Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 2 Apr 1980, p. 31

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 2, 1980 -- 31 lassified Ads Miscellaneous FREE PASTURE and barn for one horse. Call for details - Seagrave - 985-2506. Help Wanted TOOL AND DIE MAKER experienced in tool and die, jigs, and fixtures. Apply Glitsch Canada Ltd., 18 Dallas St., Box 880, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC IKO or phone 852-3381. A9 HAIRDRESSER wanted for Port Perry shop, full or part time, experienced in Men's styling. 725-8710. i RESPONSIBLE, capable, clean person to help in kitchen in preparation of continental style foods. Experience in food pre- paration preferred. Must be willing to work Friday and Satur- day evenings. 985-2775. . PART TIME WORK - evenings, using your car. $7.00 per product display. 579-1533. WAITER/WAITRESS exper- ienced, must be 19 years of age or over. Apply Watermill Res- taurant - 985-3766. TORONTO - Many jobs in and near Toronto, in homes looking after children. Send resume, references, photo or call Liz, Gibson Girl, 102 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Phone 924-7395. 2 WE REQUIRE automotive journeyman for large car and truck dealership in northern Alberta. We offer stable employ- ment, comprehensive group benefits and an effective hourly rate of $12.25 per hour. Commun- ity offers excellent living condi- tions, full recreation facilities and an excellent economy. Successful applicant must possess a Journeymen's Licence, be in good health, have the abili- ty to organize work, diagnose properly and work well with others. A full compliment of working tools is required. Phone Brian Lewis at: area code (403) 532-8865 between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. Monday. For full details write Mr. Lewis, c/o Trumpeter Pontiac Buick, 12308 100th Street, Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 4H7 Opportunity affords good advancement potential. SALES PEOPLE wanted for Magnetic Signs. Age no barrier. Call 723-6894. 'When you're a somebody, Get a Sign." Alé TOOLROOM Working Foreman - experienced in tool and die, jigs, and fixtures. Apply Glitsch Canada Ltd., ~ 18 Dallas St., Box 880 Uxbridge, Ontario LOC IKO or phone 852-3381. INTERESTED in selling your crafts? Call 852-6740 for more information. CLASS A MECHANIC - one full time, and two part time (Satur- days). Apply: Canadian Tire, Service Manager, Port Perry or phone 985-7341. A9 OFFICE HELP REQUIRED for Port Perry business. Exper- ience in general office duties and bookkeeping essential. Send complete resume stating qualifi- cations and remuneration expec- ted to Box 13, c/o Port Perry Star. MRK L&g AAA, , 8yTO® & BE YOUR OWN BOSS If you are-interested in a business opportunity with the freedom of unlimited growth potential to allow you to do the things in life you always wanted to do ... "The SHAKLEE Opportunity Help Wanted Austin Bartley - (416) 986-4731. BLACKSTOCK Nursery School requires a supervising teacher for September, E.C.E. required. Experience preferred. Send resume to Box 11, Blackstock, Ontario LOB IBO. A2 Work Wanted GREENBANK T.V. TOWERS - Installation and Repairs. Free estimates. Cdlour antennas, rotors, mast amplifier. Five year Workmanship Guaranteed. 985-8387. A9 REPAIRS to all makes of mowers, tillers, outboards, etc. Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ontario ~705- 357-3526. T.F. DUTCH LADY would like to do housework in Port Perry area. Call 985-2030. WILL DO SEWING for little girls in my home. Can do hand- smocking if pattern calls for it. Order summer items now at reasonable prices. Call Black- stock - 986-5311. BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY - Recovering of Sofas, Chairs, Skidoo seats, boats and auto interiors. Upholstery supplies and buttons made. Wide choice of fabrics. All work guaranteed. 23 years experience. Free Esti- mates within 50 mile radius. Call Ag27 INCOME TAX For Individuals & Small Businesses Reasonable Rates JOYCE KELLY H & R Block Graduate BLACKSTOCK 986-4257 Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales EXPERIENCED MOTHER will daycare in own home. Blagk- stock area. 986-5267. T.F. WILL DO SEWING and altera- tions in my home. $3 per hour. 985-3948. . TF INCOME TAX For Individuals Small Businesses & Corporations also BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Days or Evenings K. DAVE MUIR R.LA. 173 Lilla St. 985-7079 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 DISC JOCKEY Available for All Occasions Reasonable Rates 985-8339 'CREATIVE STEVE LEE 985-3286 Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? Don't Replace ... REFACE! WITH