y * 3 A i x Ly NS I i) { i) Las) lS w, =, 2 R a re A A oi A UD Sn NR FIAT HD tn SF SNC ER M40. ¥ Sh A AR PNT Lai EL \ NF AAMT. StL NARS pt 2h LY CF CR CPA TAR ES SR WA Ne Teg AN 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 2, 1980 Auction Sales GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME; 11 A.M. Stouffville Sales Barn Antiques and collectibles, fur- niture, dishes, number of clocks, collection of old jars, tools, over 600 items. Plan to attend. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner - Auctioneers. A2 SATURDAY APRIL SS SALE TIME: 11 A.M. PRINCE ALBERT HALL Antiques & Furniture Auction of antiques and furni- ture the property of MRS. JEAN HUNTER, of Scarborough, to be held at the Prince Albert Hall located one mile south of Port Perry in the village of Prince Albert. Round oak pedestal table with four leaves, large oak buffet 6 chairs and arm chair, beautiful older style chesterfield and chair, 3rugs - 9x 102, 9x 12, 11 x 12, Viking portable colour T.V. with stand, refrigerator, chrome kitchen table and chairs, Andrew Malcolm bedroom set, vanity type dresser, beautiful single bed, mattress, dresser and night table, large qu. of antique chairs, 5 legged antique table. Antique - crocks, lamps, platters, canes, trunks, pumice stone holder, flat irons, copper kettle, flower stands, auto harp, brass candle ,holder, Poppy of England toilet set, eye glasses, hall trees, post cards, cookie jar, Crosley radio with horn speaker, silver, baskets, depression glass, limoge, jewellery, books, butter and cheese dishes, curling tongs, pictures, and many more very interesting items that have been in the Hunter family for years. Mrs. Hunter has sold her proper- ty and moved to a nursing home and wish everything sold. No reserve. Lunch available. Auc- tioneer - Murray Jackson - 985- 2459. A2 WEDNESDAY APRIL? SALE TIME: 11 A.M. 110 Head of Holsteins selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge. *Spring Sensation Sale* Featuring 25 of the best! Top females selected for depth of pedigree and production. Fea- turing daughters of Telstar, Senator, Marquis, Citation R. Maple, Starlite, Citation R, Royalty, Ned, Crusader, Em- peror. One of the finest selec- tion of females we have ever sold. Most of the pedigrees have dams VG or Ex. *Sensation Calf Sale* 25 Calves of 4-H age selected by Maurice Jebson, Beaverton. Calves by Ultimate, Citation R, Sir Christopher, Peration, Sena- tor, Triple Threat. These calves were selected for show type and pedigree. Most have two genera- tions of VG dams. *Trentside Dispersal* 50 Head owned by CARL McMILLAN, Norwood. A completely homebred herd with top sires for many years. Ya of the herd by Senator. All 1980 calves by Marquis Prince. VG sisters by Fury Lad and Instiga- tor. Many of the herd will be fresh day of sale. Make plans to attend this sale at Wilson's Sales Arena on April 9 at 11 am. Semen selling includes Astro- naut, Clinton Camp Majesty, Triple Threat, Admiral Citation, Rosafe Shamrock Perseus, Thames Crest Sovereign Supreme. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 SALE TIME: 12:30 VOGELS HOLSTEINS - COMPLETE DISPERSAL Ninety head selling at the farm of MIKE VOGELS, R.R. 3, New- castle, Ontario. From Hwy. # 401 take Newtonville cut off south to first corner then east to first farm. D.H.1.A. grade herd selling due to ill health of owner, consists of 50 milk cows, 15 bred heifers, 15 yearlings, and 10 calves, most N.I.P. sired by and bred to Eastern Unit Sires. Mature cows and heifers are sired by such bulls as Rockman, Achievement and Dairy-King. Younger cattle by Rocky A, Admiral Citation, and Senator. This herd has good udders, are sharp and dairy and has had its first test towards Free Listing. If you need milk or herd replacement, plan to attend this sale. Lunch available. Terms