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The Epsom 4H girls are having a Tupperware party in the Church April 14. The Good Friday break- fast and the beautiful service which followed was well attended. Thanks to the Choir for a lovely number, also thanks to Walter Kerry for a solo. Anne Tapscott was pianist. Several of the Sunday School children read portions of the Scripture. Mr. Donald Asling led the service and delivered the Easter Sunday service was also well attended. All were inspired by the beautiful solos rendered by Mrs. Steve Lee and special message by Rev. Cliff Pendlebury. Congratulations to Zena and Cliff Pendlebury on the arrival of wee daughter We were all saddened to learn of the loss of one of our congregation in the tragic death of Brian Thorn. Our deepest sympathy to his wife Denise and to his mother and Miss Maggie MacKergan the Begins. Benns and family. of Toronto was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. John Begin. Darlene's sister Mrs. Danny Wilson and Danny of Blackwater were Sunday dinner guests with Congratulations and happy birthday to Mrs. Allen Card. Allen and Norine were enter- tained with Sun. supper with Jack and Kathy Monsma of Utica and enjoyed Saturday supper with Dianne and Eric Grandma and Grandpa Baster of Toronto were luncheon guests on Sunday with Paul and Shirley 'and girls. Grandma and Grand- pa Jones were Sat. supper 3 J year term, interest paid annually. Our Debentures and Guaranteed Investment Certificates are available for fixed terms from 1 to 5years in amounts from $1,000 and up. Rates from 1 to 4 years available on request. Rates subject to change. 1 the Permanent Canada Permanent Trust Company Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Members Canada Depostt Insurance Corporation AGENT: NSURANCE AGENCY 985-8471 "DON FORDER | 24 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY A group of students at Port Perry High School is nearing completion of a project which could help save the life of a severely injured accident victim. « The students, members of the machine shop class of Roy Clark have been working since last fall on three automatic intravenous infusers, devices which can by Marion King Our meeting opened with the singing of O Canada with Ruth Wilson at the piano. Ray welcomed everyone and two member renewals name- guests to help Kathy cele- brate her birthday. Congrat- ulations Kathy. Dr. Jerrold Asling, Mrs. Asling and daughters of Hanover were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling for the holiday week- end. Mrs. R. Acton of Port Perry Villa was dinner guest on Sat. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans. Mrs. Evelyn Hansen had her family home for Easter dinner. Mrs. Hansen and Karen attended the Gordon Light- foot concert at Massey Hall recently. Relatives and friends met. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilson on Fri. evening. A surprise birthday celebration for Beth. Mr. Kenneth Jeffery of Parry Sound and Mr. Gerald Jeffery of Landon are guests at the home of their brother Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Murray Prentice and families were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson entertained all of their family on Easter Sunday. Daniel who had been visiting returned home with his parents. A welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy who have moved into our community. Recently Epsom School again entered their choirs at Sunderland Music Festival. They excelled as usual. The Grade 5 and 6 choir had the honour of singing at the Festival of Stars. It was indeed a pleasure to see how well our students performed Epsom teachers would like to thank Mrs. Marion Williams, the music consult- ant for her wonderful help with the choirs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cook of Oshawa were Fri. visitors _ with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Mrs. F. Cecchetto, Mark and David of Guelph called at Port Perry for her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stearman then all visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. Walter Kerry. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cather- wood and their families were Good Friday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. speed the flow of plasma or blood into an accident victim. Ordinarily, the flow of an intravenous is by gravity and if it's necessary to speed it up, must be done manually with a small hand pump. The infuser, a metal cylinder, with a bottle of 'inert gas inside, can regulate the increase flow automat- ically. ly John and Edna Beckett. Membership Sheets were given out to each family courtesy of Ethel Robertson. In the absence of Miss Gish- ler, Marjory McCombe read the minutes of the last meeting which were ap- proved as read. Ernie read the treasurer's report. Ethel Irvine reported 4 cards and also moved a welcome to Hilda Wallace, who had been on the sick list for sometime. Hazel Law reported for the euchre. Doris Grierson re- ported for the dance and we will be real glad to see our dancers back from Florida. Carrie Bell and Mr. Thomp- son both reported good visits at the nursing home and hospital. Doris Grierson has been doing a beautiful job of decorating the hall for the meetings so Mrs. Whipper moved a vote of thanks to her. May Whybrow reported for travel The trip to Wood- "attendance. Student shop project may help save lives The students worked on the three devices from drawings- supplied by the Ontario Research Found- ation, which receives fund- ing "for medical research from the provincial govern- ment. The infusers will be tested this summer in emergency situations in two cities in the United States. Senior citizens club plans trip to racetrack bine Race Track June 19 leaving from Red and White Store at 10:45. $4.00 for mem- bers, $4.50 for non-members. Supper extra at Ponderosa. Don't forget April 2 is Our Games Day at 3 o'clock. Pot Luck Supper at 5:30. Every- one welcome. We adjourned by repeating Mizpah Bene- diction. Lunch and Euchre were enjoyed. The Senior Citzens held a rousing games afternoon on April 2 with a fairly good We played euchre, shuffle-board, car- pet bowling. Marion Row- land and Johnson Poats were champions for both games. We then enjoyed a lovely potluck supper with Our Social Committee in charge. Two lovely table centres had been arranged by two of our members and added greatly to the appearance of the tables. Euchre was resumed after supper. G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 305 Queen Street - Port Perry PHONE 985-2916 Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment. p-- | me High quality. extremely palatable for- mula for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. Shur-Gain dog food are com- pletely balanced diets. with vitamin, : Fs protein. mineral and energy levels more [Nuh IEEE than adequate for all stages of growth A, and development - at your Shur-Gain Shur-Gain Dog Food with beef outlet he ul dog food Shur-Gain...value for discerning feeders. good taste FEIOIIIIIIIIEI, pore WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 ® &