UE 8 EI REA SE BRAINS 0s 3 ak ES PO Baten ey Ae I Sot Tha a 25 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 9, 1980 March flood devestates historic town SN nk Lar LE Port Hope issues plea for financial help A plea for financial assis- tance has been made by the townspeople of the small, historical town of Port Hope, Ontario, which is facing a massive clean-up and re- building operation after a mammoth flood left a trail of . destruction in the downtown core. The town has been declared a disaster area by the Provincial Government. Fluke weather conditions on March 21st caused the normally sleepy Ganaraska River, which runs through the centre of this Lake Ontario town, to turn into a wild, racing torrent of water up to 10 feet deep. It sliced through the downtown business section ripping up streets, leaving huge craters, demolishing build- ings, severely damaging bridges and parks and tear- ing apart several of the town's historical buildings. Damage has been estimated at $10 million dollars. The people of Port Hope, population 10,000, are work- ing together to save the downtown. '"'But we need help," the town's mayor, William Wyatt said after the damages were assessed. "We need the financial help of other Canadians." The Province of Ontario has promised to match every dollar received from private sources with three dollars but the townspeople them- Main street at the height of the flood 20 0% OFF airing CLEANING Carpets Sle]ale] 14:14 -- Automobiles -- FRESHEN UP & PROTECT * Scotch Guarding Plan * New Deodorizing Plan FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL: CARPET CARE RY RYY Cedar Creek by George Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gunther and girls had Ernie's parents from Niagara Falls visiting on Good Friday. Eugene and Leo Trepanier of Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque. George Kilpatric was a supper guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henstock in Oshawa on Saturday. Mrs. Janet Porter of Toronto and her daughter, Ms. Laura Brown of New York were visiting there, too. Several from the area enjoyed pancakes and maple syrup on Easter at the Prentice Bush on Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. David den Boer and daughter of Owen Sound were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer and Arianne. CARPENTRY RENOVATIONS of all kinds Steel & Asphalt ROOFING STAN THOMAS 985-2715 selves are faced with raising $2 million. A local disaster relief fund has been set up. Its chairman, - Beauchamps, president of the Rotary Club, said that not one cent donated by private sources would be used for administration pur- poses. 'Every aspect of the fund administration will be on a volunteer basis," he said. Donations may be sent to the Port Hope Disaster Relief Fund, Box 117, Port Hope, Ontario or made at any branch of any major bank across the country. When the flood struck merchandise from small businesses was washed out by walls of water. Freezers, fridges, furniture and cloth- ing sailed through the flooded streets on an inevit- able course to Lake Ontario. About 40 businesses and a number of private homes and apartments were either damaged or completely ruined. Flood insurance was non-existent since the town's 19th century downtown core was built on a flood plain. Port Hope has often been described as one of the prettiest towns in Canada and it has what restoration Why take more lessons than you need? Anthony architects and heritage enthusiasts describe as "the most complete mid-nine- teenth century streetscape in the country." A substantial section of that streetscape, including a 110 year old fire hall already on its way to being restored, is slated for demolition. ~ One, building was completely demolished by the raging flood waters, two other heritage buildings may have to be demolished and several have been condemned due to extensive damage. Conservation officials and police warned the business people at about 2 p.m., that day of the danger of the 'Ganaraska River flooding and by 4 p.m., much of the lower section of the town's core was under four feet of swirling water. It kept surging down-river- in greater quantities until it reached a peak near mid- night. Heavy, driving rain and melting water from the watershed area above the town, along with saturated ground from the warm weather, caused the enor- mous run-off. Learn everything about driving in less time with the professionals at: LUKE'S =~ DRIVING SCHOOL BARRY LUKE Phone: 985-8382 or (705) 786-2242 G.M.A.C. FINANCING available this week on any NEW OR USED VEHICLE at PELE BP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive - Port Perry - 985-8474 JOB ADVERTISEMENT SECRETARY-TREASURER Kawartha Region Conservation Authority The Secretary-Treasurer is the Administrative Officer of the Authority and is responsible to the Chairman and Executive Committee. - Basic knowledge of administrative procedures and municipal affairs; - Basic knowledge of accounting practices and principles of banking procedures; - Ability to prepare reports, estimates and other information as requested by the Executive Committee; - Ability to prepare effective correspondence; Starting salary: To $12,000.00 plus benefits Closing Date: April 18, 1980. For more detailed information on the position, contact either: Mr. David Murray, R.R.1, Cameron, Ontario. Mr. Frederick G. Reynolds, Reynolds' Office, Box 400, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Mr. James Flynn, Lindsay Municipal Office, Lindsay, Ont. OR Your Local Municipal Office & wv «©