cash. Ed McMorrow, Auctioneer 705-953-9444, Neil Malcolm, Sales Manager - 416- 986-4246. Alb Ontario. Full details later. This High Quality,' APRIL SALES - Calvin Mabee Sales manager & Auctioneer Lindsay - [705] 324-4567 Saturday, April 5th - 12 noon - Auction sale of ANTIQUE ACORN COOKSTOVE, ANTI- QUES AND FURNITURE, property of RUSSELL ENGLISH Cannington, and consigners, sale to be held at Three Bridges, Cannington on Hwy. #12, 3 miles west of Cannington or 9 miles, south of Beaverton, on Hwy. #12. | Antique Acorn Renfrew cook-, stove, in excellent condition with | reservoir and warming oven, over 100 years of age, pine cup- board, gramaphone, 5 matching dining chairs, 2 pine blanket boxes, dressers, wardrobe, old medicine chest, matching pair of reupholstered antique chairs, washstand, pine corner cup- board, Franklin fireplace, portable B & W T.V., lamps, preserving jars, dishes, and much more. Terms cash, no reserve. Saturday, April 19th - 12 noon - Second annual Farm Machinery and consignments, Auction for JIM GRAVES EQUIPMENT, 2 mile east of Orillia, on Hwy. #12 or 23 miles north of Beaverton. Saturday, April 26th - 12 noon - Auction Sale of old Horse Drawn Machinery, tack and harness, furniture, etc. Property of DOUG DONER, Pefferlaw, Planning a Spring Sale or wish- ing to consign to any of the above call Auctioneer - Calvin Mabee, Lindsay - (705) 324-4567. A2 TUESDAY, APRIL 15 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of Farm Machi- nery, the property of BRYAN KELL, Lot 12, Con. 11, Brock Township (on Hwy. #12) é miles north of Sunderland or three miles west of Cannington, to Hwy. #12, first farm south. M.F. 265 diesel tractor (3 yrs.), Inde- pendent P.T.O. (850 hrs), M.F. * 135 tractor, M.F. baler #12, N.H. haybine pull-type (good), Triple K plow 3 furrow 14", M.F. double disc 10 ft (3 pt), M.F. cultivator 10 ft. (3 pt), N.H. manure sprea- der #130, M.F. blade 7 ft, N.H. side rake on rubber, Allied stooker motor driven, set of chain harrows, 2 rubber tired wagons with hay racks, grain box (180 bushel) with 6 ton wagon, U.H.C. snow blower 7 ft. (1 yr), hay stooker, 2 hay eleva- tors, closed in type 32 ft., open type 24 ft., 3 drum roller, feed box, cedar rails, many other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson - Auctioneers - Ph (705) 357-3270. A9 SATURDAY APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of farm machi- nery and household furniture, the property of KEN STONG, Lot 21, Con. 10 Brock Township, 1 mile west of Manilla and two miles north (straight south of Cannington). McCormick W4 tractor, Ferguson 20-85 tractor, Oliver crawler tractor with loader, Case riding tractor with 44' lawn mower, Hydrastat drive, Ford '67 2 ton truck, Ford 1972 Bronco 4x4, two skidoos (1 twin, one single), snowmobile sleigh, J.D. cultivator 8 ft. on rubber, N.I. mower on rubber, Ferguson plow 2 furrow, manure spreader (ground driven), 3 sec. drag harrows, 3 sec. Spring tooth harrows, |.H.C. double disc (pull type), 3 drum roller, M.H. dump rake, rubber tired wagon, steel wheel wagon, Ferguson post hole auger, M.H. grinder complete with 1 h.p. motor, Farmhand bale buncher, Pony cart buggy, set of pony harness, light horse harness (good), western saddles and bridles, pony saddle and bridle, English saddle, buggy parts, rabbit cages, chicken feeders, water pumps, plastic pipe and hose, racks for pick up truck, track and garage door, 5 h.p. snow blower, roto tiller, rotary mower, mini bikes, bicy- cles, tools, Remington chain saw, gas powered cement mixer, chain hoist, qu. of other small articles, also a good quarter horse saddle mare (good to ride) Furniture, antique pot bellied stove, churns, porch swing, antique beds, dressers, trunks, wringer washer, G.E. dryer, cradle, milk cans, lawn roller, many