o® For Sale For Sale CEDAR RAILS - $1.00 each. 986-5517. 1976 ALLIS CHALMER 185. New snowblower. 80" bucket and a manure bucket. All in A-1 condition. 1600 hours. Phone 416- 839-5951. M26 RUBBER STAMPS - for business cr personal use. Fast delivery. Call the Port Perry Star. 985- 7383. T.F. FREEZER ORDERS taken for pork by the side or whole. Phone 985-2782. Al6 WRECKING BUILDING - sinks, toilets, 2x 4's, doors, windows, bricks, etc. 985-8786 623-4301. A2 HAY - approx. 1000 bales. Call Clarence Harnden - 985-7192. A2 BRONZE PRINCE - thorough- bred at stud. Registered mares - $200; others - $150. J. Armstrong - 881-4799. K. Saunders - 640- 5593. A2 DRY MIXED HARDWOOD - delivered. Ivan Mountjoy - 986- 4737. T.F. RABBIT CAGES - made to order - Easter Bunny's and meat rabbits. Phone 985-3224. FIVE PIECE DINING ROOM Suite - Mediterranean style, two extra leaves. Phone 986-5414. A2 HAY - small quantity, 75c bale - call 985-3910. MASSEY FERGUSON corn planter, 2 row - 985-7488. SERVICE AGE BOARS - York- shire and Yorkshire/Landrace cross. Apply Maustyn McKnight Uxbridge - 852-3536. A2 1977 YAMAHA Y2125D moto- crosser, must be seen - $750. 985-7966. 50 YOUNG PULLETS - just started to lay; young ducks, starting to lay - 985-2838. VIOLIN - 985-2110. excellent condition - 1977 250 PE SUZUKI Enduro bike - very clean and reliable - $800 or best offer. Call 655-3062. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. We sell chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473. T.F.. 1978 152 PETERBOROUGH' runabout, 65 h.p. Mercury motor, 1200 Ib. trailer and top, mint condition with accessories - $3,800 or best offer. 985-7585. 1976 175¢cc YAMAHA Enduro excellent condition, very low mileage - $675.00. 985-2008 after 6 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE North eastern Alberta weekly newspaper showing excellent return. Apply to Box JK, A.W.N.A., #213, 11 Fairway Drive, Edmonton, Alberta TéJ 2W4, WASHER spin dryer, apartment size, Simplicity, perfect running order, three years old - $75.00. Call 985-3808. BRIGHTON MARINA - New slips available, good rates, prime location. Write Box 639 Brighton, Ontario KOK IHO. Cail (613) 475-0761. GIRLS MUSTANG BICYCLE - For Sale For Sale 12" ALUMINUM BOAT, 600 Ib. trailer and 6 h.p. Evinrude motor - phone 985-2520. A9 vator, 13' wide - $200. Harvey Graham - 986-4856. KVERLANDS - 3 pt. hitch culti- Phone REALTOR W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 118 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. Real Estate good condition - 986-5551. PORT PERRY PROPERTIES See To Believe Golfers - 10 year old, two storey brick home on 3/4 acre lot adjoining golf club featuring two car garage, main floor family room, den, 4 bedrooms and 2Y2 baths. Fireplace and deck. $61,000. mortgage at 11% - Asking $115,000.00. Large 8 room, 4 bedroom home on 151 ft. lot with heated 2 car garage or shop and large garden. Priced at $68,900.00. NEW HOMES - Cochrane Street and South Simcoe, priced at $61,700. and up. All brick and 3 bedrooms - on large lots. Lakefront permanent home with boat-house, guest house, huge cedar decks and walkouts to beautiful 75 x 218 waterfront lot. Asking $76,500. For information and appointment to view the above properties, please ask for Herb Lawrence - Oshawa 571-0600 or Res: 985-8154. A.E.LEPAGE ml (ONTAR{10) LTD + REALTOR 368 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 571-0600 I - aluminum bungalow. Real Estate Limited, Realtor Mariposa Township Port Perry Janetville ' 4 Caesarea Pleasant Point HOMES $69,000 - 1 acre with brick bungalow. Large 10-3/4% mortgage. $58,900 - Large l6t. 3 bed- room bungalow, fireplace, separate dining room, attached garage. $50,900 - Beautiful 4 level sidesplit. 18 x 24' garden house. Backs onto farm- land. $29,900 - Doll House on 50 x 110° lot. Garage. No work to be done here. $52,500 - Brick bungalow. by MARJORIE M. TRIPP REALTOR HOW CAN REALTOR HELP? Selling your home through a Realtor will bring you as much or more profit - with none of the attendant pro- blems and headaches you to lease with option to buy or sell on contract. He's prepared to ar- range the intricacies of financing and has the canexpect whenyoutryto «ppnow how necessary to sell it on your own. close the transaction Besides his knowledge properly. Believe me - list- of the market and the skill ing with a Realtor will to suggest realistic Prices, save you time and make the Realtor has built up a you money. list of prospects that no homeowner can possibly sressssssnns match ... prospects who are honestly interested in If there is anything we finding a home and finan- cially able to buy ... not can do to help you in the field of real estate, please casual lookers. He knows phone or drop in at: how long to hold out, MARJ. TRIPP whether to take a second REAL ESTATE LTD., ' i; mortgage, how to handle 286 Queen St., Port Perry. Estates ao x 200° lot. Rec room earnest money, whether Phone: 985-8041 or 985-8151 wiihbar. 