NEW DOORS & COUNTERTOPS also planning and designing of CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call CABINETS' GEORGE BURGER 1-705-432-2581 JOHN'S LANDSCAPING & RENOVATIONS -C.I.L. Dealer - Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Tree & Shrub Pruning Flower Beds - Fence Repairs Asphalt Patching & Sealing - All Work Guaranteed - PORT PERRY & AREA 986-4953 GENERAL New Homes - Additions General Carpentry Pole Barns Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding -Soffit- awaits you." NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING CALL Free Estimates Given with No Obligations ELLIE or RICK NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 (416) 725-8724 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY - ONTARIO CONTRACTING &; IRE INCOME TAX - bookkeeping problems? Let me help. Special rates for seniors, low income families. Will pick up and deliver. Call Betty - 985-3842. J30 TYPING, INVOICING, ' personal resume, etc. 2518 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. billing, Call 985- T.F. HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all kinds, trucks and banners. Call 985-3892from8a.m.to9p.m.T.F. FOR SEED CLEANING at its best take it to Swain's and let them do the rest. Make your appointment now - 986-4331. A30 4 INCOME TAX PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS Nelson C. Patterson C.G.A. Phone 985-8332 After 6:00 P.M. - 985-2034 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup [| T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of Colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.'s, and Hi-Fi's. We carry factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET T.V. UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 MUSIC OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER 'P & G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa -torian wash stand, Auction Sales THURSDAY APRIL3 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Excellent Auction Sale of Furniture and Antiques, the property of MRS. G. BRADY, selling at Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, inclu- ding Walnut Dining room svife (excellent), chesterfield suite, dryer, washer, stove, refrigera- tor, walnut desk (secretarial L unit), electric typewriter, 3 T.V.'s - one colour console, color portable, and B & W console, microwave oven, humidifier, 8' x 10° Morrocan rug (beautiful), bedroom suite, large desk, Kitchen suite, movie camera & projector - like new, 5 pc. silver tea service, number of silver pieces, walnut table, walnut drop leaf Duncan Phyfe table, walnut Duncan Phyfe end table, 2 brass carved vases and rosebowl to match, no. of lamps, antique Chinese lamps, antique jewel- lery box, Gestetner (good), show blower, B & D 10' radial arm saw(like new), electric guitar & amplifier & amp, 2 adding machines, thermo patio sliding door (as new), steel garden shed, rifles including 30-30 Saddle rifle (collector's item), 303 & .22, gun rack, Woods rotary 5° mower - 3 pt. hitch, pine wash stand, Vic- oak hall stand Maple wash stand, Caned chairs, beautiful settee set, plus many small articles. NOTE: This is an excellent quality sale. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - (416-852-3524. Give Away PUPPIES - free to good home, mother purebred Collie. Call 985-8689. Auctioneers ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 MURRAY JACKSON EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Household - Antiques Estates - Farms - Livestock Equipment - Consignments 985-2459 Dit A re SATURDAY APRILS SALE TIME: 12 NOON FARMSOLD Auction sale of farm machi- nery, dairy equipment and furni- ture for SHACKLETON BROS., R.R. 1 Bowmanville. Four miles north of Bowmanville on Middle Road, or one mile east of Hamp- ton and 2 mile south of Taunton Rd. Int. 624 diesel tractor, Int. 34 Diesel tractor with 1501 loader, W4 tractor, Int. 540 manure spreader (good), Int. 10' disc., Int. 4 furrow plow, Int. 15 run seed drill on rubber, Vicon ferti- lizer spreader, Int. 990 hay cut-ditioner, wagon and rack, dump trailer - P.T.O. driven, Int. rotary cutter, Spraymotor sprayer, Int. 47 baler, 2 bale elevators, Mueller 500 gal. bulk tank, Surge pipeline milker for 44 cows - 4 units, feed carts, Silo- matic belt feeder - 70°, harrows, chain harrows, wagon feeder, water trough, cattle clippers, welder, trailer, 2 grain augers, Viking grinder, Cement mixer, posts, 3 h.p. motor, grain aera- tors, cattle dehorner, hay, grain corn, Refrigerator, 21' Deep freezer, Grain Cradle, broad axe, qu. of furniture, etc., plus many other articles. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. A2 WEDNESDAY APRIL? SALE TIME: 11 AM. HOLSTEINS Auction Sale of 110 Holsteins at Wilsons Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge, featuring Spring Sensation Sale. 25 top breeding females selected for outstanding type and production. Followed by the complete Trent- side Holstein Dispersal for CARL McMILLAN, Norwood. A com pletely homebred herd, all from top unit sires. Also the Calf Sensation Sale with 25 4-H age calves. Selling 25 daughters of Nelacres Johanna Senator. Others by Citation R, Telstar, Royalty, Kemp, Marquis, Ned. Several VG cows selling. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. A2 fh BNE A 2% GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 11a.m. BROUGHAM HALL . Highway #7 and Brock Road. Sale of household furniture, antiques, dishes and collectibles, including mahogany dining room suite, with Duncan Phyfe style table (good), 3 pc. walnut bed- room suite, double brass bed, double spool bed, clocks, (2 school, beehive, gingerbread), 3 dressers, school bell, press back rockers, oil lamps, planters, round oak pedestal table, set of 6 press back chairs, curio cabinet, oak hall seat rack, buggy wheels, decoys, wooden plains, ice tongs, brass fireplace dogs, cast fire basket, buffet, wash stands, 2 beaver sealers wooden butter bowls, number of odd press back chairs, piano stool, mirrors, oak church pew, wooden wall tele- phone, chests of drawers, corner what-not, crocks, Viking humidi- fier, electric can opener, fondue set, Underwood typewriter and desk, set of 6 pine seat chairs, milk bottles, copper boiler, dishes plus numerous other articles. Terms cash, no re- serve. John Annis, Auctioneer - 655-4663. A2 SATURDAY APRILS SALE TIME: 12 NOON SHARP STOCK REDUCTION SALE 15th Annual Stock Reduction Sale - Absolutely unreserved - new and used farm machinery, the property of W.J. Lambert and Sons Ltd., (Massey Fergu- son Dealer), on the Beaverton by-pass at Beaverton, 13 miles north of Sunderland or 23 miles south of Orillia. Tractors: M.F. 265 tractor m.p., PTO 867 hrs.; M.F. 135 'tractor VK diesel 8 speed; M.F. 235 tractor gas, M.F. 180 tractor, M.F. 135 trac- tor gas, M.F. 165 tractor HA m.p., PTO; M.F. 1020 tractor, Nuffield 465 tractor and loader, D.B. 990 tractor & loader, |.H.C. 624 tractor, Case 430 tractor & loader, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, A.C. D17 tractor with 4 furrow plough, D.B. diesel tractor 880, M.F. 65 diesel tractor hi-arch m.p.; 1974 model 500 Bob Cat Skid Loader. Ploughs: M.F. 66 plough 3 furrow, Hydrien plough 3 furrow, Hydrien plough 4 furrow, M.F. 82 plough less coul- ters 4 furrow, M.H. 28 drag plough 3 furrow. Discs: M.F. 520 disc drag 10 ft., M.F. 39 disc 8 ft. 3pt. h., J.D. disc harrow 48 plate. Corn Planters: |. H.C. 2 row corn planter pull type with fertilizer hopper, A.C. 2 row corn planter 3pt. h. Haying Equipment: M.F. 655 swather 12 ft. table pick up reels with hay conditioner, Owat- tona 350 swather 10 ft. table pick up reels with hay conditioner, Owattona 216 Haybine 9 ft, 1.H.C. 201 self propelled swather, N.H. 65 baler & thrower, N.H. 68 baler, I.H.C. 46 baler, M.F. 9 baler, J.D. 15 crop chopper, Allied automatic stooker with hydraulic drive, Walker stooker, Vicon windrow turner, |.H.C. trail mower, A.C. side rake. Misc.: J.B. & D 3 pt sprayer, Fertilizer spreader 3 pt., Cock- shutt 430 combine with M.F. 61 apron pick-up, J.D. 25 combine, N.H. 616 harvester, Fox 3300 forage harvester 2 row corn head and pick up, N.I. 314 picker sheller, Dion forage blower, Ghel forage blower, M_F. 160 cultiva- tor and harrows, Kongskilde SGB4531 cultivator with rolling harrows & levelling planks, Kongskilde 34 tooth cultivator, Watveare cultivator, Glencoe 9'2 ft. cultivator, 2 - Gravity boxes with running gear, 2 - Gehl for age boxes with running gear, Rex forage box with running gear, Grove blade, Farm hand 820 grinder mixer, Farm hand 810 mix mill, Snowco mixer box & running gear, Farm hand 430 manure spreader, M.F. 160 manure spreader, N.H. 275 manure spreader, N.H. 140 bush. manure spreader, N.H. tank spreader. New Equipment: 2 - M.F. 114 forage boxes, Murray 5 h.p. riding mower 25", 1979 MF. 85 garden tractor 34", MF 5 lawn mower, M_.F. 7 tractor & mower, Stallion 6 h.p. mower. 1968 Chrysler car, 1967 Chevrolet car. 3M - 209 Automatic copier, office chairs, tables. Terms cash or financing available prior to sale - 10% discount on all parts day of sale. Absolutely no re- serve. Lunch available. Sale time - 12:00 noon sharp. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer - Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. A2 a3 he TE LE SAREE L 4 nw UC Ey

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