other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Furniture sells first. Reg and Larry Johnson - Auctioneers - Ph (705) 357-3270. Lunch évailable. A9 ) SATURDAY APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. LIVESTOCK, IMPLEMENTS, & SOME FURNITURE Auction sale of 105 purebred and grade holstein cattle the property of WM. (BILL) McDONALD, Lot 18, Con. 12, Brock Township, "4 mile west of Cannington & 2 mile north to first farm on right. Household: Pool table, record player, 2 sets end tables & coffee table, ches- terfield and two chairs and otto- man, lamps, humidifier, 3B & W T.V.'s, one chrome table and six chairs, 3 beds & dressers, refri- gerator, stove, dishwasher, 6 ft. pine table & 2 benches & 2 captains chairs - hand made, 3 sets drapes, bedspreads & curtains, canopy bedspread and drapes, fireplace grate & uten- sils, oil burner, pop cooler, two refrigerators, games, toys, some antiques & collectibles, many other items. Implements: 1978 Bellaris 800 diesel tractor with cab, fully equipped 500 hrs.; M.F. 65 diesel tractor low arch with M.F. manure loader, 1975 M.F. hay tender PTO (Hay bind type), N.H. baler 69 PTO, Hy- drien plough 4-16s 3 pt. h. trip beam, 3 drum land roller, 5 section drag harrows, Triple K cultivator 10 ft. 3 pt. h., Chisel plough 13 tooth trai} type, Cock- shutt seed drill 15 disc on rubber, 1976 Vicon fertilizer spreader 3 pt. h., 40 ft. hay grain elevator with under carriage, 7 plywood calf creeps, 10 ft. set of chain harews, 6 section drag harrows with evener, 12 ft. Oliver tandem disc trail type, 8 ft. grain auger 4'" with motor,int. ace bottom plough 311, lift and trail hydrau- lic, Upright cattle oiler, 1972 Chev. Station wagon as is. Hay, Straw, Grain, Corn: Approx. 3000 bales of mixed hay, approx. 500 bales of barley straw, approx. 26 ton of Herta barley, approx. 20 ton of dry corn. Milking Equip- ment: Surge Alamo vacuum pump with motor, Vac line with magnetic pulsators, 5 Surge units, Pails, strainers, double wash sinks, Champion bulk milk tank stainless steel, De Laval separator, qu. of barrels, qu. of tires, pig farrowing crates, pig feeders & waterers, hot water tank, some scrap iron, many other items. Purebred cows: Redwing Royalstar Athena, Luckyhill Major Mamie, Glen- nell Mardell, Healyvale Sup- reme Prospect, Luckyhill Rocky Barb. Pure- bred heifers: Leebrook Classic Doreen, Sunnyslopes Rocky Donna, Wilsridge Ultimate Nellie, two heifer calves from Lurenda Starmaker. Grade cattle: grade holstein cow - 5 yrs. ol@, grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs. old, grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs. old grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs. old, grade Guernsey cow 7 yrs. old, Grade Holstein cow 4 yrs. old, grade Holstein cow 4 yrs. old, Grade Holstein - 5 yrs., Grade Holstein heifer - 3 yrs., grade Holstein heifer - 3 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 6 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs., grade Holstein cow 3 yrs., grade Holstein - 5 yrs., grade Holstein - 3 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 5 yrs., grade Holstein - 3 yrs, grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 3 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 3 yrs., gradd Holstein cow - 3 yrs., grade Holstein cow - 3 yrs., grade Holstein - 3 yrs., Grade Holstein cow - 4 yrs., grade Holstein - 3 yrs., Brown Swiss & Jersey cow - 4 yrs., Grade Holstein cow - 5 yrs. Grade Holstein cow - 4 rs., Grade Holstein cow - 7 yrs., Grade Holstein cow - 5 yrs., Grade Holstein cow - 5 yrs., 9 Grade Holstein heifers, 20 Grade Holstein heifers rising 1 yr. old, 9 Grade Holstein calves from 1 to 3 months, 20 Grade Holstein bull calves from 1 to 4 months, 4 Hereford Holstein calves - 4-5 months. Herd Sire - Laurenda Starmaker. Unit Bulls used: Werecroft Modle Allstar, A Woodbine Milkman, Mississippi Rockman Prospect, Dappledale Pure Gold. