1h 5% PP RG AT HINT ER PR AD de AEN IN Ra IRs A + Epsom and area news PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 26, 1980 -- 21 C&B take lead by Jean Jeffery Basters. Mr. and Mrs. K. Cather- John, Margaret and Ray » The Epsom Utica Social Heather Brown of Toronto wood and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were home with their n sSéy ies gs wi n Club will be holding a was an overnight guest on Howard Ashton had lunch on parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bowling Box Social. Bowling Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor on Saturday. @ at the Uxbridge Alleys at 8 Ron Brown. Barry Bushell in Uxbridge. Mr.and Mrs. Murray over Ut 1CQa 1 0 p.m. Social at Epsom Mrs. Donna Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson Emphringham of Port Perry Church following. Everyone sons of Dundas visited Mr. visited their daughter entertained friends and After playing two games to get back into the play. welcome. and Mrs. Ron Brown. Kirt, Marlene at Toronto Univer- relatives in honour of daugh- Saturday and three on Sun- In the C&B nets, Keith L Bethesda Reach W.I. at who had been visiting the sity on Sunday. ter Tamara's first birthday day in the Regional Play- Fraser continued his magic the home of Mrs. Ross Freeman boys returned _ Mr.and Mrs. Keith Wilson, on Sunday (Grandma and downs, C&B Livestock stepp- of the Regionals where he : Snodden at 8 p.m. Wednes- home with them. Miss Kerry Dawn and David of Sarnia Grandpa) Mr. and Mrs. ed out on the ice again earned M.V.P. by staving off : day, March 26. Freeman spent the school visited Mr.and Mrs. Douglas Lloyd Brown and Mr. Alpine Sunday evening to play the the Utica attack. He also : Mrs. Paul Baster, Cathy break with her cousin, Wilson on Thursday, Friday Christie were there. We do first game of the finals received a little help from i and Julidawere supper guests and Stacey Brown returned and Saturday. Reverendand hope Alpine will soon be against Utica Farm Equip- the goal posts when Utica : with the Potters on Sunday. to Dundas. Mrs. Floyd Wilson and feeling stronger. ment. It was a very enter- bounced a shot off one with ry ' Mr. and Mrs. Garth Mrs. K. Catherwood, children of Oshawa were Our sympathy to Mr. and taining game as both teams Fraser down and out' of 1} Spencer and daughters of Barry and Brian of Oshawa Friday night guests with Mrs. Arthur Imhoff whose had good chances to score in position. Try as they might 8 Kitchener visited several visited for a few days with Douglas, Beth and Michael. uncle, Mr. Ray Imhoff of the fast play right from the through the rest of the game 7. days last week with the her parents Mr. and Mrs. Miss Connie Kozak of Cannington, passes away on first face-off. neither team could score any X Howard Ashton. Burlington visited at the Friday. Midway through the first more and C&B walked off *, Mrs. Catherwood and Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin period a centering pass by witha 1-0 win to take the lead if Stroke Assoc and Mrs. H. Ashton visited Ashton for the week. spent the weekend in Kin- C&B's Phil Cochrane was in the best of three series. un PY * Miss Jean Watson and Mrs. Richard and Connie had cardine visiting Mr. and accidentally deflected by Game timé this Sunday is hold meeti Clara Beatty in Cannington supper on Thursday with Mr. Mrs. Wayne Hartwick and Utica's Don Card when one evening is 6:00 o'clock. iE ng on Wednesday. and Mrs. H. Ashton. family. of his own defencemen tried i The Durham Region : - oe: Stroke Recovery Association ih; will meet on Tuesday, March of 25, 1980 at 7 p.m. at Hillsdale '& Manor. - A n The Stroke Recovery Association strives to help stroke survivors return to a full productive life, by means of encouragement, . education, example and we PRICES 0 friendly contact. All interes- EFFECTIVE UNTIL = eo ted persons are urged to APRIL 5 3 attend this meeting. For 4 further information tele- 1980 phone 579-6361. be Q 3 STEER OWER, OF VALUE "| THIS ) Te I WAY ... ¢ By Colin Ball i » OW % white 3 FACIAL TISSUES 200-2 EPhsseuns " 8.5%9.0 218x23.0cm x . Do your tires squeal? Dirt on the brakes may cause this; spray brake cleaner may fix it up. Don't neglect regular lu- brication. You'll save your ® car a host of rear-end trou- bles and differential problems. Strange noises under the hood can be misleading; sounds may be telegraphed from one end of the car to an- : . other. Let an expert find the Rowntree Milk Chocolate Guardian ERAS ER MATE o |pobim "© EASTER EGGS A.S.A. he Go rt Pat Po a ey to long life for your car: good maintenance. Follow all ed an SMARTIES. TOTS | TABLETS Allows You to Erase Mistakes! the rules in the owner's man- $ $ BLAGHS Re val. They work. $ 4 ALINSAIONC 0 UES 1 300 mg gg¢ New car shopping? Consider 100g BT | 500's un EA. getting electronic spark igni- Hl 00 Tabtots 300 mg (3 or | Fn ? ¢ tion system. Improved spark ' offers better combustion and Lowney PAY Guardian Quality Guardian less chance for spark plug al : fouling. Result: better gas CREAM EGG \ ee COLOR PRINT BABY mileage, in most cases. ir y SHAM POO Trust that new car to us ¥ ' ASSORTMENT No .a | FILM #110 or #126 | \ for the good maintenance = A 3 A} * 12 E os ye} " ¢ that will keep it new longer. re . i g¢ 4 Eggs In : \ y Xposur roon Shut $ 1 39 Our top-flight mechanics nm : Cello Pack \ a ® Instant y | | know what they're doing. . yy z N) \ eer Load Type LJ wi 0) A 500 m New car shopping? Come to A ; x iy Na - COLIN BALL MOTORS LTD. LAWRENCE PHARMACY operated by: Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry a PORT PERRY PHARMACY L PHONE 985-8411 RT PE P TD. and you'll go no further. We Phone 985-2231 209 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario offer first-class cars at eco- nomy-class prices. See us. isi NGL AAR EE TER Oa