PETRSY SDETAL RRS YUEN BERT To 3 PLA 8 Si RT A RR oh FRR a J A A BL Re oT inl i re 3 sit A) ES rd Ree 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 7, 1980 Prince Albert News, events from Utica area news Bhs By Vera Brown their home and furnishings Albert on Sunday. Archer of Lindsay were at - | Church service this week by fire a week ago. Anyone in Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer the Hund Camp in Minden on By Earline Armstrong call Gail at 985-7038 or Terry RA will be held at Utica at 11:30 this area who wishes to visited with Mr. and Mrs. the weekend. Tracie Andrews celebrat- at 985-2487, they will gladly i : y 5 a.m. Sunday School is at contribute may get in touch John Vernon of Seagrave on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell ed her 7th birthday on Fri. help you. 8 10:00 a.m. with me or leave donations in Saturday evening. visited with Mrs. Bessie Mac May 2. Nine girls from her A number. of ladies from &a The UCW will hold their Epsom with Mr. Don Asling There will be a euchre in Cannell at Berkeley on the grade one class helped her Prince Albert attended the : : gr k { 0 meeting on May 13th at 8 or Mrs. Gordon Jeffery. the Hall on Friday evening. weekend. have a happy day. Hospital Auxiliary Spring I. 4 ) # p.m. at Utica. This will be Several from the commun- Everyone is welcome. Several Utica ladies Wearesadtohear Mr.and Fajr on Saturday at the By their annual plant sale. All ity attended the funeral of Wednesday visitors with attended the Wednesday Mrs. Nelson Hatfield are Latcham Center and it is 343 ladies are welcome. Mr. Ray Medd on Thursday. Mrs. Delia Harper were Mrs. afternoon ladies bowling leaving our community. reported a number of the 2 On Wednesday, May 14th Sympathy to Hazel and her Harry Harper of Oshawaand banquet in Port Perry last Whitby, Ontario are gaini prizes went to Prince Albert. 2 i at 7:30 p.m. the Bible Study family in their bereavement. Mrs. Hugh Rogers of Bow- week. Congratulations to a great pair. On Saturda Belated Happy Birthday to a Group will meet at Utica Sympathy also to Mrs. manville. Gerri Langille who had high evening Mr. and Mrs. Terry Elain Bidgood on Mary St., A Church. If you missed the McCartney in the loss of her Mr. and Mrs. Armour average and her team won Edwards of Hurd St. opened she celebrated her 5th birth- « vy first study group it's not too father Mr. Clarence Harris- MacMillan of Greenbank first section from Utica their home to 40 guests in a day on Tuesday, April 29. a late to join with them. son who passed away a week were recent visitors with Mr. Gerri, Vera Brown, fond farewell party to Joyce She had a party with eight of how Everyone is welcome. ago. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey. Mr. Georgina Sutcliffe and June and Nelson. Their 3 children her friends. AN Some concerned former On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Mr. Joe Symes. were also present. Good luck Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt of A neighbours are setting up a Crosier accompanied Mr. to you both in Whitby. Oshawa were recent guests Sad fund to help aid Mr. Harold and Mrs. Elliott Harrington N ew rou ba om © On Saturday April 26, 33 of the Les Beacocks. The x Medd and his family who lost of Cambray, to a family J 2 people of Prince Albert four also attended the 50th i) Ni). Shane I) sopaue of i Couples Club, went to Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. a ' era I b bit iss Wendy Hart of Gormley Oshawa to tour Parkwood M. McKee at Blackstock. i or S iad ve sens NOW in operation shava to tour Parkwoed M, Mckee at Blackstock. oR Wheler's home ai AGincourt, : Prince Albert they all metat Elford and Randy of Pal- hs Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. The administrator of council first learned that this the church to enjoy slides of grove, Ontario spent the 350 ke F] | | ed Murray Geer on Saturday whitby Hospital has con- group home had gone into Alaska, shown by