17 4 Lois IRN af Hoye ¥ I Ta] ed LANES LR Ee TT 6 Ty ad BAF A BATA COR WEIN Si SE AAS Sk EV RB ETO PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 26, 1980 -- 31 AUCTION SALES High School band LL ' prepares for great | oe! - SATURDAY MARCH 29 GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. SWINE & FARM MACHINERY Farm sold - 60 sows - 3 hogs, 1978 M.F. 1085 diesel tractor with cab, multi-power power steering, fully equipped, 1979 M.F, plough, trip beam, 5 ton wagon, J.D. #14 baler, P.T.O. the property of J.F. (RICK) McMILLAN, Lot 15, Con. 1, Thorah Township, 4 miles south of Beaverton on Brock Rd. 17 (Old Hwy. 48B). Machinery - 1978 M.F. 1085 diesel tractor with cab, m.p. power steering, fully equipped, 250 hours; M.F. 165 hi-arch diesel tractor with 1979 450 Allied manure loader, power steering m.p.; 1979 M.F. plough, trip beam, 4-16's,°3 pt. h.; 1979 M.F. #58 rotary mower, 3 pt. h; J.D. 14 baler PTO; M.F. side rake 5 bar; 250 bus. Turnco grain box with 7 ton gearing; 5 ton wagon with hay rack; George White snow blower 3 pt. h; 4 ton wagon running gear, Triple K cultivator 12 ft. with rolling harrows, 1977 12 ft. A.C. tandum disc, A.C. post hole digger 12in. 3 pt hitch, A.C. spring tooth culti- vator 3 pt. hitch, 1971 G.M.C. 3/4 ton truck 350 - 4 speed, N.H. manure spreader 205 bushel, 2 bale elevators, 2 wheeled trailer, M.H. seed drill 13 disc, Field sprayer 30 ft. boom, grain dryer, 12 ft. Farm King grain auger, M.H. #20 seed drill, 3 section drag harrows, 2 bale elevators, 2 cauliflower planters, potato cutters, 1971 Datsun car, many other items. Swine - 10 York Landrace cross sows with litters by side, 30 York Landrace sows bred for April & May, 20 York Landrace sows bred for June & July, 1 reg. Hampshire hog rising 172 years old, 1 reg. York hog rising two years old, 1 Land- race hog rising two years old. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctio- neer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324- 9959. M26 WEDNESDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. MACHINERY - TRUCK CATTLE EQUIPMENT Large auction sale of machi- nery, for GALTEN FARMS, R.R. 4 Cobourg, Ontario. On Hwy. #2 V2 mile east of Port Hope. J.D. 2130 tractor - hi-low shift, J.D. 2120 tractor, J.D. 145 loader with 72°' bucket, J.D. 450C crawler loader, 1974 GMC 6500 stake truck with hoist - certified, Hesston 2000 - 150 Harvester with 3 row corn head and electric knife sharpener, Hesston 2000 Harvester with 3 row corn head and electric knife sharpener, two A.C. 3row snapper heads, will fit A.C. combine or above harvester with adapter, 2 Field Queen heads (A.C. head to Hesston harvester), 4 Farm Hand forage boxes with auger and roof on 10 ton Horst wagons with tandems, 3 Papec 16' Forage wagons on 8 ton Horst wagons, J.D. 4 ton; wagon with rack, 2 Farm Hand 450 bu. manure spreaders, Cock- shutt baler, Farm Hand 815 Mixer Grinder, Glencoe 1172' soil saver, Dan User fence post driver, Norlander 86" snow- blower, two 7' scrapers - 3 pt. hitch, set of chain harrows - 13', 12" hydraulic 6 fertilizer auger with hopper, harrow for 20' disc, 2 feed bunk chain feeders, 9 creep feeders for calves, 12 mineral feeders with hoods, 11 - 250 gal. stock water troughs, 3 portable feed racks, 4 Ritchie heated water fountains, 3 Pyro- tenex heater water lines (35', 75, 85'), 6 barn fans, 2 livestock head gates, cattle squeeze stall, port- able livestock scale, portable loading ramp, 12 steel panels, 2- 16' wooden gates, 33 stanchions, some headrail and stall dividers, 8 steel box stalls - complete Dairy barn to be torn down and removed, 55' blower pipes - 8" McCull head and deflector, 2 Patz Silo Unloaders - 20°, high pressure washer, 2 horse trailer - tandem wheel, DeLaval 2100 Ib. bulk tank, portable semen tank MVE 1000, 27' bale elevator, number of farm gates and fen- cing. NOTE: This machinery has been well cared for and in good condition. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 M26 "NOTICE" Anyone wishing to consign Farm Machinery to our ANNUAL FARM MACHINERY SALE, to be held Saturday, April 19th at Corneil's Auction Barn, please contact Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, Ontario - (705) 786-2183. -- * 852-3524. THURSDAY APRIL 3 SALE TIME: é p.m. Excellent quality auction sale of furniture and antiques for the property of MRS. G. BRADY. Selling at Wilson's Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. APRIL SALES - Calvin Mabee Sales manager & Auctioneer Lindsay - [705] 324-4567 Saturday, April 5th - 12 noon - Auction sale of ANTIQUE ACORN COOKSTOVE, ANTI- QUES AND FURNITURE, property of RUSSELL ENGLISH Cannington, and consigners, sale to be held at Three Bridges, Cannington on Hwy. #12, 3 miles west of Cannington or 9 miles south of Beaverton, on Hwy. #12. Antique Acorn Renfrew cook- stove, in excellent condition with reservoir and warming oven, over 100 years of age, pine cup- board, gramaphone, 5 matching dining chairs, 2 pine blanket boxes, dressers, wardrobe, old medicine chest, matching pair of reupholstered antique chairs, washstand, pine corner cup- board, Franklin fireplace, portable B & W T.V., lamps, preserving jars, dishes, and much more. Terms cash, no reserve. Saturday, April 19th - 12 noon - Second annual Farm Machinery and consignments, Auction for JIM GRAVES EQUIPMENT, 2 - mile east of Orillia, on Hwy. #12 or 23 miles north of Beaverton. Saturday, April 26th - 12 noon - Auction Sale of old Horse Drawn Machinery, tack and harness, furniture, etc. Property of DOUG DONER, Pefferlaw, Ontario. Full details later. Planning a Spring Sale or wish- ing to consign to any of the above call Auctioneer - Calvin Mabee, Lindsay - (705) 324-4567. A2 GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 11 a.m. BROUGHAM HALL Highway #7 and Brock Road. Sale of household furniture, antiques, dishes and collectibles, including mahogany dining room suite, with Duncan Phyfe style table (good), 3 pc. walnut bed- room suite, double brass bed, double spool bed, clocks, (2 school, beehive, gingerbread), 3 dressers, school bell, press back rockers, oil lamps, planters, round oak pedestal table, set of 6 press back chairs, curio cabinet, oak hall seat rack, buggy wheels, decoys, wooden plains, ice tongs, brass fireplace dogs, cast fire basket, buffet, wash stands, 2 beaver sealers wooden butter bowls, number of odd press back chairs, piano stool, mirrors, oak church pew, wooden wall tele- phone, chests of drawers, corner what-not, crocks, Viking humidi- fier, electric can opener, fondue set, Underwood typewriter and desk, set of 6 pine seat chairs, milk bottles, copper boiler, dishes plus numerous other articles. Terms cash, no re- serve. John Annis, Auctioneer - 655-4663. A2 SATURDAY APRILS SALE TIME: 12 NOON FARM SOLD Auction sale of farm machi- nery, dairy equipment and furni- ture for SHACKLETON BROS., R.R. 1 Bowmanville. Four miles north of Bowmanville on Middle Road, or one mile east of Hamp- ton and 2 mile south of Taunton Rd. Int. 624 diesel tractor, Int. 34 Diesel tractor with 1501 loader, W4 tractor, Int. 540 manure spreader (good), Int. 10' disc., Int. 4 furrow plow, Int. 15 run seed drill on rubber, Vicon ferti- lizer spreader, Int. 990 hay cut-ditioner, wagon and rack, dump trailer - P.T.O. driven, Int. rotary cutter, Spraymotor sprayer, Int. 47 baler, 2 bale elevators, Mueller 500 gal. bulk tank, Surge pipeline milker for 44 cows - 4 units, feed carts, Silo- matic belt feeder - 70', harrows, chain harrows, wagon feeder, water trough, cattle clippers, "welder, trailer, 2 grain augers, Viking grinder, Cement mixer, posts, 3 h.p. motor, grain aera- tors, cattle dehorner, hay, grain corn, Refrigerator, 21' Deep freezer, Grain Cradle, broad axe, qu. of furniture, etc., plus many other articles. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- A2 SALE TIME; nN A.M. Stouffville Sales Barn Antiques and collectibles, fur- niture, dishes, number of clocks, collection of old jars, tools, over 600 items. Plan to attend. