A ET aR I TR Re a at a Rt AN Ye hE gt A a Fd AE te Fae re re ds Fae a A REA ee FEAF ORR Ln HIG IS ANE SRO EA fae 8 Pe 1% a PE Rte SF TEL RELI 0) 3 iY 3 BEY AK FRE LANA ' * Uo AT te Puts nN - LAA SRY TATE ARES Ed prt an FEE of N Le Ul TS 1 SPY 3 MESES FEE Fed OLS, § AA WEL NGSSR LEELA FAT ed LULL ATA an SAN : 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 2, 1980 OFA president urges farmers . to work and fight together Ralph Barrie, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture told a group of over 200 farmers last Tues- day evening that although there are many concerns for their futures, farmers. 'need to have faith." Mr. Barrie was speaking at the annual dinner meeting of the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture held in Uxbridge. Prior to the guest speaker's address, Arthur Catton, president of the D.R.F.A. said that the farmers must support the OFA if they ever hope to get a fair return for their invest- ments. He also warned farmers that "the next year is going to be tough, and we will have to tighten our belts." included energy, interest rates, property taxes, industrial waste, pricing, imports and pollution. But he did say that there were three major areas of concern that are hurting farmers. One of these was the drying up of investment into Agriculture, since the cost of getting into farming today is out of the reach of most people. The others were cash flow on the farm and the farm supply busi- nesses, who are unable to carry the large stocks they once did because of the high carrying costs. "The high interest rates today are causing a major problem for farmers because they are using more and more credit." It would be almost impossible for a new young farmer to go out into the market place and set up a farm, he said. Mr. Barrie asked the farmers to support and lobby with the OFA. "If we are to keep the farm community that we grew up with and are used to, we will have to work and fight together," he concluded. Although Mr. Barrie's speach was not of "doom and gloom", he did warn the TY Ralph Barrie [centre] president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was Butiones Bs ings wore the guest speaker on Tuesday evening at a banquet held in Uxbridge. Seen here supported this with a list oF. with Mr. Barrie are Mrs. Dorothy Catton, secretary and Arthur Catton, president concerns to farmers which of the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture. 7 Ashburn news by Mrs. E. Heron The Robins and lots of offering Easter meeting in G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 305 Queen Street - Port Perry PHONE 985-2916 Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment. WWE | ce ce = re a cn cn an tn on tn Nn on™ nn a -- -- -- i -- -- kinds of birds are back from the south. It's nice to think about the birds what wonder- _ ful little creatures they are. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Henderson and Mr. Milton Jenkins of Little Britain visited with Mrs. W. Routley and her sister Eileen one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leh- the Church last Sunday evening. Mrs. Fred Daw, president conducted the meeting and she was -assisted by Mrs. Wm. Gardner, Mrs. S. McEntyre and Mrs. Wm. Hopking in the worship service. The Guest speakers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and Mrs. Mareline Morrison TE man have returned from an enjoyable trip to Bermuda. Quite a large gathering came to the community centre last Wednesday from Ashburn, Myrtle and Brooklin to hear Mr. Lloyd White. Health and physical education consultant for Durham Board of Education. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Knight and Mrs. W. Hopkins attend- ed the National Sunday School convention held in from Willowdale Presbyter- ian Church. _ Their Church with the help of others, sponsor and take care of Vietnamese boat people. They each gave us a lot of information about how they are being taught English, helped to get jobs and gener- ally cared for. Mrs. John McKinney thanked the group for coming. During the service Mrs. Catherine Humphrey MINI CINEMA gg5.8535 of: Merrill VanCamp of Blackstock chats with Durham Region's chairman Walter Beath [centre] and Tom Flood, Director of Development for the Region. T APRIL4 & 5 Saturday Matinee 2 P.M. ET aa AS ~ -r Friday 7 P.M. oN La PLE rin, De Why take more lessons than you need? Learn everything about 3 WARE Rad ae IMA Rd add A ah SUL al PRESS . LE h i <i Peoples Church, Willowdale sang a beautiful solo, The driving in less time a 5 on Sat. March 22nd. 1980 King Is Coming and a social with the professionals at: i715 marks the 200th anniversary time was spent after the i f of the establishment of the service. Ishall pass through ; y A he first Sunday school by Robt. the world only once, any , on Raikes of Glouchester, good therefore that I can do, . 4 ah England. A statue of Raikes or any kindness that I can D i Pie EN yo stands on the Legislature show to any human being let RIVING SCHOOL BARRY LUKE ¥ iA y grounds at Queens Park, me do it now. Let me not i ; APRIL 3rd - 8 P.M. Toronto. defer or neglect for I shall Phone: 985-8382 or (705) 786-2242 a Congratulations to Mr. and not pass this way again. . AP RIL 4th - 9 P.M. Mrs. Clarence Bryant. They i APRIL 5th & 6th - 8 P.M. have a new baby grand. 5 daughter. The parents are 4 70 Mr. and Mrs. Gribowsky os (nee Sylvia Bryant) of Port Perry. Last Sunday morning at Yay ~ Zant rr RY Sie DOSEN SL "GEORGE BURNS IS THE LAW FIRM OF REMARKABLE 'GOING IN STYLE is tough and tender, touching and very funny..." ~ JUDITH CRIST i aourswoncreromce: 3 wm vier Swi | KELLY, JERMYN "FIRST RATE PERFORMANCES. . and 5" Shs n'a proces ZULY & M ATTHEWS | with each one waving a living palm branch while the congregation sang the first hymn. During the service the Jr. Choir sang Sing Hosanna and Mr. Hugh Knight sang Oh Love that Will Not Let Me Go. Rev. McEntyre's sermon was taken from St. John 12 and entitled The Jesus Movement. There will be a Good Friday service on April 4th is pleased to announce that Michael Lloyd Fowler, | : B. Comm., LL.B. is now associated with them in the practise of law at W at 7:30 p.m. 217 Queen St., Port Perry The Ashburn group of the |, W.M.S. held their thank \_ y BB hbk stab LUT e HUT TTT Te TTT Te TTT THT LTT e NL Te Le Le Le LO Le LL Le LL bon MO TON 1S UH Haim anEnrnannnnnammn ono nm