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Council agreed that this revenue would come from 5252525252525252525252525252525252525252 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 19, 1980 Council accepts lowest bid subsidy will be approved by MTC, the council will not know until this summer if this is so. »"Council decided that if the two sources: $14,000 from the lot levy and capital reserve fund, and $15,000 from the maintenance budget by cut= TOWN INN RESTAURANT QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY WILL BE CLOSED Monday, March 17th thru Thursday, March 27th WILL RE-OPEN Friday, March 28th, 1980. ting back on equipment rentals this year. Council also admitted that awarding the contract at this time was a bit of a gamble as the Ministry of Transporta- tion has to date approved $90,000 in subsidy. A subsidy for the additional $70,000 for the project has been applied for by the Township. Al- though members of council are confident the additional ICACICIOC nak ae he hen » ap (ap (ap (ap [ap [on (ap ope ope @ pak he whe hn | le | ICCC [ade Tete [ake Te kn |e le che |e | 3 Thank You. § LI! 252525250525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 1 4 STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 2 TTT 147% 5 Year Annual Subject to Change without Notice. TT TT LL DON FORDER INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 24 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8471 SO OT WOODWORKING SHOP Pine - Cupboards - Furniture 'CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR ORDER' 4 Post Beds - Dressers Tables - Dining, Kitchen & Living Roll Top Desks - Mirrors Cedar Chests - Book Shelves - Etc. KITCHEN CABINETS Wide Selection to Choose From. 'YOU NAME IT ... WE MAKE IT!" - 'COMPARE OUR PRICES' Open Daily 9 to 5 - Saturday 9:30 to 3:30 REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK - 985-7679 & Q __|REG.RD.8 ¥ FAIR ~ REACH = = IND. " z PARK = xT - N A 5 r MTC does not approve the additional $70,000 subsidy, the money would come out of next year's Township con- struction budget. Mayor Jerry Taylor expressed the sentiments of Utica by Vera Brown Church service this week is at Epsom Church at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School at Utica is at 10:00 a.m. Last Friday evening, due to the bad weather, the euchre committee decided that it would be best to cancel the euchre in the hall. Several car loads of enthu- siastic euchre players came up from Oshawa so in order that these people wouldn't be disappointed Mrs. Thompson decided that the euchre should go on. There were four tables played and a very enjoyable evening with prizes going to Ladies - June Rilling, Ann Gibner, and Marg Acker low prize. Men - Clarence Masters, Mary Horne with Art Parratt getting low. Freeze-out winners wre Mary Horne, and June Rilling with Mil- dred Thompson and Martin SARA REE RL > FS all members of council when he said he "supports the project for this year." "The work needs to be done now, and if we had to wait another year, the cost would be even higher," said Mayor Taylor. The vote to accept the bi and award the contract was carried unanimously by council. news Gall coming in second. Weather permitting there will be another euchre in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilles- pie of Point Edward visited with Mr. and Mrs.Eric Carre and family on Monday. Visitors with Mrs. Crosier during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Scott of London and Mr. Dale Beare. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lindsay have their grand- children, David and Dawn Clark of Waterloo visiting with them this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur and Lee attended the Well- ington Hockey Tournament on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Strong were Monday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer visited her brother Mr. Bruce Redman at Hillsdale Manor recently. Greenbank news by Helen McKean Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innes spent the weekend in Toronto visiting her brother's Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Irwin and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Jarvis on Thursday. Members of the U.C.W. are reminded of the annual U.C.W. Presbyterial on March 25th in Cambridge United Church, Lindsay. We are happy to report Mr. Dave Thomson is improving in Port Perry Hospital. Don and Helen McKean motored to Port McNicoll to visit her mother Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Archer