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner - Auctioneers. A2 SATURDAY APRILS SALE TIME: 11 AM, PRINCE ALBERT HALL Antiques & Furniture Auction of antiques and furni- ture the property of MRS. JEAN HUNTER, of Scarborough, to be held at the Prince Albert Hall located one mile south of Port Perry in the village of Prince Albert. Round oak pedestal table with four leaves, large oak buffet 6 chairs and arm chair, beautiful older style chesterfield and chair, 3rugs - 9x 102, 9 x 12, 11 x 12, Viking portable colour T.V. with stand, refrigerator, chrome kitchen table and chairs, Andrew Malcolm bedroom set, vanity type dresser, beautiful single bed, mattress, dresser and night table, large qu. of antique chairs, 5 legged antique table. Antique - crocks, lamps, platters, canes, trunks, pumice stone holder, flat irons, copper kettle, flower stands, auto harp, brass candle holder, Poppy of England toilet set, eye glasses, hall trees, post cards, cookie jar, Crosley radio with horn speaker, silver, baskets, depression glass, limoge, jewellery, books, butter and cheese dishes, curling tongs, pictures, and many more very interesting items that have been in the Hunter family for years. Mrs. Hunter has sold her proper- ty and moved to a nursing home and wish everything sold. No reserve. Lunch available. Auc- tioneer - Murray Jackson - 985- 2459. A2 SATURDAY, APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 12:30 NOON Modern Farm Machinery in excellent condition for MIKE VOGELS, R.R. 3, Newcastle, Ontario. Directions from Hwy. 401 take Newtonville cut off south to first corner then go east to first farm. MACHINERY: 2 John Deere 2120 tractors - both with block heaters, one with drive pulley and heathouser. John Deere 500 E chisel plow, John Deere 4 furrow trip beam 16 in. 3 point hitch plow, John Deere 4 row corn planter (plate), John Deere #34 1 row forage harvester with cornhead and hay pickup, John Deere snowblower, Allis Chalmers Gleaner Baldwin 12 ft. combine, Allis Chalmers double disc, Allis Chalmers forage har- vester, Farmhand forage wagon with extension, Papec forage blower, New Holland 479 haybine 9 ft., New Holland 273 baler (2 years old), Massey Ferguson #37 rake (new), McCormick 15 run seed drill, New Holland 329 manure spreader (new), Fertili- zer spreader, 20 ft. fieldsprayer with Hypro pump, 24 ft. bale elevator with v2 h.p. dust proof motor, 2 grain augers with motors, 2 - 20 ft. haywagons on rubber, set of harrows, drum roller, post hole digger, grain aerator, snow blade, rearend loader, bale buncher, |.H. hay rake, I.H. 6 ft. cultivator, 6 ft. rotary scythe, feeder wagon, feed troughs, feed cart, 2 sump pumps, cattle clippers, fogger, 1 set burdizzo, Calsa propane scare crow, 2 loading ramps, tractor chains, ladders, ham- mermill with 270 ft. 6 in. endless belts, electric washer and dryer (Kenmore) plus many misc. articles. Terms cash. Lunch available. Neil Malcolm Sales Manager 416-986-4246. Ed McMorrow Auctioneer - 705-953- 9444, WEDNESDAY APRIL 9 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. HOLSTEINS Auction Sale of 110 Holsteins at Wilsons Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge, featuring Spring Sensation Sale. 25 top breeding females selected for outstanding type and production. Followed by the complete Trent- side Holstein Dispersal for CARL McMILLAN, Norwood. A com- pletely homebred herd, all from top unit sires. Also the Calf Sensation Sale with 25 4-H age calves. Selling 25 daughters of Nelacres Johanna Senator. Others by Citation R, Telstar, Royalty, Kemp, Marquis, Ned. Several VG cows selling. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd N Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. A2 'manure spreader, SATURDAY, MARCH 29 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. UPDATED AUCTION NOTICE Auction sale for TURUCZKAR & HARVATH at Lot 16, Conc. 4 Georgina Township on the 5th line, 3 miles south of Pefferlaw, Ontario starting at 12:30 p.m. Now will be held March 29, 1980. See last weeks issue for more details. Contact Clarke Prentice - Auctioneer - 640-3686. SATURDAY APRILS SALE TIME: 12 NOON SHARP STOCK REDUCTION SALE 15th Annual Stock Reduction Sale - Absolutely unreserved - new and used farm