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time - Household - 1M a.m. Implements - 11:30 a.m. Cattle - 1:30 p.m. Carl Hickson - Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. A9 Locmoor Jill; SATURDAY APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction Sale of Farm Machi- nery at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge. This sale will start promptly at 10:30 a.m. and will be sold by 1 p.m. as the Charolais Sale starts at 1:00. Including A-C 7040 diesel tractor with cab - 1900 hrs. (duals, air conditioning, power shift, weights, etc.), 1975 GMC 1 ton stake truck with cattle racks - certified, MF 1085 diesel tractor, Case 430 gas tractor, Case 14 disc with spray tank, Int. 440 baler, Int. 12' cultivator with mulcher, Hesston 10' haybine, N.H. 40' elevator, J-D seed drill, rubber tired wagons, J B & D weed sprayer, Papec 870 Mix mill, A-C D15 tractor and loader - gas, Int. PTO manure spreader, Int. 656 diesel tractor. The property of Brian Gilroy, Stouff- ville. Also selling the property of Harold Dobson, Port Perry. Farm sold. Lincoln portable welder with Wisconsin Engine, Hydrane 3 furrow plow - 14" (good), power harrow, grain auger, garden tractor plow, plat- form scales, Int. 80 PTO combine - 7° cut pick up reel, grain box on carriage. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. A9 WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. FARM SOLD Auction sale of farm machi- nery and equipment for the property of John and Karen Dechert, R.R. 1 Zephyr, Ontario. One mile straight north of Zephyr. Including MF 165 diesel ! tractor with Allied 300 front end loader - 2500 hrs., MF 175 diesel tractor with aux. hydraulics - 2100 hrs., MF 300 diesel combine with cab, heater, air conditioning - quick attachment & MF 10' grain platform and MF 24 2 row corn head, MF 81 mower-condi- tioner, MF 12 baler, MF 33 seed drill - 15 run with grass seed box, MF 37 side rake, MF 25 disc harrow - 3 pt. hitch, MF 139 Vibra Shank cultivator - 10', Sanderum Spring Tooth cultivator, MF 66 4 furrow plow - 12" trip beam, MF 74 3 furrow plow - 14' trip beam, MF 39 2 row corn planter - 3 pt. hitch, MF 130 manure spreader with top beater - 130 bu., MF 15 grinder mixer, N.H. 38 crop chopper, N.H. 611 forage harves- ter with one row corn head, N.I. 123 corn picker and husker - 1 row, Teagle #2 3 pt. Broadcast spreader and seeder, G.W. 72 snowblower, G.W. 9 post hole auger, Morridge 65 PTO portable grain dryer, Hutchinson PTO transport auger on wheels, 2 Farm King utility augers, Viking 25' grain and corn elevator on wheels, Case 25' hay elevator on wheels, G.W. 30' hay elevator, Dion 3 36' blower, Celsa 6825 boom sprayer with hand attach- ment, Eastern 16' forage box on 8 ton Horst wagon, Turnco grain box on G.W. 62 ton wagon, Kilbros grain box on G.W. 5 ton wagon, two wagons with hay racks, 4 section harrows, plat- form scale, Coleman space heater, air compressor with 2 h.p. motor, watering tanks, water bowls, farrowing crates, sprays, seed grain, 1 ton fertili- zer, plus many other items. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions - Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 A9 TUESDAY APRIL 15 SALE TIME: 12 NOON 75 HOLSTEINS Quinte Quality Holstein sale of 75 holsteins selling at the Quinte Exhibition Grounds, Sidney St. Belleville. 