Bruce and weekend with her mom and Le evening were Mr. and Mrs. firmed that a group home for operation at a council meet- Myrtle Snelgrove. dad, Mr. And Mrs. Clint Gy George McKinstry, Mr. Earl peychiatric outpatients has ing April 28th. Thursday evening saw a Chambers. Nik! and Mr. Bruce Redman of started in Prince Albert At that time, coouncillors good crowd turn out at Guests speaker at the . . hi Y r eo Oshawa. within the last four weeks. expressed surprise, and it is Prince Albert Hall to play Prince Albert church on fs Mr. and Mrs. Donald Michael O'Keefe said the expected that a report from euchre. Eighteen table were Sunday was Charlie Clarke a i A barn fire April 30 result- Sutcliffe visited his parents home for four persons was the Township's by-law filled: Ladie high Bessie former boy from this area 4s ed in the loss of 500 rabbits. °F Sunday and treated them granted a licence by the department will be present McCullough, Second Myrtle now of Unionville, who spoke NA i the oS 0 rads to a supper out. provincial Ministry of Health to council at the next regular Wagner, Low Aileen Snooks "The Drug World". He Sy The blaze broke out about Phyllis Clark of . 4 ' » on e Drug World". % 10:30 in the evening at the Mrs. yllis ark of He said the house was used meeting slated for May 12. Mens High Norm Rohrer, spoke mainly on the danger 3 farm of Elmer Hugg Uxbridge was a Tuesday for similar purposes in the Scugog councilis currently Second Aylmer Ploughman, - and abuse of alcohol and 88INS, dinner guest of Mrs. Mildred t. but the li t involved i t Low STan Malcol : R.R.2, Port Perry. . past, but the licence ran out involved in a controversy ow STan Malcolm. drugs. Co Thompson. Mrs. Thompson when the former owner of over the granting of permis- There will be another card Laura Robinson and Cause of the fire is not isited with h lati : p , 1 known and there is no YSited with her relatives, the house died. The licence sion to the Central Seven party on Thursday, May8,so Michelle Andrews took up estimate to the extent of the Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. was re-issued to the son of Association for operation of please come out and enjoy the offering. The b let Don Hill and Mr. and Mrs. the former owner. a group home on Scugog yourself. Several Prince Albert loss. Thebarn was complete- pyrray Kirton, at Mount Members of Scugog Island for eight mentall Gail GI and Terr ly destroyed in the fire. ' gog g y al ass Y people were in the congrega- | retarded adults. Hodgins have been busy tion at Port Perry United ' : A group of property along withtherestofthecast Church in the morning and y Co aN owners living near this pro- of "You Can't Take It With evening to help them celeb- UMBER"S posed group home are seek- You" - practising their lines. rate their 94th Anniversary. PETERBOROUGH L ing court action to determine Remember May 8, 9, 10, 11 Please call Ileen Pugh at if this use is permitted under for this play at the Town 985-2146 for your news items the zoning by-law. Hall, and if you want tickets pext week. * ' JOHNSTON'S 650 SCUGOG STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8858 * o 9 EARLY! Weather! / Vi) = "| t ' a Mount Batten 1 : 50 to 60 cm. - Reg. $9.99 4 SALE $7.99 « Me Ar Sky Rocket Juniper 40 to 50 cm. - Reg. $8.99 $6.99 Woodward Globe Cedar 25 to 30 cm. - Reg. $7.99 $5.99 - - ' $ Crimson King Maple Trees oft. . . . . . $22.95 ! y y It's your last chance Glen Leven Lindon st... . ....... $19.95 i | | Cut Leaf Weeping Birchott. . . . . . .. $19.95 gi European Mountain Ash st... ..... $17.99 . . PETERBOROUGH LUMBER LARGE SELECTION OF PLANTS TO gu b ® i di t CHOOSE FROM FOR MOTHER'S DAY. m OVULHOING centre ; 9 13} 4 Cu.Ft. PEAT MOSS... $4.75 o fe Ee, \ of TERROROVON VISA ( P LANTERS (Ha nging & Potted) 12 LUMBER LIED Pg | HWY 7A A --] ons shame = [ FRUIT BASKETS 1% RET PORT PERRY New Greenware & Supplies , B h : x (R% BUYING POWER. 985-7334 Every Day! syquewihabl | Apply for Yours Today! <a x y >