machinery, the property of W.J. Lambert and Sons Ltd., (Massey Fergu- son Dealer), on the Beaverton by-pass at Beaverton, 13 miles north of Sunderland or 23 miles south of Orillia. Tractors: M.F. 265 tractor m.p., PTO 867 hrs.; M.F. 135 tractor VK diesel 8 speed; M.F. 235 tractor gas, M.F. 180 tractor, M.F. 135 trac- tor gas, M.F. 165 tractor HA m.p., PTO; M.F. 1020 tractor, Nuffield 465 tractor and loader, D.B. 990 tractor & loader, |.H.C. 624 tractor, Case 430 tractor & loader, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, A.C. D17 tractor with 4 furrow plough, D.B. diesel tractor 880, M.F. 65 diesel tractor hi-arch m.p.; 1974 model 500 Bob Cat Skid Loader. Ploughs: M.F. 66 plough 3 furrow, Hydrien plough 3 furrow, Hydrien plough 4 furrow, M.F. 82 plough less coul- ters 4 furrow, M.H. 28 drag plough 3 furrow. Discs: M.F. 520 disc drag 10 ft., M.F. 39 disc 8 ft. 3pt. h., J.D. disc harrow 48 plate. Corn Planters: I.H.C. 2 row corn planter pull type with fertilizer hopper, A.C. 2 row corn planter 3pt. h. Haying Equipment: M.F. 655 swather 12 ft. table pick up reels with hay conditioner, Owat- tona 350 swather 10 ft. table pick up reels with hay conditioner, Owattona 216 Haybine 9 ft., 1.H.C. 201 self propelied swather, N.H. 65 baler & thrower, N.H. 68 baler, I.H.C. 46 baler, M.F. 9 baler, J.D. 15 crop chopper, Allied automatic stooker with hydraulic drive, Walker stooker, Vicon windrow turner, I.H.C. trail mower, A.C. side rake. Misc.: J.B. & D 3 pt sprayer, Fertilizer spreader 3 pt., Cock- shutt 430 combine with M.F. 61 apron pick-up, J.D. 25 combine, N.H. 616 harvester, Fox 3300 forage harvester 2 row corn head and pick up, N.I. 314 picker sheller, Dion forage blower, Ghel forage blower, M.F. 160 cultiva- tor and harrows, Kongskilde SGB4531 cultivator with rolling harrows & levelling planks, Kongskilde 34 tooth cultivator, Watveare cultivator, Glencoe 9/2 ft. cultivator, 2 - Gravity boxes with running gear, 2 - Gehl for- age boxes with running gear, Rex forage box with running gear, Grove blade, Farm hand 820 grinder mixer, Farm hand '810 mix mill, Snowco mixer box & running gear, Farm hand 430 M.F. 160 manure spreader, N.H. 275 manure spreader ,-N.H. 140 bush. manure spreader, N.H. tank spreader. New Equipment: 2 - M.F. 114 forage boxes, Murray 5 h.p. riding mower 25', 1979 M.F. 85 garden tractor 34', M.F. 5 lawn mower, M.F. 7 tractor & mower, Stallion 6 h.p. mower. 1968 Chrysler car, 1967 Chevrolet car. 3M - 209 Automatic copier, office chairs, tables. Terms cash- or financing available prior to sale - 10% discount on all parts day of sale. Absolutely no re- serve. Lunch available. Sale time - 12:00 noon sharp. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer - Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. Brooklin Horticultural Society The Brooklin Horticultural Society invites all plant enthusiasts to attend their next monthly meeting. Georgina Mentis from the Royal Botanical Gardens will speak on "Growing for Showing". The meeting takes place at the Brooklin United Church on Wednes- day, March 26th at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. od INET Tas Bh cd , LLTOR By, A2 by Mr. Baird The Port Perry High School Senior Wind Ensemble will be involved in a band exchange in'April and May. On April 10 the band will travel from Port Perry to Chatham Collegiate Institute in Chatham, Ontario. The Senior Wind Ensemble will perform two concerts on -Friday the 11th, and will perform a combined band concert with the C.C.I. Concert Band on Saturday, April 12th. The Port Band will come home on Sunday, April 13. The next three weeks will be spent prepar- ing to host the Chatham Collegiate Concert Band on their visit to Port Perry May 1 to May 4. The itinerary for the Chatham group here in Port will be identical to our trip to Chatham. Our band will provide a pot luck dinner on Friday, May 2nd and after a brief rehearsal on Saturday morning, will show our guests '"The town". The concert on Saturday night, May 3, will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will feature the award