, guest house, work shop, boathouse and dock. J Call Herb Lawrence 571-0600 or 985-8154. CO NTRACTI NG, E se e fo WANTED TO BUY New Homes - Additions Ay FHT General Carpentr i Canadian & American LR MC Pole Barns Steel & Asphalt Roofing A. E.LEPAGE Aluminum Siding | Also Sterling Pieces, % J Ws G vl Gold Rings & Watches NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING 728 4455 (ONTARIO) LT JOR Free Estimates Given with No Obligations ; - NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 | ; 368 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 571-0600 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY - ONTARIO i

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