EIA Dt CLA AE A ASE LET Ee 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 21, 1980 I FA LAR Yh his FLW YR LPR LF RR LTT NS Pt hg BTA RR SAL RA A hry Sn SS ih Bei A 8 e HEU TE RR ARINC ERIN A FA ee For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted to Buy Legal Notice Help Wanted SERVICE AGE BOARS - York- shire and Landrace? Apply Maustyn McKnight - 852-3536. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond Street East, Oshawa, 579-5666. T.F. . SWIMMING POOLS - Manufac- turer has an inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk-around patio, fencing. Regularly - $2,295 NOW - $1,444. Call Toll Free - 1-800-265-8343. TF UPRIGHT PIANO - in good con- dition - 986-4945. TWO SINGLE BEDS with box springs and mattresses. $125.00. 655-3485. KREONITE colour processor - prints to 16' wide, 75 8 x 10's per hour. Complete and ready to run. 723-5518. LOVE SEATS [2] - chocolate brown, crushed velvet, very good condition. 985-7801 after 5:30. CHILDRENS WEAR Enterpri- ses featuring a reasonably priced line of samples, and ends of lines of infants and toddlers outfits at Hometown Casuals, 159 Casimir St, Port Perry. M28 ONE 1978 JOHN DEERE 850 tractor - 51 hrs. complete with extra turf tires and 5° McKee snowblower and 7° mower. Also two John Deere snowmobiles - one 440, one Spitfire; one 5° snowplow complete with hydrau- lics. Call 985-8292. M28 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups - 8 weeks old. 986-5607. RIDING LAWN MOWER - Massey Ferguson, 7 h.p., electric start, with blade - $650 firm. 985-8295. INGROUND SWIMMING Pools - installed. All shapes and sizes. 30 mil. liners - colours & patterns available. JACUZZI filtration, main drain, relief valve, etc. Cordova Construction, Canning- ton. Sample: 16° x 32° fully installed with concrete bottom, etc. - Only $4695.00. Call Collect. Free Estimates. (705) 432-2703. T.F. COBOURG HOMES has the areas largest display of modular doublewide and mobile housing. Save 50% on building costs. Special 14% mortgaging avail- able this month. Some demos left at special prices. See them today. Hwy. 45 south of 401. 416-372-9432. T.F. SWIMMING POOLS - Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walk- around deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Regular price - $2,400.00. NOW - $1,498.00. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free - 1-800-268-5970. TF DUNE BUGGY - blue metal flaked body, convertible top. Phone 985-3620. M21 BREZNIKAR Meat Products Sides of Beef - Hinds, fronts Home Grown Pork Whole or Half Sausages - Bacon Smoking & Curing of Meat Government Inspected 985-7736 TF. 1) VEHICLE PARTS - Jeep parts, accessories, adaptors, conver- tible tops. All Jeeps 1942 to 1980. Gigantic stock, Low prices. Gemini Sales - 4736 East Hast- ings, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7. 112-604-294-2623. URINE-ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odours from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. ROCK-PICKERS - Rock-O-Matic models 546, 5' pick-up, medium dump; model 57 7° pick-up, high dump; model HDWS5 20' pick-up high dump. Windrowers models TM20 20' width, TM12 12' width. Contact your local farm equip- ment dealer for prices. Distri- buted in Ontario by L.E. Seeley, Flesherton, Ontario NOC IEO. Phone 519-922-2389. RAILROAD TIES Excellent quality. Soft wood. 8' long. Kreosoted. Delivery available. $7.75 each. Call Bill at 1-705-726- 7139. ROYAL DOULTON MAIL & FLOOR AUCTION - Sunday, July 13, 1980. Over 150 disconti- nuved and current figurines, plates and jugs. Send $3.00 for picture catalogue and bid sheets. Box 130, Durham, Ontario, Canada. NOG IRO. (519-369- 2834). KITCHEN CHROME SUITE - excellent condition - $95.00. 985- 8303. WEEK OLD WHITE ROCKS - 50c each. 985-2416. BICYCLES - for ladies, gents, girls and boys (used). Wheels - 262', 24' and 20". Phone after 6 p.m. - 985-3536. BOAT LIFT - $150.00. 