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She reported that the ladies had had a Christmas Draw and two jitneys during the season. Dave Petrie, president of the Mixed League reported that the mixed league which curled on Tuesday evenings had been filled to capacity. There had been a Christmas Party and a fun night during the season. Next year's Presidents will be Nancy and Gary McConnell. He had done some calculating and had discovered that Leads and Seconds had thrown 514 tons of stones and had walk- ed 9%; miles throughout the season. Schedule manager Floyd Argue gave a listing of the twelve men's teams after which Merlin Suggitt pres- ented his trophy to schedule winner Roy McLaughlin and his rink made up of Trevor Nesbitt, John Goss; and Doug Danter. Second place team was made up of Terry INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS Ready while you wait. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 ® ZIEBART, SHINE & SEAT GUARD ... $169.00 We also have Special rs US. OR RUST. (Ziebart Rates on Used Cars or Section of Used Cars or Trucks. ORT ERRY 6th Anniversary SPECIAL Ziebart SPECIAL PACKAGES (Effective to April 30, 1980) ZIEBART ............ .... Any Car $139.00 NO COUPONS ALLOWED Courtesy Car available with Appointment. FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS Drive a Little Further ... Save a Whole Lot More! RUSTPROOFING 985-8631 Malcolm, Bob Smith, Roy Grierson and Bob Wheeler. Third place was won by Vernon Asselstine, Dale Van Camp, Densil Moore and Steve Hawes. The results of the Mixed Curling were winners Keith and Wilma VanCamp, Bob and Carol Mairs. Second place winners were Richard and Ruby VanCamp, Neil and Cat McLaughlin. Third pl was taken by Keith and Jean Goble, Judy and Rob Henry. Ken Crawford gave the customary thanks to the ladies of the U.C.W. who were assisted by some gentlemen. Cam reported that it is expected that curling will begin on Nov. 1 and that it is hoped that the rates will remain the same as this past year. Door prizes were won by Lorna Edgerton, Herb Vine, 160 members, guests attend "Treasurers - Edna Goss, Neil McLaugh- lin, Vera Asselstine, Wilma VanCamp, -George Wilson and Reg Hughes. The executive for the coming year will be presid- ent - Ken Crawford, Vice President - Ted Kemp, and Keith Goble, Secretary- Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Schedule Manager - Floyd Argue. Tickets had been sold for a rib roast and for a ham which were won by Cam Porter and by Harold Swain respectfully. The remainder of the even- ing was spent playing Bingo and cards. . The Senior Citizens Card™ Party had 21 tables with the following results: 1.Ray Brown-88; 2.Harold Swain- 86; 3.Agnes Prescott-85; 4. Carolyn Hicks-85; 5.Edna Vivian-84; 6.0live Gimblett- 83; Low-Leslie Taylor. There were two April Fools Draws which were won by Ethel Goble and H. Hicks. The Ladies' Curling con- cluded their season with a Jitney on Tuesday with 12 teams participating. Winners were Lorna Edger- ton, Carol Locke, Thelma Wright, and Pat Poirier with Joyce Kelly, Beth Schyburt, Glenna Staniland, and Renee Shuttleworth a very close second. Third prize was won by Joann Russell, Rie Hooge- veen, Linda Maw and Dini Oosterholt. Fourth place was taken by Joan Graham, Val Menzies, Jane Hamill and Linda Maw. Low place was won by Shirley Robson, Maureen Moore, Jackie Bedome and Verna McMahon. The grade 5 room at Cart- wright Central Public School conducted a Bake Sale on Thursday and raised $214.71. A School Accomodation Committee meeting to Shorthorn Club banquet The Durham County Short- horn Club held a successful Banquet again this year on Wed., April 2, one week earlier than their usual date for this event. President Ted Buttery welcomed the guests of more than 160 people who bought tickets for the dinner. John Carnaghan. thanked the ladies of the Blackstock U.CW. who provided an excellent dinner again this year. Eight year old Heather Davidson and Van- essa Willis entertained with a sword dance. David Beath made the presentation on behalf of the club to Bill Slater who had been president of the club for 12 years. Bill Slater introduced the guest speaker Ross Procter of Brussels Ontario who showed coloured slides which all enjoyed. David Davidson thanked the guest speaker for coming Auto Truck Rustproofing to the banquet and presented him with choice apples from Durham County. Head table guests were: Bill Slater, Ross Procter, Wallace Lasby, Margie Lasby, Kay Buftery, Ted Buttery, Glenn Frosch, Yvonne Frosch. Shorthorn Lassies were Karen Frosch and Laura Buttery. Mrs. Alana Coles of Bowmanville entertained with songs all enjoyed. Shorthorn lassies Karen Frosch and Laura Buttery drew the tickets for the prize which all looked forward to this year. Winners were: Harry TRENTWAY TOURS "VICTORIA HOLIDAY WEEKEND WASHINGTON, D.C. 4 DAYS Evening Departure Night Travel DEPART MAY 16 NEW YORK CITY 4 DAYS Evening Departure Night Travel DEPART MAY 16 ROCHESTER LILAC FESTIVAL Morning Departure No Night Travel 3 DAYS DEPART MAY 16 & 23 HOLLAND (MICHIGAN) TULIP TIME 4 DAYS Morning Departure No Night Travel 4 DAYS DEPART MAY 12 & 15 NASHVILLE 4 DAYS Evening Departure Night Travel DEPART MAY 16 NASHVILLE 5 DAYS Morning Departure No Night Travel DEPART MAY 15 POCONOS 4 DAYS DEPART MAY 12 & JUNE 23 FINGER LAKES 4 DAYS DEPART MAY 16 For details Contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 McLaughlin, David Beath, John Causway, Ross Ashton, Neil Werry, Coates, Ruby Griffin, Robert Swain, Mrs. Davidson, Ross Duff, Charlotte Rickard, Mrs. Willis, Brian Hall, Ken Phillips, Keith Goble, George Carson, Fred Griffin, Gloria Smith, Verna Slute, June Degeer, D. Mrs. James Merrill Anery, discuss the future of Cartwright High School will be held on Thursday, April 17, 7:30-10:00 at Cartwright Central Public School. Everyone is welcome and urged to attend to display the community's concern for our local school. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Strang of Ottawa were weekend guests of her brother Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larmer and boys and visited relatives in the area. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and John were Mr. Dave Larmer Essex, Miss Ingrid Schaad, Kitchener, and Mr. Paul Larmer, Guelph. DEBENTURES GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Mrs. Sharon Essery and Heather entertained her family for Easter Sunday dinner. Guests were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, John, David and Paul and Miss Ingrid Schaad. C.C.P.S. held its annual Science Fair on Wednesday, April 2. The winners of the five categories are as follows Physics and" Engineering: 1-Electric Motor-Chris Gardner 2-Pin-Hole Camera- Steve Fleischmann 3-Jet Propulsion-Preston Denault, Hon. Mention-Gilford Quack- enbush, Space and Earth (Turn to page 17) 1 YEAR 15 % Annual Interest 2YEAR 14Y2 % Annual interest 3-5 YEARS 14%. 4 % Annual Interest Monthly Rates Y%% less than Annual Rates. Rates Subject to Change without Notice. CALL: SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE: 985-3832 All Members Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. it's like bu from friend IT GOES FOR ONLY $4288.00: AND GOES. AND GOES. AND GOES. AND GOES. LADA $4288.00" *Manufacturer's suggested hist price Does not include freight provincial taxes. licence or dealer preparation charges. SIMARD Motors Lid, 1428 King St. E. Oshawa 571-1000 AN z ) AN )] RN Ar Q A