PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 23, 1980 -- 21 Farm Fair to be held at Wilson's Sales Barn by Harold Black North America's first farm fair is to be held in Uxbridge on Thursday and Friday, April 24th and 25th. This unique farming exhi- bition is a non commercial venture of local farming groups and individuals as they display farm animal and breeding skills. Many local groups are taking part, with displays and exhibitions by the 4H club, Junior Farmers, Girls 4H and the WI Women's Institute, a world wide association of ladies who devote their time and talents to the farming community, and service in that community. Larger Ontario organizations, Ontario Cattlemen's Association, Ontario Hog Producers, Ontario Veterinary Assoc- ation all have parts to play. The program commences at 9:00 am. to 3:00 p.m. when various schools will bring all of their children up to grade 6 to view sheep shearing, milking exhibi- tions, cattle grooming, and will meet the Ontario County Dairy Princess Dianne Jebson. The school visit concludes with free milk supplied by Ontario County milk committee as they view a film "Pets - our special friends" donated by Dr. Grant Elliot. The evening program on both Thursday and Friday nights, will consist of local talent, and interesting high- lights such as sheep shearing country style mini auctions with Friday highlighting a demonstration of embryo transplants performed by Dr. Gerald Green. This is a much misunderstood technique of insemination of cattle, that is unique in its application as Dr.Green will show how the donor is treat- ed and how the recipient animal is chosen, prepared and injected. A calf dressing contest will add to the evening's fun, with prizes given for the most original, and the funniest costume forced on to a new calf. The evening will be supported by the local Barbershop group, and the country wit of Allan Carson (Grant Carson's quiet brother), the Quaker Hill Institute benefit quilt auction will take place, and of course refreshments, fellowship and seeing many of your friends round out these two days of farm familiarization. Most of the favourite farm animals will be in attend- ance, horses, pigs with family, cattle breeds of all kinds, long horns, short horns, milkers, and beef, sheep, goats, cats and many many more for petting, touching and enjoying. Your school group up to grade 6 or church youth groups are cordially invited. It is free by phoning Mrs. Lambert Peat Moss Carol McNaughton at 852-7546 after 2:00 p.m. any day and she will schedule your group's visit as well as for adults with children in ~ SEAGRAVE NURSERY - LANDSCAPING - Shade & Ornamental Trees Lawn Decorations & Planters Vegetable & Flower Box Plants Hanging Baskets (Begonia & Geranium) Raspberries & Strawberries Blueberries & Currants & Grapes GREENHOUSE TOMATOES & CUCUMBERS (Wholesale & Retail) RAILROAD TIES (8 ft. - used) 1st CONC. NORTH OF SEAGRAVE VILLAGE RUNNING EAST TELEPHONE: 1-705-357-3645 the evenings commencing at 6:00 p.m. This unique farm exhibition will be held at Wilson Sales Barn, Main Street, North of Uxbridge. Evergreens Fruit Trees Flowering Shrubs: Dutch Roses Geraniums Need A New Bike? S/S TEDMANS PORT PERRY PLAZA STORE ONLY | TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE MOTOCROSS 3 Speed - 5 Speed - 10 Speed MODELS AVAILABLE - Shop Early for Best Selection - Offer Expires Saturday, April 26th, 1980. No Lay-a-ways! - So Bring Your Trade-in With You. +25. (Regardless of Condition) On Any Two-Wheel Bicycle in Our Store. CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE: All Trade-in Bicycles will be given to the Greenbank-Seagrave Boy Scouts. = erin on En 5 ES ono = 68 0 = 8 EE SN SSE SN SN SE EN SN 65 6 GN 5S 6S 6 a a -- S/S TEOMANS) 7A HWY. - PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-3844 4&7) STIEDMANS ARAEARR FARA EX BARRA SL AAAABARAFIN 4 Ax CAAA ue PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-3844 MIDNIGHT MADNESS SPECIALS STOREWIDE 20% OFF Give-A-Ways * Balloons * Prizes LN J ' Ad AANE LCI vy § 7 LOCI IN J ' PUR SMA BA AMAA A MARA 4a 0 HAIR CHRIS IIA I | EME EE EIR, IR Pr TERY ait TR Ry Wednesday, April 30th - 7 P.M. to Midnight ONLY Watch for our Special Flyer in your mail. a ava 2"2'2%2"2"2"a" Re a INK Ss ot LAA v2 REEETERS Ne) Fo Ry > a (Na ** SW a ny A ar at mit a) wi <a PRT Aa ter "$a WE LM £5 op r ' PACE SEAN RPM A Cr "a, 2, ¥ NI IR ----