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Congratulations to the Malmont Farms Atoms All Stars Hockey Team who won and Larry and Mary Mackie took third place. Regular curling will take place on Monday and Tuesday evenings while the ladies hold a jitney on Tuesday. This will conclude a very successful season at the local arena. The Curling Banquet will be held on Saturday evening and the ladies banquet will be on Wed. April 9 at 1 p.m. at the Anglican Parish Hall. Mrs. Velva Bailey return- ed home from a month in the sunny South in Florida. Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Till of Seagrave. . Miss Mary Lou Malcolm was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kellogg and David at Welcome. Mrs.Winnie Alexander (nee Winnie Taylor) of Wain- wright, Alberta spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family and Saturday and Sunday with her aunt Mrs. Roy Taylor the all Ontario zone playoffs against Brighton on Satur- day night in Port Perry. The team, coaches, parents and sponsors enjoyed a celebra- tion party after the game at the home of Gary Geer. Congratulations to local boys Bobby Goble, Brian Dean and Ray Daniels who are members of this successful team. Esther Kelly celebrated her ninth birthday on Sunday She entertained freiends, Julie Byers, Frances Grove, Lynda Parsons, Janet and Margaret Rowland of Port Perry at a swimming party on Friday after school. Sunday was a busy day at the United Church. At the morning service an induct- ion service was held for the new elders, Joyce Kelly, Neil Malcolm and Denzil Moore. The ladies' choir sang an Easter Anthem. Rev. Parsons preached a power- ful sermon on The King Comes. Communion service "DEBENTURES GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 42% 1 to 5 Year Debenture Annual Interest Rate. Minimum $1,000. 5 Years Monthly 144%. Rates Subject to Change without Notice. CALL: SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE: 985-3832 All Members Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. GIFT I AAS EEE ERT LEER ER EERE] tests ten SELECTION Items in our Gift Shop include our new line of Wooden Products: Knife Racks .......... MugHangers ......... Bulletin Boards ........ Key Holders ........... NYLON DOLLS MADE TO ORDER: Nurses, Granny & Gramps, Geisha Girls, Graduates and many other styles available. PICNIC TABLES - ORDERS TAKEN We also offer our services for Duplicating, Small Printing Jobs, Assembly, Packing, Sanding, Staining, etc. CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIE (Across from Port Perry Fairgrounds) Monday to Friday -9 A.M.to 5 P.M. PHONE 985-8511 Jb iI 8 A concluded the worship. At six o'clock a fine number of Church families returned for a Potluck supper which had a great array of food and wonderful fellowship. The children brought their Pyramids and pop cans while the adults presented their share envelopes for the World Development and Relief Fund. The Primary Sunday School favoured with several songs after which a film was shown to the adults while the children enjoyed a film strip. Glenn Larmer concluded the evening with a singsong. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Har- grave, Yancy Waern, Wood- ville, were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Cartwright Scouting and Guiding is holding a Flea Market and Craft Sale on Saturday, May 10 from 10-3 at the Rec. Centre. $5. booths are still available from Donna Schnavel at 986- 4907. Craft demonstrations will be taking place through- out the day." At St.. John's Anglican Church on Sunday Rev. R. Rose dedicated a beautiful new kneeler for the lecturn. This kneeler had been hook- ed and given by Mrs. Phyllis morning . kneelers It matches the used at the Communion Rail which Mrs. Hamilton presented last Easter. All this was done by Phyllis as a labour of love. On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Robert- sonat at the Little Britain Community Centre at the Victoria County Cattlemen's Association Banquet of which Bob is president. The evening consisted of a delicious hot beef dinner to which 435 sat down, enter- tainment and a dance. Neil and Elaine enjoyed a visit with Herman and Eunice Rodman who also attended this event. The Senior Citizens had 21 tables to their Card Party with the following winners: 1-Richard Manns-88; 2-Meta Swain-84; 3-Margaret Wat- 'son-84; 4-Ruby Tripp-83; 5-Leland Millson-81; 6-Olive Gimblett-79; Low was Free- man McCullough. Mrs. Percy VanCamp has returned home from a stay in Port 'Perry Hospital. Miss Hazel English is a patient there. The Science Fair is being: held at C.C.P.S. this week. Visitors are welcome to attend this on Wed. after- noon and evening. It is really worthwhile. Hamilton. French course at public meeting A French Immersion Programme in the Public School will be the topic of an open meeting sponsored by the Scugog Ratepayers Association on Wednesday, April 9 at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Offices, Port Perry. Mr. Casey Daleman, French consultant for the Durham Board of Education will present an overall view of this programme as it now exists. French Immersion pro- grammes are in operation in Oshawa and Pickering up to the Grade II level and a kindergarten class is commencing this September in Uxbridge. Some interest has been shown in starting the programme in the Port Perry area. Brock 4-H activities by Debbie Donneral The Brock 1 Woks have successfully completed the six scheduled meetings. Since the first meeting the officers have been President -Janet Blair, Vice-President- Janice Parrott, Secretary- Laurie Wonnacott, Press Reporter-Debbie Donneral. On Monday, March 24 after school the groups of Brock 1 and Brock 2 travell- ed to the Scarborough Town Centre and had dinner at the Magic Pan. Before dinner, we were given a demonstra- tion on how crepes were made. Each member and the leaders tried their skill and many were successful. For dinner we had many different types of crepes and marvellous "dressed up" © crepes. Achievement Day is May 1 at 7:30 p.m. and all visitors are welcome. Parents of pre-schoolers are invited to come-and hear the discussion on this inovat- ed programme. If you wish - more information, call Carol Hobbs 985-3414. Registration for the Cart- wright Softball League at any of the following locations - Rec. Centre on March 27, Caesarea Hall on April 1, and at Nestleton Recreation Centre on April 2 from 6-7:30 p.m. Birthdays are as. of June 1. Juniors are 7-10 seniors from 11-14 years old. problems and quizzed each other on material learned in this unit. The club was concluded with a pot luck supper. This was enjoyed by all. A special thanks to leaders Mrs. Peggy Larmer and Mrs. Betty Lee, they have done a lot in this club and all the girls wish to thank them. Deadline for registration is April 2. For further infor- mation call C. Umphrey at 986-5248. The Blackstock Fiesta Fryers held their sixth and final meeting on Tuesday March 25. The girls solved Mrs. John Carnaghan and Miss Caroline Carnaghan have returned home from a vacation in Florida. Please phone your news to 986-4257, It takes your assist- ance to make this an inter- esting column, LRA AVA RES ES RENT-IT eo IBM SELECTRIC oe CORRECTORS e OLYMPIA ® SMITH CORONA e UNDERWOOD ° eo ADDING MACHINES e DICTATION UNITS eo TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES DANFORTH TYPEWRITER | 2940 Danforth Ave Toronto 698-2589 408 Dundas Street West Whitby 666-1131 Sales & Service ~ For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS RICHARD HUNT WILLIAMSON MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3331 \ Thinking of Leasing? 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