2% morgage, We're here to help! COTTAGES LOTS - LOTS Pine Point $34,900 - Waterfront, win- ine Poin terized. Try $3,000 down. Home Lot Mature trees. 150' x 300' Large 10-3/4% mortgage approx. $22,900 with 12% due 1984. mortgage. : : Seagrave Area $18,900 - Over 1 acre. Try $28,500 - Furnished, winter- . : Cagsares ized cottage. Access to your down payment. Lake Scugog. Port Perry 62 x 126 - $20,000 with $5,000 down payment. 286 Queen Street - Port Perry 985-8041 - 985-8151 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Marj. Tripp Doris Clark Jim Elliot Annemarie Knopp Pam Fis David Tripp 985-7606 986-5314 985-2245 985-2429 985-3632 985-8398 Phil RPI Toronto 364-2516 The Spring Edition of FRANK REAL ESTATE GUIDE is now available. Drop by our office and pick up your copy. payment to 8% first mortgage to qualified purchasers. A.H.O.P. Assistance. 1200 sq. ft. semis, 3 bedrooms, 1v2 baths, fully sodded lots. Only 3 left. Call Ken Middleton. UXBRIDGE NORTH EAST: 12 acre mini farm featuring 1600 sq. ft. custom built ranch bun- galow, 38' x 30' attached garage. Large eat in kitchen, separate dining room, living room fireplace. 3 bedrooms, 40' x 80' steel shed, small barn. A must to see at $134,900.00. Call Bruce Currie. PORT PERRY AREA: 12 acres with small stream. 4 year old 4 bedroom brick and 14" x 20' living room, central vacuum. 16' x 32' pool, small barn, 2 car garage. Asking $86,900.00. Call Lloyd Hockley. $37,000.00 1ST MTG. AT 104% - OUTSKIRTS OF PORT PERRY: 1 acre well treed and land- scaped. 3 bedrooms, 1/2 baths, finished family room, excellent kitchen. Living room fireplace, top quality broadloom. Vendor transferred and asking only $86,000.00. Call Harvey Moore. $43,000.00 1ST. MORTGAGE AT 112% - PORT PERRY 6 MILES: Large 4 bedroom frame house in good condition. Large garage, 1 acre lot with 129° frontage on the Nonquon River. Only $64,900.00. Call Fred or Mark Smith. MANCHESTER: Spacious 3 bedroom brick bungalow on 99 x 320" lot. 14' x 11' kitchen, large living room, 4th bedroom down, 14' x 26' rec room. Newly installed broadloom, single garage. Asking $64,500.00. For appointment call Ken Middleton. MANILLA: 2 year old 3 bedroom sidesplit featuring eat in kitchen, L-shaped living and dining room. Finished family room, 1 car garage, extra large lot, all in mint condition. Asking $57,900.00. Call Bruce Currie. SCUGOG ISLAND: 2 bedroom bungalow with living room, dining room and kitchen. Workshop at back. Asking $32,900.00. Call Bruce Currie. LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT: Furnished 3 bedroom cottage, nicely finished interior, conveniences. Well treed lot. $44,900.00 with $10,000.00 down. Vendor will hold 1st mortgage. Call Fred or Mark Smith. CANNINGTON: Brick duplex, 2 bedrooms with living room, dining room, kitchen on each side. All conveniences with attached garage. $45,900. with 102% mortgage. Call Bruce Currie. LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT: 2 bedroom aluminum clad winterized cottage on 78' x 221° lot. All conveniences, has been lived in year round. Piced right at $39,900.00. Call Fred or Mark Smith. OVERLOOKING LAKE SCUGOG: 85' x 215' lot 3 miles to Port Perry. High and dry area of new homes. Only $15,400.00. Call Ken Middleton. Mark Smith -- 985-7639 Maurice Baker -- 985-8176 Lawrence Morrison -- 705-786-2319 Fred Smith -- 985-7639 Lloyd Hockley -- 985-8915 Bruce Currie -- 705-357-3392 Harvey Moore -- 655-3598 Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. Port Perry 9857386 Oshawa 576-7515 BLOSSOM COURT: $44,900.00. $2,245.00 down + 8 A, n " a a - v nn a My FE ARE ET atti pe pron cn Ya" " « Wim ti ' - ra NE XY ~5 a Rt a > «< A - Ten War 4, ast - - "" nN - aA " . ot . pa dees a & oa x BW A a . eh or ~ N Yn hon CN -ve "xu RR go -' a - eo oll JT Ve Ti. xl RO .- ~ get SURETY JAP J a eA cw et DR ged wd a? os & "y " " a ERE ATEN ~ 2 AIG CET ph AP Tien po ie ne 2 lt fs TC Cp RE ride let or g IT) + 27% of oN -~ Ne Ton aed, o A oi 0a 8 fort "Ra NE = Yea YN pms SA he >, Ces Ro] a a RRR ES lay Ss - -- wid Par --s 0D RN MO AS ALG EAE -ty 4 N a = aT - oye A nn RA = . (3 3%. pe a Lo i ~~ YJ TER Sea ow ¥ ATTA, - 05 Ee ona Al orl RTE toe SAT ~e CES h <* eI TINE , £5 J - al --_ ax = ACPA EIA SELL a, NA 3 AB ART 2% 5 » a SRL RA CaS rey J RATE Ret AN ee D4 5 . A Tei ~ rales AS