3 A RE RAT] Fr pt : Wt hd 'announce PHONE 985-7383 RN EA CAR BESS ib Ra jigs ANF Classified Ads Card of Thanks Birth Jack & Mabel Cook would like to thank their family Jack & Lucy, Leo & Marie, Leanne, Lynn & Robert for the surprise 35th Anniversary party they held for them and a special thanks to family , relatives and friends for making it a night to remember always. We would like to thank friends and neighbours for their expres- sions of sympathy, flowers, cards, during our recent loss. Thanks also to Dr. Stewart and Cohoon, Rev. Brawn, nurses and Mrs. Goss. Gladys Pascoe & family | wish to thank the friends and neighbours of Seagrave community for the picture for my new home. Kathy Howell We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Port Perry Fire department on their promptness and assistance during our fire Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fielding, Frank " & Bill Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rankin, Port Perry, are very pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their only daughter, Susan, to Michael Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gould, of Nestleton. Wedding to take place July 5th, 1980 at Immaculate Conception Church at 4:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Gord Stevenson announce their 10th Wedding Anniversary. It was held on May" 24, in Nestleton at the Nestleton Community Centre. Thank you to the Nestleton Ladies for serving the meal. OIL PAINTINGS Spring Cleaned. Free Estimates. Alec Neveroff - 725-1446. J25 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Scott the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sandra Louise to Douglas Ronald, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Culbert, Port Perry. Wed- ding to take place Saturday, July 5, 1980 at 4 p.m. St. Stephen's United Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Stella Birkett is pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of her--daughter--Gail Eleanor to Mr. Bruce Richard Stainton, son of Mrs. Velma Stainton, and the late Angus Stainton. Wedding to take place July 12, 1980, Port Perry United Church. Births BEGIN - | am thrilled and delighted to introduce to the world my very own baby brother, Michael John. He was born at 8:47 a.m. Monday June 2, 1980, and weighed a beaufifol 8 Ibs. 8 ozs. Mommy Darlene and Daddy John sure are happy too. Thanks to Dr. Hammett and the maternity staff for taking such good care of Michael and Mommy for daddy and me. Jeffrey Begin COPPINS - Donald-and Elaine (nee Jewell) are pleased to announce the arrival of their son Trevor Washington, 8 Ibs. 9 ozs. on May 21, 1980 at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jewell, Sunderland and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coppins, Coppins Corner. Special thanks to Drs. Haralampides, and Dale and maternity staff. ROMERIL - Dennis and Cheryl are proud to announce the arrival of Margaux Leigh on Tuesday, May 27, 1980 weighing 101bs. 502s. Proud grandparents are Allan and Donna Rahm and Philip and Elaine Romeril. Special thanks to Dr. Hammett and the great maternity staff. SAUNDERS - James and Sheila (nee Symes) are pleased to announce the birth of their second child Melinda Elizabeth, born May 28, 1980 at 8:28 a.m. 6 Ibs. 8 0zs. at Port Perry Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Allin and Dr. At Rest STEER, Walter Charles at the Port Perry Community Hospital on Saturday, May 31, 1980. Cremation. Memorial service at the Port Perry Anglican Church on Tuesday, June 3, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. In Memoriam HUGHES - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Paul, who passed away June 8th, 1970. Beautiful memories are wonder- ful things, They last till the longest day, They never wear out, they never get lost, And can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved and lost you, Your memory will always last. Always remembered by Dad, Mom, Doug, Nancy, Heather & Ron Notice Classified Deadline Monday 3:00PM" Notice "ATTENTION: Senior Citizens 10% OFF Breakfast, Luncti-& Coffee Mondays thru Fridays Only the DAIRY BAR on the waterfront - Port Perry WE'VE MOVED! 'SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE 208 NORTH STREET PORT PERRY - ONTARIO OPEN: 9A.M.to 12 NOON 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. Weekdays PHONE 985-8461 IF YOU NEED... *Home support services for seniors *Meals on Wheels - *C.L.V.P. (Mental Health Volunteers) *Information Scugog DECORATION DAY SERVICE - Cartwright Union Cemetery - Sunday, June 8 - 2:30 p.m. Rev. V. Parsons - guest speaker. IVES FLORIST LTD. 985-2525 LAKEVIEW PLAZA A Complete Line of Floral Art. For All Occasions. : Flowers Wired World Wide, WEEKEND SPECIAL: Dish Gardens 20% OFF The Ni. Pink ey opps and see a wide range banacra/fea sz, Joral occasions" Open Weekends Only During June > McKEE - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mary, who passed away June 5, 1978. This month comes with sad regret, It brings back a day we shall never forget, You fell asleep without goodbye But our memories of you will never die. We miss you more than-anyone knows, As each day passes the empti- ness grows, The tears we shed, we can wipe away, But the ache in our hearts will always stay. i No one knows the grief we bear, When the family meets and you're not there, You left us suddenly, your thoughts unknown, But you left us memories we are proud to own. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Lorne & the family MICHIE - In loving memory of John, who passed away June 5, 1972. He is gone, but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow, That lies in the heart concealed. Lovingly remembered by, Father, Mother, sisters & brothers Notice NOW OPEN - Pine Point Riding Stable - quality riding horses. For reservatibns call 985-8778. SCUGOG CRISIS CENTRE Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays -1to4 p.m. - 985-8850. 24 Hours - 579-8006. J4 LS MORTGAGE FUNDS available at reasonable rates. Also mort- gages bought and sold, prompt and confidential service. 985- 3832. P T.F. WINNERS OF the Lions 101 April daw were: Allan Rahm - $50; Doug Rowe - $50; Jim Elliott $25; Eleanor Fitz $25; Howard Hall - $25. May Draw Winners were: Ira Carr - $50; Ken Goreski - $50; Jeanne Goode - $25; Lola Bruce - $25; Lloyd Somerville - $25. POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 v POPLAR PARK PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Season Begins June 1st, 1980 (Weather Permitting) SUMMER PROGRAM INCLUDES: All levels of Red Cross Royal Life Swim Classes Register Now by Phone for July Morning Lessons PHONE 986-5493 Evenings Only PUBLIC SWIM: 2to 5P.M. and 7 to 8:30 P.M. Daily Season Passes Available. Reservations taken for Group or Family Picnics Phone 985-2809 James Baird held on: Annual Meeting. of the Board: vote; Secretary at any time during're COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~ PortPerry-Ontario -- NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital Corporation, Port Perry, will be Wednesday, June 11, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. In Town Hall 1873, Pott Perry to: RECEIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, RECEIVE REPORT OF AUDITORS, ELECTION OF GOVERNORS, TRANSACT OTHER BUSINESS. Copies of the by-laws uring examined at the office of the gular office hours prior to the (1) The following persons shall be members upon resolution (a) A resident of the Township of Scugog who has do- nated or who donates $100.00 in any one year to the Corporation shall be a life member. , } (b) The president or chief officer of an association or corporation which pays the Corporation the sum of $500.00 in any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporation in any year; (c) A resident of the Township of Scugog who pays the annual membership fee ($2.00) to the Corporation in any year shall be a member of the Corporation for that year; the amount of this fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Governors, and (d) Persons appointed as honourary members who shall not be subject to fees and who shall not be entitled to (2) A member who pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote or stand for election at any meetings of the Cor- poration unless his membership fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. -Notice Coming Events CLUB ANNRENE - banquet hall available for dances, weddings, etc. Call 985-7631 for further information. T.F. PORT PERRY mini golf & driving range invites you to their first annual Mini' Golf Tourna- ment - June 21 - 10 a.m. All ages welcome. Lots of prizes. Parti- cipants must sign up no later than June 18th. Phone 985-8939. J18 ANNUAL DECORATION Ser- vice for the Breadalbane Presby- terian Church and Cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 15, 1980 at 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker - Rev. Stuart McEntyre. ; IN GREENBANK CENTENNIAL HALL available for rentals. For bookings contact Pat Greene - 985-8006. ANYONE INTERESTED In -being a volunteer councillor for Scugog Rape Crisis Centre please call 985-3647 after 5 p.m. or 985-8048 after 5 p.m. Coming Events LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- day, June 5, 1980. Jackpot $180. + in 53numbers. J4 BINGO <"Every Tuesday night, Port, Perry Lions Club at Latcham Centre. Early bird game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 'per--line, $200. in 54 numbers, minimum $50.00. T.F. CANOE THE NONQUON - Satur- day, June 7. Information and forms available at the Port Perry Star, most Scugog schools, Dowson's Foodmaster and IGA. Or call 985-7014 0r 985-7134. . J4 DECORATION SERVICE for the Hillman and Kendall Cemeteries will be held at" Utica United Church - June 8th at 2 o"clock. Special music. YARD SALE - Friday, June 20, and Saturday, June 21 at Helen Wozney's, Oshawa and Shirley Roads. Sponsored by Prince Albert U.C.W. Baking, knitting, crafts, household items and used clothing. - COMMUNITY THEATRE ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY JUNE Sth 8 PM . TOWN HALL 1873 PORT PERRY BRING A FRIEND ~ NEW_MEMBERS WELCOME - ¢ < Conway Gardens RESTAURANT Hwy. 7A East - Port Perry Cabbage Rolls Salad Bar - Dessert - Coffee FRIDAY, JUNE 6th - 4:30 to 9:00 P.M. $3.80 TOWN HALL 1873 QUEEN STREET -PORT PERRY - presents (A Premiere Performance Co. Play) "A GLORIOUSLY FUNNY PLAY!" - ARES, N.v. TIMES the Prisoner f 0 Second Avenue A COMEDY HIT BY Neil Simon * STARRING * Leon Tapper - Alison McNab - Sarah Twomey Melanie Bruce - Kevin Whidderfield - Carla Dempsey PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY JOHN FOOTE Friday, June 20th - 8:30 P.M. Saturday, June 21st - 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $3.50 Each Tickets on Sale at Irwin Smith Music Ltd. Or Call 985-2237. ra ) 3