. News from Scugog Island By Mrs. Earl Reader Mrs. Helen Redman returned last week from a Florida 'vacation when she was in company with her mother Mrs. Eastwood and her niece, Miss Linda East- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Carter accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martyn have returned from an interesting vacation in Arizona. Saturday evening proved to be a renewal time for Island friends and neigh- boyrs when over 60 met at the Community Island Hall to honour four young couples married within the last year. Mr. Jach Burnham, Mr. Everett Prentice, Mrs. Clara Whitter and Mr. Bob Prentice supplied the music: and calling for square dances and other types of dancing. As the evening progressed the young people were called to the front when addresses were read and gifts were presented from the Island people, Rick and Janice Taylor received a lovely comforter, blender and hostess hot tray. Then John and Marci Redman were presented with a beautiful end table and ashtray. Next came Valerie (Davis) and Tom Hunter for a hostess hot tray and living room swag lamp. The fourth couple Jennifer (Pearce) and Stephen Creighton received a lovely table lamp and Port Perry Town Hall Plate. Then came the period for speeches and thanks when each couple had to decide who would be the speaker and a searching for the suitable to express their feelings and apprecia- tion. Next came a bountiful pot lunch to finish an evening which had been sponsored by the Island UCW's. On Wednesday evening the Beavers and Cubs with their families were treated to an evening of skating in Black- stock and the' Cubs were tested for their skating badge by the leader Jim Callan. : Rick Haist went to Camp Samac on Sat. and Sun. for training to receive his Wood Badge No. 1. Mr. Jim O'Conner of Fralicks Beach is now assisting Mr. Haist. But they are still hoping for a young man to help with the Scouts. The Mothers' Auxiliary of the Scout movement had a very successful Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday and wish to thank all who took part. The Church EAster Breakfast will still be held but the place will be changed to the church basement. More details in your Easter letters. Snowmobiler rams hut A Lake Scugog fishing hut and a snowmobile burst into flames Thursday night after the machine's driver rammed into it at 40 m.p.h. According to a Durham regional police spokesman, four snowmobilers were heading north on the lake at about 9 p.m., when one of them hit the hut, which was located about 500 feet west of Goreski's Marina. The driver, Jerry Taylor Jr., 24, of Port Perry, was thrown clear, receiving minor injuries. BIRECTORY RELIABLE MARIO BRIENZA Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Masonry Contractor NT -- Stone - Brick - Block Work | - New Installations - Réfairs Fireplace Alterations - Power Drain Cleaning Custom Built Homes BERT FABER Additions PHONE: 985-3734 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL "Service is Our Business" 985-2680 Port Per ry WE LLS QUARTER HORSES & PAINT HORSES : For Sale C LE A N E D Also Wood Shavings for Bedding 986-4678 0r 728-8180 | | pp Oinaws bos 3105 ROBSESBOELNG 986-5372 L. TOUGH ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING & REPAIR MITTON ELECTRIC Telephone 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East Whitby, Ontario. V-BELTS - PULLEYS BEARINGS = CHAIN-SPROCKETS Qualified Instructors CALL: 986-5558 HOSKIN STABLES Riding Lessons - Showing - Jumping - Dressage Horses Boarded - Indoor Arena rvs Government Approved JAMES RANKIN PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 19, 1980 -- 35 HCE CREATIVE WORDS PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING Living Room, Dining Room and Hall ... SPECIAL $39.95 Residential - Commercial - Industrial Free Estimates ANDREW'S HOME MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial FREE ESTIMATES BOX 1148 - PORT PERRY 985-8537 REASONABLE RATES le PHONE 723-1461 Hygrade Fuels R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ontario. AGENT: ARVICE FISHER Port Perry - 985-7951 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE General Practice 175 PERRY STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. MACDONALD & LACK LAW OFFICE Counsel for Firm JAMES A. MACDONALD, B.A, LL.B. Criminal Law, Matrimonial, Real Estate and Commercial Consultations: No Charge PHONE: 985-8441 JOHN EADES 'WELL DRILLING Sunderland - Ontario - (705) 357-3386 YEAR ROUND SERVICE Licenced by the Ministry of Environment GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP $15.00 per foot CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM Your Local "ALCAN" Dealer SIDING - SOFFIT - FASCIA - TROUGH 20 Year Written Guarantee FREE ESTIMATES 985-3747 "Siding is our ONLY Business - Not a Sideline!" CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Additions or Renovations Rec Rooms - Framing For Free Estimates Call: J & D CARPENTRY 579-4191 985-8618 St Clair the paint & paper people. Midtown Mall 200 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario 576-2431 1150 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario ° 576-9971 fees. 2 The purpose of God in creating man hath ~~ B been and will ever be, to enable him to know -- his Creator and to attain His Presence. Ee 0 I P.O. BOX 1153" PORT PERRY THE BAHA'I WRITINGS LULU Le HTT TINT Te TTT Te ITH TUTT LIT TTT Te [HLT A CREDIT UNION 'Winter Break' LOAN Can Get You Away From It All! FINAL NOTICE TO SCUGOG TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS - RE: 1980 DOG TAGS 1980 Dog Tags are available at the Municipal Offices, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry. Tags may be purchased by mail upon receipt of owner's name, mailing address, telephone number, breed and sex of dog, with payment following applicable All Dogs over the age of 3 months must b= licensed. FEES: 1. All neutered or spayed dogs - $10.00 dog (no surcharge). 2. Each Male or Female - $15.00 for the first dog in any one dwelling unit and $5.00 more on a cumulative basis for each additional dog so licence fee shall be $20.00 for the second dog and $25.00 each for the third and each addi- tional dog. 3. Kennel Licences - (No licence will be issued in a built-up area) $25.00 Kennel. 4. Replacement Tags - 25¢ each. DOG TAGS PURCHASED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 1st, 1980 SHALL BE REDUCED BY $5.00 The running of dogs at large within the Township of Scugog is prohibited. Your assistance is requested. Call Dog Control Officer, Ann Barrett, PHONE 852-7295 Goodwood Pound: 640-1987 (2:30 to 4:30 p.m. weekdays) Ward IV Residents may call the Township Office 985-7346 for message relay to Ann Barrett. POUND FEES: $10.00 for first offence, $25.00 second and subsequent offences. BOARD FEES: $2.50 per day (plus $5.00 for untagged dogs.) Signed: Earl S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator. AC PRO og " a NE ch pd LO Se eat Re . 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