CARA gh EX Dey an IR, a Sam = = Milan 3 3 2 = M, 3 am, Ny, CR a ry Seat x ow Jrem MAR Sh ~~ A NE et I=! } NI 4 a TE A Ps An = ol A === = AEN 3 I Se. FADS -- v ed oe) Ana os AR rE = Zi yy * 9 = a] 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 9, 1980 Clas ified Ads Wanted to Rent SMALL HOUSE in Blackstock, or Nestleton area, retired couple, reasonable rent. Please write to Box 325 Newcastle Post Office, Newcastle, Ontario. SMALL HOUSE or apartment in Port Perry area. 985-3138. YOUNG COUPLE requires two to three bedroom home in down- town Port Perry. Please call 852- 3505 any night. Alb MARRIED COUPLE, no child- ren - require small house to rent in the Port Perry-Blackstock- For Rent "For Rent ROOM FOR RENT - share kit- chen and washroom facilities. $25.00 per week. Call 985-8657. HOUSE in Blackstock area with conveniences. Possession May Ist. Phone 986-4246. FOUR BEDROOM Farmhouse on Scugog - $350.00 (hydro included). References. 985-8553. RENT A POOL - Swimming pool manufacturer will lease and install new 1980 family-sized pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you Csotanen area. Please call buys Call IMPERIAL POOLS Tenders THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Centre. TENDER Cleaning Municipal Office & Latcham Centre Sealed tenders will be received at the office of The Corpor- ation of the Township of Scugog until 12 NOON, APRIL 14, 1980 for cleaning the Municipal Office and Latcham Centre. Duties will commence May 1, 1980, and will include regular cleaning, setting up for meetings, cleaning after meetings and setting out garbage for collection. Contractor will supply own cleaning equipment and materials. Mark tenders clearly: Cleaning Municipal Office and Latcham Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Earl S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Scugog, 181 Perry Street, Box 209, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1NO. For Sale ONE BEDROOM apartment at 108 Water Street - $235. monthly. Phone 985-3030. T.F. TWO BEDROOM apartment - tenplex in Oshawa, fridge, stove, cable TV - $260. monthly plus hydro. No children, no pets. Phone 723-2462 or 723-1610. FARMHOUSE 3 bedrooms, garage and tool shed, 6 miles north of Oshawa - $390. 1-922- 3191 and 985-3668. A23 Help Wanted TOOL AND DIE MAKER experienced in tool and die, jigs, sand fixtures. Apply Glitsch Canada Ltd., 18 Dallas St., Box 880, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC IKO or phone 852-3381. A9 BE YOUR OWN BOSS If you are interested in a business opportunity with the freedom of unlimited growth potential to allow you to do the things in life you always wanted to do ... "The :SHAKLEE Opportunity awaits you." CALL ELLIE or RICK (416) 725-8724 Help Wanted SALES PEOPLE wanted for Magnetic Signs. Age no barrier. Call 723-6894. "When you're a somebody, Get a Sign."' Alb TOOLROOM Working Foreman - experienced in tool and die, jigs, and fixtures. Apply Glitsch Canada Ltd., 18 Dallas St., Box 880 Uxbridge, Ontario LOC IKO or phone 852-3381. als iv TREES Over 100 Varieties Available in Many Sizes. EVERGREENS - *SPECIAL* als jv Birch Clumps individually TREES: Norway Maple 7-8'....... $16. Green Colorado Spruce 50 cm. Mountain Ash 7-8 ....... $16. 18-24" ............ $8.00 Cutleaf Weeping Birch Norway Spruce 50 cm. 7-8 $16. 18-24"... ........ $6.00 Crimson King Red Maple 7-8 $18. Colorado Blue Spruce Silver Maple 7-8 ........ $10. 22-3 $25.00 GreenAsh7-8 .......... $10. Uprights ...... from $15. & up Willow (potted) 7-8'... . .. $16. Spreaders . ... from $7.50 & up Poplars 6-7" .............. $5. FRUITS: Fruit Trees - potted .... $10.00 priced .. from $25. to $250. Also available - Strawberries, SHRUBS: Raspberries, Currants, Goose- All Varieties available berries, Rhubarb, Asparagus, from .......... $4.50 & up and Blueberries. PEAT MOSS: 6cuft. ................ $7.25 4eulft. ................ $5.75 = 2cuft. LL. $3.80 All Prices for Trees and Shrubs are Bare Root unless otherwisé stated. Larger size trees available, individually priced, delivery by crane truck included. 