$ foe A 7 apl TT X= SPF i. Fa Pat Todd demonstrates the use of 'scooter boards" to some of the teachers ¢ Who took part in her workshop. EAI SIT RT 10 aE 1 1a £3 NY in 2 2A PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 7, 1980 -- 7 Durham women teachers take part in workshops Over 125 enthusiastic Durham elementary women teachers and invited guests enjoyed a series of Profes- sional Development Work- shops on the evening of April "30th at Port Perry High School. "101 ways to help the reluctant reader" was a popular workshop lead by Mary Vernon who came from London to share her ideas with the teachers. Pat Todd had her partici- pants on the move as they tried a quick fitness test and then worked out on the para- chute and scooter boards. Her workshop was called "How to get fit as a fiddle." "Singing was never like this when we went to school" That cliche was never true as the participants of Dulcie Colby's music in the class- room found. The participants of Audrey Wilson's outdoor education workshop learned how to use the school grounds as a starting pont for science lessons. Aucrey is a North- umberland-Newcastle con- sultant in the field of outdoor education. Mary, Pat, Audrey and Dulcie are consultants sponsored by the F.W.T.A.O. in province-wide workshops. Dulcie is a Durham consult- ant in music. Joyce Fisher, a Primary- junior consultant in Durham gave a workshop on Primary Enrichment Activities featuring games and activit ies for the classroom. "People skills", a work- shop presented by Bob Vice-principal of Cartwright School, had the involved in exercises Kennington, participants communications and activities. Without a doubt, everyone who participated in the workshops came away full of new ideas to try with her elementary class! FIBERGLAS PANELS 26" x 8' corrugated panels, assorted colours. 11.85 wove e ¥ [ > 1 '8 | Dulcie Colby instructs some of the teachers in a workshop on music. ) : UTILITY SHEDS - 8' x 8' - In Kit Form Shed No . 1 - $261.53 Shed No. 2 - $253.00 Shed No. 3 - $253.00 May be assembled on request. » | Plastmo\U | 1 EAVESTROUGH j 8 ~ Weather - resistant OF PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 15 WATER STREET 985-3281 { for a delicious Buffet Dinner vinyl eliminates painting, rusting. 10° eavestrough or downpipe only $6.49 Self-sealing, wind and water tight to really keep out the elements. gyndie - Cash & Carry Assorted colours. PLASTIC _ PANELS Yellow & Green, 26"8' 1.95 coc: Bundle covers 32 sq.ft. Start with a Crisp Salad from our } 'Make-Your-Own' Salad Bar | and then choose from ... Roast Turkey with all the trimmings Baked, Stuffed Salmon {C Chilled Salmon -is ) Tender Roast Beef LANDY a | Your meal also includes Potatoes, Vegetables, Jellied Salads, Rolls, Butter, and a Light Dessert. ' - ALL YOU CAN EAT - ADULTS CHILDREN UNDER 12 PRE-SCHOOLERS | (Coffee, Tea, and Milk Extra) RESERVATIONS ONLY 985-3281 OPEN FROM 4:00 to 9:00 P.M. (Sorry - No Blue Jeans after 6:00 P.M.) WHEELBARROW Sturdy metal construction - with nylon bearing move- ment ! - = ah) > SPRUCE SHEETING 4' x 8' sheets for all your sub- FROM sang snost 3.20 Lal . ~\ CS AUN ew v i ™ v <u AN PICNIC TABLES 6' Assembled Spruce 47.50 5' Assembled Spruce 39.90 6' Kit for Spruce 33.95 5' Kit for Spruce 28.50 BRIQUETTES 5 1b. bag Aluminum EXTENSION LADDER Automatic lock; anti-slip rungs, self- levelling feet Vinyl protec- tive bumpers 20' From LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE (OSHAWA RD.) PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - 985-7391 ORE, AGEL Jott SEE Uo TN TRACI SE Se 3 gree COREL | Bc " 2 mg " yt A oT ----~ Av ar ¥g -- A ay swt REE Lt TAN FF er a WN a rei JY He EEO Td gt 3 1, hE byt 2 oh ~ - L* 3 ANS # Fora 0 we HAIR K SL YR LS Ia " . 1G . I <) ER i Sy me) TEE Ray 3a AS nd es Ss Bhat Ei SE Ra) Cel a. pa or = pra Heh » 2 ~ ha -. a J ATT oe rr ey 2 3 PA PR od }