985-2910. TF SWING SET, play house, and tricycle. Call 985-2108 evenings. QUALITY Handmade Crafts & Gifts for all occasions. Knits, crocheted, oil paints, woodwork, ceramics, macrame, quilts and more. Custom made orders taken. Call THE SPINNING WHEEL - 852-6740. E.O.W. WESTERN PONY SADDLE - $75.00. Old well handpump - $45.00. 852-6691. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with case - nearly new. 985-2598. HIMALAYAN KITTENS - cham- pion stock, 6 weeks and 8 weeks. 705-324-0721. H.D. 4 A.C. crawler loader, fully reconditioned. Call Ivan Mount- joy - 986-4737. TF ELGIN, SCOTT, SENTINEL and Laurent Oats, Bruce Pequis, Herta, Summit and Perth barley. lroquios, Magnum Saranac, Vernal and Elnar alfalfa. Champ, Climax and Timfor timothy and most other hay and pasture seed. Also Maple, Arrow, McColl and Evans soy- beans. Atrazine and other field chemicals. Call now for prices. Swain Seed Cleaners & Dealers Ltd., Blackstock - 986-4331. (3 miles south of Blackstock). M28 RECEIVERSHIP SALE - We are clearing the complete inventory including office equipment, approx. $100,000 by May 24th. Discounts up to 50 per cent off. Open 10 to 9 at LIFESTYLE FURNITURE, 1086 Lansdowne W. Peterborough. Sale being conducted by McLean Auctions and Liquidators, Oshawa. $35 SAVE $3$ STEEL ROOFING & SIDING You choose colour and gauge. We install or you can. For Free Estimates & Best Prices Call: 668-9111 668-8826 RECEIVERSHIP SALE - Stereo units, tuners, turnables, speakers, cassette tape decks, must be sold by May 24th. 50% off at LIFESTYLE FURNI- TURE, 1086 Lansdowne W., Peterborough. Open 10 to 9. RECEIVERSHIP SALE - Ap- proximately $100,000 worth of furniture, stereos, bedroom suites, chesterfields, lamps, pictures, sewing machines, Hoover washers, pine chests, turntables, cassette tape decks, coffee and end tables, speakers, dinette suites, complete office furniture, easy chairs, being cleared up to 50% discount. Everything has to be cleared by the 24th of May. Shop early for best selection at LIFESTYLE FURNITURE, 1086 Lansdowne W. Peterborough. Open 10 to 9. HOT TUBS - Sales and rentals. Phone Joy McKay (Seagrave) - 1-705-357-2227. TF SIX TRUCK TIRESonrims - 8 x 17.5. 1-705-357-3061. Used Cars 1971 MARQUIS BROUGHAM - best offer. 985-2378. 1974 GREMLIN - standard, for parts - $250. 985-8295. 1968 VALIANT - certified - $1095. 1-705-357-3061. 1972 CHEV WAGON - $600 as is. 1-705-357-3061. MUST SELL - 1978 T-bird - ps/pb V8 (small 302), Michelin tires, am/fm, bucket seats, low mile- age, black with red excellent condition - $4,900. Call 986-5153. '68 FORD WAGON - 390 4V auto PS/PB, radio, like new - $600.00 has to be seen. Call Ron 1-705-357-3526. TF 1978 DATSUN - 2 door, 4 speed, new tires, good condition, certi- fied - 985-3826 after 6 p.m. M7 1974 ASTRE - hatchback, auto- matic transmission, low mile- age, Al condition, certified. Call after 5p.m. - 985-2834. TF Used Trucks 1980 CHEV - 2-ton truck - ps/pb, 305 automatic, heavy duty suspension, radial tires, 20,000 km. - 985-2833. 1979 CHEV BEAUVILLE VAN-8 passenger, air conditioner, cruise, pb/ps, AM/FM, tilt, etc. Asking $7,950.00. Call after 6 p.m. - 985-3620. M21 'Wanted GOOD USED Apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 ' T.F. RIDE TO OSHAWA - Weekdays, May 21 to August 31, leaving Port Perry approx. 7:30 a.m., leaving Oshawa approx. 6:00 p.m. Will share. 985-8785. TF WILL PICK UP without charge all used appliances, refrigera- tors and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Will pay for some. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF Wanted to Buy WANTED - Back issues of FAMILIES'. Call 985-3956. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS wanted, grades, or purebreds, freshening May to October. Preferably from listed herds or one clean herd test. Phone Malmont Farms - 986-4246. TF FARM - up to 100 acres, mostly working land, good house and barn. Write Post Office Box 1647 Uxbridge. NEST OF TABLES, silver tea service, tea cart, old wing chair, good muskrat or raccoon fur coat. Call Olga - 576-4070 early or late hours. PAYING 8 TIMES face value for Canadian coins before 1968, gold diamond, rings, antiques and guns wanted. Dan Stone - 985-7057. TF ANTIQUE CLOTHING - Will pay cash for petticoats, dresses, nightgowns, blouses, christening gowns, furs, shawls, tailsvits, lace collars, doillies, as well as dolls and toys. Anything before 1940. Call 985-8331. M28 SCRAP CAR REMOVAL 1000 Scrap Vehicles are needed Scala Bros. Auto Wreckers are pressing scrap vehicles in the month of May, so we are paying top dollars for scrap this month and part of June. GIVE USA CALL! SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS Phone 985-3132 interior, _ CARS & TRUCKS for wrecking, Ross Auto Wreckers, R.R.# 1, Nestleton - 986-4843. T.F. USED PIANO - any condition. Also pianos tuned and repaired. 655-4663. T.F. 'GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, washers, dryers and all types of furniture. Phone Greenbank - 985-3295. T.F. For Rent STEEL SCAFFOLDING, planks, ladders, wheelbarrows, shovels, pick-axes, tree trimmer, cement mixer. 986-5075. M28 SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM apartment - kitchen, dining room and living room with balcony, partially rugged. Two miles north of Janetville. Phone after 4 p.m. - 1-705-324-4055. PASTURE - for horses including loafing, barn, approximately 7 acres - $60 per month. Also three to four acres pasture available - 986-5588. HALL --'receptions, parties, "reunions, etc. Port Perry south - call 985-2888. M21 TYPEWRITERS - electric and standard, adding machines, by the week or month. Port Perry Star - 985-7383. M21 RENT A POOL - Swimming pool manufacturer will lease and install new 1980 family-sized pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with op#fon to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you buy! Call IMPERIAL POOLS - Toll Free - 1-800-268-5970. TF COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 8 Car Body Shop or Work Shop, 1 Acre for Parking. Immediate Possession $350. per month HWY. 12 & MANCHESTER PHONE 725-6011 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS " ANDOTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Gordon McCoy, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of GORDON mcCOY, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Vic- toria, who died on or about the 10th day of April, 1980 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 7th day of June, 1980, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario ~ this 29th day of April, 1980. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & MATTHEWS Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Clifford Short Executor of the above Estate. * M21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Larmen Hyland, de- ceased. ¥ All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Larmen Hyland, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 10th day of March, 1980, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of June, 1980, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date th& assets of the said deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 13th day of May, 1980. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & MATTHEWS Barristers and Solicitors, 217 Queen Street, P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Ilene Samells, Administratrix for the above estate. J4 NOTICE TOCREDITORS & OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of Lorena May Murray, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Lorena May Murray, late of the Town- ship of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, 'who died on or about the 4th day of May, 1980, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of June, 1980, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 13th day of May, 1980. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & MATTHEWS Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Jean Doris Beare and Jeanne Dymond, Executrices of the above Estate. J4 THURSDAY MAY 29 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. FURNITURE & MACHINERY _|_ Selling at Wilsons Sales Arena Two miles north of Uxbridge Auction sale of machinery including AC 185 diesel tractor with cab (good), M.F. 135 gas tractor (like new), Int. 3 furrow plow, Kongsklide 3 pt. hitch culti- vator, 2 grain boxes on carriages (good), disc, Ford 1966 Truck with hoist, 1972 GMC 3/4 ton truck - V8, 4 speed tran. with positrack rear end, 1968 Ford 3/4 ton truck - V8, automatic, 1973 Chev V2 ton truck - V8, with 3 speed tran., Int. 624 tractor, 9 ton wagon with floatation tires and plank rack 8' x 18', 240 bu. grain box on carriage, windrow turner, 3 pt. hitch sprayer - like new, PTO air compressor, electric bug killer (owner giving up farming), also selling office equipment, desks, adding machine, office chairs, filing cabinets, furniture and dishes, etc. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. M28 Help Wanted RELIABLE PERSON needed to be trained for full time work in fur shop. Basic sewing and knitting knowledge definite requirements. Call 986-5405 between 8 and 4 workdays until Friday noon. VENDORS, ORGANIZATIONS to sell personalized jewellery and door name plates. Write for catalogue and free key ring to: World of Engraving, 78 Inver- may Ave., Downsview, Ontario. LICENSED FARM Mechanics for new IHC facility. $9.00 to $11.50/hr. 403-986-5400. Leduc Farm and Truck Supply, Box 1367, Leduc, Alberta. T9E 2Y8. WEBB PRESSMAN WANTED - two years or more -experience, good working conditions, good salary, company benefits, dental plan, etc. Phone 403-875-3362: Lloydminster, Alberta. BYLAW ENFORCEMENT Officer Pay Grade 17 - 1746 - 2020 per month required as soon as possible by community of 2,200 and enjoying steady growth. Other duties will include building inspection development control, etc. The position offers an in- dividual a good opportunity to gain further experience. Desir- able qualifications include previous municipal experience and trade (carpentry) training and/or experience. Resume indicating previous employment duties and remuneration to be forwarded to Gerald Forcier, Municipal Administrator, Box 485 High Level, Alberta TOH 1ZO. Phone 403-926-2201. JOURNEYMEN Automobile Mechanics wanted immediately -$10.50 per hour, good benefits, plus dental plan 40 hour week guaranteed. Expanding Calgary satellite community. Hal Lust, Strathmore Motors, Box 262, Strathmore, Alberta. 403-934- 3334. AGENTS WANTED - Referral fees paid for introducing our Non-Insurnace Financial ser- vices. Write for more details. John A. Church Inc., P.O. Box 1002, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 8A 4. SUNDAYS ONLY - some exper- lence with fryers. Call weekdays between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 986-4783. ALFALFA DEHYDRATING Plant requires mechanic with general knowledge of repair and maintenance for trucks and farm machinery. Electric and gas welding necessary. Year round employment. Phone or write Paddle Valley Products Ltd., Box 508, Mayerthorpe, Alberta TOE INO 403-786-2702. START NOW - Local Amway Distributor "offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours. We train. For interview call 985-3890. M21 Work Wanted FOR BRICK, stone and cement work call Len Mennen - 986-5075. Jn DO YOU NEED a woman to clean your home? Call 852-7877. WILL DO HOUSEWORK by day or 2 day, references available, very experienced. 985-2949 or 985-7265. M28 WILL BARTEND weekends. Experienced. Phone Karen 986-5553 after 6 p.m. MUSIC - OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER _'P &G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE Septic: Tank & Tile Bed Installations Trenching, Basements, Water Lines, Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand. CALL BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 e.o.w. DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 Help Wanted McCLEAVE INSULATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES LTD. . requires INSULATION SALESPERSON We offer a wide range of retrofit & conservation products for the Home and Industry. 8 BROCK STREET WEST, UXBRIDGE PHONE 852-3297 RS 8 + 3 0