100% GUARANTEE FOR ONE YEAR Discount of 10% on 10 or More of 1 Variety. Discount of 20% for 100 or More of 1 Variety. HOURS: Until June 30th, 1980 - Open 7 Days a Week. Monday to Saturday - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday - 12 noon to 6 p.m. Starting July 1, 1980 - CLOSED SUNDAYS UXBRIDGE NURSERIES Now at the North-East Corner of Hwy. 47 & 12. PHONE 985-7667 or 852-7729 or 852-3372 CLASS A MECHANIC - one full time, and two part time (Satur- days). Apply: Canadian Tire, Service Manager, Port Perry or phone 985-7341. A9 NEEDLECRAFT Opportunity - Managers and sales representa- tives required. Enjoy a generous commission while having fun 'demonstrating a beautiful line of needlecraft kits. Crewel, rug hooking, etc. No deliveries. Call Lydia - 416-294-9261. A30 Work Wanted INCOME TAX For Individuals Small Businesses & Corporations also BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Days or Evenings K. DAVE MUIR R.LA. 173 Lilla St. 985-7079 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of Colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.'s, and Hi-Fi's. We carry factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET T.V. UXBRIDGE ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 INCOME TAX PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS Nelson C. Patterson C.G.A. Phone 985-8332 After 6:00 P.M. - 985-2034 MUSIC for all OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER 'P & G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa J Q . Work Wanted Work Wanted EXPERIENCED MOTHER will | INCOME TAX - bookkeeping daycare in own home. Black- problems? Let me help, Special |} stock area. 986-5267. T.F. | rates for seniors, low income families. Will pick up and WILL DO SEWING and altera- deliver. Call Betty - 985-3842. J30 tions in my home. $3 per hour. 985-3948. TF Lost GREENBANK T.V. TOWERS - - Installation and Repairs. Free | BLACK LAB -male, in vicinity of v estimates. Colour antennas, | Durham and Brock 1. Call (705) rotors, mast amplifier. Five | 357-3437 Collect. year Workmanship Guaranteed. 985-8387. A9 Give Away TYPING, INVOICING, billing, : personal resume, etc. Call 985- | ONE TABBY CAT - one year old, 2518 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. T.F. spayed, has all shots. 985-7478. HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all ° I kinds, trucks and banners. Call Miscellaneous 985-3892 fromB8a.m.to9p.m.T.F. ACRYLIC FINGER NAILS - for REPAIRS to all makes of | appointment phone David's - 985- mowers, tillers, outboards, etc. | 7101. Al6 Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun A . Valley, Seagrave, Ontario 705- 357-3526. T.F. uctioneers FOR SEED CLEANING at its P best take it to Swain's and let John T. earce ¢ them do the rest. Make your appointment now - 986-4331. A30 AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY - Recovering of Sofas, Chairs, Household & Farm Sales, etc. Skidoo seats, boats and auto ! interiors. Upholstery supplies HALL AVAILABLE and buttons made. Wide choice Consignment Sales J of fabrics. All work guaranteed. Consign 1 or 100 Items 23 years experience. Free Esti- mates within 50 mile radius. Call PORT PERRY 985-7492 Austin Bartley - (416) 986-4731. For Local Pickup Ag27 8 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT | McLEAN . DISC JOCKEY AUCTION CENTRE Available for All Occasions - Angeline Street at Reasonable Rates Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 985-8339 324-2791 or 324-2783 - 1) 'CREATIVE CABINETS' Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? - Don't Replace ... REFACE! WITH NEW DOORS & COUNTERTOPS 3 also planning and designing of : CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call STEVE LEE of GEORGE BURGER 985-3286 1-705-432-2581 JOHN'S LANDSCAPING & RENOVATIONS -C.l.L. Dealer - 1 Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Tree & Shrub Pruning Flower Beds - Fence Repairs Asphalt Patching & Sealing - All Work Guaranteed - PORT PERRY & AREA 986-4953 General Carpentry Pole Barns Aluminum Siding -Soffit- GENERAL CONTRACTIN New Homes - Additions Steel & Asphalt Roofing NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING - Free Estimates Given with No Obligations NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY - ONTARIO A G 5 |