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Robert Taylor | would like to thank everyone who was so good to me during my recent stay in the hospital, nurses, doctors, and volunteers. Also special thanks to my many friends from the Branch 419 Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Min Harper We the Port Perry Loyal Orange Lodge, would like to thank the people who attended the Maple Syrup Festival at Prentice Farm the past ten years, and to those who in any way made this a success. Thanks to the radio station and the Port Perry Star. Port Perry L.O.L. | would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419, for their visits, cards, and phone calls, during my stay in Toronto Western Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Millar. Harold Hughes | would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours for cards, gifts and visits while in hospital. Thanks to Dr. Cohoon and Allin and nursing staff of Port Perry Hospital for their kindness and care. A special thanks to Marj and Merle. Thank you. Dorothy MacLean Birth KNAPP - Harleigh & Kitty. With joy and thanksgiving we an- nounce the arrival of our son Jason Philip, March 31, 1980. Happy grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. John Kiezebrink, Port Perry and Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Knapp, British Columbia. NIXON - Ken and Bonnie are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Carrie Ann born March 27, 1980 weighing 3 Ibs. 2 ozs. A little sister for Shelly. Many thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff. FOULDS - Roger and Barbara are pleased to announce the arrival of their first son, Nicho- las Andrew born April 1, 1980, weighing 7 Ibs. 15 ozs. at 8:35 p.m. Special thanks to Dr. R.C. Allin and nursing staff. TINDALE - Bill and Dorothy (nee Carnochan) are pleased to announce the arrival of a son Joseph Eric, 9 Ibs. 1/2 ozs., on April 2, 1980, at Port Perry Community Memorial Hopsital. A brother for Virginia and Billy. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tindale, R.R.4 Port Perry and Mr. & Mrs. Wilmot Carnochan, Port Perry, great grandmother Mrs. Vera Milton, Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. Millar, Dr. Allin and Dr. Spears, maternity and operating At Rest HARPER, Roy Mark suddenly at the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Sunday, April 6, 1980, Roy MM. Harper of Seagrave, dearly loved husband of Marion Greenfield, dear father of Mrs. Betty Ashmore, Charles, Mrs. Kathleen Whitworth, Mrs. Lily Bolton, Mrs. Eleanor Fitze, William and Mrs. Rose Mac- Phail. Also survived by twelve grandchildren and two great grandchildren, dear brother of Everetté Harper. Funeral service at the chapel of McDer- mott-Panabaker Port Perry on Tuesday, April 8th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. At Rest SUTCLIFFE, Gordon suddenly at York County Hospital, New- market, on Monday, March 13, 1980, Gordon Sutcliffe (formerly of Port Perry), beloved son of the late Russell and Mabel Sutcliffe, dear brother of Robert of Port Perry, Cathleen (Mrs. |. Lee), Alliston; Pear! (Mrs. D. Hanna) Ottawa; and the late Julia Lamago, Henry Russell, and Charles Sutcliffe. Funeral ser- vice at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker Port Perry on Thurs- day, April 3rd, at 2:00 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. THORN, Brian Thomas sudden- ly at Stouffville, Ontario on Wed- nesday, April 2, 1980, Brian Thorn, dearly loved husband of Denise Thorn (Cleveland), dear son of Dorothy and the late Harold Thorn of Stouffville, brother of Debra (Mrs. Neil Crawford), Port Perry and Allan of Stouffville. In his 27th year. Funeral service at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Interment Hillman Cemetery, Utica. FOSTER, Ursula F. [Urs] very peacefully at the Riverdale Hospital after a brave fight against cancer on Monday, March 31, 1980, Ursula Frances Foster. In her 74th year. Daugh- ter of the late Goldwin and Ethel Foster, beloved sister of Katha- rine (Mrs. J. Scantlebury), Dorothy (Mrs. S. Chubb) and Leonard. Private family funeral service at McDermott-Pana- baker on Saturday, April 5th. Memorial service to be announ- ced. Announcement Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beatty of Bobcaygeon are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Bernice Ellen to Gordon Lloyd Beacock, son of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Beacock of Port Perry. Mar- riage to take place May 10, 1980 at 3 p.m. at Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon. In Memoriam VENNING - In loving memory of my husband, Orr Venning, who passed away April 11, 1976. Like falling leaves the days slip by, But precious memories never die, He lives with me in memory still, Not just today but always will. Remembered by his wife, Edna Notice CLUB ANNRENE - banquet hall available for dances, weddings, etc. Call 985-7631 for further information. T.F. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry would appreciate any articles for their flea market in May. For pickup call - 985-7859. T.F. MORTGAGE FUNDS available at reasonable rates. Also mort- gages bought and sold, prompt and confidential service. 985- 3832. T.F. POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 ATTENTION: Senior Citizens 10% OFF Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee Mondays thru Fridays Only te DAIRY BAR on the waterfront - Port Perry Notice Coming Events Coming Events | Coming Events BAHA'l INFORMATION Call MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC '80 985-8197 or write Box 1153 Port presented by Scugog Choral Perry Post Office. E.O.W. Society on Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, at 8 p.m. in Town Hall 1873. Admission - $3.00. Children - $2.00. Tickets avail- IVES FLORIST LTD. able from members or Port 985-2525 Perry'Star & Irwin Smith Music LAKEVIEW PLAZA Ltd. " A Complete Line of Floral Art : For All Occasions. VARIETY NIGHTS - Ontario Flowers Wired World Wide. County Junior Farmers Variety WEEKEND SPECIAL: Nights. April 18 - Sunderland . Music Hall. April 19 - Claremont Green Plants Public School. Adults - $2.00. Children - $1.00. Time: 8 p.m.Alé 25% OFF St. Peter's Couples Club MONSTER BINGO Coming Events BINGO - Every Tuesday night, Port Perry Lions Club at Latcham Centre. Early bird game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 : per line, $200. in 54 numbers, Every Tuesday Night minimum $50.00. 1.£. | Armstrong Auditorium 88 King Street West, Oshawa Starts at 7:15 P.M. GOES EVERY WEEK $1,000. JACKPOT LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs., April 10, 1980. Jackpot - $210 in 56 numbers. Earlybird game start- ing at 7:30 p.m. A9 $250 JACKPOT FRIDAY, APRIL 25TH - Byny 20 Regular Games at $40.00 mage Sale - St. Johns Presby- WEAL terian Church-10a.m.to4p.m. GIANT SHARE I) TH S23 Under 16 Not Admitted. The J. McBrien School of Creativity presents Classes for Gifted Children Children's Art Classes featuring techniques in various media and advanced techniques for continuing students ... $25.00 Saturdays -9:30to 11:30 a.m. - April 12to May 17 Children's Theatre Classes featuring mime, tableau, dialogue and a final production at the Town Hall 1873. Mondays - 7 to 9 p.m. - April 14 to June 9. Adult Oil Painting Classes ... $40.00 Tuesdays - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - April 15 to June 3. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION CALL 985-7115 GRAFFITI DANCE - April 11, 1980 at Blackstock Rec Centre - 8 to 12 p.m. Sponsored by Cart- wright High School Yearbook i} Committee - $3.00 per person. $5.00 per couple. Featuring - Music Machine. Dress - Appro- priately. Prizes for costumes. GOLDEN WEDDING - Marwood and Olive McKee will be pleased to receive their friends and neighbours on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniver- sary on April 20th from 2 to 5 p.m. at the C.E.- Building of Blackstock United Church. Best Wishes Only. A2 Conway Gardens RESTAURANT Hwy. 7A East - Port Perry FRIDAY, APRIL 11th - 4:30 to 9:00 P.M. Cordon Bleu $3.80 Salad Bar - Dessert - Coffee PORT PERRY MINOR HOCKEY ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER & DANCE | . Saturday, April 12th - Legion Hall Dinner by Invitation Only Dance Tickets available at the Door or from The Minor Hockey Executive. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH invites you to come and enjoy the exciting COVENANT PLAYERS | - International Repertory Theatre Group SUNDAY, APRIL 13th - 7:30 P.M. Don't miss this unique type of drama enjoyed by audiences around the world! Notice NOTICE TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS OF PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 15 WATER STREET 985-3281 We would like to inform our many valued customers that we will not be able to accomodate you at Crandelf's Riverboat this Saturday, April 12th after 5:00 p.m. A local company has reserved all of our tables for a dinner and dance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but hope you will join us for dining on another occasion. Thank you for your valued support during the past few months. The Managment & Staff CRANDELL"S RIVERBOAT MINI CONCERT Hii at the PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH # SUNDAY, APRIL 20 - 3:30 P.M. featuring Janice White - On Piano " . 3 Diane Lackie - Vocal And the Port Perry High School Wind Ensemble For Admission - Collection toward the Organ Fund. ' WATERMILL RESTAURANT v & TAVERN Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester PHONE 985-3766 DAILY SPECIALS 6 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS Char Broiled Shiskabobs ki $3.50 | - Veal Cutlets Baked Short Ribs a BBQ Chicken