winning 50 member Chatham Collegiate Institute Concert Band under the direction of Mr. Ron Souchak, the 75 piece Port ! High Senior Wind Ensemble and the Port High '"A" Band (the senior stage band) both directed by Mr. Russ Baird. The three bands will perform individually, works as diverse as Bach to Rock, and then there will be three massed band numbers, the 1812 Overture by Tschaikovsky, Kentucky 1800 by Grundman and O Canada to complete the programme. The concert will be at the High School at 8:00 p.m. Saturday May 3rd and we hope to see you there. Tickets are $2.00 per adult, $1.00 per student and $5.00 door. This year's "Summer Breeze', Port High music and music awards night, will be on May 14 beginning at 7:30 p.m. This year the programme will feature four guest artists, all graduates of PPHS. Steven Hanson is a trumphet player, studying history at York University; he won a gold music medal in 1977 at PPHS after recover- ing from a serious motor vehicle accident. At the 1977 Canadian Stage Band Festi- val he was commended by internationally famous trumpheter Bobby Harriot for outstanding playing. Fraser Lee is pursuing his musical studies at the University! of Toronto's Royal Conservatory of Music. Fraser played trumphet in the band and studied electric guitar privately. He is .now study- ing in the very unusual area of "classical guitar' and will soon become a member of a select North American fraternity when he com- pletes his Associateship in performance on guitar. Bev Simmonds is in her third year of Music Education at the University of Toronto. Her accomplish- [ Go family, available at the 'musical events ments as a performer are too numerous to mention but are directly proportional to her talent. She has performed many times in Port Perry but will this time bring a new dimension to our stage with the performance of a Piano Concerto by Felix Mendelssohn. Peter Smith is 'Mr. Jazz" of PPHS. He has dedicated the last three years to the pursuit of his goal, to attend the Humber College Jazz course. This programme has been called one of the best jazz courses in North America and is one of the hardest to qualify for. Peter, an outstanding tenor saxa- phone, alto saxaphone, flute and clarinet player is now a member of that programme; his studies at the College to begin in September 1980. These four talented graduates will perform solo and or with the Port High Senior Wind Ensemble. Also on this programme will be the Port High Concert Band, Girls Choir, A Band and B Band. This concert takes place Wednesday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the High School and tickets will be available at the door. Senior citizens by Marion King The Senior Citizen's meet- ing was held Wednesday March 12 with a good attend- ance. We opened our meet- ing by singing O Canada with Ruth Wilson at the piano. This was followed by 2 minutes silence in remem- brance of Mr. Wilkinson. Ruth Gishler read the minutes which were adopted as read. April 2 will be the Games at 3 o'clock, Pot Luck supper at 5:30. Next Choir practice will be April 9 at 12:45. Three get well cards and one sympathy card were sent. Ernie read the treasurer's report. Doris Grierson reported 14 tables for the euchre. May Whybrow reported for travel. Marion King gave the Programme Committee report. We are invited to Uxbridge March 25 at 8 p.m. to hear the Barbershop Quartettes. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. Poots then entertained us with several Irish Songs and jokes. Doris Grierson favoured us with a recitation on Gardens. Latcham Centre was decorated for St. Patricks Day and looked very colourful. On Sunday, March 23, the Concordia Pops Orchestra entertained the Senior Citi- zens with a lovely variety programme. They played everything from Sound of Music to Turkey in the Straw. We could have wish- ed for a bigger audience but those present really enjoyed it. A lovely lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. This group will be at Uxbridge Senior Citizens April 25. 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