Boys and girls in Durham are once again being offered the opportunity to partici- pate in a wide variety of creative and outdoor activi- ties this summer. . The Durham Region Family YMCA is presently accepting registrations at the Port Perry and Whitby offices, for the twelve summer camps being hosted by the 'Y'. The Canoe Safety and Adventure program for youths ages 10-15 is being offered again this year. The program will operate in Port Perry from July 7-17th and ff 4 TNs Wore sS AF Ra PT- NF Je OV TIS BE 14 TS Rr a AAA A SLE FITS Tait i fat TB ir Rd ae RA Ie A Es RE BA rn Fat th (SRT AP yh Je i CERN RI A ERR ARC PN 2 For Es, Rage or 4 rd " fas July 21 to August 1, 1980. Each participant takes part in a tightly structured one week canoe and outtripping training program. Stan- dards from the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association form the basic testing criteria. All partici- pants will be tested at var- ious levels prior to the second week of camp. Dur- ing the second week, the group will be transported north to a canoe route care- fully chosen to challenge but not over-tax participants. Participants should have attained YMCA Star 1 Swim- ming Award or Junior Red Cross. New for the 1980 camping season is a semi-wilderness: resident camp co-ed, for youths, 12-14 years only. Campers will be living in tents for the entire two week session. Twenty campers will be able to enjoy swim- ming, canoeing, sailing, campfire cooking, hiking, camp crafts, nature lore as well as canoe trips. The camp is located at an accre- dited, well established site in Senior Citizens Club news by Ruth B. Gishler The president Roy Grier- son called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. : ~The National Anthem was sung with Annie Wallace at the piano, after which a minute of silence was observed in memory of the late Ray Medd and Mrs. Suggett. Mr. Grierson_ welcomed the large turnout of the membership and introduced seven new members: Myrtle and Eric Cappe from Caesarea; Evelyn and John Soutes, Nestleton; Margaret Wood, Port Perry; and Noreen and Norman Wilson, Port Perry. Reports were read by treasurer, Mr. Ernie Healey showing a healthy bank balance; the Corresponding Secretary, Marion Rowland, LOOK sent get well cards to three members and two sympathy cards, one to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and to Hazel Medd. Choir report given by Winn Philp. The choir will perform Saturday and Sunday at the Scugog Museum, May 17th and 18th. The activities of the Square Dance and Bowling groups will be suspended until the fall. The last two euchre parties held on April 26th and May 10th had large turnouts, add- ing to our bank balance almost $100. Next euchre on May 24th. Up-coming travel events include a trip to the Wood- bine races on June 19th. Two "bus loads will be enjoying this event. Another all day trip is planned for June 30th. to Parry Sound. Get in touch *No Deposit *Low Rental Charges TELECONOMY HAS ARRIVED HERE! Now you can enjoy worry-free colour T.V. in YOUR home tonight. Rent a Superb Colour T.V. from ONLY $15.95 Per Month *No Repair Bills - Ever! *Free Installation of Set For Full Details Contact Our Local Agents: "THE BOOKWORM" PERRY STREET - PORT PERRY OR CALL (416) 985-8645 . End House Painting Forever! : Clad Your Home With Durable, Long-Lasting VYNAL or ALUMINUM SIDING Also Available: Seamless Eavestrough, Storm Doors, Windows and Awnings. CALL: OPPERS BROS. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 986-5673 or 985-8318 FREE ESTIMATES -- a a, -- -- ---' with Mae Whybrow for reservations and costs. Since June 15th to 21st is club is having a Fun Day and Pot Luck Supper on June the . 18th. Games etc. at 3 p.m. and supper at 5:30 p.m. Another event taking place at Latcham Centre on June 26th (Thursday) is the Community Care Bazaar and Bake Sale, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 pm. The Senior Citizens are asked to bring baked goods and man the bake tables. Come and help this worthy cause. Other business included the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Poutts as delegates to the annual convention of the United Senior Citizens of Ontario, convening August 12th and 13th at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. Senior Citizens Week our Haliburton, Ontario and will operate for two sessions only, June 30-July 11th and August 10-22, 1980. Due to standards set by the Ontario Camping Association only campers who have attained a minimum of the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association Level 1 Award or equivalent will be accepted. Also, campers must have attended YMCA Star 1 Swimming Award or equiva- lent. Pine Ridge Day Camp, located in Uxbridge, will provide youths ages 6-15 with a variety of activities while enjoying the benefits of an outdoor environment. This camp emphasizes fun, new experience, new friends, outdoor skills, campcraft skills and much more. A one 'night overnight program will be held during the second week of each session. All sessions are two weeks long. Four sessions are available commencing June 30, 1980. Bussing from Uxbridge and Port Perry will be provided for Horsemanship Camp, at Rolling Hills Ranch, Raglan, Camp Fran- cais, Creative Arts Camp and Day Camp at Heber Down Conservation Area during the first session (June . ComeTaThe BIG BROTHERS DANCE Friday, May 23rd Catholic Church Hall PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 21, 1980 -- 19 ""Y'" to offer kids summer cam 30 to July 11, 1980) and last session August 11 to 22, 1980. Camp Francais, in its third year, emphasizes fun, nature conservation and learning outdoor skills will develop and-or enhance their french language skills. French is used almost exclusively by our staff. The fluent staff are trained to enhance the use of french through games, songs, crafts, and skill development. Camp Fran- cais is offered to children ages 5-12 years and is desig- ned so that any child with or without French language skills, can be accomodated and enjoy the program. Horsemanship Camp for youths 9 to 15 years, is offer- ed in co-operation with Roll- ing Hills Ranch located just north of the Town of Raglan. This camp offers a high P calibre of programs featur- ing Horsemanship skills and riding, swimming instruc- tion, tennis instruction trail rides and one overnight at the ranch during each session. Creative Arts Camp, at Heber Downs, provides children (6-15) with the opportunity to develop his or her creative abilities. The program includes macrame, string art, weav- ing, camp crafts, skits, nature study, and many other activities. All camps will operate Monday to Friday, rain or shine, including statuatory holidays. For further details concerning programs, bussing schedules and regis- tration call John Rose at the Port Perry Durham YMCA office - 985-2824. Camp brochures are available. Here Ye! Here Ye! R.H. CORNISH DRAMA CLUB presents It's Cool in the Furnace' TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd - 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th - 7:30 P.M. R.H. CORNISH AUDITORIUM ADMISSION $1.00 Tickets on sale at the school or at the door the nights of the performances. I -- a -- oo ---- -- -- -- Sn © -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sl in aid of CYSTIC FIBROSIS to be held Saturday, May 24th SWISS CHALET PARK - GREENWOOD Featured Judges Include: Cor RY A C6 *Eddie Shack . *Miss Toronto Argonaut, . Bill Johnson & Louise Boudreau Sweet Countr y "Tim Daniels & ALS00P 4. Johnny Burke General Admission $3.00 per Person GAMES - PRIZES 9:00 A.M. to 12 Midnight WR TR Th Ba £8 Re A ie - Nh -~ - - a Cl an i LN EA NE? . EI Sp SL ro We WAS 3 a we ny =" a] A i ae TIE at Se 2 tow» Vel