40 head fresh or close to calving. Featuring daughters of A Clinton Camp Majesty, Triple Threat, Kemp, Admiral Citation, Senator, Perseus Leader. Also 15 4-H age calves by Jetstar, Senator, Man-O-War, Admiral Citation. If you wish to consign to this sale, please con- tact the sale manager. Sale managed and sold by Lioyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. A9 FRIDAY APRIL 18 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale, partial property of MR. & MRS. A. TILBURY, R.R. 2 Port Perry. Apartment size fridge, stove, chesterfield, mini-dryer, oak table, good tools, qu. of house paint. More details next week. John Pearce Auction Service - 985-7492. v2) TA ER) a 3 FAL Ak ta ; TRATED (Ie AAS GRANT & WHEELER - AUCTIONEERS - Usbridge, Ontario ... (416) 852-7173 Lindsay, Ontario ... (705) 324-9764 Campbelicroft, Ontario ... (416) 797-2362 We are experienced Auctioneers and offer a Professional Service at Competitive Rates. ALL TYPES OF AUCTION SALES GOOD SPRING DATES AVAILABLE : | Please call or write Larry Grant in confidence, R.R. 1, Sunderland, Ontario. LOC 1HO. PHONE: UXBRIDGE 852-7173 i SATURDAY, APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 12:30 NOON Modern Farm Machinery in excellent condition for MIKE VOGELS, R.R. 3, Newcastle, Ontario. Directions from Hwy. 401 take Newtonville cut off south to first corner then go east to first farm. MACHINERY: 2 John Deere 2120 tractors - both with block heaters, one with drive pulley and heathouser. John Deere 500 E chisel plow, John Deere 4 furrow trip beam 16 in. 3 point hitch plow, John Deere 4 row corn planter (plate), John Deere #34 1 row forage harvester with cornhead and hay pickup, John Deere snowblower, Allis Chalmers Gleaner Baldwin 12 ft. combine, Allis Chalmers double disc, Allis Chalmers forage har- vester, Farmhand forage wagon with extension, Papec forage blower, New Holland 479 haybine 9 ft., New Holland 273 baler (2 years old), Massey Ferguson #37 rake (new), McCormick 15 run seed drill, New Holland 329 manure spreader (new), Fertili- zer spreader, 20 ft. fieldsprayer with Hypro pump, 24 ft. bale elevator with v2 h.p. dust proof motor, 2 grain augers with motors, 2 - 20 ft. haywagons on rubber, set of harrows, drum roller, post hole digger, grain aerator, snow blade, rearend loader, bale buncher, |.H. hay rake, I.H. 6 ft. cultivator, 6 ft. rotary scythe, feeder wagon, feed troughs, feed cart, 2 sump pumps, cattle clippers, fogger, 1 set burdizzo, Calsa propane scare crow, 2 loading ramps, tractor chains, ladders, ham- mermill with 270 ft. 6 in. endless belts, electric washer and dryer (Kenmore) plus many misc. articles. Terms cash. Lunch available. Neil Malcolm Sales Manager 416-986-4246. Ed McMorrow Auctioneer - 705-953- 9444. FRIDAY APRIL 11 SALE TIME: 12 NOON MACHINERY FARM SOLD Full line of excellent machi- nery for Grant F. Parrott, and family, R.R. 5 Sunderland, Lot 14, 1st concession of Brock, V2 mile east of B & W Farm Service, or 5 miles south of Sunderland on Hwy. 12, then 2 mile east on 1st concession. Including Cockshutt 1850 diesel tractor (94 h.p. with full vision cab, fully equipped - excellent), White Cockshutt 1365 tractor (60 h.p. - 1300 hr. - excellent), Cockshutt 5 furrow, 14" plow (6th furrow available - oil reset), White 543 4 row corn planter, White 14' disc, White 285] 14' cultivator, N.I. 210 bu. manure spreader - 3 beater with hydraulic end gate, MF 33 17-run seed drill with grain, grass seed and fertilizer - like new, N.I. 9' mow-ditioner, Oliver 18 77 PTO pull type combine - excellent, J B&D weed sprayer, Fox 900 harvester - chain fed corn head and pickup with 17, 2, 4" screens, Badger Hi-throw blower, Dion 3 beater Forage wagon with roof on J.D. carriage, MF 10 baler, Allied 32' elevator on carriage, Int. 1150 mobile feed grinder mixer, Int. 3 furrow 14" #36 plow, MH 7' mower, Farano mobile seed cleaner and treater - belt driven with buffer, Stone picker for loader, 2 wheel cattle trailer 8' x 6' box with electric brakes, GMC heavy truck chassis for self- propelled forage wagon, hay fluffer, 3 ton 15-15-15 bagged fertilizer, qu. of red clover seed, qu. grass seed, 15 bu. seed mixed grain, Win-power Alternator - 1 yr. old, 2 Cobey Wagons with flat racks, 4 electric chicken brood- ers, qu. chicken equipment plus wagon load. NOTE: This machi- nery is in excellent condition and is ready for spring work. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. A9 blower 7 ft. 3 pt. h., WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. , FARMSOLD Auction sale of farm machi- 'nery, the property of GEORGE & CAROL ROBB, Lot 21, Con. 12, Mariposa Township, 2¥2 miles east of Oakwood on #7 Highway (to Taylors Corners) 3 miles to farm or 4 miles west of Lindsay to Taylor's Corners and north. _ 1972 Ford 4000 diesel tractor, 2400 hrs. & chains, Int. Farmall M tractor with heat house manure loader & tractor chains, 360 Nevuffiled diesel tractor with manure loader, 1972 Ford plough 4-14's trip beam 3 pt. h., New Holland 67 Hayliner baler PTO, 1974 - 328 New Holland manure spreader PTO, Bush Hog tandem disc 92 ft., J.B. & D. field sprayer 100 gal tank 21 ft. boom, 1979 George White cultivator 10 ft. 3 pt. h. with levelling harrows 34 tooth, M.H. 60 pull type com- bine with motor, M.F. side rake 3 pt. h., Cockshutt power mower 6 ft. semi-mount, Ber-Vac snow Int. 2 row corn planter, 7 tooth Goodison chiesel plough, M.F. wagon 5 ton with 8-16 ft. hay rack, Grove wagon 5 ton with 7-16 rack, Tandem hay trailer 7-16 ft., Allied manval stooker, Farm- Hand bale buncher, Dan-Hauzer post hole digger 3 pt. 10" auger, M.H. hammer mill belt driven, 100 ft. endless drive belt, N.l. hay grain elevator 32 ft, Int. seed drill 15 disc on steel, 6 section drag harrows with evener, Grain trailer, cattle head gate, cattle oiler, 4 ft. cattle oiler, 19 ft. self feeding gate for pit silo, 100 gal. water trough, 1973 Beatty elect- ric hammer mill with 5 h.p. motor, L.A. Case tractor new tires, D. Case tractor, Int. drag cultivator 8 ft., Int. 5 ft. mower horse drawn, Int. 2 furrow plough, 2 wheel trailer, Bale forks, cultivator 12 ft. 3 pt. h., 10 ft. grain auger, bale tongs for big bales, same way feed cart, N.H. 401 crimper, qu. of lumber 18 ft 2 x é's, qu. of corn silage. Straw & Hay: Approx. 2000 bales of oat & barley straw, approx. 1500 bales of mixed hay, approx. 300 Ibs. Timothy seed. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson - Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. A9 SATURDAY APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. MACHINERY & FURNITURE Complete auction sale for the property of ALLAN TEEL, R.R. 1, Cannington, first road east of Wilfrid and south one concession on Brock Rd. 17 at the corner of Con. 11 and Brock 17, 12 miles west of Hwy. 12. MF 20 Indust. tractor with loader and backhoe and 3 pt. hitch - 2100 hr. (good condition), Ferguson 2085 with front loader, bucket fork and 3 pt. hitch, 3 way hydraulic dump trailer, N.H. 125 bu. manure spreader, MF 4 furrow plow, Dearborn 2 furrow plow - 3 pt. hitch, 10' Klonskill cultivator, 18' bale elevator and motor, cement mixer, N.H. 273 baler, Allied auto. stooker - ground driven, 3 rubber tired wagons with racks, N.H. 469 haybine, Vicon windrow turner - 3 pt. hitch, 3 pt. Lely fertilizer spreader, J B & D sprayer - 20' boom, 5 section harrows, Sedore Loader - 3 pt. hitch, Eureka Grass seeder - 3 pt. hitch, 200 gal. water trough, 300 gal. water tank, 200 gal. gas tank and pump, 30 gal. hot water tank, qu. used lumber, cedar posts, 2200 bales hay, 250 bales straw, wagon load. Furniture includes Beaver sealers, antique dresser, 3 leather topped tables, qu. pine wainscoting, old kitchen chairs, top pine flat back, walnut plant stand, walnut sideboard, coal oil lamps, broadaxe, antique hay knife, copper kettles, plus numerous other items. Wilfrid ladies will serve lunch. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Furniture and small items will sell first. Sale mana- ged and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 Al6 |