on Sunday. Ron Jarvis, Harry Vale and Ron Beech flew to Neb- raska last week. It was a New Holland trip to attend a tour of the Combine Plant there. Mr. and Mrs. Roundell have two special visitors for the week - their grandsons Christopher and Trevor from Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spencer were visited by their grand- son - Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Reynolds and their great- grandson Matthew from Barker, New York. 3C pL [op Lop Lo { O0000H2525252525252525 S 52525252525252525252525252525262520 2 0 OCC OOOO O00 OOOO OST Tan Lon Lon apn J ogn | IC oceans E000 000000000000000000000C25252525252525¢52525250525252525252525252525252525262 3525252525252 52525 HE5e52525252¢ "OVERSTOCKED" SPEEDY TV 108 Water Street - Port Perry - 985-8418 is overstocked with 1980 QUASAR COLOUR TELEVISIONS 20" Portables with 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty - $465.00 with Trade - Model WT5930RW 26" Consoles with 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty - $688.00 with Trade - Model WU9412RW NOTE: THESE PRICES ARE NOT PRINTING ERRORS! 252525252525252525252525 2525252625252 5 252525252525 25262525 252525252525 [cn] celle | dn fal Te Te Te Te [ie Ts Tis [Tote Ten Te Le ie | he he he hn hee he he in whe ke | he] | ch] he] he | che the te | JG2C2C3CCaCaCICICICIG a | «© igs 71 Dn Seid 5 BINS SI RIE EY Sit angi Sy RR 4 1 Ashburn news By Mrs. E. Heron The ladies bible class met last Wednesday evening at the home of Rose Heron with a good attendance. In the absence of the president due to illness, the vice-president Catherine Humphrey con- ducted the meeting, her opening devotion was based on the word kindness. The studies on the Women of the Bible were continued and Mrs. John McKinney told the life story of Sarah, Abra- hams wife from the book of Genesis for her interesting talk. A social time was spent over the tea cups. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton attended the College Royale at Guelph. Their son Ronald who is a student at the college was involved in the weekend activities. Mrs. George Gaggio and daughter has returned from a trip to California, where they visited relatives. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gardner and Jean recent- ly were Mr. N. Samells of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stuart all of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKimm of Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Donnell of Scarbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Drew Leaper and son lan of Mississauga, Rev. and Mrs. Jim MeKay and son Mathew of Oshawa, Rev. Ken and Mrs. Heron, Jeff and Virginia of Brace- bridge were weekend visit- ors with the Herons. Mrs. H. Ashton who has been a patient in Port Perry Hospital has been transfer- red to Oshawa General Hospital. Our prayers and best wishes are with Pearl that she will be feeling much better soon. In the absence of Rev. McEntyre who is on a study leave at the Therapy Insti- \ Ld NS -- / Hi, WY '203QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY 985-8263 Grae Helly LIMITED A Come in and check out the values in our SPRING SALE 10 40% OFF March 19th to 29th, 1980 tute of Toronto, Rev. Johr Duncan of Toronto conduct: ed the service last Sunday morning. His sermon was entilted, The Fellowship of the Found. During the service Mrs. E. Humphrey sang a beautiful solo. The Ninety and Nine. Rev. Duncan will be with us again next Sunday. * The Womens Missionary Society will hold their Easter meeting in the church' on Sunday evening March 30th at 7:30 p.m. Special speakers will be Mrs. Jean Wilson and Mareline Morrison from Willowdale Presbyterian Church. They will be sharing with us matters concerning their project of sponsoring Vietnamese boat people. The whole congregation and any- one interested is invited to attend. . There will be an indoor workshop of planting on Saturday March 29th from 9 am. to 3:30 p.m. in the church basement. Those who attended the previous work shop enjoyed it very much. For information you may call Margaret Davis 655: 4825 Benefit night A benefit will be held for Diane Bromley, operator of Clay Pit Ceramics, which was recently destroyed by fire. " The main event of the evening will be a cooking demonstration by Mary Lisko, '"The Happy Cooker." Requesting gift donations for door prizes and auction items. Anyone interested in help- ing with arrangements please contact - Stella McDonnell - 985-8444. Watch for further details, date and location to be announced shortly. F < €£€r Ki nibh