I SAA A aN NR, 2 AT AY TAN SAT AT BE TR Sn AAA NE LY YT PANTY «IM A TIAA TROLL NY CAST PACE SAFER XIN 0 A REAR FERN. ab PaaS PE SE ES ET RR I TL PRR Ch Sr hs } Fy LN, RA RL SOA § i LE SI LA TN AE AAR SAL? + 4 3 9H HO yd SS vl Se 2 Se AY A gh 5%, v ¥ oA BT ¥r Ye 20 RA LOA LS. 2 shay LINE : 3 ME De SLA RS SSS Ph I BS Pe 5 YORY YR Oa NF ont Yay a Na A LE WLR PR ROSA EF CS ah SPLICE Sha Hh ALY ASP LI ANY SD A Bre a 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 19, 1980 ER: 3 SN ar, h ~ ~~ AR LUA TSN oe X es POSE AE A oe » P< Sey - 3 - : a A ITI li lr a - -. Ava. 3 ou CN Ee NAG - Epsom and area news by Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Card and family of Port Perry on Friday evening in celebra- tion of Don's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones of Glen Major were supper guests on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baster and daughters in honour of Mrs. } letters The group home Dear Sir: I am very much surprised to learn from the Star, the owners of homes on Gerrows Beach are apparently against the retarded people using the donated home in that area. Especially people whom I feel are well educated and who know the full meaning of the word retardation. As for lowering the value of their property, that sounds like a very feeble excuse. I have been in contact with a retarded boy from birth up to 17 and have yet to hear anyone say he has done any- thing wrong. He attends school regularly and is learn- ing to read and write. He is well liked, well mannered. Mrs. Evelyn Keeler Port Perry Where is snow plow? Dear Sir I would like to thank the man with the Chev pick up truck, who did his best to plow the road in front of our house and the other three houses just south of Major St., on Union Ave. I think his Licence no. is E41-799.1 think plow the road so it is possible for cars to drive on, when it is up to the Township to do it. They seem to think it is only: necessary to come down as far as Major St. and then stop. Thanks again to the man with his truck and plow. it is a terrible thing when a Yours truly, residence of this town has to Mrs. A E. Wilkinson Port Perry (From page 5) people start to get emotional, they no longer see clearly. Such is the case here. Neighbours in the area fear their presence will not make it safe for children and retired people living in the area. Their other concern is that because of the group home in their vicinity that property values could depreciate, although this argument has been challenged. Regardless of property values, it is time that we as citizens stop passing the buck. We all know that this type of project is needed and most are fully in favour of them - as long as they are not in our own back yard. This selfish attitude has to stop. The mentally retarded have as much right to live with dignity as you or I, and it is time that we all take a good look at ourselves. ** If the shoe was on the other foot, how would you feel? diinnanummnauininnanmunnannunuanuannnamnm Mini Cinema oss.ss3s nnmoniE MARCH 21 & 22 Friday 7 P.M. Saturday Matinee 2 P.M. Friday 9PM. 4 SPRAYING MARCH 21-22-23 y HF "A Saaiom 114 Be y LJ ison Product l -3 A Unorersal Releas Saturday & Sunday 8 P.M. He was a poor black sharecropper's son who never dreamed he was adopted. STEVE MARTIN. "The JERK Not Suitable for Children jell He LTT TTT TTT fe (ETT THe [TTT TTT TTT Te [TT TTT TT [To THT TTT THT o THT] @ LT THT WARNING: Some dialogue LLL Le Le Le LL Le TTI] I 1]} Chm ended as Aoutr ENTERTAINMENT | Jones birthday. Many friends of Mrs. McKnight will be pleased to learn that she is now a resi- dent at Port Perry Nursing Home. Though Mrs. McKnight is not strong enough for many visitors. I am sure she would love to receive a card. We wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Ray Medd who has also been quite ill in Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stear- man and children of Inger- soll are visiting for a few days of the "spring break' with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry. ' Miss Dianne Lyons of Omemee is visiting for a few days with her grandmother Mrs. Hildreth Lyons. Miss Darlene Lyons of Peter- borough was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lyons, Jason and Danny were home for Sunday supper. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson were in Scarborough with their son Ronald and family for a couple of days last week. Grandchildren Michelle and Russell return- ed home with them to give their mother a few days to recouperate from dental surgery. Several attended Farming Frontiers at Utica Farm Equipment last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilson have been entertain- ing the Provincial and County Dairy Princess for several days. On Thursday evening they were entertain- ed by Bethesda-Reach Women's Institute. The weather man did not co- operate but those who made it through the storm enjoyed a lovely meeting. Then on Friday and Saturday the three young ladies were at a Dairy display in Oshawa Shopping Centre. While mother was so busy Michael Wilson visited with Grandma and Grandpa Evans. The Epsom Utica U.C.W. met at Utica. We had a very interesting meeting on Love and Marriage in the Chris- tian home led by Mrs. Shirley Baster. We also had a long letter from our spon- sored child in China - Chan Ching Chong. He will be sixteen on their new year. I'm so glad he has learned to write English. Our corres- pondence seems to be much more worthwhile. On Friday evening there was a nice welcome for our friends Bob and Bev Thomp- son and daughter Christy who came from Smithville. Bob and Bev told us so much about the part of Newfound- land they were in. It is truly a very different culture. Each®circuit they were on had seven churches. One circuit had no manse so Bob had to drive thirty five miles to his nearest charge. They had the sod-turning for a new manse before Bob left and the collection of Friday night Farm & Personal INCOME TAX RETURNS Alex J. Shepherd C.A. 250 Queen Street Port Perry, Ontario 985-7031 was designated to this pro- ject. Bob and Bev will be going into a new field of endeavour this summer. They will be teaching at Laurentian College in Sudbury. This university is run by the United Church and they have been asked by the Presby- tery to accept positions on the staff. Mrs. J. Begin, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Jeffery attended the production of "Don't Leave the Farm Boys" at Port Perry on Saturday evening. March 26 the Bethesda Reach W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Snoddon. The topic will be World Affairs. Motto is Indif- ference is the rust that crumbles our civilization. Reply to the motto by Miss R. Thomas. The roll call will be a world event. Hostesses Mrs. T. Croxall, Mrs. G. Jeffery, Mrs. L. Stroud. We hope all members will be present. Opinions (From page 5) wise have existed! I now have every confi- dence that the best alter- native has been chosen for the Queen Street project and look forward to a much improved, if slightly less convenient, main street in Port Perry. Yours truly, Tom Mitchell Typewriters Adding Machines REPAIR SERVICE PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 remember when ...? continued cessful show in their Rapsody on Ice which was pre- sented in Memorial Arena on Friday evening. This year* two of the solo numbers were takén by local talent - Miss Margaret Terrett and Miss Margaret Witherspoon. Mr. Alan Reesor, Mus. Bac., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, held an organ recital in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, March 25, 1965 Denna and Donna Ballard were presented with their last Brownie Badges last Tuesday afternoon, bringing their total to 23. This is the highest possible number Brownies can earn. Denna and Donna are the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard, Port Perry. Only two other Port Perry Brownies have accomplished this same feat. Ken Irvine, captain of the Port Perry Pee Wees, received a $200. cheque on behalf of his team from the treasurer of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, Melvin Woodcock. The money will be used for jackets for the team. : At the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival last week, Audrey Beauchamp placed second with 83 marks, in an Open Piano Class for Compositions of 20th Century Composers. She is a student of Marie Taylor, and studies Piano, History and Harmony. A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the Community Hall in Utica on Saturday evening where Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, March 26, 1970 Eligible voters of Port Perry, 39.7% of them, went to the polls March 18th and approved the following ques- tion placed in front of them: "Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for the con- sumption with meals on licenced premises?" 642 resi- dents of an eligible 1,616, cast their ballots with 443 bal- lots in favour of the question and 199 opposing. Eighteen head of cattle were lost in a barn fire last Monday afternoon. Firemen were unable to save the barn owned by Mr. Don Crosier and they concen- trated their efforts on the house which was in danger. Miss Arrienne den Boer, Cedar Creek, and her sis- ter, Ieto, who is attending Calvin College, are holi- .daying with seven other young ladies in Florida this week. Elizabeth Nodwell, Seagrave, is soaking up some French culture this week with a French-speaking family in Quebec. A lifelong resident of this community, Mrs. Eliza- beth Jane (Lillian) Forder, celebrated her 97th birth- "day on Monday, March 23. She was born in 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bollon on their Cartwright Township farm. FEATURE WEEK! of the Boxed Stationery 20% OFF the PORT PERRY STAR CO LIMITED 235 QUEEN STREET. PO BOX 90 PORT PERRY. ONTARIO : LOB INO (416) 985-7383 e © \